mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 04:25:24 +00:00
Various bugfixes and sytlistic improvements
* Use the correct defaults for the delta config variables that have them * Only mount /lib/firmware and /lib/modules if they exist on the host * hardcode-migrations.js: Nicer line separation * APIBinder: switch to using a header for authentication, and keep credentials saved in the API clients * Fix hrtime measurements in milliseconds * Do not uses classes for routers * compose: properly initialize networkMode to the first entry in networks if there is one * Fix some details regarding defaults in validation and service Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <pablo@resin.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
// This hack makes the migrations directory a constant so that at least we can use webpack contexts for the
// require.
module.exports = function (source) {
return source.toString().replace("require(directory + '/' + name);", "require('./migrations/' + name);")
.replace("require(_path2.default.join(this._absoluteConfigDir(), name));", "require('./migrations/' + name);")
return source
.replace("require(directory + '/' + name);", "require('./migrations/' + name);")
.replace("require(_path2.default.join(this._absoluteConfigDir(), name));", "require('./migrations/' + name);")
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
url = require 'url'
TypedError = require 'typed-error'
PlatformAPI = require 'pinejs-client'
PinejsClient = require 'pinejs-client'
deviceRegister = require 'resin-register-device'
express = require 'express'
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
@ -18,17 +18,16 @@ ExchangeKeyError = class ExchangeKeyError extends TypedError
class APIBinderRouter
constructor: (@apiBinder) ->
{ @eventTracker } = @apiBinder
@router = express.Router()
@router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
@router.post '/v1/update', (req, res) =>
@eventTracker.track('Update notification')
if @apiBinder.readyForUpdates
createAPIBinderRouter = (apiBinder) ->
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
router.post '/v1/update', (req, res) ->
apiBinder.eventTracker.track('Update notification')
if apiBinder.readyForUpdates
return router
module.exports = class APIBinder
constructor: ({ @config, @db, @deviceState, @eventTracker }) ->
@ -41,8 +40,7 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
@_targetStateInterval = null
@reportPending = false
@stateReportErrors = 0
@_router = new APIBinderRouter(this)
@router = @_router.router
@router = createAPIBinderRouter(this)
_lock = new Lock()
@_writeLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.writeLock)
@readyForUpdates = false
@ -52,7 +50,9 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
.then (conf) =>
if conf.offlineMode
return true
stateFetchHealthy = process.hrtime(@lastTargetStateFetch)[0] < 2 * conf.appUpdatePollInterval
timeSinceLastFetch = process.hrtime(@lastTargetStateFetch)
timeSinceLastFetchMs = timeSinceLastFetch[0] * 1000 + timeSinceLastFetch[1] / 1e6
stateFetchHealthy = timeSinceLastFetchMs < 2 * conf.appUpdatePollInterval
stateReportHealthy = !conf.connectivityCheckEnabled or !@deviceState.connected or @stateReportErrors < 3
return stateFetchHealthy and stateReportHealthy
@ -61,19 +61,22 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
init: (startServices = true) ->
@config.getMany([ 'offlineMode', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'bootstrapRetryDelay' ])
.then ({ offlineMode, resinApiEndpoint, bootstrapRetryDelay }) =>
@config.getMany([ 'offlineMode', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'bootstrapRetryDelay', 'currentApiKey' ])
.then ({ offlineMode, resinApiEndpoint, bootstrapRetryDelay, currentApiKey }) =>
if offlineMode
console.log('Offline Mode is set, skipping API binder initialization')
baseUrl = url.resolve(resinApiEndpoint, '/v4/')
@resinApi = new PlatformAPI
passthrough = _.cloneDeep(requestOpts)
passthrough.headers ?= {}
passthrough.headers.Authorization = "Bearer #{currentApiKey}"
@resinApi = new PinejsClient
apiPrefix: baseUrl
passthrough: requestOpts
passthrough: passthrough
baseUrlLegacy = url.resolve(resinApiEndpoint, '/v2/')
@resinApiLegacy = new PlatformAPI
@resinApiLegacy = new PinejsClient
apiPrefix: baseUrlLegacy
passthrough: requestOpts
passthrough: passthrough
@cachedResinApi = @resinApi.clone({}, cache: {})
if !startServices
@ -100,8 +103,8 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
uuid: uuid
apikey: apiKey
headers: Authorization: "Bearer: #{apiKey}"
@ -121,20 +124,21 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
return device
# If it's not valid/doesn't exist then we try to use the user/provisioning api key for the exchange
@fetchDevice(opts.uuid, opts.provisioningApiKey, opts.apiTimeout)
.then (device) ->
.tap (device) ->
if not device?
throw new ExchangeKeyError("Couldn't fetch device with provisioning key")
# We found the device, we can try to register a working device key for it
request.postAsync("#{opts.apiEndpoint}/api-key/device/#{device.id}/device-key?apikey=#{opts.provisioningApiKey}", {
request.postAsync("#{opts.apiEndpoint}/api-key/device/#{device.id}/device-key", {
json: true
apiKey: opts.deviceApiKey
Authorization: "Bearer #{opts.provisioningApiKey}"
.spread (res, body) ->
if res.statusCode != 200
throw new ExchangeKeyError("Couldn't register device key with provisioning key")
_exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate: (opts) =>
@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
console.log('Device is registered but we still have an apiKey, attempting key exchange')
.then ({ id }) =>
@resinApi.passthrough.headers.Authorization = "Bearer #{opts.deviceApiKey}"
configToUpdate = {
registered_at: opts.registered_at
deviceId: id
@ -200,7 +205,6 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
@ -221,8 +225,6 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
resource: 'device'
body: device
apikey: conf.currentApiKey
# This uses resin API v2 for now, as the proxyvisor expects to be able to patch the device's commit
@ -230,7 +232,6 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
.then (conf) =>
@ -242,8 +243,6 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
resource: 'device'
id: id
body: updatedFields
apikey: conf.currentApiKey
# Creates the necessary config vars in the API to match the current device state,
@ -252,8 +251,8 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
@config.getMany([ 'currentApiKey', 'deviceId' ])
(currentState, targetState, conf) =>
(currentState, targetState, deviceId) =>
currentConfig = currentState.local.config
targetConfig = targetState.local.config
Promise.mapSeries _.toPairs(currentConfig), ([ key, value ]) =>
@ -263,14 +262,12 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
if !targetConfig[key]?
envVar = {
device: conf.deviceId
device: deviceId
name: key
resource: 'device_config_variable'
body: envVar
apikey: conf.currentApiKey
.then =>
@config.set({ initialConfigReported: 'true' })
@ -284,13 +281,13 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
getTargetState: =>
@config.getMany([ 'uuid', 'currentApiKey', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'apiTimeout' ])
.then ({ uuid, currentApiKey, resinApiEndpoint, apiTimeout }) =>
@config.getMany([ 'uuid', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'apiTimeout' ])
.then ({ uuid, resinApiEndpoint, apiTimeout }) =>
endpoint = url.resolve(resinApiEndpoint, "/device/v2/#{uuid}/state")
requestParams = _.extend
method: 'GET'
url: "#{endpoint}?&apikey=#{currentApiKey}"
url: "#{endpoint}"
, @cachedResinApi.passthrough
@ -312,11 +309,10 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
@lastTargetStateFetch = process.hrtime()
_pollTargetState: =>
if @_targetStateInterval?
@_targetStateInterval = null
.then (appUpdatePollInterval) =>
if @_targetStateInterval?
@_targetStateInterval = setInterval(@getAndSetTargetState, appUpdatePollInterval)
@ -336,20 +332,20 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
dependent: _.omitBy @stateForReport.dependent, (val, key) =>
_.isEqual(@lastReportedState.dependent[key], val)
return _.pickBy(diff, (val) -> !_.isEmpty(val))
return _.pickBy(diff, _.negate(_.isEmpty))
_sendReportPatch: (stateDiff, conf) =>
endpoint = url.resolve(conf.resinApiEndpoint, "/device/v2/#{conf.uuid}/state")
requestParams = _.extend
method: 'PATCH'
url: "#{endpoint}?&apikey=#{conf.currentApiKey}"
url: "#{endpoint}"
body: stateDiff
, @cachedResinApi.passthrough
_report: =>
@config.getMany([ 'currentApiKey', 'deviceId', 'apiTimeout', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'uuid' ])
@config.getMany([ 'deviceId', 'apiTimeout', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'uuid' ])
.then (conf) =>
stateDiff = @_getStateDiff()
if _.size(stateDiff) is 0
@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ _ = require 'lodash'
EventEmitter = require 'events'
express = require 'express'
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
path = require 'path'
constants = require './lib/constants'
process.env.DOCKER_HOST ?= "unix://#{constants.dockerSocket}"
Docker = require './lib/docker-utils'
updateLock = require './lib/update-lock'
{ checkTruthy, checkInt, checkString } = require './lib/validation'
@ -20,11 +21,8 @@ Volumes = require './compose/volumes'
Proxyvisor = require './proxyvisor'
serviceAction = (action, serviceId, current, target, options) ->
obj = { action, serviceId, current, target }
if options?
obj.options = options
return obj
serviceAction = (action, serviceId, current, target, options = {}) ->
return { action, serviceId, current, target, options }
# TODO: move this to an Image class?
imageForService = (service) ->
@ -44,234 +42,193 @@ fetchAction = (service) ->
image: imageForService(service)
serviceId: service.serviceId
pathExistsOnHost = (p) ->
fs.statAsync(path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, p))
appNotFoundMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for this endpoint to work.
If you've recently moved this device from another app,
please push an app and wait for it to be installed first."
# TODO: implement additional v2 endpoints
# v1 endpoins only work for single-container apps as they assume the app has a single service.
class ApplicationManagerRouter
constructor: (@applications) ->
{ @proxyvisor, @eventTracker, @deviceState, @_lockingIfNecessary, @logger } = @applications
@router = express.Router()
@router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
# Some v1 endpoins only work for single-container apps as they assume the app has a single service.
createApplicationManagerRouter = (applications) ->
{ eventTracker, deviceState, _lockingIfNecessary, logger } = applications
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
doRestart = (appId, force) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (currentState) =>
app = currentState.local.apps[appId]
imageIds = _.map(app.services, 'imageId')
stoppedApp = _.cloneDeep(app)
stoppedApp.services = []
currentState.local.apps[appId] = stoppedApp
@deviceState.pausingApply =>
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then =>
currentState.local.apps[appId] = app
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.finally =>
doRestart = (appId, force) ->
_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, ->
.then (currentState) ->
app = currentState.local.apps[appId]
imageIds = _.map(app.services, 'imageId')
stoppedApp = _.cloneDeep(app)
stoppedApp.services = []
currentState.local.apps[appId] = stoppedApp
deviceState.pausingApply ->
deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then ->
currentState.local.apps[appId] = app
deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.finally ->
doPurge = (appId, force) =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Purging data for app #{appId}", { appId }, 'Purge data')
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (currentState) =>
app = currentState.local.apps[appId]
purgedApp = _.cloneDeep(app)
purgedApp.services = []
purgedApp.volumes = {}
currentState.local.apps[appId] = purgedApp
@deviceState.pausingApply =>
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then =>
currentState.local.apps[appId] = app
@deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.finally =>
.tap =>
@logger.logSystemMessage('Purged data', { appId }, 'Purge data success')
.catch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Error purging data: #{err}", { appId, error: err }, 'Purge data error')
throw err
doPurge = (appId, force) ->
logger.logSystemMessage("Purging data for app #{appId}", { appId }, 'Purge data')
_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, ->
.then (currentState) ->
app = currentState.local.apps[appId]
if !app?
throw new Error(appNotFoundMsg)
purgedApp = _.cloneDeep(app)
purgedApp.services = []
purgedApp.volumes = {}
currentState.local.apps[appId] = purgedApp
deviceState.pausingApply ->
deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.then ->
currentState.local.apps[appId] = app
deviceState.applyIntermediateTarget(currentState, { skipLock: true })
.finally ->
.tap ->
logger.logSystemMessage('Purged data', { appId }, 'Purge data success')
.tapCatch (err) ->
logger.logSystemMessage("Error purging data: #{err}", { appId, error: err }, 'Purge data error')
@router.post '/v1/restart', (req, res) =>
appId = checkInt(req.body.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
@eventTracker.track('Restart container (v1)', { appId })
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
doRestart(appId, force)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v1/restart', (req, res) ->
appId = checkInt(req.body.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
eventTracker.track('Restart container (v1)', { appId })
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
doRestart(appId, force)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v1/apps/:appId/stop', (req, res) =>
appId = checkInt(req.params.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
.then (app) =>
v1StopOrStart = (req, res, action) ->
appId = checkInt(req.params.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
.then (app) ->
service = app?.services?[0]
if !service?
return res.status(400).send('App not found')
if app.services.length > 1
return res.status(400).send('Some v1 endpoints are only allowed on single-container apps')
applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: action != 'stop')
applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction(action, service.serviceId, service), { force })
.then (service) ->
res.status(200).json({ containerId: service.containerId })
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v1/apps/:appId/stop', (req, res) ->
v1StopOrStart(req, res, 'stop')
router.post '/v1/apps/:appId/start', (req, res) ->
v1StopOrStart(req, res, 'start')
router.get '/v1/apps/:appId', (req, res) ->
appId = checkInt(req.params.appId)
eventTracker.track('GET app (v1)', appId)
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
(app, status) ->
service = app?.services?[0]
if !service?
return res.status(400).send('App not found')
if app.services.length > 1
return res.status(400).send('Some v1 endpoints are only allowed on single-container apps')
@applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: false)
@applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction('stop', service.serviceId, service), { force })
.then (service) ->
res.status(200).json({ containerId: service.containerId })
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
# Don't return data that will be of no use to the user
appToSend = {
containerId: service.containerId
env: _.omit(service.environment, constants.privateAppEnvVars)
releaseId: service.releaseId
imageId: service.image
if status.commit?
appToSend.commit = status.commit
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v1/apps/:appId/start', (req, res) =>
appId = checkInt(req.params.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
.then (app) =>
service = app?.services?[0]
router.post '/v1/purge', (req, res) ->
appId = checkInt(req.body.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
if !appId?
errMsg = 'Invalid or missing appId'
return res.status(400).send(errMsg)
doPurge(appId, force)
.then ->
res.status(200).json(Data: 'OK', Error: '')
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/purge', (req, res) ->
{ force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
doPurge(appId, force)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
handleServiceAction = (req, res, action) ->
{ imageId, force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, ->
.then (app) ->
if !app?
return res.status(404).send(appNotFoundMsg)
service = _.find(app.services, { imageId })
if !service?
return res.status(400).send('App not found')
if app.services.length > 1
return res.status(400).send('Some v1 endpoints are only allowed on single-container apps')
@applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: true)
@applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction('start', service.serviceId, null, service), { force })
.then (service) ->
res.status(200).json({ containerId: service.containerId })
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
errMsg = 'Service not found, a container must exist for this endpoint to work.'
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: action != 'stop')
applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction(action, service.serviceId, service, service, { wait: true }), { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.get '/v1/apps/:appId', (req, res) =>
appId = checkInt(req.params.appId)
@eventTracker.track('GET app (v1)', appId)
if !appId?
return res.status(400).send('Missing app id')
(app, status) ->
service = app?.services?[0]
if !service?
return res.status(400).send('App not found')
if app.services.length > 1
return res.status(400).send('Some v1 endpoints are only allowed on single-container apps')
# Don't return data that will be of no use to the user
appToSend = {
containerId: service.containerId
env: _.omit(service.environment, constants.privateAppEnvVars)
releaseId: service.releaseId
imageId: service.image
if status.commit?
appToSend.commit = status.commit
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/restart-service', (req, res) ->
handleServiceAction(req, res, 'restart')
@router.post '/v1/purge', (req, res) ->
appId = checkInt(req.body.appId)
force = checkTruthy(req.body.force)
if !appId?
errMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for purge to work.
If you've recently moved this device from another app,
please push an app and wait for it to be installed first."
return res.status(400).send(errMsg)
doPurge(appId, force)
.then ->
res.status(200).json(Data: 'OK', Error: '')
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/stop-service', (req, res) ->
handleServiceAction(req, res, 'stop')
@router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/purge', (req, res) ->
{ force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
doPurge(appId, force)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/start-service', (req, res) ->
handleServiceAction(req, res, 'start')
@router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/restart-service', (req, res) =>
{ imageId, force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (app) =>
if !app?
errMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for restart-service to work.
If you've recently moved this device from another app,
please push an app and wait for it to be installed first."
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
service = _.find(app.services, (s) -> s.imageId == imageId)
if !service?
errMsg = 'Service not found, a container must exist for service restart to work.'
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
@applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: true)
@applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction('restart', service.serviceId, service, service), { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/restart', (req, res) ->
{ force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
doRestart(appId, force)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/stop-service', (req, res) =>
{ imageId, force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (app) =>
if !app?
errMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for stop-service to work.
If you've recently moved this device from another app,
please push an app and wait for it to be installed first."
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
service = _.find(app.services, (s) -> s.imageId == imageId)
if !service?
errMsg = 'Service not found, a container must exist for service stop to work.'
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
@applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: false)
@applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction('stop', service.serviceId, service, service, { wait: true }), { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/start-service', (req, res) =>
{ imageId, force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
@_lockingIfNecessary appId, { force }, =>
.then (app) =>
if !app?
errMsg = "App not found: an app needs to be installed for stop-service to work.
If you've recently moved this device from another app,
please push an app and wait for it to be installed first."
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
service = _.find(app.services, (s) -> s.imageId == imageId)
if !service?
errMsg = 'Service not found, a container must exist for service start to work.'
return res.status(404).send(errMsg)
@applications.setTargetVolatileForService(service.imageId, running: true)
@applications.executeStepAction(serviceAction('start', service.serviceId, service, service), { skipLock: true })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v2/applications/:appId/restart', (req, res) ->
{ force } = req.body
{ appId } = req.params
doRestart(appId, force)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
return router
module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @logger, @config, @db, @eventTracker, @deviceState }) ->
@ -304,8 +261,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
@services.updateMetadata(step.current, step.target)
restart: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
Promise.try =>
@services.kill(step.current, { wait: true })
@services.kill(step.current, { wait: true })
.then =>
delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
.then =>
@ -331,8 +287,13 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
opts.deltaSource = @bestDeltaSource(step.image, availableImages)
@images.triggerFetch step.image, opts, (success) =>
@fetchesInProgress -= 1
@timeSpentFetching += process.hrtime(startTime)[0]
elapsed = process.hrtime(startTime)
elapsedMs = elapsed[0] * 1000 + elapsed[1] / 1e6
@timeSpentFetching += elapsedMs
if success
# update_downloaded is true if *any* image has been downloaded,
# and it's relevant mostly for the legacy GET /v1/device endpoint
# that assumes a single-container app
@reportCurrentState(update_downloaded: true)
removeImage: (step) =>
@ -351,9 +312,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
@validActions = _.keys(@actionExecutors).concat(@proxyvisor.validActions)
@_router = new ApplicationManagerRouter(this)
@router = @_router.router
@router = createApplicationManagerRouter(this)
@images.on('change', @reportCurrentState)
@services.on('change', @reportCurrentState)
@ -372,7 +331,6 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# Returns the status of applications and their services
# TODO: discuss: I think commit could be deduced by the UI looking at the image_installs on the API?
getStatus: =>
@ -382,11 +340,13 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
apps = {}
dependent = {}
releaseId = null
creationTimesAndReleases = {}
# We iterate over the current running services and add them to the current state
# of the app they belong to.
for service in services
appId = service.appId
apps[appId] ?= {}
creationTimesAndReleases[appId] = {}
apps[appId].services ?= {}
# We only send commit if all services have the same release, and it matches the target release
if !releaseId?
@ -395,11 +355,11 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
releaseId = false
if !apps[appId].services[service.imageId]?
apps[appId].services[service.imageId] = _.pick(service, [ 'status', 'releaseId' ])
creationTimesAndReleases[appId][service.imageId] = _.pick(service, [ 'createdAt', 'releaseId' ])
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].download_progress = null
# There's two containers with the same imageId, so this has to be a handover
previousReleaseId = apps[appId].services[service.imageId].releaseId
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].releaseId = Math.max(previousReleaseId, service.releaseId)
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].releaseId = _.minBy([ creationTimesAndReleases[appId][service.imageId], service ], 'createdAt').releaseId
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].status = 'Handing over'
for image in images
@ -409,14 +369,13 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
apps[appId].services ?= {}
apps[appId].services[image.imageId] ?= _.pick(image, [ 'status', 'releaseId' ])
apps[appId].services[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress
else if image.imageId?
dependent[appId] ?= {}
dependent[appId].images ?= {}
dependent[appId].images[image.imageId] = _.pick(image, [ 'status' ])
dependent[appId].images[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress
if image.imageId?
dependent[appId] ?= {}
dependent[appId].images ?= {}
dependent[appId].images[image.imageId] = _.pick(image, [ 'status' ])
dependent[appId].images[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress
console.log('Ignoring legacy dependent image', image)
console.log('Ignoring legacy dependent image', image)
obj = { local: apps, dependent }
if releaseId and targetApps[0]?.releaseId == releaseId
@ -454,8 +413,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
(services, networks, volumes) =>
return @_buildApps(services, networks, volumes)
getCurrentApp: (appId) =>
@ -463,9 +421,8 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
(services, networks, volumes) =>
return @_buildApps(services, networks, volumes)[appId]
getTargetApp: (appId) =>
@db.models('app').where({ appId }).select()
@ -486,7 +443,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
toBeRemoved = _.difference(currentServiceIds, targetServiceIds)
for serviceId in toBeRemoved
servicesToRemove = _.filter(currentServices, (s) -> s.serviceId == serviceId)
servicesToRemove = _.filter(currentServices, { serviceId })
for service in servicesToRemove
current: service
@ -496,7 +453,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
toBeInstalled = _.difference(targetServiceIds, currentServiceIds)
for serviceId in toBeInstalled
serviceToInstall = _.find(targetServices, (s) -> s.serviceId == serviceId)
serviceToInstall = _.find(targetServices, { serviceId })
if serviceToInstall?
current: null
@ -508,8 +465,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
currentServicesPerId = {}
targetServicesPerId = _.keyBy(targetServices, 'serviceId')
for serviceId in toBeMaybeUpdated
currentServiceContainers = _.filter currentServices, (service) ->
return service.serviceId == serviceId
currentServiceContainers = _.filter(currentServices, { serviceId })
if currentServiceContainers.length > 1
currentServicesPerId[serviceId] = _.maxBy(currentServiceContainers, 'createdAt')
# All but the latest container for this service are spurious and should be removed
@ -525,12 +481,14 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# Returns true if a service matches its target except it should be running and it is not, but we've
# already started it before. In this case it means it just exited so we don't want to start it again.
alreadyStarted = (serviceId) =>
currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqualExceptForRunningState(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and
return (
currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqualExceptForRunningState(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and
targetServicesPerId[serviceId].running and
needUpdate = _.filter toBeMaybeUpdated, (serviceId) ->
return !currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqual(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and !alreadyStarted(serviceId)
!currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqual(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and !alreadyStarted(serviceId)
for serviceId in needUpdate
current: currentServicesPerId[serviceId]
@ -599,26 +557,24 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
name = _.split(volume, ':')[0]
_.some volumePairs, (pair) ->
"#{service.appId}_#{pair.current?.name}" == name
if hasVolume
return true
return false
return hasVolume
# TODO: account for volumes-from, networks-from, links, etc
# TODO: support networks instead of only networkMode
_dependenciesMetForServiceStart: (target, networkPairs, volumePairs, pendingPairs) ->
# for dependsOn, check no install or update pairs have that service
dependencyUnmet = _.some target.dependsOn ? [], (dependency) ->
_.find(pendingPairs, (pair) -> pair.target?.serviceName == dependency)?
_.some(pendingPairs, (pair) -> pair.target?.serviceName == dependency)
if dependencyUnmet
return false
# for networks and volumes, check no network pairs have that volume name
if _.find(networkPairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{pair.target?.name}" == target.networkMode)?
if _.some(networkPairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{pair.target?.name}" == target.networkMode)
return false
volumeUnmet = _.some target.volumes, (volumeDefinition) ->
[ sourceName, destName ] = volumeDefinition.split(':')
if !destName? # If this is not a named volume, ignore it
return false
return _.find(volumePairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{pair.target?.name}" == sourceName)?
return _.some(volumePairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{pair.target?.name}" == sourceName)
return !volumeUnmet
# Unless the update strategy requires an early kill (i.e. kill-then-download, delete-then-download), we only want
@ -627,8 +583,8 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
_dependenciesMetForServiceKill: (target, targetApp, availableImages) =>
if target.dependsOn?
for dependency in target.dependsOn
dependencyService = _.find(targetApp.services, (s) -> s.serviceName == dependency)
if !_.find(availableImages, (image) => image.dockerImageId == dependencyService.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: dependencyService.imageName }))?
dependencyService = _.find(targetApp.services, serviceName: dependency)
if !_.some(availableImages, (image) => image.dockerImageId == dependencyService.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: dependencyService.imageName }))
return false
return true
@ -644,7 +600,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# we have to kill them before removing the network/volume (e.g. when we're only updating the network config)
steps = []
for dependency in dependencies
if dependency.status != 'Stopping' and !_.some(changingPairs, (pair) -> pair.serviceId == dependency.serviceId)
if dependency.status != 'Stopping' and !_.some(changingPairs, serviceId: dependency.serviceId)
steps.push(serviceAction('kill', dependency.serviceId, dependency))
return steps
else if target?
@ -696,7 +652,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
'hand-over': (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill, needsSpecialKill, timeout) ->
if needsDownload
return fetchAction(target)
else if needsSpecialKill && dependenciesMetForKill()
else if needsSpecialKill and dependenciesMetForKill()
return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target)
else if dependenciesMetForStart()
return serviceAction('handover', target.serviceId, current, target, timeout: timeout)
@ -747,8 +703,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# Create the default network for the target app
targetApp.networks['default'] ?= {}
if !currentApp?
currentApp = emptyApp
currentApp ?= emptyApp
if currentApp.services?.length == 1 and targetApp.services?.length == 1 and
targetApp.services[0].serviceName == currentApp.services[0].serviceName and
@ -828,10 +783,15 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
(opts, supervisorApiHost) =>
firmware: pathExistsOnHost('/lib/firmware')
modules: pathExistsOnHost('/lib/modules')
(opts, supervisorApiHost, hostPathExists) =>
configOpts = {
appName: app.name
_.assign(configOpts, opts)
volumes = JSON.parse(app.volumes)
@ -931,10 +891,10 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
allImagesForTargetApp = (app) -> _.map(app.services, imageForService)
allImagesForCurrentApp = (app) ->
_.map app.services, (service) ->
_.omit(_.find(available, (image) -> image.dockerImageId == service.image and image.imageId == service.imageId), [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ])
_.omit(_.find(available, { dockerImageId: service.image, imageId: service.imageId }), [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ])
availableWithoutIds = _.map(available, (image) -> _.omit(image, [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ]))
currentImages = _.flatten(_.map(current.local.apps, allImagesForCurrentApp))
targetImages = _.flatten(_.map(target.local.apps, allImagesForTargetApp))
currentImages = _.flatMap(current.local.apps, allImagesForCurrentApp)
targetImages = _.flatMap(target.local.apps, allImagesForTargetApp)
availableAndUnused = _.filter availableWithoutIds, (image) ->
!_.some currentImages.concat(targetImages), (imageInUse) -> _.isEqual(image, imageInUse)
imagesToDownload = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) =>
@ -942,13 +902,13 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# Images that are available but we don't have them in the DB with the exact metadata:
imagesToSave = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) =>
_.some(available, (availableImage) => @images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)) and
!_.find(availableWithoutIds, (img) -> _.isEqual(img, targetImage))?
!_.some(availableWithoutIds, (img) -> _.isEqual(img, targetImage))
deltaSources = _.map imagesToDownload, (image) =>
return @bestDeltaSource(image, available)
proxyvisorImages = @proxyvisor.imagesInUse(current, target)
imagesToRemove = _.filter availableAndUnused, (image) =>
notUsedForDelta = !_.some deltaSources, (deltaSource) -> deltaSource == image.name
notUsedForDelta = !_.includes(deltaSources, image.name)
notUsedByProxyvisor = !_.some proxyvisorImages, (proxyvisorImage) => @images.isSameImage(image, { name: proxyvisorImage })
return notUsedForDelta and notUsedByProxyvisor
return { imagesToSave, imagesToRemove }
@ -986,7 +946,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
if !ignoreImages and delta and newDownloads > 0
downloadsToBlock = downloading.length + newDownloads - constants.maxDeltaDownloads
while downloadsToBlock > 0
_.pull(nextSteps, _.find(nextSteps, (s) -> s.action == 'fetch'))
_.pull(nextSteps, _.find(nextSteps, action: 'fetch'))
downloadsToBlock -= 1
if !ignoreImages and _.isEmpty(nextSteps) and !_.isEmpty(downloading)
nextSteps.push({ action: 'noop' })
@ -1002,7 +962,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
_lockingIfNecessary: (appId, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}, fn) =>
if skipLock
return Promise.try( -> fn())
return Promise.try(fn)
.then (lockOverride) ->
return checkTruthy(lockOverride) or force
@ -1026,7 +986,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, conf) =>
@_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, ignoreImages, conf)
.then (nextSteps) =>
if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, (step) -> step.action == 'fetch')
if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, action: 'fetch')
throw new Error('Cannot fetch images while executing an API action')
@proxyvisor.getRequiredSteps(availableImages, downloading, currentState, targetState, nextSteps)
.then (proxyvisorSteps) ->
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ validation = require '../lib/validation'
# }
hasDigest = (name) ->
name?.split?('@')?[1]? ? false
module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @docker, @logger, @db }) ->
@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
# Image has a regular tag, so we might have to remove unnecessary tags
.then (dockerImg) =>
differentTags = _.filter(imagesFromDB, (dbImage) -> dbImage.name != img.name)
differentTags = _.reject(imagesFromDB, name: img.name)
if dockerImg.RepoTags.length > 1 and
_.some(dockerImg.RepoTags, (tag) -> tag == img.name) and
_.some(dockerImg.RepoTags, (tag) -> _.some(differentTags, (dbImage) -> dbImage.name == tag))
_.includes(dockerImg.RepoTags, img.name) and
_.some(dockerImg.RepoTags, (tag) -> _.some(differentTags, name: tag))
@docker.getImage(img.name).remove(noprune: true)
@ -155,9 +155,8 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
remove: (image) =>
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.deleteImageError, { image, error: err })
throw err
getByDockerId: (id) =>
@db.models('image').where(dockerImageId: id).first()
@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
getNormalisedTags: (image) ->
Promise.map(image.RepoTags ? [], (tag) => @normalise(tag))
Promise.map(image.RepoTags ? [], @normalise)
_withImagesFromDockerAndDB: (callback) =>
@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
getDownloadingImageIds: =>
Promise.try =>
return _.map(_.keys(_.pickBy(@volatileState, (s) -> s.status == 'Downloading')), validation.checkInt)
return _.map(_.keys(_.pickBy(@volatileState, status: 'Downloading')), validation.checkInt)
cleanupDatabase: =>
@_withImagesFromDockerAndDB (dockerImages, supervisedImages) =>
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
.then =>
toCleanup = _.filter _.uniq(images), (image) =>
!@imageCleanupFailures[image]? or Date.now() - @imageCleanupFailures[image] > constants.imageCleanupErrorIgnoreTimeout
return toCleanup
inspectByName: (imageName) =>
@ -47,16 +47,14 @@ module.exports = class Networks
'io.resin.supervised': 'true'
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.createNetworkError, { network: { name, appId }, error: err })
throw err
remove: ({ name, appId }) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.removeNetwork, { network: { name, appId } })
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.removeNetworkError, { network: { name, appId }, error: err })
throw err
supervisorNetworkReady: =>
# For mysterious reasons sometimes the balena/docker network exists
@ -80,8 +78,7 @@ module.exports = class Networks
.catch ENOENT, ->
.catch(ENOENT, removeIt)
.catch NotFoundError, =>
console.log('Creating supervisor0 network')
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ module.exports = class ServiceManager extends EventEmitter
throw err
.tap =>
delete @containerHasDied[containerId]
.tap =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.stopServiceSuccess, { service })
.catch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.stopServiceError, { service, error: err })
@ -101,13 +100,11 @@ module.exports = class ServiceManager extends EventEmitter
.tap (container) =>
service.containerId = container.id
Promise.map nets, ({ name, endpointConfig }) =>
console.log('Connecting ' + container.id + ' to network ' + name)
@docker.getNetwork(name).connect({ Container: container.id, EndpointConfig: endpointConfig })
.tap =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.installServiceSuccess, { service })
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.installServiceError, { service, error: err })
throw err
.finally =>
@ -135,12 +132,12 @@ module.exports = class ServiceManager extends EventEmitter
# rethrow the same error
throw err
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
# If starting the container failed, we remove it so that it doesn't litter
container.remove(v: true)
.finally =>
.then =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.startServiceError, { service, error: err })
throw err
.then =>
@logger.attach(@docker, container.id, service.serviceId)
.tap =>
@ -176,7 +173,7 @@ module.exports = class ServiceManager extends EventEmitter
.then (services) =>
status = _.clone(@volatileState)
for service in services
status[service.containerId] ?= _.pick(service, [ 'appId', 'imageId', 'status', 'releaseId', 'commit' ])
status[service.containerId] ?= _.pick(service, [ 'appId', 'imageId', 'status', 'releaseId', 'commit', 'createdAt' ])
return _.values(status)
getByDockerContainerId: (containerId) =>
@ -233,7 +230,7 @@ module.exports = class ServiceManager extends EventEmitter
@docker.getEvents(filters: type: [ 'container' ])
.then (stream) =>
stream.on 'error', (err) ->
console.error('Error on docker events stream:', err, err.stack)
console.error('Error on docker events stream:', err)
parser = JSONStream.parse()
parser.on 'data', (data) =>
if data?.status in ['die', 'start']
@ -257,9 +254,8 @@ module.exports = class ServiceManager extends EventEmitter
.on 'error', (err) ->
console.error('Error on docker events stream', err)
.on 'end', ->
console.error('Docker events stream ended, restarting listener')
.catch (err) ->
@ -24,55 +24,33 @@ parseMemoryNumber = (numAsString, defaultVal) ->
# Construct a restart policy based on its name.
# The default policy (if name is not a valid policy) is "always".
createRestartPolicy = (name) ->
if not (name in validRestartPolicies)
if name not in validRestartPolicies
name = 'always'
return { Name: name, MaximumRetryCount: 0 }
getCommand = (service, imageInfo) ->
cmd = null
if service.command?
cmd = service.command
else if imageInfo?.Config?.Cmd?
cmd = imageInfo.Config.Cmd
cmd = service.command ? imageInfo?.Config?.Cmd ? null
if _.isString(cmd)
cmd = parseCommand(cmd)
return cmd
getEntrypoint = (service, imageInfo) ->
entry = null
if service.entrypoint?
entry = service.entrypoint
else if imageInfo?.Config?.Entrypoint?
entry = imageInfo.Config.Entrypoint
entry = service.entrypoint ? imageInfo?.Config?.Entrypoint ? null
if _.isString(entry)
entry = parseCommand(entry)
return entry
getStopSignal = (service, imageInfo) ->
sig = null
if service.stop_signal?
sig = service.stop_signal
else if imageInfo?.Config?.StopSignal?
sig = imageInfo.Config.StopSignal
sig = service.stopSignal ? imageInfo?.Config?.StopSignal ? null
if sig? and !_.isString(sig) # In case the YAML was parsed as a number
sig = sig.toString()
return sig
getUser = (service, imageInfo) ->
user = ''
if service.user?
user = service.user
else if imageInfo?.Config?.User?
user = imageInfo.Config.User
return user
return service.user ? imageInfo?.Config?.User ? ''
getWorkingDir = (service, imageInfo) ->
workingDir = ''
if service.workingDir?
workingDir = service.workingDir
else if imageInfo?.Config?.WorkingDir?
workingDir = imageInfo.Config.WorkingDir
return workingDir
return service.workingDir ? imageInfo?.Config?.WorkingDir ? ''
buildHealthcheckTest = (test) ->
if _.isString(test)
@ -101,13 +79,11 @@ overrideHealthcheckFromCompose = (serviceHealthcheck, imageHealthcheck = {}) ->
return imageHealthcheck
getHealthcheck = (service, imageInfo) ->
healthcheck = null
if imageInfo?.Config?.Healthcheck?
healthcheck = imageInfo.Config.Healthcheck
healthcheck = imageInfo?.Config?.Healthcheck ? null
if service.healthcheck?
healthcheck = overrideHealthcheckFromCompose(service.healthcheck, healthcheck)
# Set invalid healthchecks back to null
if healthcheck and (!healthcheck.Test? or _.isEqual(healthcheck.Test, []))
if healthcheck? and (!healthcheck.Test? or _.isEqual(healthcheck.Test, []))
healthcheck = null
return healthcheck
@ -128,7 +104,8 @@ formatDevices = (devices) ->
# TODO: Support configuration for "networks"
module.exports = class Service
constructor: (serviceProperties, opts = {}) ->
constructor: (props, opts = {}) ->
serviceProperties = _.mapKeys(props, (v, k) -> _.camelCase(k))
@ -194,7 +171,7 @@ module.exports = class Service
} = _.mapKeys(serviceProperties, (v, k) -> _.camelCase(k))
} = serviceProperties
@networks ?= {}
@privileged ?= false
@ -255,15 +232,18 @@ module.exports = class Service
# If the service has no containerId, it is a target service and has to be normalised and extended
if !@containerId?
@networkMode ?= 'default'
if !@networkMode?
if !_.isEmpty(@networks)
@networkMode = _.keys(@networks)[0]
@networkMode = 'default'
if @networkMode not in [ 'host', 'bridge', 'none' ]
@networkMode = "#{@appId}_#{@networkMode}"
@networks = _.mapKeys @networks, (v, k) =>
if k not in [ 'host', 'bridge', 'none' ]
return "#{@appId}_#{k}"
return k
return k
@networks[@networkMode] ?= {}
@ -282,14 +262,11 @@ module.exports = class Service
@devices = formatDevices(@devices)
if @dns?
if !Array.isArray(@dns)
@dns = [ @dns ]
@dns = _.castArray(@dns)
if @dnsSearch?
if !Array.isArray(@dnsSearch)
@dnsSearch = [ @dns ]
@dnsSearch = _.castArray(@dnsSearch)
if @tmpfs?
if !Array.isArray(@tmpfs)
@tmpfs = [ @tmpfs ]
@tmpfs = _.castArray(@tmpfs)
@nanoCpus = Math.round(Number(@cpus) * 10 ** 9)
@ -330,9 +307,9 @@ module.exports = class Service
addFeaturesFromLabels: (opts) =>
if checkTruthy(@labels['io.resin.features.dbus'])
if checkTruthy(@labels['io.resin.features.kernel-modules'])
if checkTruthy(@labels['io.resin.features.kernel-modules']) and opts.hostPathExists.modules
if checkTruthy(@labels['io.resin.features.firmware'])
if checkTruthy(@labels['io.resin.features.firmware']) and opts.hostPathExists.firmware
if checkTruthy(@labels['io.resin.features.balena-socket'])
@ -388,7 +365,7 @@ module.exports = class Service
extendAndSanitiseVolumes: (imageInfo) =>
volumes = []
for vol in @volumes
isBind = /:/.test(vol)
isBind = _.includes(vol, ':')
if isBind
[ bindSource, bindDest, mode ] = vol.split(':')
if !path.isAbsolute(bindSource)
@ -409,7 +386,7 @@ module.exports = class Service
getNamedVolumes: =>
defaults = @defaultBinds()
validVolumes = _.map @volumes, (vol) ->
if _.includes(defaults, vol) or !/:/.test(vol)
if _.includes(defaults, vol) or !_.includes(vol, ':')
return null
bindSource = vol.split(':')[0]
if !path.isAbsolute(bindSource)
@ -417,7 +394,7 @@ module.exports = class Service
return m[1]
return null
return _.filter(validVolumes, (v) -> !_.isNull(v))
return _.reject(validVolumes, _.isNil)
lockPath: =>
return updateLock.lockPath(@appId)
@ -562,7 +539,7 @@ module.exports = class Service
binds = []
volumes = {}
for vol in @volumes
isBind = /:/.test(vol)
isBind = _.includes(vol, ':')
if isBind
@ -714,11 +691,11 @@ module.exports = class Service
# This can be very useful for debugging so I'm leaving it commented for now.
# Uncomment to see the services whenever they don't match.
#if !isEq
# console.log(JSON.stringify(this, null, 2))
# console.log(JSON.stringify(otherService, null, 2))
# diff = _.omitBy this, (prop, k) -> _.isEqual(prop, otherService[k])
# console.log(JSON.stringify(diff, null, 2))
if !isEq
console.log(JSON.stringify(this, null, 2))
console.log(JSON.stringify(otherService, null, 2))
diff = _.omitBy this, (prop, k) -> _.isEqual(prop, otherService[k])
console.log(JSON.stringify(diff, null, 2))
return isEq
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
path = require 'path'
logTypes = require '../lib/log-types'
@ -8,6 +7,7 @@ constants = require '../lib/constants'
{ checkInt } = require '../lib/validation'
{ NotFoundError } = require '../lib/errors'
{ defaultLegacyVolume } = require '../lib/migration'
{ safeRename } = require '../lib/fs-utils'
module.exports = class Volumes
constructor: ({ @docker, @logger }) ->
@ -31,18 +31,16 @@ module.exports = class Volumes
volumes = response.Volumes ? []
Promise.map volumes, (volume) =>
.then (vol) =>
getAllByAppId: (appId) =>
.then (volumes) ->
_.filter(volumes, (v) -> v.appId == appId)
_.filter(volumes, { appId })
get: ({ name, appId }) ->
.then (volume) =>
return @format(volume)
defaultLabels: ->
return {
@ -67,25 +65,17 @@ module.exports = class Volumes
Labels: labels
DriverOpts: driverOpts
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemEvent(logTypes.createVolumeError, { volume: { name }, error: err })
throw err
createFromLegacy: (appId) =>
name = defaultLegacyVolume()
@create({ name, appId })
.then (v) ->
.then (v) ->
volumePath = path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, v.Mountpoint)
legacyPath = path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, constants.dataPath, appId.toString())
fs.renameAsync(legacyPath, volumePath)
.then ->
.then (parent) ->
.then ->
safeRename(legacyPath, volumePath)
.catch (err) ->
@logger.logSystemMessage("Warning: could not migrate legacy /data volume: #{err.message}", { error: err }, 'Volume migration error')
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Lock = require 'rwlock'
deviceRegister = require 'resin-register-device'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
EventEmitter = require 'events'
path = require 'path'
{ writeAndSyncFile, writeFileAtomic } = require './lib/fs-utils'
osRelease = require './lib/os-release'
supervisorVersion = require './lib/supervisor-version'
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ constants = require './lib/constants'
module.exports = class Config extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @db, @configPath }) ->
# These are values that come from env vars or hardcoded defaults and can be resolved synchronously
# Defaults needed for both gosuper and node supervisor are declared in entry.sh
@constants = constants
@funcs =
version: ->
@ -40,18 +36,18 @@ module.exports = class Config extends EventEmitter
# Fall back to checking if an API endpoint was passed via env vars if there's none in config.json (legacy)
.then (apiEndpoint) ->
return apiEndpoint ? @constants.apiEndpointFromEnv
return apiEndpoint ? constants.apiEndpointFromEnv
provisioned: =>
@getMany([ 'uuid', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'registered_at', 'deviceId' ])
.then (requiredValues) ->
return _.every(_.values(requiredValues), Boolean)
osVersion: =>
osVersion: ->
osVariant: =>
osVariant: ->
provisioningOptions: =>
@ -111,9 +107,9 @@ module.exports = class Config extends EventEmitter
registered_at: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true }
applicationId: { source: 'config.json' }
appUpdatePollInterval: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true, default: 60000 }
pubnubSubscribeKey: { source: 'config.json', default: @constants.defaultPubnubSubscribeKey }
pubnubPublishKey: { source: 'config.json', default: @constants.defaultPubnubPublishKey }
mixpanelToken: { source: 'config.json', default: @constants.defaultMixpanelToken }
pubnubSubscribeKey: { source: 'config.json', default: constants.defaultPubnubSubscribeKey }
pubnubPublishKey: { source: 'config.json', default: constants.defaultPubnubPublishKey }
mixpanelToken: { source: 'config.json', default: constants.defaultMixpanelToken }
bootstrapRetryDelay: { source: 'config.json', default: 30000 }
supervisorOfflineMode: { source: 'config.json', default: false }
hostname: { source: 'config.json', mutable: true }
@ -141,41 +137,41 @@ module.exports = class Config extends EventEmitter
loggingEnabled: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'true' }
connectivityCheckEnabled: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'true' }
delta: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' }
deltaRequestTimeout: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '' }
deltaRequestTimeout: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '30000' }
deltaApplyTimeout: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '' }
deltaRetryCount: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '' }
deltaRetryInterval: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '' }
deltaRetryCount: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '30' }
deltaRetryInterval: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: '10000' }
lockOverride: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' }
legacyAppsPresent: { source: 'db', mutable: true, default: 'false' }
@configJsonCache = {}
@_lock = new Lock()
@_writeLock = Promise.promisify(@_lock.async.writeLock)
@writeLockConfigJson = =>
_lock = new Lock()
_writeLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.writeLock)
@writeLockConfigJson = ->
.disposer (release) ->
@_readLock = Promise.promisify(@_lock.async.readLock)
@readLockConfigJson = =>
_readLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.readLock)
@readLockConfigJson = ->
.disposer (release) ->
writeConfigJson: =>
atomicWritePossible = true
.catch (err) =>
.catch (err) ->
atomicWritePossible = false
return @constants.configJsonNonAtomicPath
.then (path) =>
return constants.configJsonNonAtomicPath
.then (configPath) =>
if atomicWritePossible
writeFileAtomic(path, JSON.stringify(@configJsonCache))
writeFileAtomic(configPath, JSON.stringify(@configJsonCache))
writeAndSyncFile(path, JSON.stringify(@configJsonCache))
writeAndSyncFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(@configJsonCache))
configJsonSet: (keyVals) =>
@ -195,48 +191,46 @@ module.exports = class Config extends EventEmitter
configJsonRemove: (key) =>
changed = false
Promise.using @writeLockConfigJson(), =>
Promise.try =>
if @configJsonCache[key]?
delete @configJsonCache[key]
changed = true
.then =>
if changed
if @configJsonCache[key]?
delete @configJsonCache[key]
changed = true
if changed
configJsonPathOnHost: =>
Promise.try =>
if @configPath?
return @configPath
if @constants.configJsonPathOnHost?
return @constants.configJsonPathOnHost
.then (osVersion) =>
if constants.configJsonPathOnHost?
return constants.configJsonPathOnHost
.then (osVersion) ->
if /^Resin OS 2./.test(osVersion)
return "#{@constants.bootMountPointFromEnv}/config.json"
return path.join(constants.bootMountPointFromEnv, 'config.json')
else if /^Resin OS 1./.test(osVersion)
# In Resin OS 1.12, $BOOT_MOUNTPOINT was added and it coincides with config.json's path
if @constants.bootMountPointFromEnv
return "#{@constants.bootMountPointFromEnv}/config.json"
if constants.bootMountPointFromEnv
return path.join(constants.bootMountPointFromEnv, 'config.json')
# Older 1.X versions have config.json here
return '/mnt/conf/config.json'
# In non-resinOS hosts (or older than 1.0.0), if CONFIG_JSON_PATH wasn't passed then we can't do atomic changes
# (only access to config.json we have is in /boot, which is assumed to be a file bind mount where rename is impossible)
throw new Error('Could not determine config.json path on host, atomic write will not be possible')
.then (path) =>
return "#{@constants.rootMountPoint}#{path}"
.then (pathOnHost) ->
return path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, pathOnHost)
configJsonPath: =>
.catch (err) =>
.catch (err) ->
return @constants.configJsonNonAtomicPath
return constants.configJsonNonAtomicPath
readConfigJson: =>
.then (path) ->
.then (configPath) ->
newUniqueKey: ->
@ -282,7 +276,7 @@ module.exports = class Config extends EventEmitter
getMany: (keys, trx) =>
# Get the values for several keys in an array
Promise.all(_.map(keys, (key) => @get(key, trx) ))
Promise.map(keys, (key) => @get(key, trx))
.then (values) ->
out = {}
for key, i in keys
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
connectivityCheckEnabled: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'true' }
loggingEnabled: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_LOG_CONTROL', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'true' }
delta: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'false' }
deltaRequestTimeout: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', varType: 'int' }
deltaRequestTimeout: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', varType: 'int', defaultValue: '30000' }
deltaApplyTimeout: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_APPLY_TIMEOUT', varType: 'int' }
deltaRetryCount: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_COUNT', varType: 'int' }
deltaRetryInterval: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL', varType: 'int' }
deltaRetryCount: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_COUNT', varType: 'int', defaultValue: '30' }
deltaRetryInterval: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL', varType: 'int', defaultValue: '10000' }
lockOverride: { envVarName: 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_OVERRIDE_LOCK', varType: 'bool', defaultValue: 'false' }
@validKeys = [ 'RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY', 'RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VPN_CONTROL', 'RESIN_OVERRIDE_LOCK' ].concat(_.map(@configKeys, 'envVarName'))
@ -57,18 +57,16 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
.then =>
@logger.logConfigChange(step.humanReadableTarget, { success: true })
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logConfigChange(step.humanReadableTarget, { err })
throw err
setLogToDisplay: (step) =>
logValue = { RESIN_HOST_LOG_TO_DISPLAY: step.target }
.then =>
@logger.logConfigChange(logValue, { success: true })
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logConfigChange(logValue, { err })
throw err
setVPNEnabled: (step, { initial = false } = {}) =>
logValue = { RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VPN_CONTROL: step.target }
if !initial
@ -77,9 +75,8 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
.then =>
if !initial
@logger.logConfigChange(logValue, { success: true })
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logConfigChange(logValue, { err })
throw err
setBootConfig: (step) =>
.then (deviceType) =>
@ -138,7 +135,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
@logger.logSystemMessage(err, { error: err }, 'Apply boot config error')
throw new Error(err)
return true
else return false
return false
getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState) =>
current = _.clone(currentState.local?.config ? {})
@ -191,8 +188,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
action: 'reboot'
.then ->
return steps
executeStepAction: (step, opts) =>
@actionExecutors[step.action](step, opts)
@ -251,7 +247,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
gosuper.get('/v1/log-to-display', { json: true })
.spread (res, body) ->
if res.statusCode == 404
return undefined
if res.statusCode != 200
throw new Error("Error getting log to display status: #{res.statusCode} #{body.Error}")
return Boolean(body.Data)
@ -293,9 +289,8 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
@logger.logSystemMessage("Applied boot config: #{JSON.stringify(conf)}", {}, 'Apply boot config success')
@rebootRequired = true
return true
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@logger.logSystemMessage("Error setting boot config: #{err}", { error: err }, 'Apply boot config error')
throw err
getVPNEnabled: ->
gosuper.get('/v1/vpncontrol', { json: true })
@ -304,9 +299,8 @@ module.exports = class DeviceConfig
throw new Error("Error getting vpn status: #{res.statusCode} #{body.Error}")
@gosuperHealthy = true
return Boolean(body.Data)
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@gosuperHealthy = false
throw err
setVPNEnabled: (val) ->
enable = checkTruthy(val) ? true
@ -41,78 +41,77 @@ validateState = Promise.method (state) ->
if state.dependent?
class DeviceStateRouter
constructor: (@deviceState) ->
{ @applications, @config } = @deviceState
@router = express.Router()
@router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
createDeviceStateRouter = (deviceState) ->
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
@router.post '/v1/reboot', (req, res) =>
force = validation.checkTruthy(req.body.force)
@deviceState.executeStepAction({ action: 'reboot' }, { force })
.then (response) ->
.catch (err) ->
if err instanceof updateLock.UpdatesLockedError
status = 423
status = 500
res.status(status).json({ Data: '', Error: err?.message or err or 'Unknown error' })
router.post '/v1/reboot', (req, res) ->
force = validation.checkTruthy(req.body.force)
deviceState.executeStepAction({ action: 'reboot' }, { force })
.then (response) ->
.catch (err) ->
if err instanceof updateLock.UpdatesLockedError
status = 423
status = 500
res.status(status).json({ Data: '', Error: err?.message or err or 'Unknown error' })
@router.post '/v1/shutdown', (req, res) =>
force = validation.checkTruthy(req.body.force)
@deviceState.executeStepAction({ action: 'shutdown' }, { force })
.then (response) ->
.catch (err) ->
if err instanceof updateLock.UpdatesLockedError
status = 423
status = 500
res.status(status).json({ Data: '', Error: err?.message or err or 'Unknown error' })
router.post '/v1/shutdown', (req, res) ->
force = validation.checkTruthy(req.body.force)
deviceState.executeStepAction({ action: 'shutdown' }, { force })
.then (response) ->
.catch (err) ->
if err instanceof updateLock.UpdatesLockedError
status = 423
status = 500
res.status(status).json({ Data: '', Error: err?.message or err or 'Unknown error' })
@router.get '/v1/device/host-config', (req, res) ->
.then (conf) ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.get '/v1/device/host-config', (req, res) ->
.then (conf) ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.patch '/v1/device/host-config', (req, res) =>
hostConfig.patch(req.body, @config)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.patch '/v1/device/host-config', (req, res) ->
hostConfig.patch(req.body, deviceState.config)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.get '/v1/device', (req, res) =>
.then (state) ->
stateToSend = _.pick(state.local, [
if state.local.is_on__commit?
stateToSend.commit = state.local.is_on__commit
# Will produce nonsensical results for multicontainer apps...
service = _.toPairs(_.toPairs(state.local.apps)[0]?[1]?.services)[0]?[1]
if service?
stateToSend.status = service.status
# For backwards compatibility, we adapt Running to the old "Idle"
if stateToSend.status == 'Running'
stateToSend.status = 'Idle'
stateToSend.download_progress = service.download_progress
.catch (err) ->
res.status(500).json({ Data: '', Error: err?.message or err or 'Unknown error' })
router.get '/v1/device', (req, res) ->
.then (state) ->
stateToSend = _.pick(state.local, [
if state.local.is_on__commit?
stateToSend.commit = state.local.is_on__commit
# Will produce nonsensical results for multicontainer apps...
service = _.toPairs(_.toPairs(state.local.apps)[0]?[1]?.services)[0]?[1]
if service?
stateToSend.status = service.status
# For backwards compatibility, we adapt Running to the old "Idle"
if stateToSend.status == 'Running'
stateToSend.status = 'Idle'
stateToSend.download_progress = service.download_progress
.catch (err) ->
res.status(500).json({ Data: '', Error: err?.message or err or 'Unknown error' })
return router
module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @db, @config, @eventTracker }) ->
@ -131,27 +130,20 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@lastApplyStart = process.hrtime()
@scheduledApply = null
@shuttingDown = false
@_router = new DeviceStateRouter(this)
@router = @_router.router
@router = createDeviceStateRouter(this)
@on 'apply-target-state-end', (err) ->
if err?
console.log("Apply error #{err}")
console.log('Apply success!')
#@on 'step-completed', (err) ->
# if err?
# console.log("Step completed with error #{err}")
# else
# console.log('Step success!')
#@on 'step-error', (err) ->
# console.log("Step error #{err}")
@applications.on('change', @reportCurrentState)
healthcheck: =>
@config.getMany([ 'appUpdatePollInterval', 'offlineMode' ])
.then (conf) =>
cycleTimeWithinInterval = process.hrtime(@lastApplyStart)[0] - @applications.timeSpentFetching < 2 * conf.appUpdatePollInterval
cycleTime = process.hrtime(@lastApplyStart)
cycleTimeMs = cycleTime[0] * 1000 + cycleTime[1] / 1e6
cycleTimeWithinInterval = cycleTimeMs - @applications.timeSpentFetching < 2 * conf.appUpdatePollInterval
applyTargetHealthy = conf.offlineMode or !@applyInProgress or @applications.fetchesInProgress > 0 or cycleTimeWithinInterval
return applyTargetHealthy and @deviceConfig.gosuperHealthy
@ -228,7 +220,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
ip_address: addresses.join(' ')
, @config.constants.ipAddressUpdateInterval
, constants.ipAddressUpdateInterval
saveInitialConfig: =>
@ -331,7 +323,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
if _.isArray(stateFromFile)
# This is a legacy apps.json
stateFromFile = @_convertLegacyAppsJson(stateFromFile)
images = _.flatten(_.map(stateFromFile.apps, (app, appId) =>
images = _.flatMap stateFromFile.apps, (app, appId) =>
_.map app.services, (service, serviceId) =>
svc = {
imageName: service.image
@ -342,7 +334,6 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
return @applications.imageForService(svc)
Promise.map images, (img) =>
.then (name) =>
@ -350,12 +341,12 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
.then =>
.then (deviceConf) =>
_.defaults(stateFromFile.config, deviceConf)
stateFromFile.name ?= ''
local: stateFromFile
.then (deviceConf) =>
_.defaults(stateFromFile.config, deviceConf)
stateFromFile.name ?= ''
local: stateFromFile
.catch (err) =>
@eventTracker.track('Loading preloaded apps failed', { error: err })
@ -364,17 +355,18 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
.then =>
@logger.logSystemMessage('Rebooting', {}, 'Reboot')
.tap =>
.tap =>
@shuttingDown = true
shutdown: (force, skipLock) =>
@applications.stopAll({ force, skipLock })
.then =>
@logger.logSystemMessage('Shutting down', {}, 'Shutdown')
.tap =>
@shuttingDown = true
.tap =>
@shuttingDown = true
executeStepAction: (step, { force, initial, skipLock }) =>
Promise.try =>
@ -397,27 +389,25 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
if @shuttingDown
@executeStepAction(step, { force, initial, skipLock })
.catch (err) =>
.tapCatch (err) =>
@emitAsync('step-error', err, step)
throw err
.then (stepResult) =>
@emitAsync('step-completed', null, step, stepResult)
applyError: (err, { force, initial, intermediate }) =>
@emitAsync('apply-target-state-error', err)
@emitAsync('apply-target-state-end', err)
if !intermediate
@failedUpdates += 1
@reportCurrentState(update_failed: true)
if @scheduledApply?
console.log("Updating failed, but there's another update scheduled immediately: ", err)
delay = Math.min((2 ** @failedUpdates) * 500, 30000)
# If there was an error then schedule another attempt briefly in the future.
console.log('Scheduling another update attempt due to failure: ', delay, err)
@triggerApplyTarget({ force, delay, initial })
if intermediate
throw err
@failedUpdates += 1
@reportCurrentState(update_failed: true)
if @scheduledApply?
console.log("Updating failed, but there's another update scheduled immediately: ", err)
delay = Math.min((2 ** @failedUpdates) * 500, 30000)
# If there was an error then schedule another attempt briefly in the future.
console.log('Scheduling another update attempt due to failure: ', delay, err)
@triggerApplyTarget({ force, delay, initial })
applyTarget: ({ force = false, initial = false, intermediate = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
nextDelay = 200
@ -453,8 +443,7 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
nextDelay = 1000
Promise.map steps, (step) =>
@applyStep(step, { force, initial, intermediate, skipLock })
.then ->
.then =>
@applyTarget({ force, initial, intermediate, skipLock })
.catch (err) =>
@ -497,13 +486,13 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@lastApplyStart = process.hrtime()
console.log('Applying target state')
@applyTarget({ force, initial })
.finally =>
@applyInProgress = false
if @scheduledApply?
@scheduledApply = null
.finally =>
@applyInProgress = false
if @scheduledApply?
@scheduledApply = null
return null
applyIntermediateTarget: (intermediateTarget, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@intermediateTarget = _.cloneDeep(intermediateTarget)
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module.exports = class EventTracker
if properties instanceof Error
properties = error: properties
properties = _.cloneDeep(properties)
# If the properties has an error argument that is an Error object then it treats it nicely,
# rather than letting it become `{}`
if properties.error instanceof Error
@ -34,8 +35,6 @@ module.exports = class EventTracker
message: properties.error.message
stack: properties.error.stack
properties = _.cloneDeep(properties)
# Don't log private env vars (e.g. api keys) or other secrets - use a whitelist to mask what we send
properties = mask(properties, mixpanelMask)
@_logEvent('Event:', ev, JSON.stringify(properties))
@ -37,3 +37,5 @@ module.exports =
ipAddressUpdateInterval: 30 * 1000
imageCleanupErrorIgnoreTimeout: 3600 * 1000
maxDeltaDownloads: 3
process.env.DOCKER_HOST ?= "unix://#{module.exports.dockerSocket}"
@ -4,6 +4,5 @@ exports.envArrayToObject = (env) ->
# env is an array of strings that say 'key=value'
toPair = (keyVal) ->
m = keyVal.match(/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/)
[ _unused, key, val ] = m
return [ key, val ]
return m[1..]
_.fromPairs(_.map(env, toPair))
@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
gosuper = require './gosuper'
exports.reboot = ->
gosuper.post('/v1/reboot', { json: true })
gosuperAction = (action) ->
gosuper.post("/v1/#{action}", { json: true })
.spread (res, body) ->
if res.statusCode != 202
throw new Error(body.Error)
return body
exports.reboot = ->
exports.shutdown = ->
gosuper.post('/v1/shutdown', { json: true })
.spread (res, body) ->
if res.statusCode != 202
throw new Error(body.Error)
return body
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ module.exports = class DockerUtils extends DockerToolbelt
@dockerProgress = new DockerProgress(dockerToolbelt: this)
@supervisorTagPromise = @normaliseImageName(constants.supervisorImage)
@InvalidNetGatewayError = class InvalidNetGatewayError extends TypedError
return this
InvalidNetGatewayError: class InvalidNetGatewayError extends TypedError
getRepoAndTag: (image) =>
@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ module.exports = class DockerUtils extends DockerToolbelt
url = "#{tokenEndpoint}?service=#{dstInfo.registry}&scope=repository:#{dstInfo.imageName}:pull&scope=repository:#{srcInfo.imageName}:pull"
request.getAsync(url, opts)
.then (b) ->
.then (responseBody) ->
opts =
followRedirect: false
timeout: requestTimeout
if b?.token?
if responseBody?.token?
opts.auth =
bearer: b.token
bearer: responseBody.token
sendImmediately: true
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
request.get("#{deltaEndpoint}/api/v2/delta?src=#{deltaSource}&dest=#{imgDest}", opts)
@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ module.exports = class DockerUtils extends DockerToolbelt
getImageEnv: (id) ->
.then (env) ->
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Error getting env from image', err, err.stack)
return {}
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
exports.NotFoundError = (err) -> checkInt(err.statusCode) is 404
exports.ENOENT = (err) -> err.code is 'ENOENT'
exports.EEXIST = (err) -> err.code is 'EEXIST'
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
path = require 'path'
exports.writeAndSyncFile = (path, data) ->
fs.openAsync(path, 'w')
@ -14,3 +15,10 @@ exports.writeFileAtomic = (path, data) ->
exports.writeAndSyncFile("#{path}.new", data)
.then ->
fs.renameAsync("#{path}.new", path)
exports.safeRename = (src, dest) ->
fs.renameAsync(src, dest)
.then ->
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ childProcess = Promise.promisifyAll(require('child_process'))
clearAndAppendIptablesRule = (rule) ->
childProcess.execAsync("iptables -D #{rule}")
.then ->
childProcess.execAsync("iptables -A #{rule}")
clearAndInsertIptablesRule = (rule) ->
childProcess.execAsync("iptables -D #{rule}")
.then ->
childProcess.execAsync("iptables -I #{rule}")
@ -19,16 +19,9 @@ exports.singleToMulticontainerApp = (app) ->
defaultVolume = exports.defaultLegacyVolume()
newApp.volumes[defaultVolume] = {}
if !updateStrategy?
updateStrategy = 'download-then-kill'
if !handoverTimeout?
handoverTimeout = ''
restartPolicy = conf['RESIN_APP_RESTART_POLICY']
if !restartPolicy?
restartPolicy = 'always'
updateStrategy = conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_UPDATE_STRATEGY'] ? 'download-then-kill'
handoverTimeout = conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_HANDOVER_TIMEOUT'] ? ''
restartPolicy = conf['RESIN_APP_RESTART_POLICY'] ? 'always'
newApp.services = {
'1': {
appId: appId
@ -39,25 +39,23 @@ exports.lock = do ->
Promise.map _.clone(locksTaken), (lockName) ->
_.pull(locksTaken, lockName)
.finally ->
.tap (release) ->
theLockDir = path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, baseLockPath(appId))
.catch ENOENT, -> []
.catchReturn(ENOENT, [])
.mapSeries (serviceName) ->
tmpLockName = lockFileOnHost(appId, serviceName)
Promise.try ->
lockFile.unlockAsync(tmpLockName) if force == true
.then ->
.then ->
.catch ENOENT, _.noop
.then ->
.catchReturn(ENOENT, null)
.catch (err) ->
.finally ->
throw new exports.UpdatesLockedError("Updates are locked: #{err.message}")
.throw(new exports.UpdatesLockedError("Updates are locked: #{err.message}"))
Promise.using takeTheLock(), -> fn()
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ exports.checkInt = checkInt = (s, options = {}) ->
exports.checkString = (s) ->
# Make sure `s` exists and is not an empty string, or 'null' or 'undefined'.
# This might happen if the parsing of config.json on the host using jq is wrong (it is buggy in some versions).
if !s? or !_.isString(s) or s == 'null' or s == 'undefined' or s == ''
if !s? or !_.isString(s) or s in [ 'null', 'undefined', '' ]
return s
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ exports.isValidShortText = isValidShortText = (t) ->
_.isString(t) and t.length <= 255
exports.isValidEnv = isValidEnv = (obj) ->
_.isObject(obj) and _.every obj, (val, key) ->
isValidShortText(key) and /^[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(key) and _.isString(val)
isValidShortText(key) and /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(key) and _.isString(val)
exports.isValidLabelsObject = isValidLabelsObject = (obj) ->
_.isObject(obj) and _.every obj, (val, key) ->
isValidShortText(key) and /^[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*$/.test(key) and _.isString(val)
isValidShortText(key) and /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*$/.test(key) and _.isString(val)
undefinedOrValidEnv = (val) ->
if val? and !isValidEnv(val)
@ -41,39 +41,54 @@ undefinedOrValidEnv = (val) ->
exports.isValidDependentAppsObject = (apps) ->
return false if !_.isObject(apps)
return false if !_.every apps, (val, appId) ->
return _.every apps, (val, appId) ->
val = _.defaults(_.clone(val), { config: undefined, environment: undefined, commit: undefined, image: undefined })
return false if !isValidShortText(appId) or !checkInt(appId)?
return false if !isValidShortText(val.name)
return false if val.commit? and (!isValidShortText(val.image) or !isValidShortText(val.commit))
return undefinedOrValidEnv(val.config) and undefinedOrValidEnv(val.environment)
return true
return _.conformsTo(val, {
name: isValidShortText
image: (i) -> !val.commit? or isValidShortText(i)
commit: (c) -> !c? or isValidShortText(c)
config: undefinedOrValidEnv
environment: undefinedOrValidEnv
isValidService = (service, serviceId) ->
return false if !isValidEnv(service.environment)
return false if !isValidShortText(service.serviceName)
return false if !isValidShortText(service.image)
return false if !isValidShortText(serviceId) or !checkInt(serviceId)
return false if !checkInt(service.imageId)?
return false if !isValidLabelsObject(service.labels)
return true
return _.conformsTo(service, {
serviceName: isValidShortText
image: isValidShortText
environment: isValidEnv
imageId: (i) -> checkInt(i)?
labels: isValidLabelsObject
exports.isValidAppsObject = (obj) ->
return false if !_.isObject(obj)
return false if !_.every obj, (val, appId) ->
return _.every obj, (val, appId) ->
return false if !isValidShortText(appId) or !checkInt(appId)?
return false if !isValidShortText(val.name) or (val.releaseId? and !checkInt(val.releaseId)?)
return false if !_.isObject(val.services)
return false if !_.every(val.services, isValidService)
return true
return true
return _.conformsTo(_.defaults(_.clone(val), { releaseId: undefined }), {
name: isValidShortText
releaseId: (r) -> !r? or checkInt(r)?
services: (s) -> _.isObject(s) and _.every(s, isValidService)
exports.isValidDependentDevicesObject = (devices) ->
return false if !_.isObject(devices)
return false if !_.every devices, (val, uuid) ->
return _.every devices, (val, uuid) ->
return false if !isValidShortText(uuid)
return false if !isValidShortText(val.name)
return false if !_.isObject(val.apps) or _.isEmpty(val.apps)
return false if !_.every val.apps, (app) ->
return undefinedOrValidEnv(app.config) and undefinedOrValidEnv(app.environment)
return true
return true
return _.conformsTo(val, {
name: isValidShortText
apps: (a) ->
return (
_.isObject(a) and
!_.isEmpty(a) and
_.every a, (app) ->
app = _.defaults(_.clone(app), { config: undefined, environment: undefined })
_.conformsTo(app, { config: undefinedOrValidEnv, environment: undefinedOrValidEnv })
exports.validStringOrUndefined = (s) ->
_.isUndefined(s) or (_.isString(s) and !_.isEmpty(s))
exports.validObjectOrUndefined = (o) ->
_.isUndefined(o) or _.isObject(o)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// history without actually adding drop statements (mostly just becoming unused, but still there).
exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
let addColumn = function (table, column, type) {
const addColumn = function (table, column, type) {
return knex.schema.hasColumn(table, column)
.then((exists) => {
if (!exists) {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
let dropColumn = function (table, column) {
const dropColumn = function (table, column) {
return knex.schema.hasColumn(table, column)
.then((exists) => {
if (exists) {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
let createTableOrRun = function (tableName, tableCreator, runIfTableExists) {
const createTableOrRun = function (tableName, tableCreator, runIfTableExists) {
return knex.schema.hasTable(tableName)
.then((exists) => {
if (!exists) {
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
let dropTable = function (tableName) {
const dropTable = function (tableName) {
return knex.schema.hasTable(tableName)
.then((exists) => {
if (exists) {
@ -132,5 +132,5 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
return Promise.try(() => { throw new Error('Not implemented') })
return Promise.reject(new Error('Not implemented'))
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ var tryParse = function (obj) {
var singleToMulticontainerApp = function (app) {
// From *very* old supervisors, env or config may be null
// so we ignore errors parsing them
let conf = tryParse(app.config)
let env = tryParse(app.env)
let environment = {}
let appId = parseInt(app.appId)
const conf = tryParse(app.config)
const env = tryParse(app.env)
const environment = {}
const appId = parseInt(app.appId)
for (let key in env) {
if (!/^RESIN_/.test(key)) {
environment[key] = env[key]
let newApp = {
const newApp = {
appId: appId,
commit: app.commit,
name: app.name,
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var singleToMulticontainerApp = function (app) {
networks: {},
volumes: {}
let defaultVolume = defaultLegacyVolume(appId)
const defaultVolume = defaultLegacyVolume(appId)
newApp.volumes[defaultVolume] = {}
let updateStrategy = conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_UPDATE_STRATEGY']
if (updateStrategy == null) {
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ var singleToMulticontainerApp = function (app) {
var jsonifyAppFields = function (app) {
let newApp = Object.assign({}, app)
const newApp = Object.assign({}, app)
newApp.services = JSON.stringify(app.services)
newApp.networks = JSON.stringify(app.networks)
newApp.volumes = JSON.stringify(app.volumes)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ var jsonifyAppFields = function (app) {
var imageForApp = function (app) {
let service = app.services[0]
const service = app.services[0]
return {
name: service.image,
appId: service.appId,
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
.map((app) => {
let migratedApp = singleToMulticontainerApp(app)
const migratedApp = singleToMulticontainerApp(app)
return knex('app').insert(jsonifyAppFields(migratedApp))
.then(() => knex('image').insert(imageForApp(migratedApp)))
@ -160,9 +160,8 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
.then((deviceConf) => {
return knex.schema.dropTable('deviceConfig')
.then(() => {
let values = JSON.parse(deviceConf[0].values)
let promises = []
let configKeys = {
const values = JSON.parse(deviceConf[0].values)
const configKeys = {
@ -174,12 +173,11 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
for (let envVarName in values) {
return Promise.map(Object.keys(values), (envVarName) => {
if (configKeys[envVarName] != null) {
promises.push(knex('config').insert({ key: configKeys[envVarName], value: values[envVarName]}))
return knex('config').insert({ key: configKeys[envVarName], value: values[envVarName]})
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => {
@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
.then(() => {
return Promise.map(dependentApps, (app) => {
let newApp = {
const newApp = {
appId: parseInt(app.appId),
parentApp: parseInt(app.parentAppId),
image: app.imageId,
@ -232,7 +230,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
config: JSON.stringify(tryParse(app.config)),
environment: JSON.stringify(tryParse(app.environment))
let image = imageForDependentApp(newApp)
const image = imageForDependentApp(newApp)
return knex('image').insert(image)
.then(() => knex('dependentApp').insert(newApp))
.then(() => knex('dependentAppTarget').insert(newApp))
@ -276,7 +274,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
.then(() => {
return Promise.map(dependentDevices, (device) => {
let newDevice = Object.assign({}, device)
const newDevice = Object.assign({}, device)
newDevice.appId = parseInt(device.appId)
newDevice.deviceId = parseInt(device.deviceId)
if (device.is_managed_by != null) {
@ -289,7 +287,7 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
if (newDevice.markedForDeletion == null) {
newDevice.markedForDeletion = false
let deviceTarget = {
const deviceTarget = {
uuid: device.uuid,
name: device.name,
apps: {}
@ -307,5 +305,5 @@ exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
return Promise.try(() => { throw new Error('Not implemented') })
return Promise.reject(new Error('Not implemented'))
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
// Adds a dockerImageId column to the image table to identify images downloaded with deltas
exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table('image', (t) => {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
return Promise.try(() => { throw new Error('Not implemented') })
return Promise.reject(new Error('Not implemented'))
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
constants = require './lib/constants'
{ checkTruthy } = require './lib/validation'
blink = require './lib/blink'
{ EEXIST } = require './lib/errors'
networkPattern =
blinks: 4
@ -40,9 +41,6 @@ vpnStatusInotifyCallback = ->
.catch ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = false
# Use the following to catch EEXIST errors
EEXIST = (err) -> err.code is 'EEXIST'
exports.startConnectivityCheck = _.once (apiEndpoint, enable, onChangeCallback) ->
if !apiEndpoint?
@ -62,8 +60,7 @@ exports.startConnectivityCheck = _.once (apiEndpoint, enable, onChangeCallback)
port: parsedUrl.port ? (if parsedUrl.protocol is 'https:' then 443 else 80)
interval: 10 * 1000
(connected) ->
if onChangeCallback?
if connected
console.log('Internet Connectivity: OK')
@ -91,9 +88,9 @@ exports.getIPAddresses = ->
# - the docker network for the supervisor API (supervisor0)
# - custom docker network bridges (br- + 12 hex characters)
_.flatten(_.map(_.omitBy(os.networkInterfaces(), (interfaceFields, interfaceName) ->
, (validInterfaces) ->
_.map(_.omitBy(validInterfaces, (a) -> a.family != 'IPv4' ), 'address'))
_.map(_.pickBy(validInterfaces, family: 'IPv4'), 'address'))
exports.startIPAddressUpdate = do ->
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ express = require 'express'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll require 'fs'
{ request } = require './lib/request'
constants = require './lib/constants'
{ checkInt } = require './lib/validation'
{ checkInt, validStringOrUndefined, validObjectOrUndefined } = require './lib/validation'
path = require 'path'
mkdirp = Promise.promisify(require('mkdirp'))
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ parseDeviceFields = (device) ->
device.targetEnvironment = JSON.parse(device.targetEnvironment ? '{}')
return _.omit(device, 'markedForDeletion', 'logs_channel')
# TODO move to lib/validation
validStringOrUndefined = (s) ->
_.isUndefined(s) or !_.isEmpty(s)
validObjectOrUndefined = (o) ->
_.isUndefined(o) or _.isObject(o)
tarDirectory = (appId) ->
return "/data/dependent-assets/#{appId}"
@ -54,11 +48,9 @@ cleanupTars = (appId, commit) ->
.then (files) ->
if fileToKeep?
files = _.filter files, (file) ->
return file isnt fileToKeep
files = _.reject(files, fileToKeep)
Promise.map files, (file) ->
if !fileToKeep? or (file isnt fileToKeep)
fs.unlinkAsync(path.join(dir, file))
fs.unlinkAsync(path.join(dir, file))
formatTargetAsState = (device) ->
return {
@ -76,168 +68,168 @@ formatCurrentAsState = (device) ->
config: device.config
class ProxyvisorRouter
constructor: (@proxyvisor) ->
{ @config, @logger, @db, @docker } = @proxyvisor
@router = express.Router()
@router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
@router.get '/v1/devices', (req, res) =>
.then (devices) ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
createProxyvisorRouter = (proxyvisor) ->
{ db } = proxyvisor
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
router.get '/v1/devices', (req, res) ->
.then (devices) ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v1/devices', (req, res) =>
{ appId, device_type } = req.body
router.post '/v1/devices', (req, res) ->
{ appId, device_type } = req.body
if !appId? or _.isNaN(parseInt(appId)) or parseInt(appId) <= 0
res.status(400).send('appId must be a positive integer')
if !appId? or _.isNaN(parseInt(appId)) or parseInt(appId) <= 0
res.status(400).send('appId must be a positive integer')
device_type = 'generic' if !device_type?
d =
belongs_to__application: req.body.appId
device_type: device_type
.then (dev) ->
# If the response has id: null then something was wrong in the request
# but we don't know precisely what.
if !dev.id?
res.status(400).send('Provisioning failed, invalid appId or credentials')
device_type = 'generic' if !device_type?
d =
belongs_to__application: req.body.appId
device_type: device_type
.then (dev) =>
# If the response has id: null then something was wrong in the request
# but we don't know precisely what.
if !dev.id?
res.status(400).send('Provisioning failed, invalid appId or credentials')
deviceForDB = {
uuid: dev.uuid
device_type: dev.device_type
deviceId: dev.id
name: dev.name
status: dev.status
logs_channel: dev.logs_channel
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.get '/v1/devices/:uuid', (req, res) =>
uuid = req.params.uuid
@db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) ->
return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device?
return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.post '/v1/devices/:uuid/logs', (req, res) =>
uuid = req.params.uuid
m = {
message: req.body.message
timestamp: req.body.timestamp or Date.now()
deviceForDB = {
uuid: dev.uuid
device_type: dev.device_type
deviceId: dev.id
name: dev.name
status: dev.status
logs_channel: dev.logs_channel
m.isSystem = req.body.isSystem if req.body.isSystem?
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) =>
return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device?
return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion
@logger.log(m, { channel: "device-#{device.logs_channel}-logs" })
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.get '/v1/devices/:uuid', (req, res) ->
uuid = req.params.uuid
db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) ->
return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device?
return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
@router.put '/v1/devices/:uuid', (req, res) =>
uuid = req.params.uuid
{ status, is_online, commit, releaseId, environment, config } = req.body
validateDeviceFields = ->
if isDefined(is_online) and !_.isBoolean(is_online)
return 'is_online must be a boolean'
if !validStringOrUndefined(status)
return 'status must be a non-empty string'
if !validStringOrUndefined(commit)
return 'commit must be a non-empty string'
if !validStringOrUndefined(releaseId)
return 'commit must be a non-empty string'
if !validObjectOrUndefined(environment)
return 'environment must be an object'
if !validObjectOrUndefined(config)
return 'config must be an object'
return null
requestError = validateDeviceFields()
if requestError?
router.post '/v1/devices/:uuid/logs', (req, res) ->
uuid = req.params.uuid
m = {
message: req.body.message
timestamp: req.body.timestamp or Date.now()
m.isSystem = req.body.isSystem if req.body.isSystem?
environment = JSON.stringify(environment) if isDefined(environment)
config = JSON.stringify(config) if isDefined(config)
db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) ->
return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device?
return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion
proxyvisor.logger.log(m, { channel: "device-#{device.logs_channel}-logs" })
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
fieldsToUpdateOnDB = _.pickBy({ status, is_online, commit, releaseId, config, environment }, isDefined)
fieldsToUpdateOnAPI = _.pick(fieldsToUpdateOnDB, 'status', 'is_online', 'commit', 'releaseId')
router.put '/v1/devices/:uuid', (req, res) ->
uuid = req.params.uuid
{ status, is_online, commit, releaseId, environment, config } = req.body
validateDeviceFields = ->
if isDefined(is_online) and !_.isBoolean(is_online)
return 'is_online must be a boolean'
if !validStringOrUndefined(status)
return 'status must be a non-empty string'
if !validStringOrUndefined(commit)
return 'commit must be a non-empty string'
if !validStringOrUndefined(releaseId)
return 'commit must be a non-empty string'
if !validObjectOrUndefined(environment)
return 'environment must be an object'
if !validObjectOrUndefined(config)
return 'config must be an object'
return null
requestError = validateDeviceFields()
if requestError?
if _.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnDB)
res.status(400).send('At least one device attribute must be updated')
environment = JSON.stringify(environment) if isDefined(environment)
config = JSON.stringify(config) if isDefined(config)
@db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) =>
return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device?
return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion
throw new Error('Device is invalid') if !device.deviceId?
Promise.try =>
if !_.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnAPI)
@proxyvisor.apiBinder.patchDevice(device.deviceId, fieldsToUpdateOnAPI)
.then =>
@db.models('dependentDevice').update(fieldsToUpdateOnDB).where({ uuid })
.then =>
@db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
fieldsToUpdateOnDB = _.pickBy({ status, is_online, commit, releaseId, config, environment }, isDefined)
fieldsToUpdateOnAPI = _.pick(fieldsToUpdateOnDB, 'status', 'is_online', 'commit', 'releaseId')
@router.get '/v1/dependent-apps/:appId/assets/:commit', (req, res) =>
@db.models('dependentApp').select().where(_.pick(req.params, 'appId', 'commit'))
.then ([ app ]) =>
return res.status(404).send('Not found') if !app
dest = tarPath(app.appId, app.commit)
.catch =>
Promise.using @docker.imageRootDirMounted(app.image), (rootDir) ->
getTarArchive(rootDir + '/assets', dest)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
if _.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnDB)
res.status(400).send('At least one device attribute must be updated')
@router.get '/v1/dependent-apps', (req, res) =>
.map (app) ->
return {
id: parseInt(app.appId)
commit: app.commit
name: app.name
config: JSON.parse(app.config ? '{}')
.then (apps) ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) ->
return res.status(404).send('Device not found') if !device?
return res.status(410).send('Device deleted') if device.markedForDeletion
throw new Error('Device is invalid') if !device.deviceId?
Promise.try ->
if !_.isEmpty(fieldsToUpdateOnAPI)
proxyvisor.apiBinder.patchDevice(device.deviceId, fieldsToUpdateOnAPI)
.then ->
db.models('dependentDevice').update(fieldsToUpdateOnDB).where({ uuid })
.then ->
db.models('dependentDevice').select().where({ uuid })
.then ([ device ]) ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.get '/v1/dependent-apps/:appId/assets/:commit', (req, res) ->
db.models('dependentApp').select().where(_.pick(req.params, 'appId', 'commit'))
.then ([ app ]) ->
return res.status(404).send('Not found') if !app
dest = tarPath(app.appId, app.commit)
.catch ->
Promise.using proxyvisor.docker.imageRootDirMounted(app.image), (rootDir) ->
getTarArchive(rootDir + '/assets', dest)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
router.get '/v1/dependent-apps', (req, res) ->
.map (app) ->
return {
id: parseInt(app.appId)
commit: app.commit
name: app.name
config: JSON.parse(app.config ? '{}')
.then (apps) ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Error on #{req.method} #{url.parse(req.url).pathname}", err, err.stack)
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
return router
module.exports = class Proxyvisor
constructor: ({ @config, @logger, @db, @docker, @images, @applications }) ->
@acknowledgedState = {}
@lastRequestForDevice = {}
@_router = new ProxyvisorRouter(this)
@router = @_router.router
@router = createProxyvisorRouter(this)
@actionExecutors = {
updateDependentTargets: (step) =>
@config.getMany([ 'currentApiKey', 'apiTimeout' ])
@ -460,7 +452,7 @@ module.exports = class Proxyvisor
return images
_imageAvailable: (image, available) ->
_.some(available, (availableImage) -> availableImage.name == image)
_.some(available, name: image)
_getHookStep: (currentDevices, appId) =>
hookStep = {
@ -572,7 +564,7 @@ module.exports = class Proxyvisor
for appId in allAppIds
devicesForApp = (devices) ->
_.filter devices, (d) ->
_.includes(_.keys(d.apps), appId)
_.has(d.apps, appId)
currentDevices = devicesForApp(current.dependent.devices)
targetDevices = devicesForApp(target.dependent.devices)
@ -590,8 +582,7 @@ module.exports = class Proxyvisor
.then (parentApp) =>
Promise.map parentApp?.services ? [], (service) =>
.then (imageEnv) ->
.then (imageHookAddresses) ->
for addr in imageHookAddresses
return addr if addr?
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ APIBinder = require './api-binder'
DeviceState = require './device-state'
SupervisorAPI = require './supervisor-api'
constants = require './lib/constants'
startupConfigFields = [
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = class Supervisor extends EventEmitter
.then =>
# initialize API
console.log('Starting API server')
@api.listen(@config.constants.allowedInterfaces, conf.listenPort, conf.apiTimeout)
@api.listen(constants.allowedInterfaces, conf.listenPort, conf.apiTimeout)
@deviceState.on('shutdown', => @api.stop())
.then =>
@apiBinder.init() # this will first try to provision if it's a new device
Reference in New Issue
Block a user