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synced 2025-02-21 18:06:47 +00:00
Auto-merge for PR #499 via VersionBot
Explicitly define the source for deltas and allow cross-app deltas
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
automatically by Versionist. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY!
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## v6.2.9 - 2017-09-15
* Explicitly define the source for deltas, allow cross-app deltas, and iterate serially through apps when updating #499 [Pablo Carranza Velez]
## v6.2.8 - 2017-09-12
* Fix problem catching errors when killing a container that doesn't exist #496 [Pablo Carranza Velez]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "resin-supervisor",
"description": "This is resin.io's Supervisor, a program that runs on IoT devices and has the task of running user Apps (which are Docker containers), and updating them as Resin's API informs it to.",
"version": "6.2.8",
"version": "6.2.9",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ isValidPort = (port) ->
maybePort = parseInt(port, 10)
return parseFloat(port) is maybePort and maybePort > 0 and maybePort < 65535
fetch = (app, setDeviceUpdateState = true) ->
fetch = (app, { deltaSource, setDeviceUpdateState = true } = {}) ->
onProgress = (progress) ->
device.updateState(download_progress: progress.percentage)
@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ fetch = (app, setDeviceUpdateState = true) ->
retryCount: checkInt(conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_COUNT'], positive: true)
retryInterval: checkInt(conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL'], positive: true)
dockerUtils.rsyncImageWithProgress(app.imageId, deltaOpts, onProgress)
@ -555,9 +556,9 @@ updateStatus =
intervalHandle: null
updateStrategies =
'download-then-kill': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force }) ->
'download-then-kill': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.try ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource }) if needsDownload
.then ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
@ -568,19 +569,19 @@ updateStrategies =
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err) unless err instanceof UpdatesLockedError
throw err
'kill-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force }) ->
'kill-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
.then ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource }) if needsDownload
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err) unless err instanceof UpdatesLockedError
throw err
'delete-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force }) ->
'delete-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
@ -591,18 +592,18 @@ updateStrategies =
if needsDownload
.then ->
fetch(app, { deltaSource })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err) unless err instanceof UpdatesLockedError
throw err
'hand-over': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, timeout }) ->
'hand-over': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, timeout, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
.then (localApp) ->
Promise.try ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource }) if needsDownload
.then ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
@ -647,13 +648,16 @@ parseEnvAndFormatRemoteApps = (remoteApps, uuid, apiKey) ->
env: JSON.stringify(env)
config: JSON.stringify(app.config)
name: app.name
markedForDeletion: false
formatLocalApps = (apps) ->
apps = _.keyBy(apps, 'appId')
localApps = _.mapValues apps, (app) ->
app = _.pick(app, [ 'appId', 'commit', 'imageId', 'env', 'config', 'name' ])
app = _.pick(app, [ 'appId', 'commit', 'imageId', 'env', 'config', 'name', 'markedForDeletion' ])
app.markedForDeletion = checkTruthy(app.markedForDeletion)
return app
return localApps
restartVars = (conf) ->
@ -682,6 +686,9 @@ compareForUpdate = (localApps, remoteApps) ->
toBeDownloaded = _.filter toBeUpdated, (appId) ->
return !_.isEqual(remoteApps[appId].imageId, localApps[appId].imageId)
toBeDownloaded = _.union(toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled)
# The order in this _.union ensures that installations (new appIds) go last, so
# they will happen *after* removals.
allAppIds = _.union(localAppIds, remoteAppIds)
return { toBeRemoved, toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled, toBeUpdated, appsWithUpdatedConfigs, remoteAppIds, allAppIds }
@ -713,13 +720,6 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
utils.setConfig('name', local.name) if local.name != deviceName
.then ->
parseEnvAndFormatRemoteApps(local.apps, uuid, apiKey)
.tap (remoteApps) ->
# Before running the updates, try to clean up any images that aren't in use
# and will not be used in the target state
return if application.localMode or device.shuttingDown
dockerUtils.cleanupContainersAndImages(_.map(remoteApps, 'imageId'))
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Cleanup failed: ', err, err.stack)
.then (remoteApps) ->
localApps = formatLocalApps(apps)
resourcesForUpdate = compareForUpdate(localApps, remoteApps)
@ -727,8 +727,21 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
if !_.isEmpty(toBeRemoved) or !_.isEmpty(toBeInstalled) or !_.isEmpty(toBeUpdated)
device.setUpdateState(update_pending: true)
# Run special functions against variables
Promise.try ->
deltaSource = {}
Promise.map toBeDownloaded, (appId) ->
if _.includes(toBeUpdated, appId)
deltaSource[appId] = localApps[appId].imageId
else if !_.isEmpty(apps) # apps is localApps as an array
deltaSource[appId] = apps[0].imageId
.then ->
# Before running the updates, try to clean up any images that aren't in use
# and will not be used in the target state
return if application.localMode or device.shuttingDown
dockerUtils.cleanupContainersAndImages(_.map(remoteApps, 'imageId').concat(_.values(deltaSource)))
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Cleanup failed: ', err, err.stack)
.then ->
remoteDeviceConfig = {}
_.map remoteAppIds, (appId) ->
_.merge(remoteDeviceConfig, JSON.parse(remoteApps[appId].config))
@ -743,7 +756,9 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
.catch (err) ->
logSystemMessage("Error fetching/applying device configuration: #{err}", { error: err }, 'Set device configuration error')
.map (appId) ->
.mapSeries (appId) ->
# The sorting of allAppIds from compareForUpdate ensures that toBeRemoved is
# done before toBeInstalled, which is the behavior we want.
return if application.localMode or device.shuttingDown
Promise.try ->
needsDownload = _.includes(toBeDownloaded, appId)
@ -755,14 +770,14 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
.then ->
knex('app').where('appId', appId).delete()
knex('app').where('appId', appId).update(markedForDeletion: true)
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err)
throw err
else if _.includes(toBeInstalled, appId)
app = remoteApps[appId]
Promise.try ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource: deltaSource[appId] }) if needsDownload
.then ->
else if _.includes(toBeUpdated, appId)
@ -779,6 +794,7 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
force: force || forceThisApp
deltaSource: deltaSource[appId]
else if _.includes(appsWithUpdatedConfigs, appId)
# These apps have no changes other than config variables.
@ -806,7 +822,9 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
device.setUpdateState(update_pending: false, update_downloaded: false, update_failed: false)
# We cleanup here as we want a point when we have a consistent apps/images state, rather than potentially at a
# point where we might clean up an image we still want.
knex('app').where(markedForDeletion: true).del()
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
device.setUpdateState(update_failed: true)
@ -865,7 +883,7 @@ application.initialize = ->
.then ->
knex('app').whereNot(markedForDeletion: true).select()
.map (app) ->
unlockAndStart(app) if !application.localMode and !device.shuttingDown
.catch (error) ->
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ knex = Knex(
client: 'sqlite3'
filename: '/data/database.sqlite'
useNullAsDefault: true
addColumn = (table, column, type) ->
@ -46,15 +47,19 @@ knex.init = Promise.all([
Promise.all [
addColumn('app', 'commit', 'string')
addColumn('app', 'appId', 'string')
addColumn('app', 'config', 'json')
addColumn('app', 'markedForDeletion', 'boolean')
.then ->
# When updating from older supervisors, config can be null
knex('app').update({ config: '{}' }).whereNull('config')
.then ->
knex('app').update({ markedForDeletion: false }).whereNull('markedForDeletion')
.then (exists) ->
@ -10,39 +10,10 @@ _ = require 'lodash'
knex = require './db'
{ request, resumable } = require './request'
Lock = require 'rwlock'
utils = require './utils'
rimraf = Promise.promisify(require('rimraf'))
exports.docker = docker = new Docker()
dockerProgress = new DockerProgress(dockerToolbelt: docker)
# Create an array of (repoTag, image_id, created) tuples like the output of `docker images`
listRepoTags = ->
.then (images) ->
images = _.orderBy(images, 'Created', [ false ])
ret = []
for image in images
for repoTag in image.RepoTags
ret.push [ repoTag, image.Id, image.Created ]
return ret
# Find either the most recent image of the same app or the image of the supervisor.
# Returns an image Id or Tag (depending on whatever's available)
findSimilarImage = (repoTag) ->
application = repoTag.split('/')[1]
.then (repoTags) ->
# Find the most recent image of the same application
for repoTag in repoTags
otherApplication = repoTag[0].split('/')[1]
if otherApplication is application
return repoTag[0]
# Otherwise we start from scratch
return 'resin/scratch'
getRepoAndTag = (image) ->
.then ({ registry, imageName, tagName }) ->
@ -82,13 +53,21 @@ do ->
.disposer (release) ->
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress = (imgDest, { requestTimeout, applyTimeout, retryCount, retryInterval, uuid, apiKey, startFromEmpty = false }, onProgress) ->
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress = (imgDest, opts, onProgress) ->
{ requestTimeout, applyTimeout, retryCount, retryInterval, uuid, apiKey, deltaSource, startFromEmpty = false } = opts
Promise.using readLockImages(), ->
Promise.try ->
if startFromEmpty
if startFromEmpty or !deltaSource?
return 'resin/scratch'
.then ->
return deltaSource
.catch ->
return 'resin/scratch'
.then (imgSrc) ->
# I'll leave this debug log here in case we ever wonder what delta source a device is using in production
console.log("Using delta source #{imgSrc}")
Promise.join docker.getRegistryAndName(imgDest), docker.getRegistryAndName(imgSrc), (dstInfo, srcInfo) ->
tokenEndpoint = "#{config.apiEndpoint}/auth/v1/token"
opts =
@ -132,8 +111,10 @@ do ->
.then ({ repo, tag }) ->
docker.getImage(id).tag({ repo, tag, force: true })
.catch dockerDelta.OutOfSyncError, (err) ->
throw err if startFromEmpty
console.log('Falling back to delta-from-empty')
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress(imgDest, { requestTimeout, totalTimeout, uuid, apiKey, startFromEmpty: true }, onProgress)
opts.startFromEmpty = true
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress(imgDest, opts, onProgress)
exports.fetchImageWithProgress = (image, onProgress, { uuid, apiKey }) ->
Promise.using readLockImages(), ->
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ exports.checkString = (s) ->
return s
exports.checkTruthy = (v) ->
if v == '1' or v == 'true' or v == true or v == 'on'
if v in [ '1', 'true', true, 'on', 1 ]
return true
if v == '0' or v == 'false' or v == false or v == 'off'
if v in [ '0', 'false', false, 'off', 0 ]
return false
@ -243,7 +243,12 @@ exports.fetchAndSetTargetsForDependentApps = (state, fetchFn, apiKey) ->
return app.commit? and !_.some(remoteApps, imageId: app.imageId)
toBeDeletedFromDB = _(localApps).reject((app, appId) -> remoteApps[appId]?).map('appId').value()
Promise.map toBeDownloaded, (app) ->
fetchFn(app, false)
deltaSource = null
if localApps[app.appId]?
deltaSource = localApps[app.appId].imageId
else if !_.isEmpty(localDependentApps)
deltaSource = localDependentApps[0].imageId
fetchFn(app, { deltaSource, setDeviceUpdateState: false })
.then ->
Promise.map toBeRemoved, (app) ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user