From 55ee5a468f088612c5df3629cf1a7216d000bb94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cameron Diver <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:26:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Remove unused local mode parameter from

Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
 src/compose/images.ts |  6 +++---
 src/device-api/v2.ts  | 38 +++++++++++++++++---------------------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compose/images.ts b/src/compose/images.ts
index 1d791bab..7dbca49e 100644
--- a/src/compose/images.ts
+++ b/src/compose/images.ts
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ export class Images extends (EventEmitter as new () => ImageEventEmitter) {
-	public async getAvailable(_localMode: boolean): Promise<Image[]> {
+	public async getAvailable(): Promise<Image[]> {
 		const images = await this.withImagesFromDockerAndDB(
 			(dockerImages, supervisedImages) =>
 				_.filter(supervisedImages, image =>
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ export class Images extends (EventEmitter as new () => ImageEventEmitter) {
 			.whereIn('id', ids);
-	public async getStatus(localMode: boolean) {
-		const images = await this.getAvailable(localMode);
+	public async getStatus() {
+		const images = await this.getAvailable();
 		for (const image of images) {
 			image.status = 'Downloaded';
 			image.downloadProgress = null;
diff --git a/src/device-api/v2.ts b/src/device-api/v2.ts
index 44337bfa..9cbe8d7e 100644
--- a/src/device-api/v2.ts
+++ b/src/device-api/v2.ts
@@ -157,10 +157,9 @@ export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
 	router.get('/v2/applications/state', async (_req: Request, res: Response) => {
 		// It's kinda hacky to access the services and db via the application manager
 		// maybe refactor this code
-		const localMode = await deviceState.config.get('localMode');
-			applications.images.getStatus(localMode),
+			applications.images.getStatus(),
 			applications.db.models('app').select(['appId', 'commit', 'name']),
@@ -431,7 +430,6 @@ export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
 	router.get('/v2/state/status', async (_req, res) => {
-		const localMode = await applications.config.get('localMode');
 		const currentRelease = await applications.config.get('currentCommit');
 		const pending = applications.deviceState.applyInProgress;
@@ -450,24 +448,22 @@ export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
 		let downloadProgressTotal = 0;
 		let downloads = 0;
-		const imagesStates = (await applications.images.getStatus(localMode)).map(
-			img => {
-				if (img.downloadProgress != null) {
-					downloadProgressTotal += img.downloadProgress;
-					downloads += 1;
-				}
-				return _.pick(
-					img,
-					'name',
-					'appId',
-					'serviceName',
-					'imageId',
-					'dockerImageId',
-					'status',
-					'downloadProgress',
-				);
-			},
-		);
+		const imagesStates = (await applications.images.getStatus()).map(img => {
+			if (img.downloadProgress != null) {
+				downloadProgressTotal += img.downloadProgress;
+				downloads += 1;
+			}
+			return _.pick(
+				img,
+				'name',
+				'appId',
+				'serviceName',
+				'imageId',
+				'dockerImageId',
+				'status',
+				'downloadProgress',
+			);
+		});
 		let overallDownloadProgress = null;
 		if (downloads > 0) {

From bd022df8bd1468cb68bb4b6ca3f4cd92312a0226 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cameron Diver <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:27:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Add default exports for Volume and Network modules

Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
 src/compose/network.ts | 2 ++
 src/compose/service.ts | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/compose/network.ts b/src/compose/network.ts
index 0ef48cbb..d8fd05bc 100644
--- a/src/compose/network.ts
+++ b/src/compose/network.ts
@@ -235,3 +235,5 @@ export class Network {
 		return `${appId}_${name}`;
+export default Network;
diff --git a/src/compose/service.ts b/src/compose/service.ts
index 2fce4385..07d3134b 100644
--- a/src/compose/service.ts
+++ b/src/compose/service.ts
@@ -1027,3 +1027,5 @@ export class Service {
+export default Service;

From 4f31b1867059d944469073551687da6ac25100c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cameron Diver <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:27:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Extract composition step work out to typescript compose

Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
 src/   | 108 +++--------
 src/application-manager.d.ts     |   1 +
 src/compose/composition-steps.ts | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/compose/composition-steps.ts

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b650a5d4..1f5c822d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ updateLock = require './lib/update-lock'
 { Network } = require './compose/network'
 { VolumeManager } = require './compose/volume-manager'
 { Volume } = require './compose/volume'
+compositionSteps = require './compose/composition-steps'
 Proxyvisor = require './proxyvisor'
@@ -82,87 +83,30 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
 			if changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval
 				@images.appUpdatePollInterval = changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval
-		@actionExecutors = {
-			stop: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
-				@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
-					wait = step.options?.wait ? false
-					@services.kill(step.current, { removeContainer: false, wait })
-					.then =>
-						delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
-			kill: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
-				@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
-					@services.kill(step.current)
-					.then =>
-						delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
-						if step.options?.removeImage
-							@images.removeByDockerId(step.current.config.image)
-			remove: (step) =>
-				# Only called for dead containers, so no need to take locks or anything
-				@services.remove(step.current)
-			updateMetadata: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
-				skipLock or= checkTruthy(step.current.config.labels['io.balena.legacy-container'])
-				@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
-					@services.updateMetadata(step.current,
-			restart: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
-				@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
-					@services.kill(step.current, { wait: true })
-					.then =>
-						delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
-					.then =>
-						@services.start(
-					.then (container) =>
-						@_containerStarted[] = true
-			stopAll: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
-				@stopAll({ force, skipLock })
-			start: (step) =>
-				@services.start(
-				.then (container) =>
-					@_containerStarted[] = true
-			updateCommit: (step) =>
-				@config.set({ currentCommit: })
-			handover: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
-				@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
-					@services.handover(step.current,
-			fetch: (step) =>
-				startTime = process.hrtime()
-				@fetchesInProgress += 1
-				Promise.join(
-					@config.get('fetchOptions')
-					@images.getAvailable()
-					(opts, availableImages) =>
-						opts.deltaSource = @bestDeltaSource(step.image, availableImages)
-						@images.triggerFetch step.image, opts, (success) =>
-							@fetchesInProgress -= 1
-							elapsed = process.hrtime(startTime)
-							elapsedMs = elapsed[0] * 1000 + elapsed[1] / 1e6
-							@timeSpentFetching += elapsedMs
-							if success
-								# update_downloaded is true if *any* image has been downloaded,
-								# and it's relevant mostly for the legacy GET /v1/device endpoint
-								# that assumes a single-container app
-								@reportCurrentState(update_downloaded: true)
-						, step.serviceName
-				)
-			removeImage: (step) =>
-				@images.remove(step.image)
-			saveImage: (step) =>
-			cleanup: (step) =>
-				@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
-					if !localMode
-						@images.cleanup()
-			createNetworkOrVolume: (step) =>
-				if step.model is 'network'
-					@networks.create(
-				else
-					@volumes.create(
-			removeNetwork: (step) =>
-				@networks.remove(step.current)
-			removeVolume: (step) =>
-				@volumes.remove(step.current)
-			ensureSupervisorNetwork: =>
-				@networks.ensureSupervisorNetwork()
-		}
+		@actionExecutors = compositionSteps.getExecutors({
+			lockFn: @_lockingIfNecessary,
+			services: @services,
+			networks: @networks,
+			volumes: @volumes,
+			applications: this,
+			images: @images,
+			config: @config,
+			callbacks: {
+				containerStarted: (id) =>
+					@_containerStarted[id] = true
+				containerKilled: (id) =>
+					delete @_containerStarted[id]
+				fetchStart: =>
+					@fetchesInProgress += 1
+				fetchEnd: =>
+					@fetchesInProgress -= 1
+				fetchTime: (time) =>
+					@timeSpentFetching += time
+				stateReport: (state) =>
+					@reportCurrentState(state)
+				bestDeltaSource: @bestDeltaSource
+			}
+		})
 		@validActions = _.keys(@actionExecutors).concat(@proxyvisor.validActions)
 		@router = createApplicationManagerRouter(this)
 		@images.on('change', @reportCurrentState)
@@ -963,7 +907,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
 			return @proxyvisor.executeStepAction(step)
 		if !_.includes(@validActions, step.action)
 			return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid action #{step.action}"))
-		@actionExecutors[step.action](step, { force, skipLock })
+		@actionExecutors[step.action](_.merge({}, step, { force, skipLock }))
 	getExtraStateForComparison: (currentState, targetState) =>
 		containerIdsByAppId = {}
diff --git a/src/application-manager.d.ts b/src/application-manager.d.ts
index 92d10310..78a1bb85 100644
--- a/src/application-manager.d.ts
+++ b/src/application-manager.d.ts
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ export class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter {
 			networks: Dictionary<Network>;
+	public stopAll(opts: { force?: boolean; skipLock?: boolean }): Promise<void>;
 	public serviceNameFromId(serviceId: number): Bluebird<string>;
diff --git a/src/compose/composition-steps.ts b/src/compose/composition-steps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4478895a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compose/composition-steps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import Config from '../config';
+import ApplicationManager from '../application-manager';
+import Images, { Image } from './images';
+import Network from './network';
+import Service from './service';
+import ServiceManager from './service-manager';
+import Volume from './volume';
+import { checkTruthy } from '../lib/validation';
+import { NetworkManager } from './network-manager';
+import VolumeManager from './volume-manager';
+interface BaseCompositionStepArgs {
+	force?: boolean;
+	skipLock?: boolean;
+// FIXME: Most of the steps take the
+// BaseCompositionStepArgs, but some also take an options
+// structure which includes some of the same fields. It
+// would be nice to remove the need for this
+interface CompositionStepArgs {
+	stop: {
+		current: Service;
+		options?: {
+			skipLock?: boolean;
+			wait?: boolean;
+		};
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	kill: {
+		current: Service;
+		options?: {
+			skipLock?: boolean;
+			wait?: boolean;
+			removeImage?: boolean;
+		};
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	remove: {
+		current: Service;
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	updateMetadata: {
+		current: Service;
+		target: { imageId: number; releaseId: number };
+		options?: {
+			skipLock?: boolean;
+		};
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	restart: {
+		current: Service;
+		target: Service;
+		options?: {
+			skipLock?: boolean;
+		};
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	stopAll: BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	start: {
+		target: Service;
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	updateCommit: {
+		target: string;
+	};
+	handover: {
+		current: Service;
+		target: Service;
+		options?: {
+			skipLock?: boolean;
+		};
+	} & BaseCompositionStepArgs;
+	fetch: {
+		image: Image;
+		serviceName: string;
+	};
+	removeImage: {
+		image: Image;
+	};
+	saveImage: {
+		image: Image;
+	};
+	cleanup: {};
+	createNetwork: {
+		target: Network;
+	};
+	createVolume: {
+		target: Volume;
+	};
+	removeNetwork: {
+		current: Network;
+	};
+	removeVolume: {
+		current: Volume;
+	};
+	ensureSupervisorNetwork: {};
+type CompositionStepAction = keyof CompositionStepArgs;
+type CompositionStep<T extends CompositionStepAction> = {
+	step: T;
+} & CompositionStepArgs[T];
+export function generateStep<T extends CompositionStepAction>(
+	action: T,
+	args: CompositionStepArgs[T],
+): CompositionStep<T> {
+	return {
+		step: action,
+		...args,
+	};
+type Executors<T extends CompositionStepAction> = {
+	[key in T]: (step: CompositionStep<key>) => Promise<unknown>
+type LockingFn = (
+	// TODO: Once the entire codebase is typescript, change
+	// this to number
+	app: number | null,
+	args: BaseCompositionStepArgs,
+	fn: () => Promise<unknown>,
+) => Promise<unknown>;
+interface CompositionCallbacks {
+	// TODO: Once the entire codebase is typescript, change
+	// this to number
+	containerStarted: (containerId: string | null) => void;
+	containerKilled: (containerId: string | null) => void;
+	fetchStart: () => void;
+	fetchEnd: () => void;
+	fetchTime: (time: number) => void;
+	stateReport: (state: Dictionary<unknown>) => Promise<void>;
+	bestDeltaSource: (image: Image, available: Image[]) => string | null;
+export function getExecutors(app: {
+	lockFn: LockingFn;
+	services: ServiceManager;
+	networks: NetworkManager;
+	volumes: VolumeManager;
+	applications: ApplicationManager;
+	images: Images;
+	config: Config;
+	callbacks: CompositionCallbacks;
+}) {
+	const executors: Executors<CompositionStepAction> = {
+		stop: step => {
+			return app.lockFn(
+				step.current.appId,
+				{
+					force: step.force,
+					skipLock: step.skipLock || _.get(step, ['options', 'skipLock']),
+				},
+				async () => {
+					const wait = _.get(step, ['options', 'wait'], false);
+					await, {
+						removeContainer: false,
+						wait,
+					});
+					app.callbacks.containerKilled(step.current.containerId);
+				},
+			);
+		},
+		kill: step => {
+			return app.lockFn(
+				step.current.appId,
+				{
+					force: step.force,
+					skipLock: step.skipLock || _.get(step, ['options', 'skipLock']),
+				},
+				async () => {
+					await;
+					app.callbacks.containerKilled(step.current.containerId);
+					if (_.get(step, ['options', 'removeImage'])) {
+						await app.images.removeByDockerId(step.current.config.image);
+					}
+				},
+			);
+		},
+		remove: async step => {
+			// Only called for dead containers, so no need to
+			// take locks
+			await;
+		},
+		updateMetadata: step => {
+			const skipLock =
+				step.skipLock ||
+				checkTruthy(step.current.config.labels['io.balena.legacy-container']);
+			return app.lockFn(
+				step.current.appId,
+				{
+					force: step.force,
+					skipLock: skipLock || _.get(step, ['options', 'skipLock']),
+				},
+				async () => {
+					await,;
+				},
+			);
+		},
+		restart: step => {
+			return app.lockFn(
+				step.current.appId,
+				{
+					force: step.force,
+					skipLock: step.skipLock || _.get(step, ['options', 'skipLock']),
+				},
+				async () => {
+					await, { wait: true });
+					app.callbacks.containerKilled(step.current.containerId);
+					const container = await;
+					app.callbacks.containerStarted(;
+				},
+			);
+		},
+		stopAll: async step => {
+			await app.applications.stopAll({
+				force: step.force,
+				skipLock: step.skipLock,
+			});
+		},
+		start: async step => {
+			const container = await;
+			app.callbacks.containerStarted(;
+		},
+		updateCommit: async step => {
+			await app.config.set({ currentCommit: });
+		},
+		handover: step => {
+			return app.lockFn(
+				step.current.appId,
+				{
+					force: step.force,
+					skipLock: step.skipLock || _.get(step, ['options', 'skipLock']),
+				},
+				async () => {
+					await,;
+				},
+			);
+		},
+		fetch: async step => {
+			const startTime = process.hrtime();
+			app.callbacks.fetchStart();
+			const [fetchOpts, availableImages] = await Promise.all([
+				app.config.get('fetchOptions'),
+				app.images.getAvailable(),
+			]);
+			const opts = {
+				deltaSource: app.callbacks.bestDeltaSource(step.image, availableImages),
+				...fetchOpts,
+			};
+			await app.images.triggerFetch(
+				step.image,
+				opts,
+				async success => {
+					app.callbacks.fetchEnd();
+					const elapsed = process.hrtime(startTime);
+					const elapsedMs = elapsed[0] * 1000 + elapsed[1] / 1e6;
+					app.callbacks.fetchTime(elapsedMs);
+					if (success) {
+						// update_downloaded is true if *any* image has
+						// been downloaded ,and it's relevant mostly for
+						// the legacy GET /v1/device endpoint that assumes
+						// a single container app
+						await app.callbacks.stateReport({ update_downloaded: true });
+					}
+				},
+				step.serviceName,
+			);
+		},
+		removeImage: async step => {
+			await app.images.remove(step.image);
+		},
+		saveImage: async step => {
+			await;
+		},
+		cleanup: async () => {
+			const localMode = await app.config.get('localMode');
+			if (!localMode) {
+				await app.images.cleanup();
+			}
+		},
+		createNetwork: async step => {
+			await app.networks.create(;
+		},
+		createVolume: async step => {
+			await app.volumes.create(;
+		},
+		removeNetwork: async step => {
+			await app.networks.remove(step.current);
+		},
+		removeVolume: async step => {
+			await app.volumes.remove(step.current);
+		},
+		ensureSupervisorNetwork: async () => {
+			app.networks.ensureSupervisorNetwork();
+		},
+	};
+	return executors;