mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 05:25:39 +00:00
Merge pull request #860 from balena-io/typescript
More typecript conversions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "balena-supervisor",
"version": "9.2.6",
"version": "9.2.8",
"lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true,
"dependencies": {
@ -243,6 +243,15 @@
"@types/node": "*"
"@types/morgan": {
"version": "1.7.35",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/morgan/-/morgan-1.7.35.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-E9qFi0seOkdlQnCTPv54brNfGWeFdRaEhI5tSue4pdx/V+xfxvMETsxXhOEcj1cYL+0n/jcTEmj/jD2gjzCwMg==",
"dev": true,
"requires": {
"@types/express": "*"
"@types/mz": {
"version": "0.0.32",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/mz/-/mz-0.0.32.tgz",
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
"@types/lodash": "^4.14.119",
"@types/memoizee": "^0.4.2",
"@types/mkdirp": "^0.5.2",
"@types/morgan": "^1.7.35",
"@types/mz": "0.0.32",
"@types/node": "^10.12.17",
"@types/request": "^2.48.1",
@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
url = require 'url'
TypedError = require 'typed-error'
{ PinejsClientRequest } = require 'pinejs-client-request'
deviceRegister = require 'resin-register-device'
express = require 'express'
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
Lock = require 'rwlock'
path = require 'path'
{ request, requestOpts } = require './lib/request'
{ checkTruthy, checkInt } = require './lib/validation'
{ pathExistsOnHost } = require './lib/fs-utils'
constants = require './lib/constants'
DuplicateUuidError = (err) ->
_.startsWith(err.message, '"uuid" must be unique')
ExchangeKeyError = class ExchangeKeyError extends TypedError
createAPIBinderRouter = (apiBinder) ->
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
router.post '/v1/update', (req, res) ->
apiBinder.eventTracker.track('Update notification')
if apiBinder.readyForUpdates
apiBinder.getAndSetTargetState(req.body.force, true)
return router
module.exports = class APIBinder
constructor: ({ @config, @db, @deviceState, @eventTracker }) ->
@balenaApi = null
@cachedBalenaApi = null
@lastReportedState = { local: {}, dependent: {} }
@stateForReport = { local: {}, dependent: {} }
@lastTarget = {}
@lastTargetStateFetch = process.hrtime()
@_targetStateInterval = null
@reportPending = false
@stateReportErrors = 0
@targetStateFetchErrors = 0
@router = createAPIBinderRouter(this)
_lock = new Lock()
@_writeLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.writeLock)
@readyForUpdates = false
healthcheck: =>
@config.getMany([ 'appUpdatePollInterval', 'unmanaged', 'connectivityCheckEnabled' ])
.then (conf) =>
if conf.unmanaged
return true
timeSinceLastFetch = process.hrtime(@lastTargetStateFetch)
timeSinceLastFetchMs = timeSinceLastFetch[0] * 1000 + timeSinceLastFetch[1] / 1e6
stateFetchHealthy = timeSinceLastFetchMs < 2 * conf.appUpdatePollInterval
stateReportHealthy = !conf.connectivityCheckEnabled or !@deviceState.connected or @stateReportErrors < 3
return stateFetchHealthy and stateReportHealthy
_lockGetTarget: =>
@_writeLock('getTarget').disposer (release) ->
initClient: =>
@config.getMany([ 'unmanaged', 'apiEndpoint', 'currentApiKey' ])
.then ({ unmanaged, apiEndpoint, currentApiKey }) =>
if unmanaged
console.log('Unmanaged Mode is set, skipping API client initialization')
baseUrl = url.resolve(apiEndpoint, '/v5/')
passthrough = _.cloneDeep(requestOpts)
passthrough.headers ?= {}
passthrough.headers.Authorization = "Bearer #{currentApiKey}"
@balenaApi = new PinejsClientRequest
apiPrefix: baseUrl
passthrough: passthrough
@cachedBalenaApi = @balenaApi.clone({}, cache: {})
loadBackupFromMigration: (retryDelay) =>
pathExistsOnHost(path.join('mnt/data', constants.migrationBackupFile))
.then (exists) =>
if !exists
console.log('Migration backup detected')
.then (targetState) =>
.catch (err) =>
console.log('Error restoring migration backup, retrying: ', err)
.then =>
start: =>
@config.getMany([ 'apiEndpoint', 'unmanaged', 'bootstrapRetryDelay' ])
.then ({ apiEndpoint, unmanaged, bootstrapRetryDelay }) =>
if unmanaged
console.log('Unmanaged Mode is set, skipping API binder initialization')
# If we are offline because there is no apiEndpoint, there's a chance
# we've went through a deprovision. We need to set the initialConfigReported
# value to '', to ensure that when we do re-provision, we'll report
# the config and hardward-specific options won't be lost
if !Boolean(apiEndpoint)
return @config.set({ initialConfigReported: '' })
console.log('Ensuring device is provisioned')
.then =>
@config.getMany([ 'initialConfigReported', 'apiEndpoint' ])
.then ({ initialConfigReported, apiEndpoint }) =>
# Either we haven't reported our initial config or we've
# been re-provisioned
if apiEndpoint != initialConfigReported
console.log('Reporting initial configuration')
@reportInitialConfig(apiEndpoint, bootstrapRetryDelay)
.then =>
console.log('Starting current state report')
.then =>
.then =>
@readyForUpdates = true
console.log('Starting target state poll')
return null
fetchDevice: (uuid, apiKey, timeout) =>
reqOpts = {
resource: 'device'
uuid: uuid
headers: Authorization: "Bearer #{apiKey}"
_exchangeKeyAndGetDevice: (opts) ->
Promise.try =>
if !opts?
.then (conf) ->
opts = conf
.then =>
# If we have an existing device key we first check if it's valid, because if it is we can just use that
if opts.deviceApiKey?
@fetchDevice(opts.uuid, opts.deviceApiKey, opts.apiTimeout)
.then (device) =>
if device?
return device
# If it's not valid/doesn't exist then we try to use the user/provisioning api key for the exchange
@fetchDevice(opts.uuid, opts.provisioningApiKey, opts.apiTimeout)
.tap (device) ->
if not device?
throw new ExchangeKeyError("Couldn't fetch device with provisioning key")
# We found the device, we can try to register a working device key for it
request.postAsync("#{opts.apiEndpoint}/api-key/device/#{device.id}/device-key", {
json: true
apiKey: opts.deviceApiKey
Authorization: "Bearer #{opts.provisioningApiKey}"
.spread (res, body) ->
if res.statusCode != 200
throw new ExchangeKeyError("Couldn't register device key with provisioning key")
_exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate: (opts) =>
.tap ->
console.log('Key exchange succeeded, all good')
.tapCatch ExchangeKeyError, (err) =>
# If it fails we just have to reregister as a provisioning key doesn't have the ability to change existing devices
console.log('Exchanging key failed, having to reregister')
_provision: =>
.then (opts) =>
if opts.registered_at? and opts.deviceId? and !opts.provisioningApiKey?
Promise.try =>
if opts.registered_at? and !opts.deviceId?
console.log('Device is registered but no device id available, attempting key exchange')
else if !opts.registered_at?
console.log('New device detected. Provisioning...')
.catch DuplicateUuidError, =>
console.log('UUID already registered, trying a key exchange')
.tap ->
opts.registered_at = Date.now()
else if opts.provisioningApiKey?
console.log('Device is registered but we still have an apiKey, attempting key exchange')
.then ({ id }) =>
@balenaApi.passthrough.headers.Authorization = "Bearer #{opts.deviceApiKey}"
configToUpdate = {
registered_at: opts.registered_at
deviceId: id
apiKey: null
.then =>
@eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap success')
# Check if we need to pin the device, regardless of if we provisioned
.then =>
.tapCatch ->
console.log('Warning: Malformed pinDevice value in supervisor database')
.then (pinValue) =>
if pinValue?
if !pinValue.app? or !pinValue.commit?
console.log("Malformed pinDevice fields in supervisor database: #{pinValue}")
console.log('Attempting to pin device to preloaded release...')
_provisionOrRetry: (retryDelay) =>
@eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap')
.catch (err) =>
@eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap failed, retrying', { error: err, delay: retryDelay })
Promise.delay(retryDelay).then =>
provisionDevice: =>
if !@balenaApi?
throw new Error('Trying to provision device without initializing API client')
.tap (conf) =>
if !conf.provisioned or conf.apiKey? or conf.pinDevice?
provisionDependentDevice: (device) =>
.then (conf) =>
if conf.unmanaged
throw new Error('Cannot provision dependent device in unmanaged mode')
if !conf.provisioned
throw new Error('Device must be provisioned to provision a dependent device')
# TODO: when API supports it as per https://github.com/resin-io/hq/pull/949 remove userId
_.defaults(device, {
belongs_to__user: conf.userId
is_managed_by__device: conf.deviceId
uuid: deviceRegister.generateUniqueKey()
registered_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
resource: 'device'
body: device
patchDevice: (id, updatedFields) =>
.then (conf) =>
if conf.unmanaged
throw new Error('Cannot update dependent device in unmanaged mode')
if !conf.provisioned
throw new Error('Device must be provisioned to update a dependent device')
resource: 'device'
id: id
body: updatedFields
pinDevice: ({ app, commit }) =>
.then (deviceId) =>
resource: 'release'
belongs_to__application: app
commit: commit
status: 'success'
$select: 'id'
.then (release) =>
releaseId = _.get(release, '[0].id')
if !releaseId?
throw new Error('Cannot continue pinning preloaded device! No release found!')
resource: 'device'
id: deviceId
should_be_running__release: releaseId
.then =>
# Set the config value for pinDevice to null, so that we know the
# task has been completed
.tapCatch (e) ->
console.log('Could not pin device to release!')
console.log('Error: ', e)
# Creates the necessary config vars in the API to match the current device state,
# without overwriting any variables that are already set.
_reportInitialEnv: (apiEndpoint) =>
defaultConfig = @deviceState.deviceConfig.getDefaults()
@getTargetState().then (targetState) =>
(currentState, targetConfig, deviceId) =>
currentConfig = currentState.local.config
Promise.mapSeries _.toPairs(currentConfig), ([ key, value ]) =>
# We want to disable local mode when joining a cloud
value = 'false'
# We never want to disable VPN if, for instance, it failed to start so far
value = 'true'
if !targetConfig[key]? and value != defaultConfig[key]
# At some point the namespace in the API should change to BALENA_
# but for now we only have RESIN_
envVar = {
device: deviceId
name: 'RESIN_' + key
resource: 'device_config_variable'
body: envVar
.then =>
@config.set({ initialConfigReported: apiEndpoint })
reportInitialConfig: (apiEndpoint, retryDelay) =>
.catch (err) =>
console.error('Error reporting initial configuration, will retry', err)
.then =>
@reportInitialConfig(apiEndpoint, retryDelay)
getTargetState: =>
@config.getMany([ 'uuid', 'apiEndpoint', 'apiTimeout' ])
.then ({ uuid, apiEndpoint, apiTimeout }) =>
endpoint = url.resolve(apiEndpoint, "/device/v2/#{uuid}/state")
requestParams = _.extend
method: 'GET'
url: "#{endpoint}"
, @cachedBalenaApi.passthrough
# Get target state from API, set it on @deviceState and trigger a state application
getAndSetTargetState: (force, isFromAPI = false) =>
Promise.using @_lockGetTarget(), =>
.then (targetState) =>
if isFromAPI or !_.isEqual(targetState, @lastTarget)
.then =>
@lastTarget = _.cloneDeep(targetState)
@deviceState.triggerApplyTarget({ force })
.tapCatch (err) ->
console.error("Failed to get target state for device: #{err}")
.finally =>
@lastTargetStateFetch = process.hrtime()
_pollTargetState: =>
.then =>
@targetStateFetchErrors = 0
.catch =>
@targetStateFetchErrors += 1
.then (appUpdatePollInterval) =>
Math.min(appUpdatePollInterval, 15000 * 2 ** (@targetStateFetchErrors - 1))
startTargetStatePoll: =>
Promise.try =>
if !@balenaApi?
throw new Error('Trying to start poll without initializing API client')
return null
_getStateDiff: =>
diff = {
local: _(@stateForReport.local)
.omitBy((val, key) => _.isEqual(@lastReportedState.local[key], val))
dependent: _(@stateForReport.dependent)
.omitBy((val, key) => _.isEqual(@lastReportedState.dependent[key], val))
return _.pickBy(diff, _.negate(_.isEmpty))
_sendReportPatch: (stateDiff, conf) =>
endpoint = url.resolve(conf.apiEndpoint, "/device/v2/#{conf.uuid}/state")
requestParams = _.extend
method: 'PATCH'
url: "#{endpoint}"
body: stateDiff
, @cachedBalenaApi.passthrough
_report: =>
@config.getMany([ 'deviceId', 'apiTimeout', 'apiEndpoint', 'uuid', 'localMode' ])
.then (conf) =>
return if checkTruthy(conf.localMode)
stateDiff = @_getStateDiff()
if _.size(stateDiff) is 0
@_sendReportPatch(stateDiff, conf)
.then =>
@stateReportErrors = 0
_.assign(@lastReportedState.local, stateDiff.local)
_.assign(@lastReportedState.dependent, stateDiff.dependent)
_reportCurrentState: =>
@reportPending = true
.then (currentDeviceState) =>
_.assign(@stateForReport.local, currentDeviceState.local)
_.assign(@stateForReport.dependent, currentDeviceState.dependent)
stateDiff = @_getStateDiff()
if _.size(stateDiff) is 0
@reportPending = false
.then =>
.catch (err) =>
@stateReportErrors += 1
@eventTracker.track('Device state report failure', { error: err })
delay = Math.min((2 ** @stateReportErrors) * 500, MAX_REPORT_RETRY_DELAY)
.then =>
return null
startCurrentStateReport: =>
if !@balenaApi?
throw new Error('Trying to start state reporting without initializing API client')
# patch to the device(id) endpoint
@deviceState.on 'change', =>
if !@reportPending
# A latency of 100 ms should be acceptable and
# allows avoiding catching docker at weird states
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as Path from 'path';
import { PinejsClientRequest } from 'pinejs-client-request';
import * as deviceRegister from 'resin-register-device';
import * as url from 'url';
import Config from './config';
import Database from './db';
import DeviceConfig from './device-config';
import { EventTracker } from './event-tracker';
import * as constants from './lib/constants';
import {
} from './lib/errors';
import { pathExistsOnHost } from './lib/fs-utils';
import { request, requestOpts } from './lib/request';
import { ConfigValue } from './lib/types';
import { writeLock } from './lib/update-lock';
import { checkInt, checkTruthy } from './lib/validation';
import { DeviceApplicationState } from './types/state';
interface APIBinderConstructOpts {
config: Config;
// FIXME: Remove this
db: Database;
// TODO: Typings
deviceState: {
deviceConfig: DeviceConfig;
[key: string]: any;
eventTracker: EventTracker;
interface KeyExchangeOpts {
uuid: ConfigValue;
deviceApiKey: ConfigValue;
apiTimeout: ConfigValue;
apiEndpoint: ConfigValue;
provisioningApiKey: ConfigValue;
interface Device {
id: string;
[key: string]: unknown;
interface DevicePinInfo {
app: number;
commit: string;
export class APIBinder {
public router: express.Router;
private config: Config;
private deviceState: {
deviceConfig: DeviceConfig;
[key: string]: any;
private eventTracker: EventTracker;
private balenaApi: PinejsClientRequest | null = null;
private cachedBalenaApi: PinejsClientRequest | null = null;
private lastReportedState: DeviceApplicationState = {
local: {},
dependent: {},
private stateForReport: DeviceApplicationState = {
local: {},
dependent: {},
private lastTarget: DeviceApplicationState = {};
private lastTargetStateFetch = process.hrtime();
private reportPending = false;
private stateReportErrors = 0;
private targetStateFetchErrors = 0;
private readyForUpdates = false;
public constructor({
}: APIBinderConstructOpts) {
this.config = config;
this.deviceState = deviceState;
this.eventTracker = eventTracker;
this.router = this.createAPIBinderRouter(this);
public async healthcheck() {
const {
} = await this.config.getMany([
if (unmanaged) {
return true;
if (appUpdatePollInterval == null) {
return false;
const timeSinceLastFetch = process.hrtime(this.lastTargetStateFetch);
const timeSinceLastFetchMs =
timeSinceLastFetch[0] * 1000 + timeSinceLastFetch[1] / 1e6;
const stateFetchHealthy =
timeSinceLastFetchMs < 2 * (appUpdatePollInterval as number);
const stateReportHealthy =
!connectivityCheckEnabled ||
!this.deviceState.connected ||
this.stateReportErrors < 3;
return stateFetchHealthy && stateReportHealthy;
public async initClient() {
const { unmanaged, apiEndpoint, currentApiKey } = await this.config.getMany(
['unmanaged', 'apiEndpoint', 'currentApiKey'],
if (unmanaged) {
console.log('Unmanaged mode is set, skipping API client initialization');
const baseUrl = url.resolve(apiEndpoint as string, '/v5/');
const passthrough = _.cloneDeep(requestOpts);
passthrough.headers =
passthrough.headers != null ? passthrough.headers : {};
passthrough.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${currentApiKey}`;
this.balenaApi = new PinejsClientRequest({
apiPrefix: baseUrl,
this.cachedBalenaApi = this.balenaApi.clone({}, { cache: {} });
public async loadBackupFromMigration(retryDelay: number): Promise<void> {
try {
const exists = await pathExistsOnHost(
Path.join('mnt/data', constants.migrationBackupFile),
if (!exists) {
console.log('Migration backup detected');
const targetState = await this.getTargetState();
await this.deviceState.restoreBackup(targetState);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error restoring migration backup, retrying: ', err);
await Bluebird.delay(retryDelay);
return this.loadBackupFromMigration(retryDelay);
public async start() {
const conf = await this.config.getMany([
let { apiEndpoint } = conf;
const { unmanaged, bootstrapRetryDelay } = conf;
if (unmanaged) {
console.log('Unmanaged mode is set, skipping API binder initialization');
// If we are offline because there is no apiEndpoint, there's a chance
// we've went through a deprovision. We need to set the initialConfigReported
// value to '', to ensure that when we do re-provision, we'll report
// the config and hardward-specific options won't be lost
if (!apiEndpoint) {
await this.config.set({ initialConfigReported: '' });
console.log('Ensuring device is provisioned');
await this.provisionDevice();
const conf2 = await this.config.getMany([
apiEndpoint = conf2.apiEndpoint;
const { initialConfigReported } = conf2;
// Either we haven't reported our initial config or we've been re-provisioned
if (apiEndpoint !== initialConfigReported) {
console.log('Reporting initial configuration');
await this.reportInitialConfig(
apiEndpoint as string,
bootstrapRetryDelay as number,
console.log('Starting current state report');
await this.startCurrentStateReport();
await this.loadBackupFromMigration(bootstrapRetryDelay as number);
this.readyForUpdates = true;
console.log('Starting target state poll');
public async fetchDevice(
uuid: string,
apiKey: string,
timeout: number,
): Promise<Device | null> {
const reqOpts = {
resource: 'device',
options: {
$filter: {
passthrough: {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'fetchDevice called without an initialized API client',
try {
const res = (await this.balenaApi
.timeout(timeout)) as Device[];
return res[0];
} catch (e) {
return null;
public async patchDevice(id: number, updatedFields: Dictionary<unknown>) {
const conf = await this.config.getMany([
if (conf.unmanaged) {
throw new Error('Cannot update device in unmanaged mode');
if (!conf.provisioned) {
throw new Error('DEvice must be provisioned to update a device');
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to patch device without an API client',
return this.balenaApi
resource: 'device',
body: updatedFields,
.timeout(conf.apiTimeout as number);
public async provisionDependentDevice(device: Device): Promise<Device> {
const conf = await this.config.getMany([
if (conf.unmanaged) {
throw new Error('Cannot provision dependent device in unmanaged mode');
if (!conf.provisioned) {
throw new Error(
'Device must be provisioned to provision a dependent device',
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to provision a dependent device without an API client',
// TODO: When API supports it as per https://github.com/resin-io/hq/pull/949 remove userId
_.defaults(device, {
belongs_to__user: conf.userId,
is_managed_by__device: conf.deviceId,
uuid: deviceRegister.generateUniqueKey(),
registered_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
return (await this.balenaApi
.post({ resource: 'device', body: device })
// TODO: Remove the `as number` when we fix the config typings
.timeout(conf.apiTimeout as number)) as Device;
public async getTargetState(): Promise<DeviceApplicationState> {
const { uuid, apiEndpoint, apiTimeout } = await this.config.getMany([
if (!_.isString(apiEndpoint)) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Non-string apiEndpoint passed to ApiBinder.getTargetState',
if (this.cachedBalenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to get target state without an API client',
const endpoint = url.resolve(apiEndpoint, `/device/v2/${uuid}/state`);
const requestParams = _.extend(
{ method: 'GET', url: endpoint },
return await this.cachedBalenaApi
.timeout(apiTimeout as number);
// TODO: Once 100% typescript, change this to a native promise
public startTargetStatePoll(): Bluebird<null> {
return Bluebird.try(() => {
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Trying to start poll without initializing API client',
return null;
public startCurrentStateReport() {
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Trying to start state reporting without initializing API client',
this.deviceState.on('change', () => {
if (!this.reportPending) {
// A latency of 100ms should be acceptable and
// allows avoiding catching docker at weird states
return this.reportCurrentState();
private getStateDiff(): DeviceApplicationState {
const lastReportedLocal = this.lastReportedState.local;
const lastReportedDependent = this.lastReportedState.dependent;
if (lastReportedLocal == null || lastReportedDependent == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
`No local or dependent component of lastReportedLocal in ApiBinder.getStateDiff: ${JSON.stringify(
const diff = {
local: _(this.stateForReport.local)
.omitBy((val, key: keyof DeviceApplicationState['local']) =>
_.isEqual(lastReportedLocal[key], val),
dependent: _(this.stateForReport.dependent)
.omitBy((val, key: keyof DeviceApplicationState['dependent']) =>
_.isEqual(lastReportedDependent[key], val),
return _.omitBy(diff, _.isEmpty);
private async sendReportPatch(
stateDiff: DeviceApplicationState,
conf: { apiEndpoint: string; uuid: string },
) {
if (this.cachedBalenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to send report patch without an API client',
const endpoint = url.resolve(
const requestParams = _.extend(
method: 'PATCH',
url: endpoint,
body: stateDiff,
await this.cachedBalenaApi._request(requestParams);
private async report() {
const conf = await this.config.getMany([
if (checkTruthy(conf.localMode || false)) {
const stateDiff = this.getStateDiff();
if (_.size(stateDiff) === 0) {
return 0;
await Bluebird.resolve(
this.sendReportPatch(stateDiff, conf as {
uuid: string;
apiEndpoint: string;
).timeout(conf.apiTimeout as number);
this.stateReportErrors = 0;
_.assign(this.lastReportedState.local, stateDiff.local);
_.assign(this.lastReportedState.dependent, stateDiff.dependent);
private reportCurrentState(): null {
(async () => {
this.reportPending = true;
try {
const currentDeviceState = await this.deviceState.getStatus();
_.assign(this.stateForReport.local, currentDeviceState.local);
_.assign(this.stateForReport.dependent, currentDeviceState.dependent);
const stateDiff = this.getStateDiff();
if (_.size(stateDiff) === 0) {
this.reportPending = false;
return null;
await this.report();
await Bluebird.delay(REPORT_SUCCESS_DELAY);
await this.reportCurrentState();
} catch (e) {
this.eventTracker.track('Device state report failure', { error: e });
const delay = Math.min(
2 ** this.stateReportErrors * 500,
await Bluebird.delay(delay);
await this.reportCurrentState();
return null;
private getAndSetTargetState(force: boolean, isFromApi = false) {
return Bluebird.using(this.lockGetTarget(), async () => {
const targetState = await this.getTargetState();
if (isFromApi || !_.isEqual(targetState, this.lastTarget)) {
await this.deviceState.setTarget(targetState);
this.lastTarget = _.cloneDeep(targetState);
this.deviceState.triggerApplyTarget({ force });
.tapCatch(err => {
console.error(`Failed to get target state for device: ${err}`);
.finally(() => {
this.lastTargetStateFetch = process.hrtime();
private async pollTargetState(): Promise<void> {
// TODO: Remove the checkInt here with the config changes
let pollInterval = checkInt((await this.config.get(
)) as string);
if (!_.isNumber(pollInterval)) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'appUpdatePollInterval not a number in ApiBinder.pollTargetState',
try {
await this.getAndSetTargetState(false);
this.targetStateFetchErrors = 0;
} catch (e) {
pollInterval = Math.min(
15000 * 2 ** this.targetStateFetchErrors,
return Bluebird.delay(pollInterval).then(this.pollTargetState);
private async pinDevice({ app, commit }: DevicePinInfo) {
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to pin device without an API client',
try {
const deviceId = await this.config.get('deviceId');
const release = await this.balenaApi.get({
resource: 'release',
options: {
$filter: {
belongs_to__application: app,
status: 'success',
$select: 'id',
const releaseId = _.get(release, '[0].id');
if (releaseId == null) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot continue pinning preloaded device! No release found!',
await this.balenaApi.patch({
resource: 'device',
id: deviceId as number,
body: {
should_be_running__release: releaseId,
// Set the config value for pinDevice to null, so that we know the
// task has been completed
await this.config.remove('pinDevice');
} catch (e) {
console.log('Could not pin device to release!');
console.log('Error: ', e);
throw e;
// Creates the necessary config vars in the API to match the current device state,
// without overwriting any variables that are already set.
private async reportInitialEnv(apiEndpoint: string) {
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to report initial environment without an API client',
const targetConfigUnformatted = _.get(
await this.getTargetState(),
if (targetConfigUnformatted == null) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempt to report initial state with malformed target state',
const defaultConfig = this.deviceState.deviceConfig.getDefaults();
const currentState = await this.deviceState.getCurrentForComparison();
const targetConfig = await this.deviceState.deviceConfig.formatConfigKeys(
const deviceId = await this.config.get('deviceId');
const currentConfig: Dictionary<string> = currentState.local.config;
for (const [key, value] of _.toPairs(currentConfig)) {
let varValue = value;
// We want to disable local mode when joining a cloud
if (key === 'SUPERVISOR_LOCAL_MODE') {
varValue = 'false';
// We never want to disable VPN if, for instance, it failed to start so far
varValue = 'true';
if (targetConfig[key] == null && value !== defaultConfig[key]) {
const envVar = {
device: deviceId,
name: 'RESIN_' + key,
await this.balenaApi.post({
resource: 'device_config_variable',
body: envVar,
await this.config.set({ initialConfigReported: apiEndpoint });
private async reportInitialConfig(
apiEndpoint: string,
retryDelay: number,
): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.reportInitialEnv(apiEndpoint);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error reporting initial configuration, will retry', err);
await Bluebird.delay(retryDelay);
this.reportInitialConfig(apiEndpoint, retryDelay);
private async exchangeKeyAndGetDevice(
opts?: KeyExchangeOpts,
): Promise<Device> {
if (opts == null) {
// FIXME: This casting shouldn't be necessary and stems from the
// meta-option provioningOptions not returning a ConfigValue
opts = ((await this.config.get(
)) as any) as KeyExchangeOpts;
const uuid = opts.uuid as string;
const apiTimeout = opts.apiTimeout as number;
if (!(uuid && apiTimeout)) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'UUID and apiTimeout should be defined in exchangeKeyAndGetDevice',
// If we have an existing device key we first check if it's
// valid, becaise of ot os we can just use that
if (opts.deviceApiKey != null) {
const device = await this.fetchDevice(
opts.deviceApiKey as string,
if (device != null) {
return device;
// If it's not valid or doesn't exist then we try to use the
// user/provisioning api key for the exchange
const device = await this.fetchDevice(
opts.provisioningApiKey as string,
if (device == null) {
throw new ExchangeKeyError(`Couldn't fetch device with provisioning key`);
// We found the device so we can try to register a working device key for it
const [res] = await request
.postAsync(`${opts.apiEndpoint}/api-key/device/${device.id}/device-key`, {
json: true,
body: {
apiKey: opts.deviceApiKey,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${opts.provisioningApiKey}`,
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
throw new ExchangeKeyError(
`Couldn't register device key with provisioning key`,
return device;
private async exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate(
opts?: KeyExchangeOpts,
): Promise<Device> {
try {
const device = await this.exchangeKeyAndGetDevice(opts);
console.log('Key exchange succeeded');
return device;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ExchangeKeyError) {
console.log('Exchanging key failed, re-registering...');
await this.config.regenerateRegistrationFields();
throw e;
private async provision() {
let device: Device | null = null;
// FIXME: Config typing
const opts = ((await this.config.get(
)) as any) as Dictionary<any>;
if (
opts.registered_at != null &&
opts.deviceId != null &&
opts.provisioningApiKey == null
) {
if (opts.registered_at != null && opts.deviceId == null) {
'Device is registered but no device id available, attempting key exchange',
device =
(await this.exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate(
opts as KeyExchangeOpts,
)) || null;
} else if (opts.registered_at == null) {
console.log('New device detected. Provisioning...');
try {
device = await deviceRegister.register(opts).timeout(opts.apiTimeout);
opts.registered_at = Date.now();
} catch (err) {
if (DuplicateUuidError(err)) {
console.log('UUID already registered, trying a key exchange');
await this.exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate(
opts as KeyExchangeOpts,
} else {
throw err;
} else if (opts.provisioningApiKey != null) {
'Device is registered but we still have an apiKey, attempting key exchange',
device = await this.exchangeKeyAndGetDevice(opts as KeyExchangeOpts);
if (!device) {
// TODO: Type this?
throw new Error(`Failed to provision device!`);
const { id } = device;
if (!this.balenaApi) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Attempting to provision a device without an initialized API client',
this.balenaApi.passthrough.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${
const configToUpdate = {
registered_at: opts.registered_at,
deviceId: id,
apiKey: null,
await this.config.set(configToUpdate);
this.eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap success');
// Now check if we need to pin the device
const toPin = await this.config.get('pinDevice');
let pinValue: DevicePinInfo | null = null;
try {
pinValue = JSON.parse(toPin as string);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Warning: Malformed pinDevice value in supervisor database');
if (pinValue != null) {
if (pinValue.app == null || pinValue.commit == null) {
`Malformed pinDEvice fields in supervisor database: ${pinValue}`,
console.log('Attempting to pin device to preloaded release...');
return this.pinDevice(pinValue);
private async provisionOrRetry(retryDelay: number): Promise<void> {
this.eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap');
try {
await this.provision();
} catch (e) {
this.eventTracker.track(`Device bootstrap failed, retrying`, {
error: e,
delay: retryDelay,
await Bluebird.delay(retryDelay);
private async provisionDevice() {
if (this.balenaApi == null) {
throw new Error(
'Trying to provision a device without initializing API client',
const conf = await this.config.getMany([
if (!conf.provisioned || conf.apiKey != null || conf.pinDevice != null) {
return this.provisionOrRetry(conf.bootstrapRetryDelay as number);
return conf;
private lockGetTarget() {
return writeLock('getTarget').disposer(release => {
private createAPIBinderRouter(apiBinder: APIBinder): express.Router {
const router = express.Router();
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
router.post('/v1/update', (req, res) => {
apiBinder.eventTracker.track('Update notification');
if (apiBinder.readyForUpdates) {
apiBinder.getAndSetTargetState(req.body.force, true).catch(_.noop);
return router;
@ -2,18 +2,15 @@ import * as Promise from 'bluebird';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { fs } from 'mz';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as Lock from 'rwlock';
import { ConfigSchema, ConfigValue } from '../lib/types';
import { readLock, writeLock } from '../lib/update-lock';
import * as constants from '../lib/constants';
import { writeAndSyncFile, writeFileAtomic } from '../lib/fs-utils';
import * as osRelease from '../lib/os-release';
type LockCallback = (file: string) => Promise<() => void>;
export default class ConfigJsonConfigBackend {
private lock: Lock;
private readLockConfigJson: () => Promise.Disposer<() => void>;
private writeLockConfigJson: () => Promise.Disposer<() => void>;
@ -25,12 +22,7 @@ export default class ConfigJsonConfigBackend {
public constructor(schema: ConfigSchema, configPath?: string) {
this.configPath = configPath;
this.schema = schema;
this.lock = new Lock();
const writeLock: LockCallback = Promise.promisify(
const readLock: LockCallback = Promise.promisify(this.lock.async.readLock);
this.writeLockConfigJson = () =>
writeLock('config.json').disposer(release => release());
this.readLockConfigJson = () =>
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import { Transaction } from 'knex';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { URL } from 'url';
import Config = require('../config');
import supervisorVersion = require('../lib/supervisor-version');
import Config from '.';
import * as constants from '../lib/constants';
import * as osRelease from '../lib/os-release';
import { ConfigValue } from '../lib/types';
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ interface ConfigOpts {
configPath: string;
class Config extends EventEmitter {
export class Config extends EventEmitter {
private db: DB;
private configJsonBackend: ConfigJsonConfigBackend;
private providerFunctions: ConfigProviderFunctions;
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class Config extends EventEmitter {
private newUniqueKey(): string {
public newUniqueKey(): string {
return generateUniqueKey();
@ -299,4 +299,4 @@ class Config extends EventEmitter {
export = Config;
export default Config;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import Config = require('./config');
import Config from './config';
import Database, { Transaction } from './db';
import Logger from './logger';
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
Lock = require 'rwlock'
EventEmitter = require 'events'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
express = require 'express'
@ -122,9 +121,8 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
@on 'error', (err) ->
console.error('Error in deviceState: ', err, err.stack)
@_currentVolatile = {}
_lock = new Lock()
@_writeLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.writeLock)
@_readLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.readLock)
@_writeLock = updateLock.writeLock
@_readLock = updateLock.readLock
@lastSuccessfulUpdate = null
@failedUpdates = 0
@applyInProgress = false
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import * as mkdirCb from 'mkdirp';
import { fs } from 'mz';
import * as path from 'path';
import Config = require('./config');
import Config from './config';
import * as constants from './lib/constants';
import { ENOENT } from './lib/errors';
import { writeFileAtomic } from './lib/fs-utils';
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { endsWith } from 'lodash';
import { endsWith, startsWith } from 'lodash';
import TypedError = require('typed-error');
import { checkInt } from './validation';
@ -44,3 +44,11 @@ export class InvalidAppIdError extends TypedError {
export class UpdatesLockedError extends TypedError {}
export function DuplicateUuidError(err: Error) {
return startsWith(err.message, '"uuid" must be unique');
export class ExchangeKeyError extends TypedError {}
export class InternalInconsistencyError extends TypedError {}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 30000; // ms
export const requestOpts = {
export const requestOpts: requestLib.CoreOptions = {
gzip: true,
headers: {
@ -40,9 +40,20 @@ const resumableOpts = {
type PromisifiedRequest = typeof requestLib & {
postAsync: (
uri: string | requestLib.CoreOptions,
options?: requestLib.CoreOptions | undefined,
) => Bluebird<any>;
getAsync: (
uri: string | requestLib.CoreOptions,
options?: requestLib.CoreOptions | undefined,
) => Bluebird<any>;
const requestHandle = requestLib.defaults(exports.requestOpts);
export const request = Bluebird.promisifyAll(requestHandle, {
multiArgs: true,
}) as PromisifiedRequest;
export const resumable = resumableRequestLib.defaults(resumableOpts);
@ -46,8 +46,14 @@ process.on('exit', () => {
type LockFn = (key: string | number) => Bluebird<() => void>;
const locker = new Lock();
const writeLock = Bluebird.promisify(locker.async.writeLock).bind(locker);
export const writeLock: LockFn = Bluebird.promisify(locker.async.writeLock, {
context: locker,
export const readLock: LockFn = Bluebird.promisify(locker.async.readLock, {
context: locker,
function dispose(release: () => void): Bluebird<void> {
return Bluebird.map(_.keys(locksTaken), lockName => {
@ -101,5 +107,10 @@ export function lock(
return Bluebird.using(takeTheLock(), fn);
const disposer = takeTheLock();
if (disposer) {
return Bluebird.using(disposer, fn);
} else {
return Bluebird.resolve(fn());
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as Docker from 'dockerode';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import Config = require('./config');
import Config from './config';
import Database from './db';
import { checkTruthy } from './lib/validation';
import { Logger } from './logger';
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as es from 'event-stream';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as Lock from 'rwlock';
import { EventTracker } from './event-tracker';
import Docker = require('./lib/docker-utils');
import { LogType } from './lib/log-types';
import { writeLock } from './lib/update-lock';
import {
@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ interface LoggerConstructOptions {
export class Logger {
private writeLock: (key: string) => Bluebird<() => void> = Bluebird.promisify(
new Lock().async.writeLock,
private backend: LogBackend | null = null;
private balenaBackend: BalenaLogBackend | null = null;
private localBackend: LocalLogBackend | null = null;
@ -130,7 +126,7 @@ export class Logger {
public lock(containerId: string): Bluebird.Disposer<() => void> {
return this.writeLock(containerId).disposer(release => {
return writeLock(containerId).disposer(release => {
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
express = require 'express'
morgan = require 'morgan'
bufferEq = require 'buffer-equal-constant-time'
blink = require './lib/blink'
iptables = require './lib/iptables'
{ checkTruthy } = require './lib/validation'
authenticate = (config) ->
return (req, res, next) ->
queryKey = req.query.apikey
header = req.get('Authorization') ? ''
match = header.match(/^ApiKey (\w+)$/)
headerKey = match?[1]
config.getMany([ 'apiSecret', 'localMode', 'unmanaged', 'osVariant' ])
.then (conf) ->
needsAuth = if conf.unmanaged
conf.osVariant is 'prod'
not conf.localMode
if needsAuth
key = queryKey ? headerKey
if bufferEq(Buffer.from(key), Buffer.from(conf.apiSecret))
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send("Unexpected error: #{err}")
expressLogger = morgan (tokens, req, res) -> [
'Supervisor API:'
tokens.method(req, res)
tokens.status(req, res)
tokens['response-time'](req, res)
].join(' ')
module.exports = class SupervisorAPI
constructor: ({ @config, @eventTracker, @routers, @healthchecks }) ->
@server = null
@_api = express()
@_api.get '/v1/healthy', (req, res) =>
Promise.map @healthchecks, (fn) ->
.then (healthy) ->
if !healthy
throw new Error('Unhealthy')
.then ->
.catch ->
@_api.get '/ping', (req, res) ->
@_api.post '/v1/blink', (req, res) =>
@eventTracker.track('Device blink')
setTimeout(blink.pattern.stop, 15000)
# Expires the supervisor's API key and generates a new one.
# It also communicates the new key to the balena API.
@_api.post '/v1/regenerate-api-key', (req, res) =>
.then (secret) =>
@config.set(apiSecret: secret)
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
res.status(503).send(err?.message or err or 'Unknown error')
for router in @routers
listen: (allowedInterfaces, port, apiTimeout) =>
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
@applyListeningRules(checkTruthy(localMode), port, allowedInterfaces)
.then =>
# Monitor the switching of local mode, and change which interfaces will
# be listented to based on that
@config.on 'change', (changedConfig) =>
if changedConfig.localMode?
@applyListeningRules(changedConfig.localMode, port, allowedInterfaces)
.then =>
@server = @_api.listen(port)
@server.timeout = apiTimeout
applyListeningRules: (allInterfaces, port, allowedInterfaces) =>
Promise.try ->
if checkTruthy(allInterfaces)
iptables.removeRejections(port).then ->
console.log('Supervisor API listening on all interfaces')
iptables.rejectOnAllInterfacesExcept(allowedInterfaces, port).then ->
console.log('Supervisor API listening on allowed interfaces only')
.catch (e) =>
# If there's an error, stop the supervisor api from answering any endpoints,
# and this will eventually be restarted by the healthcheck
console.log('Error on switching supervisor API listening rules - stopping API.')
console.log(' ', e)
if @server?
stop: ->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
import * as express from 'express';
import { Server } from 'http';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as morgan from 'morgan';
import Config from './config';
import { EventTracker } from './event-tracker';
import blink = require('./lib/blink');
import * as iptables from './lib/iptables';
import { checkTruthy } from './lib/validation';
function getKeyFromReq(req: express.Request): string | null {
const queryKey = req.query.apikey;
if (queryKey != null) {
return queryKey;
const maybeHeaderKey = req.get('Authorization');
if (!maybeHeaderKey) {
return null;
const match = maybeHeaderKey.match(/^ApiKey (\w+)$/);
return match != null ? match[1] : null;
function authenticate(config: Config): express.RequestHandler {
return async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const conf = await config.getMany([
const needsAuth = conf.unmanaged
? conf.osVariant === 'prod'
: !conf.localMode;
if (needsAuth) {
// Only get the key if we need it
const key = getKeyFromReq(req);
if (key && conf.apiSecret && key === conf.apiSecret) {
return next();
} else {
return res.sendStatus(401);
} else {
return next();
} catch (err) {
res.status(503).send(`Unexpected error: ${err}`);
const expressLogger = morgan((tokens, req, res) =>
'Supervisor API:',
tokens.method(req, res),
tokens.status(req, res),
tokens['response-time'](req, res),
].join(' '),
interface SupervisorAPIConstructOpts {
config: Config;
eventTracker: EventTracker;
routers: express.Router[];
healthchecks: Array<() => Promise<boolean>>;
export class SupervisorAPI {
private config: Config;
private eventTracker: EventTracker;
private routers: express.Router[];
private healthchecks: Array<() => Promise<boolean>>;
private api = express();
private server: Server | null = null;
public constructor({
}: SupervisorAPIConstructOpts) {
this.config = config;
this.eventTracker = eventTracker;
this.routers = routers;
this.healthchecks = healthchecks;
this.api.get('/v1/healthy', async (_req, res) => {
try {
const healths = await Promise.all(this.healthchecks.map(fn => fn()));
if (!_.every(healths)) {
throw new Error('Unhealthy');
return res.sendStatus(200);
} catch (e) {
this.api.get('/ping', (_req, res) => res.send('OK'));
this.api.post('/v1/blink', (_req, res) => {
this.eventTracker.track('Device blink');
setTimeout(blink.pattern.stop, 15000);
return res.sendStatus(200);
// Expires the supervisor's API key and generates a new one.
// It also communicates the new key to the balena API.
this.api.post('/v1/regenerate-api-key', async (_req, res) => {
try {
const secret = await this.config.newUniqueKey();
await this.config.set({ apiSecret: secret });
} catch (e) {
res.status(503).send(e != null ? e.message : e || 'Unknown error');
// And assign all external routers
for (const router of this.routers) {
public async listen(
allowedInterfaces: string[],
port: number,
apiTimeout: number,
): Promise<void> {
const localMode = (await this.config.get('localMode')) || false;
await this.applyListeningRules(
checkTruthy(localMode) || false,
// Monitor the switching of local mode, and change which interfaces will
// be listened to based on that
this.config.on('change', (changedConfig: Dictionary<string>) => {
if (changedConfig.localMode != null) {
checkTruthy(changedConfig.localMode || false) || false,
this.server = this.api.listen(port);
this.server.timeout = apiTimeout;
private async applyListeningRules(
allInterfaces: boolean,
port: number,
allowedInterfaces: string[],
): Promise<void> {
try {
if (checkTruthy(allInterfaces)) {
await iptables.removeRejections(port);
console.log('Supervisor API listening on all interfaces');
} else {
await iptables.rejectOnAllInterfacesExcept(allowedInterfaces, port);
console.log('Supervisor API listening on allowed interfaces only');
} catch (err) {
'Error on switching supervisor API listening rules - stopping API.',
console.log(' ', err);
public stop() {
if (this.server != null) {
export default SupervisorAPI;
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ EventEmitter = require 'events'
{ EventTracker } = require './event-tracker'
{ DB } = require './db'
Config = require './config'
APIBinder = require './api-binder'
{ Config } = require './config'
{ APIBinder } = require './api-binder'
DeviceState = require './device-state'
SupervisorAPI = require './supervisor-api'
{ SupervisorAPI } = require './supervisor-api'
{ Logger } = require './logger'
{ checkTruthy } = require './lib/validation'
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export interface DeviceApplicationState {
dependent: any;
commit: string;
// TODO: Type the dependent entry correctly
dependent?: any;
commit?: string;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
{ DB } = require('../src/db')
Config = require('../src/config')
{ Config } = require('../src/config')
constants = require('../src/lib/constants')
describe 'Config', ->
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ m.chai.use(require('chai-events'))
prepare = require './lib/prepare'
DeviceState = require '../src/device-state'
{ DB } = require('../src/db')
Config = require('../src/config')
{ Config } = require('../src/config')
{ RPiConfigBackend } = require('../src/config/backend')
{ Service } = require '../src/compose/service'
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ m = require 'mochainon'
{ stub, spy } = m.sinon
{ DB } = require('../src/db')
Config = require('../src/config')
{ Config } = require('../src/config')
DeviceState = require('../src/device-state')
APIBinder = require('../src/api-binder')
{ APIBinder } = require('../src/api-binder')
initModels = (filename) ->
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ describe 'APIBinder', ->
.then (theDevice) ->
describe '_exchangeKeyAndGetDevice', ->
describe 'exchangeKeyAndGetDevice', ->
before ->
initModels.call(this, '/config-apibinder.json')
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ describe 'APIBinder', ->
spy(balenaAPI.balenaBackend, 'deviceKeyHandler')
fetchDeviceStub = stub(@apiBinder, 'fetchDevice')
fetchDeviceStub.onCall(0).resolves({ id: 1 })
.then (device) =>
expect(device).to.deep.equal({ id: 1 })
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ describe 'APIBinder', ->
it 'throws if it cannot get the device with any of the keys', ->
spy(balenaAPI.balenaBackend, 'deviceKeyHandler')
stub(@apiBinder, 'fetchDevice').returns(Promise.resolve(null))
promise = @apiBinder._exchangeKeyAndGetDevice(mockProvisioningOpts)
promise = @apiBinder.exchangeKeyAndGetDevice(mockProvisioningOpts)
.then =>
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ describe 'APIBinder', ->
fetchDeviceStub = stub(@apiBinder, 'fetchDevice')
fetchDeviceStub.onCall(1).returns(Promise.resolve({ id: 1 }))
.then (device) =>
expect(device).to.deep.equal({ id: 1 })
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ m.chai.use(require('chai-events'))
prepare = require './lib/prepare'
DeviceState = require '../src/device-state'
{ DB } = require('../src/db')
Config = require('../src/config')
{ Config } = require('../src/config')
{ Service } = require '../src/compose/service'
appDBFormatNormalised = {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ declare module 'blinking' {
interface Blink {
start: (pattern: Pattern) => void;
start: (pattern?: Pattern) => void;
stop: () => void;
@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
// and upstream types to the repo
declare module 'resin-register-device' {
export function generateUniqueKey(): string;
export function register(opts: Dictionary<any>): Bluebird<{ id: string }>;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user