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synced 2025-03-22 20:16:00 +00:00
Explicitly define the source for deltas, allow cross-app deltas, and iterate serially through apps when updating
This commit changes the way the source for a delta is determined. We used to do it by comparing the available tags with the one we want and relying on the format that includes the app in the image name. Now we explicitly choose a delta source from the previous app version if we have one, and otherwise use the image from any available app - which will allow us to have a valid source when moving a device between apps. For this to work consistently if there's an unexpected reboot, we now avoid deleting an app from the db until the full update has succeeded. Instead, we mark the app for deletion so that we still have the image stored after the reboot. This commit also changes a .map to .mapSeries when iterating over appIds for removal/install/update - this avoids parallel treatment of apps which can cause inconsistencies in the status reported to the API. Change-Type: patch Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <pablo@resin.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ isValidPort = (port) ->
maybePort = parseInt(port, 10)
return parseFloat(port) is maybePort and maybePort > 0 and maybePort < 65535
fetch = (app, setDeviceUpdateState = true) ->
fetch = (app, { deltaSource, setDeviceUpdateState = true } = {}) ->
onProgress = (progress) ->
device.updateState(download_progress: progress.percentage)
@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ fetch = (app, setDeviceUpdateState = true) ->
retryCount: checkInt(conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_COUNT'], positive: true)
retryInterval: checkInt(conf['RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL'], positive: true)
dockerUtils.rsyncImageWithProgress(app.imageId, deltaOpts, onProgress)
@ -555,9 +556,9 @@ updateStatus =
intervalHandle: null
updateStrategies =
'download-then-kill': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force }) ->
'download-then-kill': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.try ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource }) if needsDownload
.then ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
@ -568,19 +569,19 @@ updateStrategies =
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err) unless err instanceof UpdatesLockedError
throw err
'kill-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force }) ->
'kill-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
.then ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource }) if needsDownload
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err) unless err instanceof UpdatesLockedError
throw err
'delete-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force }) ->
'delete-then-download': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
@ -591,18 +592,18 @@ updateStrategies =
if needsDownload
.then ->
fetch(app, { deltaSource })
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err) unless err instanceof UpdatesLockedError
throw err
'hand-over': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, timeout }) ->
'hand-over': ({ localApp, app, needsDownload, force, timeout, deltaSource }) ->
Promise.using lockUpdates(localApp, force), ->
.then (localApp) ->
Promise.try ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource }) if needsDownload
.then ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateApp, app) if localApp.imageId == app.imageId
@ -647,13 +648,16 @@ parseEnvAndFormatRemoteApps = (remoteApps, uuid, apiKey) ->
env: JSON.stringify(env)
config: JSON.stringify(app.config)
name: app.name
markedForDeletion: false
formatLocalApps = (apps) ->
apps = _.keyBy(apps, 'appId')
localApps = _.mapValues apps, (app) ->
app = _.pick(app, [ 'appId', 'commit', 'imageId', 'env', 'config', 'name' ])
app = _.pick(app, [ 'appId', 'commit', 'imageId', 'env', 'config', 'name', 'markedForDeletion' ])
app.markedForDeletion = checkTruthy(app.markedForDeletion)
return app
return localApps
restartVars = (conf) ->
@ -682,6 +686,9 @@ compareForUpdate = (localApps, remoteApps) ->
toBeDownloaded = _.filter toBeUpdated, (appId) ->
return !_.isEqual(remoteApps[appId].imageId, localApps[appId].imageId)
toBeDownloaded = _.union(toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled)
# The order in this _.union ensures that installations (new appIds) go last, so
# they will happen *after* removals.
allAppIds = _.union(localAppIds, remoteAppIds)
return { toBeRemoved, toBeDownloaded, toBeInstalled, toBeUpdated, appsWithUpdatedConfigs, remoteAppIds, allAppIds }
@ -713,13 +720,6 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
utils.setConfig('name', local.name) if local.name != deviceName
.then ->
parseEnvAndFormatRemoteApps(local.apps, uuid, apiKey)
.tap (remoteApps) ->
# Before running the updates, try to clean up any images that aren't in use
# and will not be used in the target state
return if application.localMode or device.shuttingDown
dockerUtils.cleanupContainersAndImages(_.map(remoteApps, 'imageId'))
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Cleanup failed: ', err, err.stack)
.then (remoteApps) ->
localApps = formatLocalApps(apps)
resourcesForUpdate = compareForUpdate(localApps, remoteApps)
@ -727,8 +727,21 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
if !_.isEmpty(toBeRemoved) or !_.isEmpty(toBeInstalled) or !_.isEmpty(toBeUpdated)
device.setUpdateState(update_pending: true)
# Run special functions against variables
Promise.try ->
deltaSource = {}
Promise.map toBeDownloaded, (appId) ->
if _.includes(toBeUpdated, appId)
deltaSource[appId] = localApps[appId].imageId
else if !_.isEmpty(apps) # apps is localApps as an array
deltaSource[appId] = apps[0].imageId
.then ->
# Before running the updates, try to clean up any images that aren't in use
# and will not be used in the target state
return if application.localMode or device.shuttingDown
dockerUtils.cleanupContainersAndImages(_.map(remoteApps, 'imageId').concat(_.values(deltaSource)))
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Cleanup failed: ', err, err.stack)
.then ->
remoteDeviceConfig = {}
_.map remoteAppIds, (appId) ->
_.merge(remoteDeviceConfig, JSON.parse(remoteApps[appId].config))
@ -743,7 +756,9 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
.catch (err) ->
logSystemMessage("Error fetching/applying device configuration: #{err}", { error: err }, 'Set device configuration error')
.map (appId) ->
.mapSeries (appId) ->
# The sorting of allAppIds from compareForUpdate ensures that toBeRemoved is
# done before toBeInstalled, which is the behavior we want.
return if application.localMode or device.shuttingDown
Promise.try ->
needsDownload = _.includes(toBeDownloaded, appId)
@ -755,14 +770,14 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
.then ->
knex('app').where('appId', appId).delete()
knex('app').where('appId', appId).update(markedForDeletion: true)
.catch (err) ->
logSystemEvent(logTypes.updateAppError, app, err)
throw err
else if _.includes(toBeInstalled, appId)
app = remoteApps[appId]
Promise.try ->
fetch(app) if needsDownload
fetch(app, { deltaSource: deltaSource[appId] }) if needsDownload
.then ->
else if _.includes(toBeUpdated, appId)
@ -779,6 +794,7 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
force: force || forceThisApp
deltaSource: deltaSource[appId]
else if _.includes(appsWithUpdatedConfigs, appId)
# These apps have no changes other than config variables.
@ -806,7 +822,9 @@ application.update = update = (force, scheduled = false) ->
device.setUpdateState(update_pending: false, update_downloaded: false, update_failed: false)
# We cleanup here as we want a point when we have a consistent apps/images state, rather than potentially at a
# point where we might clean up an image we still want.
knex('app').where(markedForDeletion: true).del()
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
device.setUpdateState(update_failed: true)
@ -865,7 +883,7 @@ application.initialize = ->
.then ->
knex('app').whereNot(markedForDeletion: true).select()
.map (app) ->
unlockAndStart(app) if !application.localMode and !device.shuttingDown
.catch (error) ->
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ knex = Knex(
client: 'sqlite3'
filename: '/data/database.sqlite'
useNullAsDefault: true
addColumn = (table, column, type) ->
@ -46,15 +47,19 @@ knex.init = Promise.all([
Promise.all [
addColumn('app', 'commit', 'string')
addColumn('app', 'appId', 'string')
addColumn('app', 'config', 'json')
addColumn('app', 'markedForDeletion', 'boolean')
.then ->
# When updating from older supervisors, config can be null
knex('app').update({ config: '{}' }).whereNull('config')
.then ->
knex('app').update({ markedForDeletion: false }).whereNull('markedForDeletion')
.then (exists) ->
@ -10,39 +10,10 @@ _ = require 'lodash'
knex = require './db'
{ request, resumable } = require './request'
Lock = require 'rwlock'
utils = require './utils'
rimraf = Promise.promisify(require('rimraf'))
exports.docker = docker = new Docker()
dockerProgress = new DockerProgress(dockerToolbelt: docker)
# Create an array of (repoTag, image_id, created) tuples like the output of `docker images`
listRepoTags = ->
.then (images) ->
images = _.orderBy(images, 'Created', [ false ])
ret = []
for image in images
for repoTag in image.RepoTags
ret.push [ repoTag, image.Id, image.Created ]
return ret
# Find either the most recent image of the same app or the image of the supervisor.
# Returns an image Id or Tag (depending on whatever's available)
findSimilarImage = (repoTag) ->
application = repoTag.split('/')[1]
.then (repoTags) ->
# Find the most recent image of the same application
for repoTag in repoTags
otherApplication = repoTag[0].split('/')[1]
if otherApplication is application
return repoTag[0]
# Otherwise we start from scratch
return 'resin/scratch'
getRepoAndTag = (image) ->
.then ({ registry, imageName, tagName }) ->
@ -82,13 +53,21 @@ do ->
.disposer (release) ->
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress = (imgDest, { requestTimeout, applyTimeout, retryCount, retryInterval, uuid, apiKey, startFromEmpty = false }, onProgress) ->
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress = (imgDest, opts, onProgress) ->
{ requestTimeout, applyTimeout, retryCount, retryInterval, uuid, apiKey, deltaSource, startFromEmpty = false } = opts
Promise.using readLockImages(), ->
Promise.try ->
if startFromEmpty
if startFromEmpty or !deltaSource?
return 'resin/scratch'
.then ->
return deltaSource
.catch ->
return 'resin/scratch'
.then (imgSrc) ->
# I'll leave this debug log here in case we ever wonder what delta source a device is using in production
console.log("Using delta source #{imgSrc}")
Promise.join docker.getRegistryAndName(imgDest), docker.getRegistryAndName(imgSrc), (dstInfo, srcInfo) ->
tokenEndpoint = "#{config.apiEndpoint}/auth/v1/token"
opts =
@ -132,8 +111,10 @@ do ->
.then ({ repo, tag }) ->
docker.getImage(id).tag({ repo, tag, force: true })
.catch dockerDelta.OutOfSyncError, (err) ->
throw err if startFromEmpty
console.log('Falling back to delta-from-empty')
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress(imgDest, { requestTimeout, totalTimeout, uuid, apiKey, startFromEmpty: true }, onProgress)
opts.startFromEmpty = true
exports.rsyncImageWithProgress(imgDest, opts, onProgress)
exports.fetchImageWithProgress = (image, onProgress, { uuid, apiKey }) ->
Promise.using readLockImages(), ->
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ exports.checkString = (s) ->
return s
exports.checkTruthy = (v) ->
if v == '1' or v == 'true' or v == true or v == 'on'
if v in [ '1', 'true', true, 'on', 1 ]
return true
if v == '0' or v == 'false' or v == false or v == 'off'
if v in [ '0', 'false', false, 'off', 0 ]
return false
@ -243,7 +243,12 @@ exports.fetchAndSetTargetsForDependentApps = (state, fetchFn, apiKey) ->
return app.commit? and !_.some(remoteApps, imageId: app.imageId)
toBeDeletedFromDB = _(localApps).reject((app, appId) -> remoteApps[appId]?).map('appId').value()
Promise.map toBeDownloaded, (app) ->
fetchFn(app, false)
deltaSource = null
if localApps[app.appId]?
deltaSource = localApps[app.appId].imageId
else if !_.isEmpty(localDependentApps)
deltaSource = localDependentApps[0].imageId
fetchFn(app, { deltaSource, setDeviceUpdateState: false })
.then ->
Promise.map toBeRemoved, (app) ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user