mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 11:35:18 +00:00
Support setting target state in local mode from supervisor API
Change-type: minor Closes: #689 Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <cameron@resin.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
"@types/node": "^10.3.1",
"@types/rwlock": "^5.0.2",
"@types/shell-quote": "^1.6.0",
"JSONStream": "^1.1.2",
"blinking": "~0.0.2",
"bluebird": "^3.5.0",
"body-parser": "^1.12.0",
@ -420,8 +420,9 @@ module.exports = class APIBinder
_report: =>
@config.getMany([ 'deviceId', 'apiTimeout', 'apiEndpoint', 'uuid' ])
@config.getMany([ 'deviceId', 'apiTimeout', 'apiEndpoint', 'uuid', 'localMode' ])
.then (conf) =>
return if checkTruthy(conf.localMode)
stateDiff = @_getStateDiff()
if _.size(stateDiff) is 0
@ -141,7 +141,9 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
saveImage: (step) =>
cleanup: (step) =>
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) ->
if !checkTruthy(localMode)
createNetworkOrVolume: (step) =>
if step.model is 'network'
# TODO: These step targets should be the actual compose objects,
@ -186,9 +188,13 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# Returns the status of applications and their services
getStatus: =>
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
_getStatus: (localMode) =>
@db.models('app').select([ 'appId', 'releaseId', 'commit' ])
(services, images, currentCommit, targetApps) ->
@ -545,7 +551,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
return null
_nextStepForService: ({ current, target }, updateContext) =>
_nextStepForService: ({ current, target }, updateContext, localMode) =>
{ targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading } = updateContext
if current?.status == 'Stopping'
# There is already a kill step in progress for this service, so we wait
@ -555,8 +561,11 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# Dead containers have to be removed
return serviceAction('remove', current.serviceId, current)
needsDownload = !_.some availableImages, (image) =>
image.dockerImageId == target?.config.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: target.imageName })
needsDownload = false
# Don't attempt to fetch any images in local mode, they should already be there
if !localMode
needsDownload = !_.some availableImages, (image) =>
image.dockerImageId == target?.config.image or @images.isSameImage(image, { name: target.imageName })
# This service needs an image download but it's currently downloading, so we wait
if needsDownload and target?.imageId in downloading
@ -585,7 +594,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
timeout = checkInt(target.config.labels['io.resin.update.handover-timeout'])
return @_strategySteps[strategy](current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill, needsSpecialKill, timeout)
_nextStepsForAppUpdate: (currentApp, targetApp, availableImages = [], downloading = []) =>
_nextStepsForAppUpdate: (currentApp, targetApp, localMode, availableImages = [], downloading = []) =>
emptyApp = { services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
if !targetApp?
targetApp = emptyApp
@ -618,7 +627,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# next step for install pairs in download - start order, but start requires dependencies, networks and volumes met
# next step for update pairs in order by update strategy. start requires dependencies, networks and volumes met.
for pair in installPairs.concat(updatePairs)
step = @_nextStepForService(pair, { targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading })
step = @_nextStepForService(pair, { targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading }, localMode)
if step?
# next step for network pairs - remove requires services killed, create kill if no pairs or steps affect that service
@ -730,8 +739,6 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
.tap (appsForDB) =>
Promise.map appsForDB, (app) =>
@db.upsertModel('app', app, { appId: app.appId }, trx)
.then (appsForDB) ->
trx('app').whereNotIn('appId', _.map(appsForDB, 'appId')).del()
.then =>
@proxyvisor.setTargetInTransaction(dependent, trx)
@ -752,7 +759,10 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
@_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId] = {}
getTargetApps: =>
@config.get('apiEndpoint'). then (source = '') =>
@config.getMany(['apiEndpoint', 'localMode']). then ({ apiEndpoint, localMode }) =>
source = apiEndpoint
if checkTruthy(localMode)
source = 'local'
Promise.map(@db.models('app').where({ source }), @normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB)
.map (app) =>
if !_.isEmpty(app.services)
@ -788,8 +798,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
# imagesToSave: images that
# - are locally available (i.e. an image with the same digest exists)
# - are not saved to the DB with all their metadata (serviceId, serviceName, etc)
_compareImages: (current, target, available) =>
_compareImages: (current, target, available, localMode) =>
allImagesForTargetApp = (app) -> _.map(app.services, imageForService)
allImagesForCurrentApp = (app) ->
_.map app.services, (service) ->
@ -807,9 +816,11 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
!_.some available, (availableImage) => @images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)
# Images that are available but we don't have them in the DB with the exact metadata:
imagesToSave = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) =>
_.some(available, (availableImage) => @images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)) and
!_.some(availableWithoutIds, (img) -> _.isEqual(img, targetImage))
imagesToSave = []
if !localMode
imagesToSave = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) =>
_.some(available, (availableImage) => @images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)) and
!_.some availableWithoutIds, (img) -> _.isEqual(img, targetImage)
deltaSources = _.map imagesToDownload, (image) =>
return @bestDeltaSource(image, available)
@ -836,7 +847,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
if !ignoreImages and _.isEmpty(downloading)
if cleanupNeeded
nextSteps.push({ action: 'cleanup' })
{ imagesToRemove, imagesToSave } = @_compareImages(current, target, availableImages)
{ imagesToRemove, imagesToSave } = @_compareImages(current, target, availableImages, localMode)
for image in imagesToSave
nextSteps.push({ action: 'saveImage', image })
if _.isEmpty(imagesToSave)
@ -846,7 +857,7 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
if _.isEmpty(nextSteps)
allAppIds = _.union(_.keys(currentByAppId), _.keys(targetByAppId))
for appId in allAppIds
nextSteps = nextSteps.concat(@_nextStepsForAppUpdate(currentByAppId[appId], targetByAppId[appId], availableImages, downloading))
nextSteps = nextSteps.concat(@_nextStepsForAppUpdate(currentByAppId[appId], targetByAppId[appId], localMode, availableImages, downloading))
newDownloads = _.filter(nextSteps, (s) -> s.action == 'fetch').length
if !ignoreImages and delta and newDownloads > 0
downloadsToBlock = downloading.length + newDownloads - constants.maxDeltaDownloads
@ -882,18 +893,32 @@ module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
@actionExecutors[step.action](step, { force, skipLock })
getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState, ignoreImages = false) =>
@config.getMany([ 'localMode', 'delta' ])
(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, conf) =>
@_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, ignoreImages, conf)
.then (nextSteps) =>
if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, action: 'fetch')
throw new Error('Cannot fetch images while executing an API action')
@proxyvisor.getRequiredSteps(availableImages, downloading, currentState, targetState, nextSteps)
.then (proxyvisorSteps) ->
return nextSteps.concat(proxyvisorSteps)
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, delta) =>
conf = { delta, localMode }
if localMode
cleanupNeeded = false
@_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, ignoreImages, conf)
.then (nextSteps) =>
if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, action: 'fetch')
throw new Error('Cannot fetch images while executing an API action')
@proxyvisor.getRequiredSteps(availableImages, downloading, currentState, targetState, nextSteps)
.then (proxyvisorSteps) ->
return nextSteps.concat(proxyvisorSteps)
serviceNameFromId: (serviceId) =>
@getTargetApps().then (apps) ->
# Multi-app warning!
# We assume here that there will only be a single
# application
for appId, app of apps
return _.find app.services, (svc) ->
svc.serviceId == serviceId
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ export class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter {
public getStatus(): Promise<DeviceApplicationState>;
public serviceNameFromId(serviceId: number): Promise<string>;
export default ApplicationManager;
@ -193,9 +193,16 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
@_matchesTagOrDigest(image, dockerImage) or image.dockerImageId == dockerImage.Id
# Gets all images that are supervised, in an object containing name, appId, serviceId, serviceName, imageId, dependent.
getAvailable: =>
getAvailable: (localMode) =>
@_withImagesFromDockerAndDB (dockerImages, supervisedImages) =>
_.filter(supervisedImages, (image) => @_isAvailableInDocker(image, dockerImages))
.then (images) =>
if localMode
# Get all images present on the local daemon which are tagged as local images
return @_getLocalModeImages().then (localImages) ->
return images
getDownloadingImageIds: =>
Promise.try =>
@ -218,8 +225,8 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
ids = _.map(imagesToRemove, 'id')
@db.models('image').del().whereIn('id', ids)
getStatus: =>
getStatus: (localMode) =>
.map (image) ->
image.status = 'Downloaded'
image.downloadProgress = null
@ -304,3 +311,6 @@ module.exports = class Images extends EventEmitter
return image1.name == image2.name or Images.hasSameDigest(image1.name, image2.name)
isSameImage: @isSameImage
_getLocalModeImages: =>
@docker.listImages(filters: label: [ 'io.resin.local.image=1' ])
@ -77,17 +77,21 @@ export class Service {
appConfig = ComposeUtils.camelCaseConfig(appConfig);
const intOrNull = (val: string | number | null | undefined): number | null => {
return checkInt(val) || null;
// Seperate the application information from the docker
// container configuration
service.imageId = appConfig.imageId;
service.imageId = intOrNull(appConfig.imageId);
delete appConfig.imageId;
service.serviceName = appConfig.serviceName;
delete appConfig.serviceName;
service.appId = appConfig.appId;
service.appId = intOrNull(appConfig.appId);
delete appConfig.appId;
service.releaseId = appConfig.releaseId;
service.releaseId = intOrNull(appConfig.releaseId);
delete appConfig.releaseId;
service.serviceId = appConfig.serviceId;
service.serviceId = intOrNull(appConfig.serviceId);
delete appConfig.serviceId;
service.imageName = appConfig.imageName;
delete appConfig.imageName;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -6,11 +6,24 @@ import { fs } from 'mz';
import { ApplicationManager } from '../application-manager';
import { Service } from '../compose/service';
import { appNotFoundMessage, serviceNotFoundMessage } from '../lib/messages';
import { checkTruthy } from '../lib/validation';
import { doPurge, doRestart, serviceAction } from './common';
export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
const { _lockingIfNecessary } = applications;
const { _lockingIfNecessary, deviceState } = applications;
const messageFromError = (err?: Error | string | null): string => {
let message = 'Unknown error';
if (err != null) {
if (_.isError(err) && err.message != null) {
message = err.message;
} else {
message = err as string;
return message;
const handleServiceAction = (
req: Request,
@ -51,17 +64,7 @@ export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
.catch((err) => {
let message;
if (err != null) {
if (err.message != null) {
message = err.message;
} else {
message = err;
} else {
message = 'Unknown error';
@ -109,16 +112,7 @@ export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
.catch((err) => {
let message;
if (err != null) {
message = err.message;
if (message == null) {
message = err;
} else {
message = 'Unknown error';
@ -241,8 +235,7 @@ export function createV2Api(router: Router, applications: ApplicationManager) {
const force = req.body.force;
const targetState = req.body;
try {
await deviceState.setTarget(targetState);
await deviceState.config.set({ localModeTargetSet: true });
await deviceState.setTarget(targetState, true);
await deviceState.triggerApplyTarget({ force });
status: 'success',
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ validateState = Promise.method (state) ->
if state.dependent?
# TODO (refactor): This shouldn't be here, and instead should be part of the other
# device api stuff in ./device-api
createDeviceStateRouter = (deviceState) ->
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
@ -238,11 +240,14 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
usingInferStepsLock: (fn) =>
Promise.using @_inferStepsLock, -> fn()
setTarget: (target) ->
setTarget: (target, localSource = false) ->
@config.getMany(['apiEndpoint', 'localMode']),
(source) =>
({ apiEndpoint, localMode }) =>
source = apiEndpoint
if (validation.checkTruthy(localMode))
source = 'local'
@usingWriteLockTarget =>
# Apps, deviceConfig, dependent
@db.transaction (trx) =>
@ -251,7 +256,10 @@ module.exports = class DeviceState extends EventEmitter
.then =>
@deviceConfig.setTarget(target.local.config, trx)
.then =>
@applications.setTarget(target.local.apps, target.dependent, source, trx)
if localSource
@applications.setTarget(target.local.apps, target.dependent, source, trx)
@applications.setTarget(target.local.apps, target.dependent, apiEndpoint, trx)
getTarget: ({ initial = false, intermediate = false } = {}) =>
@ -4,15 +4,19 @@ import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
// The following is exported so that we stub it in the tests
export const execAsync = Promise.promisify(childProcess.exec);
function clearIptablesRule(rule: string): Promise<void> {
return execAsync(`iptables -D ${rule}`).return();
function clearAndAppendIptablesRule(rule: string): Promise<void> {
return execAsync(`iptables -D ${rule}`)
return clearIptablesRule(rule)
.then(() => execAsync(`iptables -A ${rule}`))
function clearAndInsertIptablesRule(rule: string): Promise<void> {
return execAsync(`iptables -D ${rule}`)
return clearIptablesRule(rule)
.then(() => execAsync(`iptables -I ${rule}`))
@ -30,3 +34,11 @@ export function rejectOnAllInterfacesExcept(
.catch(() => clearAndAppendIptablesRule(`INPUT -p tcp --dport ${port} -j DROP`))
export function removeRejections(port: number): Promise<void> {
return clearIptablesRule(`INPUT -p tcp --dport ${port} -j REJECT`)
.then(() => clearIptablesRule(`INPUT -p tcp --dport ${port} -j DROP`))
@ -68,10 +68,33 @@ module.exports = class SupervisorAPI
listen: (allowedInterfaces, port, apiTimeout) =>
iptables.rejectOnAllInterfacesExcept(allowedInterfaces, port)
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
@applyListeningRules(checkTruthy(localMode), port, allowedInterfaces)
.then =>
# Monitor the switching of local mode, and change which interfaces will
# be listented to based on that
@config.on 'change', (changedConfig) =>
if changedConfig.localMode?
@applyListeningRules(changedConfig.localMode, port, allowedInterfaces)
.then =>
@server = @_api.listen(port)
@server.timeout = apiTimeout
applyListeningRules: (allInterfaces, port, allowedInterfaces) =>
Promise.try ->
if checkTruthy(allInterfaces)
iptables.removeRejections(port).then ->
console.log('Supervisor API listening on all interfaces')
iptables.rejectOnAllInterfacesExcept(allowedInterfaces, port).then ->
console.log('Supervisor API listening on allowed interfaces only')
.catch (e) =>
# If there's an error, stop the supervisor api from answering any endpoints,
# and this will eventually be restarted by the healthcheck
console.log('Error on switching supervisor API listening rules - stopping API.')
console.log(' ', e)
if @server?
stop: ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user