APIBinder: implement a module to handle all interactions with the Resin API

This module provisions the device and takes care of getting the target state from the API, calling deviceState to apply it.
It also reports the current state of the device back to the API.

An important change is that the initial values of the device configuration (e.g. config.txt) are reported to the API, creating new config
variables if no values exist for a particular key. This will allow better management of config.txt by giving visibility to the initial configuration.

Changelog-Entry: Remove support for keeping the provisioning apiKey on Resin OS 1.X. Report initial values from config.txt and other device configuration variables to the Resin API.
Change-Type: major
Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <pablo@resin.io>
This commit is contained in:
Pablo Carranza Velez 2017-11-01 01:13:56 -07:00
parent bc191ee86c
commit 14d2bc3f39
2 changed files with 408 additions and 0 deletions

src/api-binder.coffee Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
url = require 'url'
TypedError = require 'typed-error'
PlatformAPI = require 'pinejs-client'
deviceRegister = require 'resin-register-device'
express = require 'express'
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
Lock = require 'rwlock'
{ request, requestOpts } = require './lib/request'
{ checkTruthy } = require './lib/validation'
DuplicateUuidError = (err) ->
_.startsWith(err.message, '"uuid" must be unique')
ExchangeKeyError = class ExchangeKeyError extends TypedError
class APIBinderRouter
constructor: (@apiBinder) ->
{ @eventTracker } = @apiBinder
@router = express.Router()
@router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded(extended: true))
@router.post '/v1/update', (req, res) =>
@eventTracker.track('Update notification')
setImmediate =>
if @apiBinder.readyForUpdates
module.exports = class APIBinder
constructor: ({ @config, @db, @deviceState, @eventTracker }) ->
@resinApi = null
@cachedResinApi = null
@lastReportedState = { local: {}, dependent: {} }
@stateForReport = { local: {}, dependent: {} }
@lastTarget = {}
@_targetStateInterval = null
@reportPending = false
@_router = new APIBinderRouter(this)
@router = @_router.router
_lock = new Lock()
@_writeLock = Promise.promisify(_lock.async.writeLock)
@readyForUpdates = false
_lockGetTarget: =>
@_writeLock('getTarget').disposer (release) ->
init: (startServices = true) ->
@config.getMany([ 'offlineMode', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'bootstrapRetryDelay' ])
.then ({ offlineMode, resinApiEndpoint, bootstrapRetryDelay }) =>
if offlineMode
console.log('Offline Mode is set, skipping API binder initialization')
baseUrl = url.resolve(resinApiEndpoint, '/v4/')
@resinApi = new PlatformAPI
apiPrefix: baseUrl
passthrough: requestOpts
baseUrlLegacy = url.resolve(resinApiEndpoint, '/v2/')
@resinApiLegacy = new PlatformAPI
apiPrefix: baseUrlLegacy
passthrough: requestOpts
@cachedResinApi = @resinApi.clone({}, cache: {})
return if !startServices
console.log('Ensuring device is provisioned')
.then =>
.then (reported) =>
if !checkTruthy(reported)
console.log('Reporting initial configuration')
.then =>
console.log('Starting current state report')
.then =>
@readyForUpdates = true
console.log('Starting target state poll')
fetchDevice: (uuid, apiKey, timeout) =>
resource: 'device'
uuid: uuid
apikey: apiKey
_exchangeKeyAndGetDevice: (opts) ->
Promise.try =>
if !opts?
.then (conf) ->
opts = conf
.then =>
# If we have an existing device key we first check if it's valid, because if it is we can just use that
if opts.deviceApiKey?
@fetchDevice(opts.uuid, opts.deviceApiKey, opts.apiTimeout)
.then (device) =>
if device?
return device
# If it's not valid/doesn't exist then we try to use the user/provisioning api key for the exchange
@fetchDevice(opts.uuid, opts.provisioningApiKey, opts.apiTimeout)
.then (device) ->
if not device?
throw new ExchangeKeyError("Couldn't fetch device with provisioning key")
# We found the device, we can try to register a working device key for it
request.postAsync("#{opts.apiEndpoint}/api-key/device/#{device.id}/device-key?apikey=#{opts.provisioningApiKey}", {
json: true
apiKey: opts.deviceApiKey
.spread (res, body) ->
if res.statusCode != 200
throw new ExchangeKeyError("Couldn't register device key with provisioning key")
_exchangeKeyAndGetDeviceOrRegenerate: (opts) =>
.tap ->
console.log('Key exchange succeeded, all good')
.tapCatch ExchangeKeyError, (err) =>
# If it fails we just have to reregister as a provisioning key doesn't have the ability to change existing devices
console.log('Exchanging key failed, having to reregister')
_provision: =>
.then (opts) =>
return if opts.registered_at? and opts.deviceId? and !opts.provisioningApiKey?
Promise.try ->
if opts.registered_at? and !opts.deviceId?
console.log('Device is registered but no device id available, attempting key exchange')
else if !opts.registered_at?
console.log('New device detected. Provisioning...')
.catch DuplicateUuidError, =>
console.log('UUID already registered, trying a key exchange')
.tap ->
opts.registered_at = Date.now()
else if opts.provisioningApiKey?
console.log('Device is registered but we still have an apiKey, attempting key exchange')
.then ({ id }) =>
configToUpdate = {
registered_at: opts.registered_at
deviceId: id
apiKey: null
.then =>
@eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap success')
_provisionOrRetry: (retryDelay) =>
@eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap')
.catch (err) =>
@eventTracker.track('Device bootstrap failed, retrying', { error: err, delay: retryDelay })
Promise.delay(retryDelay).then =>
provisionDevice: =>
throw new Error('Trying to provision device without initializing API client') if !@resinApi?
.tap (conf) =>
if !conf.provisioned or conf.apiKey?
provisionDependentDevice: (device) =>
.then (conf) =>
throw new Error('Cannot provision dependent device in offline mode') if conf.offlineMode
throw new Error('Device must be provisioned to provision a dependent device') if !conf.provisioned
# TODO: when API supports it as per https://github.com/resin-io/hq/pull/949 remove userId
_.defaults(device, {
user: conf.userId
device: conf.deviceId
uuid: deviceRegister.generateUniqueKey()
logs_channel: deviceRegister.generateUniqueKey()
registered_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
resource: 'device'
body: device
apikey: conf.currentApiKey
# This uses resin API v2 for now, as the proxyvisor expects to be able to patch the device's commit
patchDevice: (id, updatedFields) =>
.then (conf) =>
throw new Error('Cannot update dependent device in offline mode') if conf.offlineMode
throw new Error('Device must be provisioned to update a dependent device') if !conf.provisioned
resource: 'device'
id: id
body: updatedFields
apikey: conf.currentApiKey
# TODO: change to the multicontainer model, I think it's device_configuration_variable?
# Creates the necessary config vars in the API to match the current device state,
# without overwriting any variables that are already set.
_reportInitialEnv: =>
@config.getMany([ 'currentApiKey', 'deviceId' ])
(currentState, targetState, conf) =>
currentConfig = currentState.local.config
targetConfig = targetState.local.config
Promise.mapSeries _.toPairs(currentConfig), ([ key, value ]) =>
if !targetConfig[key]?
envVar = {
device: conf.deviceId
name: key
resource: 'device_config_variable'
body: envVar
apikey: conf.currentApiKey
.then =>
@config.set({ initialConfigReported: 'true' })
reportInitialConfig: (retryDelay) =>
.catch (err) =>
console.error('Error reporting initial configuration, will retry', err)
.then =>
getTargetState: =>
@config.getMany([ 'uuid', 'currentApiKey', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'apiTimeout' ])
.then ({ uuid, currentApiKey, resinApiEndpoint, apiTimeout }) =>
endpoint = url.resolve(resinApiEndpoint, "/device/v2/#{uuid}/state")
requestParams = _.extend
method: 'GET'
url: "#{endpoint}?&apikey=#{currentApiKey}"
, @cachedResinApi.passthrough
# Get target state from API, set it on @deviceState and trigger a state application
getAndSetTargetState: (force) =>
Promise.using @_lockGetTarget(), =>
.then (targetState) =>
if !_.isEqual(targetState, @lastTarget)
.then =>
@lastTarget = _.cloneDeep(targetState)
@deviceState.triggerApplyTarget({ force })
.catch (err) ->
console.error("Failed to get target state for device: #{err}")
_pollTargetState: =>
if @_targetStateInterval?
@_targetStateInterval = null
.then (appUpdatePollInterval) =>
@_targetStateInterval = setInterval(@getAndSetTargetState, appUpdatePollInterval)
startTargetStatePoll: ->
throw new Error('Trying to start poll without initializing API client') if !@resinApi?
@config.on 'change', (changedConfig) =>
@_pollTargetState() if changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval?
_getStateDiff: =>
diff = {
local: _.omitBy @stateForReport.local, (val, key) =>
_.isEqual(@lastReportedState.local[key], val)
dependent: _.omitBy @stateForReport.dependent, (val, key) =>
_.isEqual(@lastReportedState.dependent[key], val)
return _.pickBy(diff, (val) -> !_.isEmpty(val))
_sendReportPatch: (stateDiff, conf) =>
endpoint = url.resolve(conf.resinApiEndpoint, "/device/v2/#{conf.uuid}/state")
requestParams = _.extend
method: 'PATCH'
url: "#{endpoint}?&apikey=#{conf.currentApiKey}"
body: stateDiff
, @cachedResinApi.passthrough
# TODO: switch to using the proper endpoint by changing @_reportV1 to @_reportV2
_report: =>
@config.getMany([ 'currentApiKey', 'deviceId', 'apiTimeout', 'resinApiEndpoint', 'uuid' ])
.then (conf) =>
stateDiff = @_getStateDiff()
if _.size(stateDiff) is 0
@_sendReportPatch(stateDiff, conf)
.then =>
_.assign(@lastReportedState.local, stateDiff.local)
_.assign(@lastReportedState.dependent, stateDiff.dependent)
_reportCurrentState: =>
.then (currentDeviceState) =>
_.assign(@stateForReport.local, currentDeviceState.local)
_.assign(@stateForReport.dependent, currentDeviceState.dependent)
stateDiff = @_getStateDiff()
if _.size(stateDiff) is 0
@reportPending = false
.then =>
.catch (err) =>
@eventTracker.track('Device state report failure', { error: err })
.then =>
startCurrentStateReport: =>
throw new Error('Trying to start state reporting without initializing API client') if !@resinApi?
# patch to the device(id) endpoint
@deviceState.on 'change', =>
if !@reportPending
@reportPending = true
# A latency of 100 ms should be acceptable and
# allows avoiding catching docker at weird states

src/lib/request.coffee Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Promise = require 'bluebird'
request = require 'request'
resumable = require 'resumable-request'
constants = require './constants'
osRelease = require './os-release'
osVersion = osRelease.getOSVersionSync(constants.hostOSVersionPath)
osVariant = osRelease.getOSVariantSync(constants.hostOSVersionPath)
supervisorVersion = require('./supervisor-version')
userAgent = "Supervisor/#{supervisorVersion}"
if osVersion?
if osVariant?
userAgent += " (Linux; #{osVersion}; #{osVariant})"
userAgent += " (Linux; #{osVersion})"
# With these settings, the device must be unable to receive a single byte
# from the network for a continuous period of 20 minutes before we give up.
# (reqTimeout + retryInterval) * retryCount / 1000ms / 60sec ~> minutes
exports.requestOpts =
gzip: true
'User-Agent': userAgent
resumableOpts =
request = request.defaults(exports.requestOpts)
exports.request = Promise.promisifyAll(request, multiArgs: true)
exports.resumable = resumable.defaults(resumableOpts)