Use username "resin" and the registry's [default login details]( if you haven't changed them.
The Dockerfile used to build the Go supervisor is Dockerfile.gosuper, and the code for the Go supervisor lives in the `gosuper` directory.
To build it, run:
make ARCH=amd64 gosuper
This will build and run the docker image that builds the Go supervisor and outputs the executable at `gosuper/bin`.
## Adding Go dependencies
This project uses [Godep]( to manage its Go dependencies. In order for it to work, this repo needs to be withing the `src` directory in a valid Go workspace. This can easily be achieved in the devenv by having the repo in the devenv's `src` directory and setting the `GOPATH` environment variable to such directory's parent (that is, the `resin-containers` directory).
If these conditions are met, a new dependency can be added with:
go get
Then we add the corresponding import statement in our code (e.g. main.go):
import ""
And we save it to Godeps.json with:
godep save -r ./...
(The -r switch will modify the import statement to use Godep's `_workspace`)
The test suite is at [gosuper/main_test.go](./gosuper/main_test.go).
# Integration test
The integration test tests the supervisor API by hitting its endpoints. To run it, first run the supervisor as explained in the first section of this document.
Once it's running, you can run the test with:
make ARCH=amd64 test-integration
The tests will fail if the supervisor API is down - bear in mind that the supervisor image takes a while to start the actual supervisor program, so you might have to wait a few minutes between running the supervisor and testing it.
The test expects the supervisor to be already running the application (so that the app is already on the SQLite database), so check the dashboard to see if the app has already downloaded.