2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import * as url from 'url';
2023-10-12 16:40:00 +01:00
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';
2023-02-20 22:11:27 -08:00
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
import type StrictEventEmitter from 'strict-event-emitter-types';
import type { TargetState } from '../types/state';
import { InternalInconsistencyError } from '../lib/errors';
2022-11-21 20:53:25 +00:00
import { getGotInstance } from '../lib/request';
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
import * as config from '../config';
import { writeLock } from '../lib/update-lock';
2023-02-20 17:38:05 -08:00
import * as constants from '../lib/constants';
2020-06-09 13:47:50 +01:00
import log from '../lib/supervisor-console';
export class ApiResponseError extends Error {}
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
interface TargetStateEvents {
'target-state-update': (
targetState: TargetState,
force: boolean,
isFromApi: boolean,
) => void;
2020-12-18 15:10:04 -05:00
'target-state-apply': (force: boolean, isFromApi: boolean) => void;
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
2022-09-19 16:33:52 +01:00
export const emitter: StrictEventEmitter<EventEmitter, TargetStateEvents> =
new EventEmitter();
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
const lockGetTarget = () =>
writeLock('getTarget').disposer((release) => release());
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
type CachedResponse = {
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
etag?: string | string[];
body: TargetState;
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
emitted?: boolean;
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
let cache: CachedResponse;
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
* appUpdatePollInterval is set when startPoll successfuly queries the config
let appUpdatePollInterval: number;
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
2020-12-18 15:10:04 -05:00
* Emit target state event based on if the CacheResponse has/was emitted.
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
2020-12-18 15:10:04 -05:00
* Returns false if the CacheResponse is not emitted.
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
* @param cachedResponse the response to emit
* @param force Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
* @param isFromApi Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
* @return true if the response has been emitted or false otherwise
const emitTargetState = (
cachedResponse: CachedResponse,
force = false,
isFromApi = false,
): boolean => {
if (
!cachedResponse.emitted &&
emitter.listenerCount('target-state-update') > 0
) {
2020-12-18 15:10:04 -05:00
// CachedResponse has not been emitted before so emit as an update
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
2023-09-29 12:11:33 -07:00
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
2020-12-18 15:10:04 -05:00
return true;
} else if (
cachedResponse.emitted &&
isFromApi &&
emitter.listenerCount('target-state-apply') > 0
) {
// CachedResponse has been emitted but a client triggered the check so emit an apply
emitter.emit('target-state-apply', force, isFromApi);
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
return true;
2020-12-18 15:10:04 -05:00
// Return the same emitted value but normalized to be a boolean
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
return !!cache.emitted;
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
* The last fetch attempt
* We set a value rather then being undeclared because having it undefined
* adds more overhead to dealing with this value without any benefits.
export let lastFetch: ReturnType<typeof process.hrtime> = process.hrtime();
* Attempts to update the target state
* @param force Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
* @param isFromApi Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
export const update = async (
// TODO: Is there a better way than passing these params here just to emit them if there is an update?
force = false,
isFromApi = false,
): Promise<void> => {
2022-09-06 14:03:23 -04:00
await config.initialized();
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
return Bluebird.using(lockGetTarget(), async () => {
2022-09-19 16:33:52 +01:00
const { uuid, apiEndpoint, apiTimeout, deviceApiKey } =
await config.getMany([
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
if (typeof apiEndpoint !== 'string') {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Non-string apiEndpoint passed to ApiBinder.getTargetState',
2021-08-03 23:12:47 +00:00
const endpoint = url.resolve(apiEndpoint, `/device/v3/${uuid}/state`);
2022-11-21 20:53:25 +00:00
const got = await getGotInstance();
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
2022-11-21 20:53:25 +00:00
const { statusCode, headers, body } = await got(endpoint, {
2020-06-09 13:47:50 +01:00
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${deviceApiKey}`,
'If-None-Match': cache?.etag,
2022-11-21 20:53:25 +00:00
timeout: {
// TODO: We use the same default timeout for all of these in order to have a timeout generally
// but it would probably make sense to tune them individually
lookup: apiTimeout,
connect: apiTimeout,
secureConnect: apiTimeout,
socket: apiTimeout,
send: apiTimeout,
response: apiTimeout,
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
2022-01-25 17:13:29 -03:00
if (statusCode === 304 && cache?.etag != null) {
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
// There's no change so no need to update the cache
// only emit the target state if it hasn't been emitted yet
cache.emitted = emitTargetState(cache, force, isFromApi);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
2020-06-09 13:47:50 +01:00
if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
log.error(`Error from the API: ${statusCode}`);
throw new ApiResponseError(`Error from the API: ${statusCode}`);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
cache = {
etag: headers.etag,
2022-11-21 20:53:25 +00:00
body: body as any,
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
2020-11-11 11:46:55 -03:00
// Emit the target state and update the cache
cache.emitted = emitTargetState(cache, force, isFromApi);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
}).finally(() => {
lastFetch = process.hrtime();
const poll = async (
skipFirstGet: boolean = false,
fetchErrors: number = 0,
): Promise<void> => {
// Add random jitter up to `maxApiJitterDelay` to space out poll requests
2023-04-07 14:22:35 -04:00
// NOTE: the jitter has as objective to reduce the load on networks that have
// devices on the 1000s. It's not meant to ease the load on the API as the backend performs
// other operations to deal with scaling issues
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
let pollInterval =
Math.random() * constants.maxApiJitterDelay + appUpdatePollInterval;
// Convenience function used for delaying poll loops
const delayedLoop = async (delayBy: number) => {
// Wait until we want to poll again
2023-10-12 16:40:00 +01:00
await setTimeout(delayBy);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
// Poll again
await poll(false, fetchErrors);
// Check if we want to skip first request and just loop again
if (skipFirstGet) {
return delayedLoop(pollInterval);
// Try to fetch latest target state
try {
await update();
2020-06-08 15:41:11 +01:00
// Reset fetchErrors because we successfuly updated
fetchErrors = 0;
2022-09-19 16:08:16 +01:00
} catch {
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
// Exponential back off if request fails
pollInterval = Math.min(appUpdatePollInterval, 15000 * 2 ** fetchErrors);
} finally {
// Wait to poll again
await delayedLoop(pollInterval);
2020-07-30 10:31:53 +01:00
* Checks for target state changes and then returns the latest target state
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
export const get = async (): Promise<TargetState> => {
2020-07-30 10:31:53 +01:00
await update();
2023-09-29 12:11:33 -07:00
return structuredClone(cache.body);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
* Start polling for target state updates
* startPoll will try to query the config for all values needed
* to being polling. If there is an issue obtaining these values
* the function will wait 10 seconds and retry until successful.
export const startPoll = async (): Promise<void> => {
let instantUpdates;
try {
2022-09-06 14:03:23 -04:00
await config.initialized();
* Listen for config changes to appUpdatePollInterval
config.on('change', (changedConfig) => {
if (changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval) {
appUpdatePollInterval = changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval;
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
// Query and set config values we need to avoid multiple db hits
2022-09-19 16:33:52 +01:00
const { instantUpdates: updates, appUpdatePollInterval: interval } =
await config.getMany(['instantUpdates', 'appUpdatePollInterval']);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
instantUpdates = updates;
appUpdatePollInterval = interval;
} catch {
// Delay 10 seconds and retry loading config
2023-10-12 16:40:00 +01:00
await setTimeout(10000);
2020-05-16 14:08:14 +01:00
// Attempt to start poll again
return startPoll();
// All config values fetch, start polling!
return poll(!instantUpdates);