# resin-supervisor [](https://waffle.io/resin-io/resin-supervisor)
This is [resin.io](https://resin.io)'s supervisor, a program that runs on IoT devices and has the task of running user Apps (which are Docker containers), and updating them as resin.io's API informs it to.
We are using [waffle.io](https://waffle.io) to manage our tickets / issues, so if you want to track our progress or contribute take a look at [our board there](https://waffle.io/resin-io/resin-supervisor).
This process will allow you to run a development instance of the supervisor on your local computer. It is not recommended for production scenarios, but allows someone developing on the supervisor to test changes quickly.
Add a `tools/dind/config.json` file from a staging or production device image. It should be configured for an x86 or amd64 device type (e.g. an Intel Nuc) so that you can push apps to it and they run properly on your computer.
Note: Don't use staging for production devices. This is for development purposes only. A production (resin.io) `config.json` should work just as well for this local supervisor, but we also don't recommend using this in production scenarios - resinOS is better suited for that.
* Log in to the dashboard on resinstaging (https://dashboard.resinstaging.io), create or select an application, click "Download OS" and on the Advanced section select "Download configuration only".
* Install the resin CLI with `npm install -g resin-cli`, then login with `resin login` and finally run `resin config generate --app <appName> -o config.json` (choose the default settings whenever prompted). Check [this section](https://github.com/resin-io/resin-cli#how-do-i-point-the-resin-cli-to-staging) on how to point resin CLI to a device on staging.
Additionally, the `uuid`, `registered_at` and `deviceId` fields will be added by the supervisor upon registration with the resin API. Other fields may be present (the format has evolved over time and will likely continue to do so) but they are not used by the supervisor.
Ensure your kernel supports aufs (in Ubuntu, install `linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)`) and the `aufs` module is loaded (if necessary, run `sudo modprobe aufs`).
This will setup a Docker-in-Docker instance with an image that runs the supervisor image. You can replace `:master` for a specific tag (see the [tags in Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/resin/amd64-supervisor/tags/)) to run
This will mount the ./dist folder into the supervisor container and build the code before starting the instance, so that any changes you make can be added to the running supervisor with:
This will make the Docker-in-Docker instance pull the image specified in `apps.json` before running the supervisor, simulating a preloaded resinOS image (where `resin preload` has been used on the image, see [the resin CLI docs](https://docs.resin.io/tools/cli/#preload-60-image-62-)).
If you want to test local changes (only changes to the Node.js code are supported) on a real resinOS device, provision
a [development OS image](https://docs.resin.io/understanding/understanding-devices/2.0.0/#dev-vs-prod-images) and power up the device. On the resin.io dashboard, take note of the device's IP address. Then run:
This should rarely be needed as `--mount-dist` allows you to test any changes to the Node.js code without a full rebuild. However, if you've changed code in gosuper, base-image or the Dockerfile you will need to build the proper
This project uses [glide](https://github.com/Masterminds/glide) to manage its Go dependencies. Refer to its repository for instructions on adding packages.
In order for go utilities to work, this repo needs to be within the `src` directory in a valid Go workspace. This can easily be achieved by having the repo as a child of a directory named `src` and setting the `GOPATH` environment variable to such directory's parent.
The integration test tests the supervisor API by hitting its endpoints. To run it, first run the supervisor as explained in the first section of this document.
The tests will fail if the supervisor API is down - bear in mind that the supervisor image takes a while to start the actual supervisor program, so you might have to wait a few minutes between running the supervisor and testing it.
The test expects the supervisor to be already running the application (so that the app is already on the SQLite database), so check the dashboard to see if the app has already downloaded.
If you're interested in contributing, that's awesome!
Here's a few guidelines to make the process easier for everyone involved.
* Every PR *should* have an associated issue, and the PR's opening comment should say "Fixes #issue" or "Closes #issue".
* We use [Versionist](https://github.com/resin-io/versionist) to manage versioning (and in particular, [semantic versioning](semver.org)) and generate the changelog for this project.
* At least one commit in a PR should have a `Change-Type: type` footer, where `type` can be `patch`, `minor` or `major`. The subject of this commit will be added to the changelog.
* Commits should be squashed as much as makes sense.