Use username "resin" and the registry's [default login details]( if you haven't changed them.
The Dockerfile used to build the Go supervisor is Dockerfile.gosuper, and the code for the Go supervisor lives in the `gosuper` directory.
To build it, run:
make ARCH=amd64 gosuper
This will build and run the docker image that builds the Go supervisor and outputs the executable at `gosuper/bin`.
## Adding Go dependencies
This project uses [Godep]( to manage its Go dependencies. In order for it to work, this repo needs to be withing the `src` directory in a valid Go workspace. This can easily be achieved in the devenv by having the repo in the devenv's `src` directory and setting the `GOPATH` environment variable to such directory's parent (that is, the `resin-containers` directory).
If these conditions are met, a new dependency can be added with:
go get
Then we add the corresponding import statement in our code (e.g. main.go):
import ""
And we save it to Godeps.json with:
godep save -r ./...
(The -r switch will modify the import statement to use Godep's `_workspace`)