Cameron Diver 221666f59a Stop accepting resin-compose.yml as a build composition definition
These files are not supported by any other part of the resin
infrastructure, and it could cause confusion with it not being
supported everywhere. The idea was originally added because we
thought we might need to make extensions on docker-compose, but
that hasn't happened.

Change-type: major
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
2018-10-19 16:43:49 +02:00

748 lines
22 KiB

Promise = require('bluebird')
path = require('path')
exports.appendProjectOptions = appendProjectOptions = (opts) ->
opts.concat [
signature: 'projectName'
parameter: 'projectName'
description: 'Specify an alternate project name; default is the directory name'
alias: 'n'
exports.appendOptions = (opts) ->
appendProjectOptions(opts).concat [
signature: 'emulated'
description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu'
boolean: true
alias: 'e'
signature: 'logs'
description: 'Display full log output'
boolean: true
exports.generateOpts = (options) ->
fs = require('mz/fs')
fs.realpath(options.source || '.').then (projectPath) ->
projectName: options.projectName
projectPath: projectPath
inlineLogs: !!options.logs
compositionFileNames = [
# look into the given directory for valid compose files and return
# the contents of the first one found.
resolveProject = (rootDir) ->
fs = require('mz/fs')
Promise.any (filename) ->
fs.readFile(path.join(rootDir, filename), 'utf-8')
# Parse the given composition and return a structure with info. Input is:
# - composePath: the *absolute* path to the directory containing the compose file
# - composeStr: the contents of the compose file, as a string
createProject = (composePath, composeStr, projectName = null) ->
yml = require('js-yaml')
compose = require('resin-compose-parse')
# both methods below may throw.
composition = yml.safeLoad(composeStr, schema: yml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA)
composition = compose.normalize(composition)
projectName ?= path.basename(composePath)
descriptors = compose.parse(composition).map (descr) ->
# generate an image name based on the project and service names
# if one is not given and the service requires a build
if descr.image.context? and not descr.image.tag?
descr.image.tag = [ projectName, descr.serviceName ].join('_').toLowerCase()
return descr
return {
path: composePath,
name: projectName,
# high-level function resolving a project and creating a composition out
# of it in one go. if image is given, it'll create a default project for
# that without looking for a project. falls back to creating a default
# project if none is found at the given projectPath.
exports.loadProject = (logger, projectPath, projectName, image) ->
compose = require('resin-compose-parse')
logger.logDebug('Loading project...')
Promise.try ->
if image?
logger.logInfo("Creating default composition with image: #{image}")
return compose.defaultComposition(image)
logger.logDebug('Resolving project...')
.tap ->
logger.logInfo('Compose file detected')
.catch (e) ->
logger.logDebug("Failed to resolve project: #{e}")
logger.logInfo("Creating default composition with source: #{projectPath}")
return compose.defaultComposition()
.then (composeStr) ->
logger.logDebug('Creating project...')
createProject(projectPath, composeStr, projectName)
toPosixPath = (systemPath) ->
path = require('path')
systemPath.replace(new RegExp('\\' + path.sep, 'g'), '/')
exports.tarDirectory = tarDirectory = (dir) ->
tar = require('tar-stream')
klaw = require('klaw')
path = require('path')
fs = require('mz/fs')
streamToPromise = require('stream-to-promise')
{ FileIgnorer } = require('./ignore')
getFiles = ->
.filter((item) -> not item.stats.isDirectory())
.map((item) -> item.path)
ignore = new FileIgnorer(dir)
pack = tar.pack()
.each (file) ->
type = ignore.getIgnoreFileType(path.relative(dir, file))
if type?
ignore.addIgnoreFile(file, type)
.map (file) ->
relPath = path.relative(path.resolve(dir), file)
Promise.join relPath, fs.stat(file), fs.readFile(file),
(filename, stats, data) ->
pack.entry({ name: toPosixPath(filename), size: stats.size, mode: stats.mode }, data)
.then ->
return pack
truncateString = (str, len) ->
return str if str.length < len
str = str.slice(0, len)
# return everything up to the last line. this is a cheeky way to avoid
# having to deal with splitting the string midway through some special
# character sequence.
return str.slice(0, str.lastIndexOf('\n'))
LOG_LENGTH_MAX = 512 * 1024 # 512KB
exports.buildProject = (
docker, logger,
projectPath, projectName, composition,
arch, deviceType,
emulated, buildOpts,
) ->
_ = require('lodash')
humanize = require('humanize')
compose = require('resin-compose-parse')
builder = require('resin-multibuild')
transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose')
qemu = require('./qemu')
logger.logInfo("Building for #{arch}/#{deviceType}")
imageDescriptors = compose.parse(composition)
imageDescriptorsByServiceName = _.keyBy(imageDescriptors, 'serviceName')
if inlineLogs
renderer = new BuildProgressInline(logger.streams['build'], imageDescriptors)
tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout)
renderer = new BuildProgressUI(tty, imageDescriptors)
qemu.installQemuIfNeeded(emulated, logger)
.tap (needsQemu) ->
return if not needsQemu
logger.logInfo('Emulation is enabled')
# Copy qemu into all build contexts imageDescriptors, (d) ->
return if not d.image.context? # external image
return qemu.copyQemu(path.join(projectPath, d.image.context))
.then (needsQemu) ->
# Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream
.then (tarStream) ->
builder.splitBuildStream(composition, tarStream)
.tap (tasks) ->
# Updates each task as a side-effect
builder.performResolution(tasks, arch, deviceType)
.map (task) ->
if not task.external and not task.resolved
throw new Error(
"Project type for service '#{task.serviceName}' could not be determined. " +
'Please add a Dockerfile'
.map (task) ->
d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[task.serviceName]
# multibuild parses the composition internally so any tags we've
# set before are lost; re-assign them here
task.tag ?= [ projectName, task.serviceName ].join('_').toLowerCase()
if d.image.context?
d.image.tag = task.tag
# configure build opts appropriately
task.dockerOpts ?= {}
_.merge(task.dockerOpts, buildOpts, { t: task.tag })
if d.image.context?.args?
task.dockerOpts.buildargs ?= {}
_.merge(task.dockerOpts.buildargs, d.image.context.args)
# Get the service-specific log stream
# Caveat: `multibuild.BuildTask` defines no `logStream` property
# but it's convenient to store it there; it's JS ultimately.
task.logStream = renderer.streams[task.serviceName]
task.logBuffer = []
# Setup emulation if needed
return [ task, null ] if task.external or not needsQemu
binPath = qemu.qemuPathInContext(path.join(projectPath, task.context))
transpose.transposeTarStream task.buildStream,
hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(binPath)
containerQemuPath: "/tmp/#{qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}"
.then (stream) ->
task.buildStream = stream
.return([ task, binPath ])
.map ([ task, qemuPath ]) ->
Promise.resolve(task).tap (task) ->
captureStream = buildLogCapture(task.external, task.logBuffer)
if task.external
# External image -- there's no build to be performed,
# just follow pull progress.
task.progressHook = pullProgressAdapter(captureStream)
task.streamHook = (stream) ->
stream = createLogStream(stream)
if qemuPath?
buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream
hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(qemuPath)
containerQemuPath: "/tmp/#{qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}"
rawStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream)
rawStream = stream
# `stream` sends out raw strings in contrast to `task.progressHook`
# where we're given objects. capture these strings as they come
# before we parse them.
.then (tasks) ->
logger.logDebug 'Prepared tasks; building...'
builder.performBuilds(tasks, docker)
.map (builtImage) ->
if not builtImage.successful
builtImage.error.serviceName = builtImage.serviceName
throw builtImage.error
d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[builtImage.serviceName]
task = _.find(tasks, serviceName: builtImage.serviceName)
image =
serviceName: d.serviceName
name: d.image.tag ? d.image
logs: truncateString(task.logBuffer.join('\n'), LOG_LENGTH_MAX)
dockerfile: builtImage.dockerfile
projectType: builtImage.projectType
# Times here are timestamps, so test whether they're null
# before creating a date out of them, as `new Date(null)`
# creates a date representing UNIX time 0.
if (startTime = builtImage.startTime)
image.props.startTime = new Date(startTime)
if (endTime = builtImage.endTime)
image.props.endTime = new Date(endTime)
docker.getImage('Size').then (size) ->
image.props.size = size
.tap (images) ->
summary = _(images).map ({ serviceName, props }) ->
[ serviceName, "Image size: #{humanize.filesize(props.size)}" ]
createRelease = (apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition) ->
_ = require('lodash')
crypto = require('crypto')
releaseMod = require('resin-release')
client = releaseMod.createClient({ apiEndpoint, auth })
client: client
user: userId
application: appId
composition: composition
source: 'local'
commit: crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString('hex').toLowerCase()
.then ({ release, serviceImages }) ->
release = _.omit(release, [
_.keys serviceImages, (serviceName) ->
serviceImages[serviceName] = _.omit(serviceImages[serviceName], [
return { client, release, serviceImages }
tagServiceImages = (docker, images, serviceImages) -> images, (d) ->
serviceImage = serviceImages[d.serviceName]
imageName = serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location
[ _match, registry, repo, tag = 'latest' ] = /(.*?)\/(.*?)(?::([^/]*))?$/.exec(imageName)
name = "#{registry}/#{repo}"
docker.getImage({ repo: name, tag, force: true })
.then ->
.then (localImage) ->
serviceName: d.serviceName
serviceImage: serviceImage
localImage: localImage
registry: registry
repo: repo
logs: d.logs
props: d.props
authorizePush = (tokenAuthEndpoint, registry, images) ->
_ = require('lodash')
sdk = require('resin-sdk').fromSharedOptions()
if not _.isArray(images)
images = [ images ]
baseUrl: tokenAuthEndpoint
url: '/auth/v1/token'
service: registry
scope: (repo) ->
pushAndUpdateServiceImages = (docker, token, images, afterEach) ->
chalk = require('chalk')
{ DockerProgress } = require('docker-progress')
tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout)
opts = { authconfig: registrytoken: token }
progress = new DockerProgress(dockerToolbelt: docker)
renderer = pushProgressRenderer(tty,'[Push]') + ' ')
reporters = progress.aggregateProgress(images.length, renderer)
Promise.using tty.cursorHidden(), -> images, ({ serviceImage, localImage, props, logs }, index) ->
progress.push(, reporters[index], opts).finally(renderer.end)
(size, digest) ->
serviceImage.image_size = size
serviceImage.content_hash = digest
serviceImage.build_log = logs
serviceImage.dockerfile = props.dockerfile
serviceImage.project_type = props.projectType
serviceImage.start_timestamp = props.startTime if props.startTime
serviceImage.end_timestamp = props.endTime if props.endTime
serviceImage.push_timestamp = new Date()
serviceImage.status = 'success'
.tapCatch (e) ->
serviceImage.error_message = '' + e
serviceImage.status = 'failed'
.finally ->
afterEach?(serviceImage, props)
exports.deployProject = (
docker, logger,
composition, images,
appId, userId, auth,
) ->
_ = require('lodash')
chalk = require('chalk')
releaseMod = require('resin-release')
tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout)
prefix = chalk.cyan('[Info]') + ' '
spinner = createSpinner()
runloop = runSpinner(tty, spinner, "#{prefix}Creating release...")
createRelease(apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition)
.then ({ client, release, serviceImages }) ->
logger.logDebug('Tagging images...')
tagServiceImages(docker, images, serviceImages)
.tap (images) ->
logger.logDebug('Authorizing push...')
authorizePush(apiEndpoint, images[0].registry,, 'repo'))
.then (token) ->
logger.logInfo('Pushing images to registry...')
pushAndUpdateServiceImages docker, token, images, (serviceImage) ->
logger.logDebug("Saving image #{serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location}")
if skipLogUpload
delete serviceImage.build_log
releaseMod.updateImage(client,, serviceImage)
.finally ->
logger.logDebug('Untagging images...') images, ({ localImage }) ->
.then ->
release.status = 'success'
.tapCatch (e) ->
release.status = 'failed'
.finally ->
runloop = runSpinner(tty, spinner, "#{prefix}Saving release...")
release.end_timestamp = new Date()
releaseMod.updateRelease(client,, release)
# utilities
renderProgressBar = (percentage, stepCount) ->
_ = require('lodash')
percentage = _.clamp(percentage, 0, 100)
barCount = stepCount * percentage // 100
spaceCount = stepCount - barCount
bar = "[#{_.repeat('=', barCount)}>#{_.repeat(' ', spaceCount)}]"
return "#{bar} #{_.padStart(percentage, 3)}%"
pushProgressRenderer = (tty, prefix) ->
fn = (e) ->
{ error, percentage } = e
throw new Error(error) if error?
bar = renderProgressBar(percentage, 40)
fn.end = ->
return fn
createLogStream = (input) ->
split = require('split')
stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi-stream')
return input.pipe(stripAnsi()).pipe(split())
dropEmptyLinesStream = ->
through = require('through2')
through (data, enc, cb) ->
str = data.toString('utf-8')
@push(str) if str.trim()
buildLogCapture = (objectMode, buffer) ->
through = require('through2')
through { objectMode }, (data, enc, cb) ->
# data from pull stream
if data.error
else if data.progress and data.status
buffer.push("#{data.progress}% #{data.status}")
else if data.status
# data from build stream
cb(null, data)
buildProgressAdapter = (inline) ->
through = require('through2')
stepRegex = /^\s*Step\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\s*: (.+)$/
[ step, numSteps, progress ] = [ null, null, undefined ]
through { objectMode: true }, (str, enc, cb) ->
return cb(null, str) if not str?
if inline
return cb(null, { status: str })
if /^Successfully tagged /.test(str)
progress = undefined
if (match = stepRegex.exec(str))
step = match[1]
numSteps ?= match[2]
str = match[3]
if step?
str = "Step #{step}/#{numSteps}: #{str}"
progress = parseInt(step, 10) * 100 // parseInt(numSteps, 10)
cb(null, { status: str, progress })
pullProgressAdapter = (outStream) ->
return ({ status, id, percentage, error, errorDetail }) ->
if status?
status = status.replace(/^Status: /, '')
if id?
status = "#{id}: #{status}"
if percentage is 100
percentage = undefined
status: status
progress: percentage
error: errorDetail?.message ? error
createSpinner = ->
chars = '|/-\\'
index = 0
-> chars[(index++) % chars.length]
runSpinner = (tty, spinner, msg) ->
runloop = createRunLoop ->
tty.writeLine("#{msg} #{spinner()}")
runloop.onEnd = ->
return runloop
createRunLoop = (tick) ->
timerId = setInterval(tick, 1000 / 10)
runloop = {
onEnd: ->
end: ->
return runloop
class BuildProgressUI
constructor: (tty, descriptors) ->
_ = require('lodash')
chalk = require('chalk')
through = require('through2')
eventHandler = @_handleEvent
services =, 'serviceName')
streams = _(services).map (service) ->
stream = through.obj (event, _enc, cb) ->
eventHandler(service, event)
[ service, stream ]
@_tty = tty
@_serviceToDataMap = {}
@_services = services
# Logger magically prefixes the log line with [Build] etc., but it doesn't
# work well with the spinner we're also showing. Manually build the prefix
# here and bypass the logger.
prefix ='[Build]') + ' '
offset = 10 # account for escape sequences inserted for colouring
@_prefixWidth = offset + prefix.length + _.max(, 'length'))
@_prefix = prefix
# these are to handle window wrapping
@_maxLineWidth = null
@_lineWidths = []
@_startTime = null
@_ended = false
@_cancelled = false
@_spinner = createSpinner()
@streams = streams
_handleEvent: (service, event) =>
@_serviceToDataMap[service] = event
_handleInterrupt: =>
@_cancelled = true
process.exit(130) # 128 + SIGINT
start: =>
process.on('SIGINT', @_handleInterrupt)
@_services.forEach (service) =>
@streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' })
@_runloop = createRunLoop(@_display)
@_startTime =
end: (summary = null) =>
return if @_ended
@_ended = true
process.removeListener('SIGINT', @_handleInterrupt)
@_runloop = null
@_renderSummary(summary ? @_getServiceSummary())
_display: =>
@_tty.cursorUp(@_services.length + 1) # for status line
_clear: ->
@_maxLineWidth = @_tty.currentWindowSize().width
_getServiceSummary: ->
_ = require('lodash')
services = @_services
serviceToDataMap = @_serviceToDataMap
_(services).map (service) ->
{ status, progress, error } = serviceToDataMap[service] ? {}
if error
return "#{error}"
else if progress
bar = renderProgressBar(progress, 20)
return "#{bar} #{status}" if status
return "#{bar}"
else if status
return "#{status}"
return 'Waiting...'
.map (data, index) ->
[ services[index], data ]
_renderStatus: (end = false) ->
moment = require('moment')
if end and @_cancelled
@_tty.writeLine('Build cancelled')
else if end
serviceCount = @_services.length
serviceStr = if serviceCount is 1 then '1 service' else "#{serviceCount} services"
runTime = - @_startTime
durationStr = moment.duration(runTime // 1000, 'seconds').format()
@_tty.writeLine("Built #{serviceStr} in #{durationStr}")
@_tty.writeLine("Building services... #{@_spinner()}")
_renderSummary: (serviceToStrMap) ->
_ = require('lodash')
chalk = require('chalk')
truncate = require('cli-truncate')
strlen = require('string-width')
@_services.forEach (service, index) =>
str = _.padEnd(@_prefix + chalk.bold(service), @_prefixWidth)
str += serviceToStrMap[service]
if @_maxLineWidth?
str = truncate(str, @_maxLineWidth)
@_lineWidths[index] = strlen(str)
class BuildProgressInline
constructor: (outStream, descriptors) ->
_ = require('lodash')
through = require('through2')
services =, 'serviceName')
eventHandler = @_renderEvent
streams = _(services).map (service) ->
stream = through.obj (event, _enc, cb) ->
eventHandler(service, event)
[ service, stream ]
offset = 10 # account for escape sequences inserted for colouring
@_prefixWidth = offset + _.max(, 'length'))
@_outStream = outStream
@_services = services
@_startTime = null
@_ended = false
@streams = streams
start: =>
@_outStream.write('Building services...\n')
@_services.forEach (service) =>
@streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' })
@_startTime =
end: (summary = null) =>
moment = require('moment')
return if @_ended
@_ended = true
if summary?
@_services.forEach (service) =>
@_renderEvent(service, summary[service])
if @_cancelled
@_outStream.write('Build cancelled\n')
serviceCount = @_services.length
serviceStr = if serviceCount is 1 then '1 service' else "#{serviceCount} services"
runTime = - @_startTime
durationStr = moment.duration(runTime // 1000, 'seconds').format()
@_outStream.write("Built #{serviceStr} in #{durationStr}\n")
_renderEvent: (service, event) =>
_ = require('lodash')
chalk = require('chalk')
str = do ->
{ status, error } = event
if error
return "#{error}"
else if status
return "#{status}"
return 'Waiting...'
prefix = _.padEnd(chalk.bold(service), @_prefixWidth)