Kyle Harding 9036ce9af3 docker: Improve handling of Docker-in-Docker errors
The `local` logging driver captures output from container’s stdout/stderr
and writes them to an internal storage that is optimized for performance and disk use.

We also want to capture these logs on startup to wait for success/failure.

Advise the use of `--privileged` when running Docker-in-Docker to avoid
various permissions issues encountered in testing.

Change-type: patch
Changlelog-entry: docker: Improve handling of Docker-in-Docker errors
Signed-off-by: Kyle Harding <>
2021-03-25 14:02:22 +00:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

ARG BUILD_BASE=balenalib/amd64-alpine-node:12.19.1-build
ARG RUN_BASE=balenalib/amd64-alpine-node:12.19.1-run
FROM ${BUILD_BASE} as build
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
# dev dependencies are required for build:fast
# --unsafe-perm is not needed because of global /usr/local/etc/npmrc
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build:fast
# remove dev dependencies after build:fast
RUN npm prune --production
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/ .
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/src/app/bin
# fail early if balena binary won't run
RUN balena --version
RUN install_packages avahi bash ca-certificates docker jq openssh
COPY docker/
RUN CLI_CMDS=$(jq -r '.commands | keys | map(.[0:index(":")]) | unique | join("\\ ")' < oclif.manifest.json); \
sed -ie "s/CLI_CMDS=\"help\"/CLI_CMDS=\"help\\ ${CLI_CMDS}\"/" && \
chmod +x
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/src/app/" ]
CMD [ "help" ]
ENV SSH_AUTH_SOCK "/ssh-agent"
# docker data must be a volume or tmpfs
VOLUME /var/lib/docker