Cameron Diver 5000febf72
Read ca files and convert to string before passing to the docker daemon
Before this commit, the docker daemon would recieve the filename of the
.pem files, which would be interpreted as the body and would fail. This
commit ensures that the actual body of the pem files are sent to the

Change-type: patch
Connects-to: #562
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
2017-06-21 11:11:24 +01:00

386 lines
10 KiB

# Functions to help actions which rely on using docker
QEMU_VERSION = 'v2.5.50-resin-execve'
QEMU_BIN_NAME = 'qemu-execve'
# Use this function to seed an action's list of capitano options
# with the docker options. Using this interface means that
# all functions using docker will expose the same interface
# NOTE: Care MUST be taken when using the function, so as to
# not redefine/override options already provided.
exports.appendOptions = (opts) ->
opts.concat [
signature: 'docker'
parameter: 'docker'
description: 'Path to a local docker socket'
alias: 'P'
signature: 'dockerHost'
parameter: 'dockerHost'
description: 'The address of the host containing the docker daemon'
alias: 'h'
signature: 'dockerPort'
parameter: 'dockerPort'
description: 'The port on which the host docker daemon is listening'
alias: 'p'
signature: 'ca'
parameter: 'ca'
description: 'Docker host TLS certificate authority file'
signature: 'cert'
parameter: 'cert'
description: 'Docker host TLS certificate file'
signature: 'key'
parameter: 'key'
description: 'Docker host TLS key file'
signature: 'tag'
parameter: 'tag'
description: 'The alias to the generated image'
alias: 't'
signature: 'buildArg'
parameter: 'arg'
description: 'Set a build-time variable (eg. "-B \'ARG=value\'"). Can be specified multiple times.'
alias: 'B'
signature: 'nocache'
description: "Don't use docker layer caching when building"
boolean: true
signature: 'emulated'
description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu'
boolean: true
alias: 'e'
exports.generateConnectOpts = generateConnectOpts = (opts) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
fs = require('mz/fs')
_ = require('lodash')
Promise.try ->
connectOpts = {}
# Firsly need to decide between a local docker socket
# and a host available over a host:port combo
if opts.docker? and not opts.dockerHost?
# good, local docker socket
connectOpts.socketPath = opts.docker
else if opts.dockerHost? and not opts.docker?
# Good a host is provided, and local socket isn't = opts.dockerHost
connectOpts.port = opts.dockerPort || 2376
else if opts.docker? and opts.dockerHost?
# Both provided, no obvious way to continue
throw new Error("Both a local docker socket and docker host have been provided. Don't know how to continue.")
# None provided, assume default docker local socket
connectOpts.socketPath = '/var/run/docker.sock'
# Now need to check if the user wants to connect over TLS
# to the host
# If any are set...
if ( or opts.cert? or opts.key?)
# but not all
if not ( and opts.cert? and opts.key?)
throw new Error('You must provide a CA, certificate and key in order to use TLS')
certBodies = {
ca: fs.readFile(, 'utf-8')
cert: fs.readFile(opts.cert, 'utf-8')
key: fs.readFile(opts.key, 'utf-8')
return Promise.props(certBodies)
.then (toMerge) ->
_.merge(connectOpts, toMerge)
return connectOpts
exports.tarDirectory = tarDirectory = (dir) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
tar = require('tar-stream')
klaw = require('klaw')
path = require('path')
fs = require('mz/fs')
streamToPromise = require('stream-to-promise')
getFiles = ->
.filter((item) -> not item.stats.isDirectory())
.map((item) -> item.path)
pack = tar.pack()
.map (file) ->
relPath = path.relative(path.resolve(dir), file)
Promise.join relPath, fs.stat(file), fs.readFile(file),
(filename, stats, data) ->
pack.entryAsync({ name: filename, size: stats.size, mode: stats.mode }, data)
.then ->
return pack
cacheHighlightStream = ->
colors = require('colors/safe')
es = require('event-stream')
{ EOL } = require('os')
extractArrowMessage = (message) ->
arrowTest = /^\s*-+>\s*(.+)/i
if (match = arrowTest.exec(message))
es.mapSync (data) ->
msg = extractArrowMessage(data)
if msg? and msg.toLowerCase() == 'using cache'
data =
return data + EOL
parseBuildArgs = (args, onError) ->
_ = require('lodash')
if not _.isArray(args)
args = [ args ]
buildArgs = {}
args.forEach (str) ->
pair = /^([^\s]+?)=(.*)$/.exec(str)
if pair?
buildArgs[pair[1]] = pair[2]
return buildArgs
# Pass in the command line parameters and options and also
# a function which will return the information about the bundle
exports.runBuild = (params, options, getBundleInfo, logStreams) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
dockerBuild = require('resin-docker-build')
resolver = require('resin-bundle-resolve')
es = require('event-stream')
doodles = require('resin-doodles')
transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose')
path = require('path')
logging = require('../utils/logging')
# The default build context is the current directory
params.source ?= '.'
logs = ''
# Only used in emulated builds
qemuPath = ''
Promise.try ->
return if not (options.emulated and platformNeedsQemu())
.then (present) ->
if !present
logging.logInfo(logStreams, 'Installing qemu for ARM emulation...')
.then ->
# Copy the qemu binary into the build context
.then (binPath) ->
qemuPath = path.relative(params.source, binPath)
.then ->
# Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream
.then (tarStream) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
hooks =
buildSuccess: (image) ->
if options.tag?
console.log("Tagging image as #{options.tag}")
# Show charlie. In the interest of cloud parity,
# use console.log, not the standard logging streams
doodle = doodles.getDoodle()
resolve({ image, log: logs + '\n' + doodle + '\n' } )
buildFailure: reject
buildStream: (stream) ->
if options.emulated
logging.logInfo(logStreams, 'Running emulated build')
.then (info) ->
if !info?
logging.logWarn logStreams, '''
Warning: No architecture/device type or application information provided.
Dockerfile/project pre-processing will not be performed.
return tarStream
[arch, deviceType] = info
# Perform type resolution on the project
bundle = new resolver.Bundle(tarStream, deviceType, arch)
resolver.resolveBundle(bundle, resolver.getDefaultResolvers())
.then (resolved) ->
logging.logInfo(logStreams, "Building #{resolved.projectType} project")
return resolved.tarStream
.then (buildStream) ->
# if we need emulation
if options.emulated and platformNeedsQemu()
return transpose.transposeTarStream buildStream,
hostQemuPath: qemuPath
containerQemuPath: "/tmp/#{QEMU_BIN_NAME}"
return buildStream
.then (buildStream) ->
# Send the resolved tar stream to the docker daemon
# And print the output
logThroughStream = es.through (data) ->
logs += data.toString()
this.emit('data', data)
if options.emulated and platformNeedsQemu()
buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream
hostQemuPath: qemuPath
containerQemuPath: "/tmp/#{QEMU_BIN_NAME}"
newStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream)
newStream = stream
# Create a builder
.then (connectOpts) ->
# Allow degugging output, hidden behind an env var
logging.logDebug(logStreams, 'Connecting with the following options:')
logging.logDebug(logStreams, JSON.stringify(connectOpts, null, ' '))
builder = new dockerBuild.Builder(connectOpts)
opts = {}
if options.tag?
opts['t'] = options.tag
if options.nocache?
opts['nocache'] = true
if options.buildArg?
opts['buildargs'] = parseBuildArgs options.buildArg, (arg) ->
logging.logWarn(logStreams, "Could not parse variable: '#{arg}'")
builder.createBuildStream(opts, hooks, reject)
# Given an image id or tag, export the image to a tar archive,
# gzip the result, and buffer it to disk.
exports.bufferImage = (docker, imageId, bufferFile) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
streamUtils = require('./streams')
image = docker.getImage(imageId)
imageMetadata = image.inspectAsync()
Promise.join image.get(), imageMetadata.get('Size'), (imageStream, imageSize) ->
streamUtils.buffer(imageStream, bufferFile)
.tap (bufferedStream) ->
bufferedStream.length = imageSize
exports.getDocker = (options) ->
Docker = require('dockerode')
Promise = require('bluebird')
.then (connectOpts) ->
# Use bluebird's promises
connectOpts['Promise'] = Promise
new Docker(connectOpts)
hasQemu = ->
fs = require('mz/fs')
getQemuPath = ->
resin = require('resin-sdk-preconfigured')
path = require('path')
fs = require('mz/fs')
.then (binDir) ->
# The directory might not be created already,
# if not, create it
.catch code: 'ENOENT', ->
.then ->
path.join(binDir, QEMU_BIN_NAME)
platformNeedsQemu = ->
os = require('os')
os.platform() == 'linux'
installQemu = ->
request = require('request')
fs = require('fs')
zlib = require('zlib')
.then (qemuPath) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
installStream = fs.createWriteStream(qemuPath)
qemuUrl = "{QEMU_VERSION}/#{QEMU_BIN_NAME}.gz"
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', resolve)
copyQemu = (context) ->
path = require('path')
fs = require('mz/fs')
# Create a hidden directory in the build context, containing qemu
binDir = path.join(context, '.resin')
binPath = path.join(binDir, QEMU_BIN_NAME)
.catch code: 'ENOENT', ->
.then ->
.then (qemu) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
read = fs.createReadStream(qemu)
write = fs.createWriteStream(binPath)
.on('error', reject)
.on('finish', resolve)
.then ->
fs.chmod(binPath, '755')