Akis Kesoglou 62f006b89a Add legacy deploy method back
This mostly reverts the removal of the legacy deploy code that pushed image tars via the builder. It’s needed for users to avoid having to switch between CLI versions in order to push to legacy apps as well.

Note: this pins resin-sdk to 9.0.0-beta14 as I couldn’t get it to install otherwise — npm would always install 9.0.0-beta9 instead.

Change-Type: minor
2018-03-22 13:26:47 +02:00

167 lines
4.8 KiB

"name": "resin-cli",
"version": "7.0.7",
"description": "The official CLI tool",
"main": "./build/actions/index.js",
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"preferGlobal": true,
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"bin": {
"resin": "./bin/resin"
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"scripts": [
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"scripts": {
"prebuild": "rimraf build/ build-bin/ build-zip/",
"build": "npm run build:src && npm run build:bin",
"build:src": "npm run prettify && npm run lint && gulp build && tsc && npm run build:doc",
"build:doc": "mkdirp doc/ && ts-node automation/capitanodoc/index.ts > doc/cli.markdown",
"build:bin": "ts-node --type-check -P automation automation/build-bin.ts",
"release": "npm run build && ts-node --type-check -P automation automation/deploy-bin.ts",
"pretest": "npm run build",
"test": "gulp test",
"ci": "npm run test && catch-uncommitted",
"watch": "gulp watch",
"prettify": "prettier --write \"{lib,tests,automation,typings}/**/*.ts\"",
"lint": "resin-lint lib/ tests/ && resin-lint --typescript automation/ lib/ typings/ tests/",
"prepublish": "require-npm4-to-publish",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build"
"keywords": [
"author": "Juan Cruz Viotti <>",
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"update-notifier": "^2.2.0",
"window-size": "^1.1.0"
"optionalDependencies": {
"removedrive": "^1.0.0"