2017-05-19 02:10:14 +03:00

132 lines
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Copyright 2016 Resin.io
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module.exports =
signature: 'ssh [uuid]'
description: '(beta) get a shell into the running app container of a device'
help: '''
Warning: 'resin ssh' requires an openssh-compatible client to be correctly
installed in your shell environment. For more information (including Windows
support) please check the README here: https://github.com/resin-io/resin-cli
Use this command to get a shell into the running application container of
your device.
$ resin ssh MyApp
$ resin ssh 7cf02a6
$ resin ssh 7cf02a6 --port 8080
$ resin ssh 7cf02a6 -v
permission: 'user'
primary: true
options: [
signature: 'port'
parameter: 'port'
description: 'ssh gateway port'
alias: 'p'
signature: 'verbose'
boolean: true
description: 'increase verbosity'
alias: 'v'
signature: 'noproxy'
boolean: true
description: "don't use the proxy configuration for this connection.
Only makes sense if you've configured proxy globally."
action: (params, options, done) ->
child_process = require('child_process')
Promise = require('bluebird')
resin = require('resin-sdk-preconfigured')
_ = require('lodash')
bash = require('bash')
hasbin = require('hasbin')
{ getSubShellCommand } = require('../utils/helpers')
patterns = require('../utils/patterns')
options.port ?= 22
verbose = if options.verbose then '-vvv' else ''
proxyConfig = global.PROXY_CONFIG
useProxy = !!proxyConfig and not options.noproxy
getSshProxyCommand = (hasTunnelBin) ->
return '' if not useProxy
if not hasTunnelBin
Proxy is enabled but the `proxytunnel` binary cannot be found.
Please install it if you want to route the `resin ssh` requests through the proxy.
Alternatively you can pass `--noproxy` param to the `resin ssh` command to ignore the proxy config
for the `ssh` requests.
Attemmpting the unproxied request for now.
return ''
tunnelOptions =
proxy: "#{proxyConfig.host}:#{proxyConfig.port}"
dest: '%h:%p'
{ proxyAuth } = proxyConfig
if proxyAuth
i = proxyAuth.indexOf(':')
_.assign tunnelOptions,
user: proxyAuth.substring(0, i)
pass: proxyAuth.substring(i + 1)
proxyCommand = "proxytunnel #{bash.args(tunnelOptions, '--', '=')}"
return "-o #{bash.args({ ProxyCommand: proxyCommand }, '', '=')}"
Promise.try ->
return false if not params.uuid
return resin.models.device.has(params.uuid)
.then (uuidExists) ->
return params.uuid if uuidExists
return patterns.inferOrSelectDevice()
.then (uuid) ->
console.info("Connecting to: #{uuid}")
.then (device) ->
throw new Error('Device is not online') if not device.is_online
username: resin.auth.whoami()
uuid: device.uuid
# get full uuid
containerId: resin.models.device.getApplicationInfo(device.uuid).get('containerId')
proxyUrl: resin.settings.get('proxyUrl')
hasTunnelBin: if useProxy then hasbin('proxytunnel') else null
.then ({ username, uuid, containerId, proxyUrl, hasTunnelBin }) ->
throw new Error('Did not find running application container') if not containerId?
Promise.try ->
sshProxyCommand = getSshProxyCommand(hasTunnelBin)
command = "ssh #{verbose} -t \
-o LogLevel=ERROR \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o ControlMaster=no \
#{sshProxyCommand} \
-p #{options.port} #{username}@ssh.#{proxyUrl} enter #{uuid} #{containerId}"
subShellCommand = getSubShellCommand(command)
child_process.spawn subShellCommand.program, subShellCommand.args,
stdio: 'inherit'