206 lines
5.8 KiB

_ = require('lodash-contrib')
fs = require('fs')
os = require('os')
async = require('async')
path = require('path')
mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
resin = require('resin-sdk')
visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals')
progressStream = require('progress-stream')
diskio = require('diskio')
commandOptions = require('./command-options')
npm = require('../npm')
packageJSON = require('../../package.json')
updateActions = require('./update')
exports.download =
signature: 'os download <id>'
description: 'download device OS'
help: '''
Use this command to download the device OS configured to a specific network.
You can setup the device OS to use ethernet by setting the `--network` option to "ethernet".
You can setup the device OS to use wifi by setting the `--network` option to "wifi".
If you set "network" to "wifi", you will need to specify the `--ssid` and `--key` option as well.
Alternatively, you can omit all kind of network configuration options to configure interactively.
You have to specify an output location with the `--output` option.
$ resin os download 91 --output ~/MyResinOS.zip
$ resin os download 91 --network ethernet --output ~/MyResinOS.zip
$ resin os download 91 --network wifi --ssid MyNetwork --key secreykey123 --output ~/MyResinOS.zip
$ resin os download 91 --network ethernet --output ~/MyResinOS.zip
options: [
signature: 'output'
parameter: 'output'
description: 'output file'
alias: 'o'
required: 'You need to specify an output file'
permission: 'user'
action: (params, options, done) ->
osParams =
network: options.network
wifiSsid: options.ssid
wifiKey: options.key
appId: params.id
async.waterfall [
(callback) ->
return callback() if osParams.network?
visuals.patterns.selectNetworkParameters (error, parameters) ->
return callback(error) if error?
_.extend(osParams, parameters)
return callback()
(callback) ->
# We need to ensure this directory exists
mkdirp(path.dirname(options.output), _.unary(callback))
(callback) ->
console.info("Destination file: #{options.output}\n")
bar = new visuals.widgets.Progress('Downloading Device OS')
spinner = new visuals.widgets.Spinner('Downloading Device OS (size unknown)')
resin.models.os.download osParams, options.output, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
, (state) ->
if state?
], (error) ->
return done(error) if error?
console.info("\nFinished downloading #{options.output}")
return done(null, options.output)
exports.install =
signature: 'os install <image> [device]'
description: 'write an operating system image to a device'
help: '''
Use this command to write an operating system image to a device.
Note that this command requires admin privileges.
If `device` is omitted, you will be prompted to select a device interactively.
Notice this command asks for confirmation interactively.
You can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option.
You can quiet the progress bar by passing the `--quiet` boolean option.
You may have to unmount the device before attempting this operation.
See the `drives` command to get a list of all connected devices to your machine and their respective ids.
In Mac OS X:
$ sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/xxx
In GNU/Linux:
$ sudo umount /dev/xxx
$ resin os install rpi.iso /dev/disk2
options: [ commandOptions.yes ]
permission: 'user'
action: (params, options, done) ->
async.waterfall [
(callback) ->
npm.isUpdated(packageJSON.name, packageJSON.version, callback)
(isUpdated, callback) ->
return callback() if isUpdated
console.info '''
Resin CLI is outdated.
In order to avoid device compatibility issues, this command
requires that you have the Resin CLI updated.
Updating now...
updateActions.update.action(params, options, _.unary(callback))
(callback) ->
return callback(null, params.device) if params.device?
# TODO: See if we can reuse the drives action somehow here
visuals.patterns.selectDrive (error, device) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if not device?
return callback(new Error('No removable devices available'))
return callback(null, device)
(device, callback) ->
params.device = device
message = "This will completely erase #{params.device}. Are you sure you want to continue?"
visuals.patterns.confirm(options.yes, message, callback)
(confirmed, callback) ->
return done() if not confirmed
imageFileSize = fs.statSync(params.image).size
if imageFileSize is 0
error = new Error("Invalid OS image: #{params.image}. The image is 0 bytes.")
return callback(error)
progress = progressStream
length: imageFileSize
time: 500
if not options.quiet
bar = new visuals.widgets.Progress('Writing Device OS')
progress.on 'progress', (status) ->
imageFileStream = fs.createReadStream(params.image).pipe(progress)
diskio.writeStream(params.device, imageFileStream, callback)
], (error) ->
return done() if not error?
if _.all [
os.platform() is 'win32'
error.code is 'EPERM' or error.code is 'EACCES'
# Prevent re-running resin-write infinitely
# If we have an EPERM or EACCES even after running
# windosu, we throw it as there is not much we can do
not options.fromScript
windosu = require('windosu')
# Need to escape every path to avoid errors
resinWritePath = "\"#{path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'bin', 'resin-write')}\""
windosu.exec("\"#{process.argv[0]}\" #{resinWritePath} \"#{params.image}\" \"#{params.device}\"")
return done(error)