mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 07:05:58 +00:00
Connects-to: #1231 Change-type: patch Signed-off-by: Thodoris Greasidis <thodoris@balena.io>
428 lines
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428 lines
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Copyright 2016-2017 Balena
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
commandOptions = require('./command-options')
_ = require('lodash')
{ normalizeUuidProp } = require('../utils/normalization')
formatVersion = (v, isRecommended) ->
result = "v#{v}"
if isRecommended
result += ' (recommended)'
return result
resolveVersion = (deviceType, version) ->
if version isnt 'menu'
if version[0] == 'v'
version = version.slice(1)
return Promise.resolve(version)
form = require('resin-cli-form')
balena = require('balena-sdk').fromSharedOptions()
.then ({ versions, recommended }) ->
choices = versions.map (v) ->
value: v
name: formatVersion(v, v is recommended)
return form.ask
message: 'Select the OS version:'
type: 'list'
choices: choices
default: recommended
exports.versions =
signature: 'os versions <type>'
description: 'show the available balenaOS versions for the given device type'
help: '''
Use this command to show the available balenaOS versions for a certain device type.
Check available types with `balena devices supported`
$ balena os versions raspberrypi3
action: (params, options, done) ->
balena = require('balena-sdk').fromSharedOptions()
.then ({ versions, recommended }) ->
versions.forEach (v) ->
console.log(formatVersion(v, v is recommended))
exports.download =
signature: 'os download <type>'
description: 'download an unconfigured os image'
help: '''
Use this command to download an unconfigured os image for a certain device type.
Check available types with `balena devices supported`
If version is not specified the newest stable (non-pre-release) version of OS
is downloaded if available, or the newest version otherwise (if all existing
versions for the given device type are pre-release).
You can pass `--version menu` to pick the OS version from the interactive menu
of all available versions.
$ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img
$ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version 1.24.1
$ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version ^1.20.0
$ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version latest
$ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version default
$ balena os download raspberrypi3 -o ../foo/bar/raspberry-pi.img --version menu
permission: 'user'
options: [
signature: 'output'
description: 'output path'
parameter: 'output'
alias: 'o'
required: 'You have to specify the output location'
action: (params, options, done) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
unzip = require('unzip2')
fs = require('fs')
rindle = require('rindle')
manager = require('balena-image-manager')
visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals')
console.info("Getting device operating system for #{params.type}")
displayVersion = ''
Promise.try ->
if not options.version
console.warn('OS version is not specified, using the default version:
the newest stable (non-pre-release) version if available,
or the newest version otherwise (if all existing
versions for the given device type are pre-release).')
return 'default'
return resolveVersion(params.type, options.version)
.then (version) ->
if version isnt 'default'
displayVersion = " #{version}"
return manager.get(params.type, version)
.then (stream) ->
bar = new visuals.Progress("Downloading Device OS#{displayVersion}")
spinner = new visuals.Spinner("Downloading Device OS#{displayVersion} (size unknown)")
stream.on 'progress', (state) ->
if state?
stream.on 'end', ->
# We completely rely on the `mime` custom property
# to make this decision.
# The actual stream should be checked instead.
if stream.mime is 'application/zip'
output = unzip.Extract(path: options.output)
output = fs.createWriteStream(options.output)
return rindle.wait(stream.pipe(output)).return(options.output)
.tap (output) ->
console.info('The image was downloaded successfully')
buildConfigForDeviceType = (deviceType, advanced = false) ->
form = require('resin-cli-form')
helpers = require('../utils/helpers')
questions = deviceType.options
if not advanced
advancedGroup = _.find questions,
name: 'advanced'
isGroup: true
if advancedGroup?
override = helpers.getGroupDefaults(advancedGroup)
return form.run(questions, { override })
buildConfig = (image, deviceTypeSlug, advanced = false) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
helpers = require('../utils/helpers')
Promise.resolve(helpers.getManifest(image, deviceTypeSlug))
.then (deviceTypeManifest) ->
buildConfigForDeviceType(deviceTypeManifest, advanced)
exports.buildConfig =
signature: 'os build-config <image> <device-type>'
description: 'build the OS config and save it to the JSON file'
help: '''
Use this command to prebuild the OS config once and skip the interactive part of `balena os configure`.
$ balena os build-config ../path/rpi3.img raspberrypi3 --output rpi3-config.json
$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --device 7cf02a6 --config rpi3-config.json
permission: 'user'
options: [
signature: 'output'
description: 'the path to the output JSON file'
alias: 'o'
required: 'the output path is required'
parameter: 'output'
action: (params, options, done) ->
fs = require('fs')
Promise = require('bluebird')
writeFileAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.writeFile)
buildConfig(params.image, params['device-type'], options.advanced)
.then (answers) ->
writeFileAsync(options.output, JSON.stringify(answers, null, 4))
exports.configure =
signature: 'os configure <image>'
description: 'configure an os image'
help: '''
Use this command to configure a previously downloaded operating system image for
the specific device or for an application generally.
This command will try to automatically determine the operating system version in order
to correctly configure the image. It may fail to do so however, in which case you'll
have to call this command again with the exact version number of the targeted image.
Note that device api keys are only supported on balenaOS 2.0.3+.
This command still supports the *deprecated* format where the UUID and optionally device key
are passed directly on the command line, but the recommended way is to pass either an --app or
--device argument. The deprecated format will be removed in a future release.
In case that you want to configure an image for an application with mixed device types,
you can pass the --device-type argument along with --app to specify the target device type.
$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --device 7cf02a6
$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --device 7cf02a6 --device-api-key <existingDeviceKey>
$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --app MyApp
$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --app MyApp --version 2.12.7
$ balena os configure ../path/rpi3.img --app MyFinApp --device-type raspberrypi3
permission: 'user'
options: [
signature: 'config'
description: 'path to the config JSON file, see `balena os build-config`'
parameter: 'config'
action: (params, options, done) ->
normalizeUuidProp(options, 'device')
fs = require('fs')
Promise = require('bluebird')
readFileAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile)
balena = require('balena-sdk').fromSharedOptions()
init = require('balena-device-init')
helpers = require('../utils/helpers')
patterns = require('../utils/patterns')
{ generateDeviceConfig, generateApplicationConfig } = require('../utils/config')
if _.filter([
]).length != 1
patterns.exitWithExpectedError '''
To configure an image, you must provide exactly one of:
* A device, with --device <uuid>
* An application, with --app <appname>
See the help page for examples:
$ balena help os configure
if !options.application and options.deviceType
patterns.exitWithExpectedError '''
Specifying a different device type is only supported when
configuring an image using an application as a parameter:
* An application, with --app <appname>
* A specific device type, with --device-type <deviceTypeSlug>
See the help page for examples:
$ balena help os configure
uuid = options.device
deviceApiKey = options.deviceApiKey
console.info('Configuring operating system image')
configurationResourceType = if uuid then 'device' else 'application'
balena.models[configurationResourceType].get(uuid || options.application)
.then (appOrDevice) ->
deviceType = options.deviceType || appOrDevice.device_type
manifestPromise = helpers.getManifest(params.image, deviceType)
if options.application && options.deviceType
app = appOrDevice
appManifestPromise = balena.models.device.getManifestBySlug(app.device_type)
paramManifestPromise = balena.models.device.getManifestBySlug(options.deviceType)
manifestPromise = Promise.resolve(manifestPromise).tap ->
Promise.join appManifestPromise, paramManifestPromise, (appDeviceType, paramDeviceType) ->
if not helpers.areDeviceTypesCompatible(appDeviceType, paramDeviceType)
throw new balena.errors.BalenaInvalidDeviceType(
"Device type #{options.deviceType} is incompatible with application #{options.application}"
answersPromise = Promise.try ->
if options.config
return readFileAsync(options.config, 'utf8')
return manifestPromise.then (deviceTypeManifest) ->
buildConfigForDeviceType(deviceTypeManifest, options.advanced)
Promise.join answersPromise, manifestPromise, (answers, manifest) ->
answers.version = options.version
if configurationResourceType == 'application'
answers.deviceType = deviceType
if not answers.version?
answers.version = Promise.resolve(helpers.getOsVersion(params.image, manifest)).tap (version) ->
if not version?
throw new Error(
'Could not read OS version from the image. ' +
'Please specify the version manually with the ' +
'--version argument to this command.'
Promise.props(answers).then (answers) ->
(if configurationResourceType == 'device'
generateDeviceConfig(appOrDevice, deviceApiKey, answers)
generateApplicationConfig(appOrDevice, answers)
.then (config) ->
init.configure(params.image, manifest, config, answers)
Note: Initializing the device may ask for administrative permissions
because we need to access the raw devices directly.
exports.initialize =
signature: 'os initialize <image>'
description: 'initialize an os image'
help: """
Use this command to initialize a device with previously configured operating system image.
$ balena os initialize ../path/rpi.img --type 'raspberry-pi'
permission: 'user'
options: [
signature: 'type'
description: 'device type (Check available types with `balena devices supported`)'
parameter: 'type'
alias: 't'
required: 'You have to specify a device type'
action: (params, options, done) ->
Promise = require('bluebird')
umountAsync = Promise.promisify(require('umount').umount)
form = require('resin-cli-form')
patterns = require('../utils/patterns')
helpers = require('../utils/helpers')
Initializing device
Promise.resolve(helpers.getManifest(params.image, options.type))
.then (manifest) ->
return manifest.initialization?.options
.then (questions) ->
return form.run questions,
drive: options.drive
.tap (answers) ->
return if not answers.drive?
"This will erase #{answers.drive}. Are you sure?"
"Going to erase #{answers.drive}."
.tap (answers) ->
return helpers.sudo([
.then (answers) ->
return if not answers.drive?
# TODO: balena local makes use of ejectAsync, see below
# DO we need this / should we do that here?
# getDrive = (drive) ->
# driveListAsync().then (drives) ->
# selectedDrive = _.find(drives, device: drive)
# if not selectedDrive?
# throw new Error("Drive not found: #{drive}")
# return selectedDrive
# if (os.platform() is 'win32') and selectedDrive.mountpoint?
# ejectAsync = Promise.promisify(require('removedrive').eject)
# return ejectAsync(selectedDrive.mountpoint)
umountAsync(answers.drive).tap ->
console.info("You can safely remove #{answers.drive} now")