(function() { var Promise, _, events, form, open, resin, url, validEmail, visuals; Promise = require('bluebird'); open = Promise.promisify(require('open')); _ = require('lodash'); url = require('url'); resin = require('resin-sdk'); form = require('resin-cli-form'); visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals'); validEmail = require('valid-email'); events = require('resin-cli-events'); exports.login = { signature: 'login [token]', description: 'login to resin.io', help: 'Use this command to login to your resin.io account.\n\nTo login, you need your token, which is accesible from the preferences page.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin login\n $ resin login "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi..."', primary: true, action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.settings.get('dashboardUrl').then(function(dashboardUrl) { return url.resolve(dashboardUrl, '/preferences'); }).then(function(preferencesUrl) { if (params.token != null) { return params.token; } console.info("To login to the Resin CLI, you need your unique token, which is accesible from\nthe preferences page at " + preferencesUrl + "\n\nAttempting to open a browser at that location..."); return open(preferencesUrl)["catch"](function() { return console.error("Unable to open a web browser in the current environment.\nPlease visit " + preferencesUrl + " manually."); }).then(function() { return form.ask({ message: 'What\'s your token? (visible in the preferences page)', type: 'input' }); }); }).then(resin.auth.loginWithToken).then(function(token) { return resin.auth.isLoggedIn().then(function(isLoggedIn) { if (isLoggedIn) { return token; } throw new Error('Authentication failed'); }); }).then(resin.auth.whoami).tap(function(username) { console.info("Successfully logged in as: " + username); return events.send('user.login'); }).nodeify(done); } }; exports.logout = { signature: 'logout', description: 'logout from resin.io', help: 'Use this command to logout from your resin.io account.o\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin logout', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.auth.logout().then(function() { return events.send('user.logout'); }).nodeify(done); } }; exports.signup = { signature: 'signup', description: 'signup to resin.io', help: 'Use this command to signup for a resin.io account.\n\nIf signup is successful, you\'ll be logged in to your new user automatically.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin signup\n Email: me@mycompany.com\n Username: johndoe\n Password: ***********\n\n $ resin whoami\n johndoe', action: function(params, options, done) { return form.run([ { message: 'Email:', name: 'email', type: 'input', validate: function(input) { if (!validEmail(input)) { return 'Email is not valid'; } return true; } }, { message: 'Username:', name: 'username', type: 'input' }, { message: 'Password:', name: 'password', type: 'password', validate: function(input) { if (input.length < 8) { return 'Password should be 8 characters long'; } return true; } } ]).then(resin.auth.register).then(resin.auth.loginWithToken).tap(function() { return events.send('user.signup'); }).nodeify(done); } }; exports.whoami = { signature: 'whoami', description: 'get current username and email address', help: 'Use this command to find out the current logged in username and email address.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin whoami', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return Promise.props({ username: resin.auth.whoami(), email: resin.auth.getEmail() }).then(function(results) { return console.log(visuals.table.vertical(results, ['$account information$', 'username', 'email'])); }).nodeify(done); } }; }).call(this);