(function() { var _, async, commandOptions, osAction, path, resin, vcs, visuals; _ = require('lodash-contrib'); path = require('path'); async = require('async'); resin = require('resin-sdk'); visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals'); vcs = require('resin-vcs'); commandOptions = require('./command-options'); osAction = require('./os'); exports.list = { signature: 'devices', description: 'list all devices', help: 'Use this command to list all devices that belong to a certain application.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin devices --application MyApp', options: [commandOptions.application], permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.models.device.getAllByApplication(options.application, function(error, devices) { if (error != null) { return done(error); } console.log(visuals.widgets.table.horizontal(devices, ['id', 'name', 'device_type', 'is_online', 'application_name', 'status', 'last_seen'])); return done(); }); } }; exports.info = { signature: 'device ', description: 'list a single device', help: 'Use this command to show information about a single device.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin device MyDevice', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.models.device.get(params.name, function(error, device) { if (error != null) { return done(error); } console.log(visuals.widgets.table.vertical(device, ['id', 'name', 'device_type', 'is_online', 'ip_address', 'application_name', 'status', 'last_seen', 'uuid', 'commit', 'supervisor_version', 'is_web_accessible', 'note'])); return done(); }); } }; exports.remove = { signature: 'device rm ', description: 'remove a device', help: 'Use this command to remove a device from resin.io.\n\nNotice this command asks for confirmation interactively.\nYou can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin device rm MyDevice\n $ resin device rm MyDevice --yes', options: [commandOptions.yes], permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return visuals.patterns.remove('device', options.yes, function(callback) { return resin.models.device.remove(params.name, callback); }, done); } }; exports.identify = { signature: 'device identify ', description: 'identify a device with a UUID', help: 'Use this command to identify a device.\n\nIn the Raspberry Pi, the ACT led is blinked several times.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin device identify 23c73a12e3527df55c60b9ce647640c1b7da1b32d71e6a39849ac0f00db828', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.models.device.identify(params.uuid, done); } }; exports.rename = { signature: 'device rename [newName]', description: 'rename a resin device', help: 'Use this command to rename a device.\n\nIf you omit the name, you\'ll get asked for it interactively.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin device rename MyDevice MyPi\n $ resin device rename MyDevice', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return async.waterfall([ function(callback) { if (!_.isEmpty(params.newName)) { return callback(null, params.newName); } return visuals.widgets.ask('How do you want to name this device?', null, callback); }, function(newName, callback) { return resin.models.device.rename(params.name, newName, callback); } ], done); } }; exports.supported = { signature: 'devices supported', description: 'list all supported devices', help: 'Use this command to get the list of all supported devices\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin devices supported', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.models.device.getSupportedDeviceTypes(function(error, devices) { if (error != null) { return done(error); } _.each(devices, _.unary(console.log)); return done(); }); } }; exports.init = { signature: 'device init [device]', description: 'initialise a device with resin os', help: 'Use this command to download the OS image of a certain application and write it to an SD Card.\n\nNote that this command requires admin privileges.\n\nIf `device` is omitted, you will be prompted to select a device interactively.\n\nNotice this command asks for confirmation interactively.\nYou can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option.\n\nYou can quiet the progress bar by passing the `--quiet` boolean option.\n\nYou may have to unmount the device before attempting this operation.\n\nYou need to configure the network type and other settings:\n\nEthernet:\n You can setup the device OS to use ethernet by setting the `--network` option to "ethernet".\n\nWifi:\n You can setup the device OS to use wifi by setting the `--network` option to "wifi".\n If you set "network" to "wifi", you will need to specify the `--ssid` and `--key` option as well.\n\nYou can omit network related options to be asked about them interactively.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin device init\n $ resin device init --application MyApp\n $ resin device init --application MyApp --network ethernet\n $ resin device init /dev/disk2 --application MyApp --network wifi --ssid MyNetwork --key secret', options: [commandOptions.optionalApplication, commandOptions.network, commandOptions.wifiSsid, commandOptions.wifiKey], permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return async.waterfall([ function(callback) { if (options.application != null) { return callback(null, options.application); } return vcs.getApplicationId(process.cwd(), function(error, applicationId) { if (error != null) { return callback(error); } return resin.models.application.getById(applicationId, function(error, application) { if (error != null) { return callback(error); } return callback(null, application.app_name); }); }); }, function(applicationName, callback) { params.name = applicationName; if (params.device != null) { return callback(null, params.device); } return visuals.patterns.selectDrive(callback); }, function(device, callback) { var message; params.device = device; message = "This will completely erase " + params.device + ". Are you sure you want to continue?"; return visuals.patterns.confirm(options.yes, message, callback); }, function(confirmed, callback) { if (!confirmed) { return done(); } options.yes = confirmed; return osAction.download.action(params, options, callback); }, function(outputFile, callback) { params.image = outputFile; return osAction.install.action(params, options, callback); } ], done); } }; }).call(this);