### Copyright 2016-2017 Resin.io Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ### dockerUtils = require('../utils/docker') LATEST = 'latest' allDeviceTypes = undefined getDeviceTypes = -> Bluebird = require('bluebird') _ = require('lodash') if allDeviceTypes != undefined return Bluebird.resolve(allDeviceTypes) resin = require('resin-sdk').fromSharedOptions() resin.models.config.getDeviceTypes() .then (deviceTypes) -> _.sortBy(deviceTypes, 'name') .tap (dt) -> allDeviceTypes = dt getDeviceTypesWithSameArch = (deviceTypeSlug) -> _ = require('lodash') getDeviceTypes() .then (deviceTypes) -> deviceType = _.find(deviceTypes, slug: deviceTypeSlug) _(deviceTypes).filter(arch: deviceType.arch).map('slug').value() getApplicationsWithSuccessfulBuilds = (deviceType) -> preload = require('resin-preload') resin = require('resin-sdk').fromSharedOptions() getDeviceTypesWithSameArch(deviceType) .then (deviceTypes) -> resin.pine.get resource: 'my_application' options: $filter: device_type: $in: deviceTypes owns__release: $any: $alias: 'r' $expr: r: status: 'success' $expand: preload.applicationExpandOptions $select: [ 'id', 'app_name', 'device_type', 'commit', 'should_track_latest_release' ] $orderby: 'app_name asc' selectApplication = (deviceType) -> visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals') form = require('resin-cli-form') { exitWithExpectedError } = require('../utils/patterns') applicationInfoSpinner = new visuals.Spinner('Downloading list of applications and releases.') applicationInfoSpinner.start() getApplicationsWithSuccessfulBuilds(deviceType) .then (applications) -> applicationInfoSpinner.stop() if applications.length == 0 exitWithExpectedError("You have no apps with successful releases for a '#{deviceType}' device type.") form.ask message: 'Select an application' type: 'list' choices: applications.map (app) -> name: app.app_name value: app selectApplicationCommit = (releases) -> form = require('resin-cli-form') { exitWithExpectedError } = require('../utils/patterns') if releases.length == 0 exitWithExpectedError('This application has no successful releases.') DEFAULT_CHOICE = { 'name': LATEST, 'value': LATEST } choices = [ DEFAULT_CHOICE ].concat releases.map (release) -> name: "#{release.end_timestamp} - #{release.commit}" value: release.commit return form.ask message: 'Select a release' type: 'list' default: LATEST choices: choices offerToDisableAutomaticUpdates = (application, commit) -> Promise = require('bluebird') resin = require('resin-sdk').fromSharedOptions() form = require('resin-cli-form') if commit == LATEST or not application.should_track_latest_release return Promise.resolve() message = ''' This application is set to automatically update all devices to the latest available version. This might be unexpected behaviour: with this enabled, the preloaded device will still download and install the latest release once it is online. Do you want to disable automatic updates for this application? Warning: To re-enable this requires direct api calls, see https://docs.resin.io/reference/api/resources/device/#set-device-to-release ''' form.ask message: message, type: 'confirm' .then (update) -> if not update return resin.pine.patch resource: 'application' id: application.id body: should_track_latest_release: false module.exports = signature: 'preload ' description: '(beta) preload an app on a disk image (or Edison zip archive)' help: ''' Warning: "resin preload" requires Docker to be correctly installed in your shell environment. For more information (including Windows support) please check the README here: https://github.com/resin-io/resin-cli . Use this command to preload an application to a local disk image (or Edison zip archive) with a built release from Resin.io. Examples: $ resin preload resin.img --app 1234 --commit e1f2592fc6ee949e68756d4f4a48e49bff8d72a0 --splash-image some-image.png $ resin preload resin.img ''' permission: 'user' primary: true options: dockerUtils.appendConnectionOptions [ { signature: 'app' parameter: 'appId' description: 'id of the application to preload' alias: 'a' } { signature: 'commit' parameter: 'hash' description: ''' the commit hash for a specific application release to preload, use "latest" to specify the latest release (ignored if no appId is given) ''' alias: 'c' } { signature: 'splash-image' parameter: 'splashImage.png' description: 'path to a png image to replace the splash screen' alias: 's' } { signature: 'dont-check-arch' boolean: true description: 'Disables check for matching architecture in image and application' } { signature: 'pin-device-to-release' boolean: true description: 'Pin the preloaded device to the preloaded release on provision' alias: 'p' } ] action: (params, options, done) -> _ = require('lodash') Promise = require('bluebird') resin = require('resin-sdk').fromSharedOptions() preload = require('resin-preload') visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals') nodeCleanup = require('node-cleanup') { exitWithExpectedError } = require('../utils/patterns') progressBars = {} progressHandler = (event) -> progressBar = progressBars[event.name] if not progressBar progressBar = progressBars[event.name] = new visuals.Progress(event.name) progressBar.update(percentage: event.percentage) spinners = {} spinnerHandler = (event) -> spinner = spinners[event.name] if not spinner spinner = spinners[event.name] = new visuals.Spinner(event.name) if event.action == 'start' spinner.start() else console.log() spinner.stop() options.image = params.image options.appId = options.app delete options.app options.splashImage = options['splash-image'] delete options['splash-image'] options.dontCheckArch = options['dont-check-arch'] || false delete options['dont-check-arch'] if options.dontCheckArch and not options.appId exitWithExpectedError('You need to specify an app id if you disable the architecture check.') options.pinDevice = options['pin-device-to-release'] || false delete options['pin-device-to-release'] # Get a configured dockerode instance dockerUtils.getDocker(options) .then (docker) -> preloader = new preload.Preloader( resin docker options.appId options.commit options.image options.splashImage options.proxy options.dontCheckArch options.pinDevice ) gotSignal = false nodeCleanup (exitCode, signal) -> if signal gotSignal = true nodeCleanup.uninstall() # don't call cleanup handler again preloader.cleanup() .then -> # calling process.exit() won't inform parent process of signal process.kill(process.pid, signal) return false if process.env.DEBUG preloader.stderr.pipe(process.stderr) preloader.on('progress', progressHandler) preloader.on('spinner', spinnerHandler) return new Promise (resolve, reject) -> preloader.on('error', reject) preloader.prepare() .then -> # If no appId was provided, show a list of matching apps Promise.try -> if not preloader.appId selectApplication(preloader.config.deviceType) .then (application) -> preloader.setApplication(application) .then -> # Use the commit given as --commit or show an interactive commit selection menu Promise.try -> if options.commit if options.commit == LATEST and preloader.application.commit # handle `--commit latest` return LATEST release = _.find preloader.application.owns__release, (release) -> release.commit.startsWith(options.commit) if not release exitWithExpectedError('There is no release matching this commit') return release.commit selectApplicationCommit(preloader.application.owns__release) .then (commit) -> if commit == LATEST preloader.commit = preloader.application.commit else preloader.commit = commit # Propose to disable automatic app updates if the commit is not the latest offerToDisableAutomaticUpdates(preloader.application, commit) .then -> # All options are ready: preload the image. preloader.preload() .catch(resin.errors.ResinError, exitWithExpectedError) .then(resolve) .catch(reject) .then(done) .finally -> if not gotSignal preloader.cleanup()