(function() { var _, async, capitano, commandOptions, fs, resin, visuals; _ = require('lodash'); _.str = require('underscore.string'); async = require('async'); fs = require('fs'); resin = require('resin-sdk'); capitano = require('capitano'); visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals'); commandOptions = require('./command-options'); exports.list = { signature: 'keys', description: 'list all ssh keys', help: 'Use this command to list all your SSH keys.\n\nExamples:\n $ resin keys', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.models.key.getAll(function(error, keys) { if (error != null) { return done(error); } console.log(visuals.widgets.table.horizontal(keys, ['id', 'title'])); return done(); }); } }; exports.info = { signature: 'key ', description: 'list a single ssh key', help: 'Use this command to show information about a single SSH key.\n\nExamples:\n $ resin key 17', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.models.key.get(params.id, function(error, key) { var sshKeyWidth; if (error != null) { return done(error); } sshKeyWidth = resin.settings.get('sshKeyWidth'); key.public_key = '\n' + visuals.helpers.chop(key.public_key, sshKeyWidth); console.log(visuals.widgets.table.vertical(key, ['id', 'title', 'public_key'])); return done(); }); } }; exports.remove = { signature: 'key rm ', description: 'remove a ssh key', help: 'Use this command to remove a SSH key from resin.io.\n\nNotice this command asks for confirmation interactively.\nYou can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option.\n\nExamples:\n $ resin key rm 17\n $ resin key rm 17 --yes', options: [commandOptions.yes], permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return visuals.patterns.remove('key', options.yes, function(callback) { return resin.models.key.remove(params.id, callback); }, done); } }; exports.add = { signature: 'key add [path]', description: 'add a SSH key to resin.io', help: 'Use this command to associate a new SSH key with your account.\n\nIf `path` is omitted, the command will attempt\nto read the SSH key from stdin.\n\nExamples:\n $ resin key add Main ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub\n $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | resin key add Main', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return async.waterfall([ function(callback) { if (params.path != null) { return fs.readFile(params.path, { encoding: 'utf8' }, callback); } else { return capitano.utils.getStdin(function(data) { return callback(null, data); }); } }, function(key, callback) { return resin.models.key.create(params.name, key, callback); } ], done); } }; }).call(this);