# FAQ & Troubleshooting This document contains some common issues, questions and answers related to the balena CLI. ## Where is my configuration file? The per-user configuration file lives in `$HOME/.balenarc.yml` or `%UserProfile%\_balenarc.yml`, in Unix based operating systems and Windows respectively. The balena CLI also attempts to read a `balenarc.yml` file in the current directory, which takes precedence over the per-user configuration file. ## How do I point the balena CLI to staging? The easiest way is to set the `BALENARC_BALENA_URL=balena-staging.com` environment variable. Alternatively, you can edit your configuration file and set `balenaUrl: balena-staging.com` to persist this setting. ## How do I make the balena CLI persist data in another directory? The balena CLI persists your session token, as well as cached images in `$HOME/.balena` or `%UserProfile%\_balena`. Pointing the balena CLI to persist data in another location is necessary in certain environments, like a server, where there is no home directory, or a device running balenaOS, which erases all data after a restart. You can accomplish this by setting `BALENARC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/opt/balena` or adding `dataDirectory: /opt/balena` to your configuration file, replacing `/opt/balena` with your desired directory. ## After burning to an sdcard, my device doesn't boot - The downloaded image is not complete (download was interrupted). Please clean the cache (`%HOME/.balena/cache` or `C:\Users\<user>\_balena\cache`) and run the command again. In the future, the CLI will check that the image is not complete and clean the cache for you. ## I get a permission error when burning to an sdcard - The SDCard is locked. ### I get EINVAL errors on Cygwin The errors look something like this: ``` net.js:156 this._handle.open(options.fd); ^ Error: EINVAL, invalid argument at new Socket (net.js:156:18) at process.stdin (node.js:664:19) at Object.Interface.createInterface (C:\cygwin\home\Juan Cruz Viotti\Projects\balena-cli\node_modules\inquirer\node_modules\readline2\index.js:31:43) at PromptUI.UI (C:\cygwin\home\Juan Cruz Viotti\Projects\balena-cli\node_modules\inquirer\lib\ui\baseUI.js:23:40) at new PromptUI (C:\cygwin\home\Juan Cruz Viotti\Projects\balena-cli\node_modules\inquirer\lib\ui\prompt.js:26:8) at Object.promptModule [as prompt] (C:\cygwin\home\Juan Cruz Viotti\Projects\balena-cli\node_modules\inquirer\lib\inquirer.js:27:14) ``` - Some interactive widgets don't work on `Cygwin`. If you're running Windows, it's preferrable that you use `cmd.exe`, as `Cygwin` is [not official supported by Node.js](https://github.com/chjj/blessed/issues/56#issuecomment-42671945). ## I get `Invalid MBR boot signature` when configuring a device This error, accompanied with something like: `Expected 0xAA55, but saw 0x29FE` usually indicates a corrupted device operating system image in the cache, due to bad a internet connection during the download process. Try clearing the cache with the following command and trying again: ```sh $ rm -rf $HOME/.balena/cache ``` Or in Windows: ```sh > del /s /q %UserProfile%\_balena\cache ``` ## I get `EACCES: permission denied` when logging in The balena CLI stores the session token in `$HOME/.balena` or `C:\Users\<user>\_balena` in UNIX based operating systems and Windows respectively. This error usually indicates that the user doesn't have permissions over that directory, which can happen if you ran the balena CLI as `root`, and thus the directory got owned by him. Try resetting the ownership by running: ```sh $ sudo chown -R <user> $HOME/.balena ```