(function() { var packageJSON, selfupdate; selfupdate = require('selfupdate'); packageJSON = require('../../package.json'); exports.update = { signature: 'update', description: 'update the resin cli', help: 'Use this command to update the Resin CLI\n\nThis command outputs information about the update process.\nUse `--quiet` to remove that output.\n\nThe Resin CLI checks for updates once per day.\n\nMajor updates require a manual update with this update command,\nwhile minor updates are applied automatically.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin update', action: function(params, options, done) { return selfupdate.update(packageJSON, function(error, version) { if (error != null) { return done(error); } console.info("Updated " + packageJSON.name + " to version " + version + "."); return done(); }); } }; }).call(this);