/** * @license * Copyright 2018-2021 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type * as dockerode from 'dockerode'; import { flags } from '@oclif/command'; import { ExpectedError } from '../errors'; import { parseAsInteger } from './validation'; interface BalenaEngineVersion extends dockerode.DockerVersion { Engine?: string; } export interface DockerConnectionCliFlags { docker?: string; dockerHost?: string; dockerPort?: number; ca?: string; cert?: string; key?: string; } export interface DockerCliFlags extends DockerConnectionCliFlags { tag?: string; buildArg?: string[]; 'cache-from'?: string; nocache: boolean; pull?: boolean; squash: boolean; } export const dockerConnectionCliFlags: flags.Input<DockerConnectionCliFlags> = { docker: flags.string({ description: 'Path to a local docker socket (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock)', char: 'P', }), dockerHost: flags.string({ description: 'Docker daemon hostname or IP address (dev machine or balena device) ', char: 'h', }), dockerPort: flags.integer({ description: 'Docker daemon TCP port number (hint: 2375 for balena devices)', char: 'p', parse: (p) => parseAsInteger(p, 'dockerPort'), }), ca: flags.string({ description: 'Docker host TLS certificate authority file', }), cert: flags.string({ description: 'Docker host TLS certificate file', }), key: flags.string({ description: 'Docker host TLS key file', }), }; export const dockerCliFlags: flags.Input<DockerCliFlags> = { tag: flags.string({ description: `\ Tag locally built Docker images. This is the 'tag' portion in 'projectName_serviceName:tag'. The default is 'latest'.`, char: 't', }), buildArg: flags.string({ description: '[Deprecated] Set a build-time variable (eg. "-B \'ARG=value\'"). Can be specified multiple times.', char: 'B', multiple: true, }), 'cache-from': flags.string({ description: `\ Comma-separated list (no spaces) of image names for build cache resolution. \ Implements the same feature as the "docker build --cache-from" option.`, }), nocache: flags.boolean({ description: "Don't use docker layer caching when building", }), pull: flags.boolean({ description: 'Pull the base images again even if they exist locally', }), squash: flags.boolean({ description: 'Squash newly built layers into a single new layer', }), ...dockerConnectionCliFlags, }; export interface BuildOpts { buildargs?: Dictionary<string>; cachefrom?: string[]; nocache?: boolean; pull?: boolean; registryconfig?: import('resin-multibuild').RegistrySecrets; squash?: boolean; t?: string; // only the tag portion of the image name, e.g. 'abc' in 'myimg:abc' } function parseBuildArgs(args: string[]): Dictionary<string> { if (!Array.isArray(args)) { args = [args]; } const buildArgs: Dictionary<string> = {}; args.forEach(function (arg) { // note: [^] matches any character, including line breaks const pair = /^([^\s]+?)=([^]*)$/.exec(arg); if (pair != null) { buildArgs[pair[1]] = pair[2] ?? ''; } else { throw new ExpectedError(`Could not parse build argument: '${arg}'`); } }); return buildArgs; } export function generateBuildOpts(options: { buildArg?: string[]; 'cache-from'?: string; nocache: boolean; pull?: boolean; 'registry-secrets'?: import('resin-multibuild').RegistrySecrets; squash: boolean; tag?: string; }): BuildOpts { const opts: BuildOpts = {}; if (options.buildArg != null) { opts.buildargs = parseBuildArgs(options.buildArg); } if (options['cache-from']?.trim()) { opts.cachefrom = options['cache-from'].split(',').filter((i) => !!i.trim()); } if (options.nocache != null) { opts.nocache = true; } if (options.pull != null) { opts.pull = true; } if ( options['registry-secrets'] && Object.keys(options['registry-secrets']).length ) { opts.registryconfig = options['registry-secrets']; } if (options.squash != null) { opts.squash = true; } if (options.tag != null) { opts.t = options.tag; } return opts; } export async function isBalenaEngine(docker: dockerode): Promise<boolean> { // dockerVersion.Engine should equal 'balena-engine' for the current/latest // version of balenaEngine, but it was at one point (mis)spelt 'balaena': // https://github.com/balena-os/balena-engine/pull/32/files const dockerVersion = (await docker.version()) as BalenaEngineVersion; return !!( dockerVersion.Engine && dockerVersion.Engine.match(/balena|balaena/) ); } export interface ExtendedDockerOptions extends dockerode.DockerOptions { docker?: string; // socket path, e.g. /var/run/docker.sock dockerHost?: string; // host name or IP address dockerPort?: number; // TCP port number, e.g. 2375 } export async function getDocker( options: ExtendedDockerOptions, ): Promise<dockerode> { const connectOpts = await generateConnectOpts(options); const client = await createClient(connectOpts); await checkThatDockerIsReachable(client); return client; } export async function createClient( opts: dockerode.DockerOptions, ): Promise<dockerode> { const Docker = await import('dockerode'); const docker = new Docker(opts); const { modem } = docker; // Workaround for a docker-modem 2.0.x bug where it sets a default // socketPath on Windows even if the input options specify a host/port. if (modem.socketPath && modem.host) { if (opts.socketPath) { modem.host = undefined; modem.port = undefined; } else if (opts.host) { modem.socketPath = undefined; } } return docker; } async function generateConnectOpts(opts: ExtendedDockerOptions) { let connectOpts: dockerode.DockerOptions = {}; // Start with docker-modem defaults which take several env vars into account, // including DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY, DOCKER_CERT_PATH, SSH_AUTH_SOCK // https://github.com/apocas/docker-modem/blob/v3.0.0/lib/modem.js#L15-L70 const Modem = require('docker-modem'); const defaultOpts = new Modem(); const optsOfInterest: Array<keyof dockerode.DockerOptions> = [ 'ca', 'cert', 'key', 'host', 'port', 'socketPath', 'protocol', 'username', 'timeout', ]; for (const opt of optsOfInterest) { connectOpts[opt] = defaultOpts[opt]; } // Now override the default options with any explicit command line options if (opts.docker != null && opts.dockerHost == null) { // good, local docker socket connectOpts.socketPath = opts.docker; delete connectOpts.host; delete connectOpts.port; } else if (opts.dockerHost != null && opts.docker == null) { // Good a host is provided, and local socket isn't connectOpts.host = opts.dockerHost; connectOpts.port = opts.dockerPort || 2376; delete connectOpts.socketPath; } else if (opts.docker != null && opts.dockerHost != null) { // Both provided, no obvious way to continue throw new ExpectedError( "Both a local docker socket and docker host have been provided. Don't know how to continue.", ); } // Process TLS options // These should be file paths (strings) const tlsOpts = [opts.ca, opts.cert, opts.key]; // If any are set... if (tlsOpts.some((opt) => opt)) { // but not all () if (!tlsOpts.every((opt) => opt)) { throw new ExpectedError( 'You must provide a CA, certificate and key in order to use TLS', ); } if (!isStringArray(tlsOpts)) { throw new ExpectedError( 'TLS options (CA, certificate and key) must be file paths (strings)', ); } const { promises: fs } = await import('fs'); const [ca, cert, key] = await Promise.all( tlsOpts.map((opt: string) => fs.readFile(opt, 'utf8')), ); connectOpts = { ...connectOpts, ca, cert, key }; } return connectOpts; } // TypeScript "type guard" with "type predicate" function isStringArray(array: any[]): array is string[] { return array.every((opt) => typeof opt === 'string'); } async function checkThatDockerIsReachable(docker: dockerode) { try { await docker.ping(); } catch (e) { throw new ExpectedError( `Docker seems to be unavailable. Is it installed and running?\n${e}`, ); } }