/** * @license * Copyright 2020 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires require('../config-tests'); // required for side effects import { expect } from 'chai'; import { fs } from 'mz'; import * as path from 'path'; import { URL } from 'url'; import { BalenaAPIMock } from '../balena-api-mock'; import { BuilderMock, builderResponsePath } from '../builder-mock'; import { cleanOutput, expectStreamNoCRLF, inspectTarStream, runCommand, TarStreamFiles, } from '../helpers'; const repoPath = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..')); const projectsPath = path.join(repoPath, 'tests', 'test-data', 'projects'); const expectedResponses = { 'build-POST-v3.json': [ '[Info] Starting build for testApp, user gh_user', '[Info] Dashboard link: https://dashboard.balena-cloud.com/apps/1301645/devices', '[Info] Building on arm01', '[Info] Pulling previous images for caching purposes...', '[Success] Successfully pulled cache images', '[main] Step 1/4 : FROM busybox', '[main] ---> 76aea0766768', '[main] Step 2/4 : COPY ./src/start.sh /start.sh', '[main] ---> b563ad6a0801', '[main] Step 3/4 : RUN chmod a+x /start.sh', '[main] ---> Running in 10d4ddc40bfc', '[main] Removing intermediate container 10d4ddc40bfc', '[main] ---> 82e98871a32c', '[main] Step 4/4 : CMD ["/start.sh"]', '[main] ---> Running in 0682894e13eb', '[main] Removing intermediate container 0682894e13eb', '[main] ---> 889ccb6afc7c', '[main] Successfully built 889ccb6afc7c', '[Info] Uploading images', '[Success] Successfully uploaded images', '[Info] Built on arm01', '[Success] Release successfully created!', '[Info] Release: 05a24b5b034c9f95f25d4d74f0593bea (id: 1220245)', '[Info] ┌─────────┬────────────┬────────────┐', '[Info] │ Service │ Image Size │ Build Time │', '[Info] ├─────────┼────────────┼────────────┤', '[Info] │ main │ 1.32 MB │ 11 seconds │', '[Info] └─────────┴────────────┴────────────┘', '[Info] Build finished in 20 seconds', ], }; function tweakOutput(out: string[]): string[] { return cleanOutput(out).map(line => line.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').replace(/in \d+? seconds/, 'in 20 seconds'), ); } describe('balena push', function() { let api: BalenaAPIMock; let builder: BuilderMock; const commonQueryParams = [ ['owner', 'bob'], ['app', 'testApp'], ['dockerfilePath', ''], ['emulated', 'false'], ['nocache', 'false'], ['headless', 'false'], ]; this.beforeEach(() => { api = new BalenaAPIMock(); builder = new BuilderMock(); api.expectGetWhoAmI({ optional: true, persist: true }); api.expectGetMixpanel({ optional: true }); api.expectGetMyApplication(); }); this.afterEach(() => { // Check all expected api calls have been made and clean up. api.done(); builder.done(); }); it('should create the expected tar stream (single container)', async () => { const projectPath = path.join(projectsPath, 'no-docker-compose', 'basic'); const expectedFiles: TarStreamFiles = { 'src/start.sh': { fileSize: 89, type: 'file' }, 'src/windows-crlf.sh': { fileSize: 70, type: 'file' }, Dockerfile: { fileSize: 88, type: 'file' }, 'Dockerfile-alt': { fileSize: 30, type: 'file' }, }; const responseFilename = 'build-POST-v3.json'; const responseBody = await fs.readFile( path.join(builderResponsePath, responseFilename), 'utf8', ); builder.expectPostBuild({ responseCode: 200, responseBody, checkURI: async (uri: string) => { const url = new URL(uri, 'http://test.net/'); const queryParams = Array.from(url.searchParams.entries()); expect(queryParams).to.have.deep.members(commonQueryParams); }, checkBuildRequestBody: (buildRequestBody: string | Buffer) => inspectTarStream(buildRequestBody, expectedFiles, projectPath, expect), }); const { out, err } = await runCommand( `push testApp --source ${projectPath}`, ); const extraLines = []; if (process.platform === 'win32') { extraLines.push( `[Warn] CRLF (Windows) line endings detected in file: ${path.join( projectPath, 'src', 'windows-crlf.sh', )}`, ); } expect(err).to.have.members([]); expect(tweakOutput(out)).to.include.members([ ...expectedResponses[responseFilename], ...extraLines, ]); }); it('should create the expected tar stream (alternative Dockerfile)', async () => { const projectPath = path.join(projectsPath, 'no-docker-compose', 'basic'); const expectedFiles: TarStreamFiles = { 'src/start.sh': { fileSize: 89, type: 'file' }, 'src/windows-crlf.sh': { fileSize: 70, type: 'file' }, Dockerfile: { fileSize: 88, type: 'file' }, 'Dockerfile-alt': { fileSize: 30, type: 'file' }, }; const responseFilename = 'build-POST-v3.json'; const responseBody = await fs.readFile( path.join(builderResponsePath, responseFilename), 'utf8', ); builder.expectPostBuild({ responseCode: 200, responseBody, checkURI: async (uri: string) => { const url = new URL(uri, 'http://test.net/'); const queryParams = Array.from(url.searchParams.entries()); expect(queryParams).to.have.deep.members( commonQueryParams.map(i => i[0] === 'dockerfilePath' ? ['dockerfilePath', 'Dockerfile-alt'] : i, ), ); }, checkBuildRequestBody: (buildRequestBody: string | Buffer) => inspectTarStream(buildRequestBody, expectedFiles, projectPath, expect), }); const { out, err } = await runCommand( `push testApp --source ${projectPath} --dockerfile Dockerfile-alt`, ); expect(err).to.have.members([]); expect(tweakOutput(out)).to.include.members( expectedResponses[responseFilename], ); }); it('should create the expected tar stream (single container, --convert-eol)', async () => { const windows = process.platform === 'win32'; const projectPath = path.join(projectsPath, 'no-docker-compose', 'basic'); const expectedFiles: TarStreamFiles = { 'src/start.sh': { fileSize: 89, type: 'file' }, 'src/windows-crlf.sh': { fileSize: windows ? 68 : 70, type: 'file', testStream: windows ? expectStreamNoCRLF : undefined, }, Dockerfile: { fileSize: 88, type: 'file' }, 'Dockerfile-alt': { fileSize: 30, type: 'file' }, }; const responseFilename = 'build-POST-v3.json'; const responseBody = await fs.readFile( path.join(builderResponsePath, responseFilename), 'utf8', ); builder.expectPostBuild({ responseCode: 200, responseBody, checkURI: async (uri: string) => { const url = new URL(uri, 'http://test.net/'); const queryParams = Array.from(url.searchParams.entries()); expect(queryParams).to.have.deep.members(commonQueryParams); }, checkBuildRequestBody: (buildRequestBody: string | Buffer) => inspectTarStream(buildRequestBody, expectedFiles, projectPath, expect), }); const { out, err } = await runCommand( `push testApp --source ${projectPath} --convert-eol`, ); const extraLines = []; if (windows) { extraLines.push( `[Info] Converting line endings CRLF -> LF for file: ${path.join( projectPath, 'src', 'windows-crlf.sh', )}`, ); } expect(err).to.have.members([]); expect(tweakOutput(out)).to.include.members([ ...expectedResponses[responseFilename], ...extraLines, ]); }); });