_ = require('lodash')
resin = require('resin-sdk')

module.exports =
	signature: 'logs <uuid>'
	description: 'show device logs'
	help: '''
		Use this command to show logs for a specific device.

		By default, the command prints all log messages and exit.

		To continuously stream output, and see new logs in real time, use the `--tail` option.

		Note that for now you need to provide the whole UUID for this command to work correctly.

		This is due to some technical limitations that we plan to address soon.


			$ resin logs 23c73a12e3527df55c60b9ce647640c1b7da1b32d71e6a39849ac0f00db828
			$ resin logs 23c73a12e3527df55c60b9ce647640c1b7da1b32d71e6a39849ac0f00db828 --tail
	options: [
			signature: 'tail'
			description: 'continuously stream output'
			boolean: true
			alias: 't'
	permission: 'user'
	primary: true
	action: (params, options, done) ->
		promise = resin.logs.history(params.uuid).each (line) ->

		if not options.tail

			# PubNub keeps the process alive after a history query.
			# Until this is fixed, we force the process to exit.
			# This of course prevents this command to be used programatically
			return promise.catch(done).finally ->

		promise.then ->
			resin.logs.subscribe(params.uuid).then (logs) ->
				logs.on 'line', (line) ->
				logs.on('error', done)