import { expect } from 'chai'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import * as process from 'process'; import { runCommand } from '../../helpers'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import * as tmp from 'tmp'; tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); const tmpNameAsync = promisify(tmp.tmpName); import { BalenaAPIMock } from '../../balena-api-mock'; if (process.platform !== 'win32') { describe('balena os configure', function () { let api: BalenaAPIMock; let tmpPath: string; beforeEach(async () => { api = new BalenaAPIMock(); api.expectGetWhoAmI({ optional: true, persist: true }); api.expectGetMixpanel({ optional: true }); tmpPath = (await tmpNameAsync()) as string; await fs.copyFile('./tests/test-data/dummy.img', tmpPath); }); afterEach(async () => { api.done(); await fs.unlink(tmpPath); }); it('should inject a valid config.json file', async () => { api.expectGetApplication(); api.expectGetDeviceTypes(); api.expectDownloadConfig(); api.expectApplicationProvisioning(); const command: string[] = [ `os configure ${tmpPath}`, '--device-type raspberrypi3', '--version 2.47.0+rev1', '--application testApp', '--config-app-update-poll-interval 10', '--config-network ethernet', '--initial-device-name testDeviceName', ]; const { err } = await runCommand(command.join(' ')); expect(err.join('')).to.equal(''); // confirm the image contains a config.json... const imagefs = await import('balena-image-fs'); const config = await imagefs.interact(tmpPath, 1, async (_fs) => { return await promisify(_fs.readFile)('/config.json'); }); expect(config); // confirm the image has the correct config.json values... const configObj = JSON.parse(config.toString('utf8')); expect(configObj)'deviceType', 'raspberrypi3'); expect(configObj)'initialDeviceName', 'testDeviceName'); }); }); }