_ = require('lodash') Promise = require('bluebird') form = require('resin-cli-form') visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals') resin = require('resin-sdk') manager = require('resin-image-manager') helpers = require('./helpers') exports.selectDeviceType = -> resin.models.device.getSupportedDeviceTypes().then (deviceTypes) -> return form.ask message: 'Device Type' type: 'list' choices: deviceTypes exports.confirm = (yesOption, message) -> Promise.try -> return true if yesOption return form.ask message: message type: 'confirm' default: false .then (confirmed) -> if not confirmed throw new Error('Aborted') exports.selectApplication = -> resin.models.application.hasAny().then (hasAnyApplications) -> return if not hasAnyApplications resin.models.application.getAll().then (applications) -> applications = _.pluck(applications, 'app_name') applications.unshift name: 'Create a new application' value: null return form.ask message: 'Select an application' type: 'list' choices: applications .then (application) -> return application if application? form.ask message: 'Choose a Name for your new application' type: 'input' exports.selectProjectDirectory = -> resin.settings.get('projectsDirectory').then (projectsDirectory) -> return form.ask message: 'Please choose a directory for your code' type: 'input' default: projectsDirectory exports.awaitDevice = (uuid) -> spinner = new visuals.Spinner("Waiting for your device to come online: #{uuid}") poll = -> resin.models.device.isOnline(uuid).then (isOnline) -> if isOnline spinner.stop() console.info("Device became online: #{uuid}") return else # Spinner implementation is smart enough to # not start again if it was already started spinner.start() return Promise.delay(3000).then(poll) resin.models.device.getName(uuid).then (deviceName) -> console.info("Waiting for #{deviceName} to connect to resin...") poll().return(uuid) exports.askDeviceOptions = (deviceType) -> resin.models.config.getDeviceOptions(deviceType).then(form.run) .then (answers) -> answers.os ?= helpers.getOperatingSystem() return answers exports.download = (deviceType) -> manager.get(deviceType).then (stream) -> bar = new visuals.Progress('Downloading Device OS') spinner = new visuals.Spinner('Downloading Device OS (size unknown)') stream.on 'progress', (state) -> if state? bar.update(state) else spinner.start() stream.on 'end', -> spinner.stop() return manager.pipeTemporal(stream)