#compdef balena #autoload #GENERATED FILE DON'T MODIFY# _balena() { typeset -A opt_args local context state line curcontext="$curcontext" # Valid top-level completions main_commands=( api-key app block build config deploy device devices env fleet internal join leave local login logout notes organization os preload push release settings ssh ssh-key support tag tunnel util version whoami ) # Sub-completions api_key_cmds=( generate list revoke ) app_cmds=( create ) block_cmds=( create ) config_cmds=( generate inject read reconfigure write ) device_cmds=( deactivate detect identify init list local-mode logs move os-update pin public-url purge reboot register rename restart rm shutdown start-service stop-service track-fleet ) devices_cmds=( supported ) env_cmds=( add list rename rm ) fleet_cmds=( create list pin purge rename restart rm track-latest ) internal_cmds=( osinit ) local_cmds=( configure flash ) organization_cmds=( list ) os_cmds=( build-config configure download initialize versions ) release_cmds=( finalize invalidate list validate ) ssh_key_cmds=( add list rm ) tag_cmds=( list rm set ) _arguments -C \ '(- 1 *)--version[show version and exit]' \ '(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[show help options and exit]' \ '1:first command:_balena_main_cmds' \ '2:second command:_balena_sec_cmds' \ && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_balena_main_cmds] )) || _balena_main_cmds() { _describe -t main_commands 'command' main_commands "$@" && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_balena_sec_cmds] )) || _balena_sec_cmds() { case $line[1] in "api-key") _describe -t api_key_cmds 'api-key_cmd' api_key_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "app") _describe -t app_cmds 'app_cmd' app_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "block") _describe -t block_cmds 'block_cmd' block_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "config") _describe -t config_cmds 'config_cmd' config_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "device") _describe -t device_cmds 'device_cmd' device_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "devices") _describe -t devices_cmds 'devices_cmd' devices_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "env") _describe -t env_cmds 'env_cmd' env_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "fleet") _describe -t fleet_cmds 'fleet_cmd' fleet_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "internal") _describe -t internal_cmds 'internal_cmd' internal_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "local") _describe -t local_cmds 'local_cmd' local_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "organization") _describe -t organization_cmds 'organization_cmd' organization_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "os") _describe -t os_cmds 'os_cmd' os_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "release") _describe -t release_cmds 'release_cmd' release_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "ssh-key") _describe -t ssh_key_cmds 'ssh-key_cmd' ssh_key_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; "tag") _describe -t tag_cmds 'tag_cmd' tag_cmds "$@" && ret=0 ;; esac } _balena "$@"