async = require('async') _ = require('lodash-contrib') token = require('./token/token') server = require('../server/server') data = require('../data/data') errors = require('../errors/errors') settings = require('../settings') # Return current logged in username # # @param {Function} callback callback (error, username) # # @note This will only work if you used login() to log in. # # @example Who am I? # resin.auth.whoami (error, username) -> # throw error if error? # # if not username? # console.log('I\'m not logged in!') # else # console.log("My username is: #{username}") # exports.whoami = (callback) -> usernameKey = settings.get('keys.username') data.getText(usernameKey, callback) # Authenticate with the server # # @private # # @param {Object} credentials in the form of username, password # @option credentials {String} username the username # @option credentials {String} password user password # @param {Function} callback callback (error, token, username) # # @note You should use login() when possible, as it takes care of saving the token and username as well. # # @example Authenticate # resin.auth.authenticate credentials, (error, token, username) -> # throw error if error? # console.log("My username is: #{username}") # console.log("My token is: #{token}") # exports.authenticate = (credentials, callback) -> settings.get('urls.authenticate'), credentials, (error, response) -> return callback(error) if error? savedToken = response?.body return callback(null, savedToken, credentials.username) # Login to # # Is the login is successful, the token is persisted between sessions. # # @param {Object} credentials in the form of username, password # @option credentials {String} username the username # @option credentials {String} password user password # @param {Function} callback callback (error) # # @note This function saves the token to the directory configured in dataPrefix # # @example Login to # resin.auth.login credentials, (error) -> # throw error if error? # console.log('I\'m logged in!') # exports.login = (credentials, callback) -> async.waterfall([ (callback) -> exports.authenticate(credentials, callback) (authToken, username, callback) -> token.saveToken(authToken, callback) (callback) -> usernameKey = settings.get('keys.username') data.setText(usernameKey, credentials.username, callback) ], callback) # Check if you're logged in # # @param {Function} callback callback (isLoggedIn) # # @example Check if logged in # resin.auth.isLoggedIn (isLoggedIn) -> # if isLoggedIn # console.log('I\'m in!') # else # console.log('Too bad!') # exports.isLoggedIn = (callback) -> token.hasToken(callback) # Get current logged in user's token # # @param {Function} callback callback (error, isLoggedIn) # # @note This function simply delegates to resin.token.getToken() for convenience. # @note This will only work if you used login() to log in. # # @example Get curren token # resin.auth.getToken (error, token) -> # throw error if error? # console.log(token) # exports.getToken = (callback) -> token.getToken(callback) # Logout from # # @param {Function} callback callback (error) # # @example Logout from # resin.auth.logout (error) -> # throw error if error? # console.log('I\'m out!') # # @todo Maybe we should post to /logout or something to invalidate the token on the server? # exports.logout = (callback = _.noop) -> async.parallel([ (callback) -> token.clearToken(callback) (callback) -> usernameKey = settings.get('keys.username') data.remove(usernameKey, callback) ], _.unary(callback)) # Parse colon separated credentials # # @private # # @param {String} colon separated credentials (username:password) # @param {Function} callback callback (error, credentials) # # @todo This should be moved somewhere else, as it only used by the auth actions # # @example Parse credentials # resin.auth.parseCredentials 'johndoe:secret', (error, credentials) -> # throw error if error? # console.log(credentials.username) # console.log(credentials.password) # exports.parseCredentials = (credentials, callback) -> result = credentials.split(':') if result.length isnt 2 error = new errors.InvalidCredentials() return callback?(error) callback? null, username: _.first(result) password: _.last(result)