[ { "name": "basic-resin-node-project", "display_name": "Node.js Starter Project", "repository": "https://github.com/resin-io/basic-resin-node-project", "description": "This is a simple Hello, World project for node.js designed to act as a basis for future work. It demonstrates how to install native Linux packages and configure your application." }, { "name": "cimon", "display_name": "Cimon", "repository": "https://bitbucket.org/efwe/cimon", "description": "A simple tool for reading temperatures from a USB-enabled thermometer. This project is used as the backend to efwe's awesome temperature visualisation at 123k.de.", "author": "efwe" }, { "name": "firebaseDTL", "display_name": "Digital Temperature Logger", "repository": "https://github.com/shaunmulligan/firebaseDTL", "description": "A Firebase-backed Digital Temperature Logger allowing you to connect devices with multiple temperature sensors to a central cloud-based datastore.", "author": "Shaun Mulligan" }, { "name": "digitiser", "display_name": "Digitiser", "repository": "https://github.com/shaunmulligan/digitiser", "description": "A tool for displaying integer values from a JSON endpoint on a MAX7219 7-segment display.", "author": "Shaun Mulligan" }, { "name": "basic-gpio", "display_name": "Example Pi Pins Application", "repository": "https://github.com/shaunmulligan/basic-gpio", "description": "A simple application which demonstrates the use of the Pi Pins library to interface with GPIO.", "author": "Shaun Mulligan" }, { "name": "coder", "display_name": "Google Coder", "repository": "https://github.com/resin-io/coder", "description": "Resin.io-enabled version of Google's excellent Coder project which makes it easy to develop web projects on your device." }, { "name": "hoversnap", "display_name": "Hoversnap", "repository": "https://github.com/resin-io/hoversnap", "description": "A tool for controlling a camera using a foot switch in order to capture shots in which people appear to be flying." }, { "name": "resin-piminer", "display_name": "Pi Miner", "repository": "https://github.com/csquared/resin-piminer", "description": "A bitcoin miner for the Raspberry Pi.", "author": "Chris Continanza" }, { "name": "resin-cctv", "display_name": "Resin CCTV", "repository": "https://github.com/abresas/resin-cctv", "description": "A project which allows you to use your devices as a CCTV camera system which hooks into Dropbox.", "author": "Aleksis Brezas" }, { "name": "resin_player", "display_name": "Resin Player", "repository": "https://bitbucket.org/lifeeth/resin_player/", "description": "A project which allows you to play squeezebox media through your devices.", "author": "Praneeth Bodduluri" }, { "name": "salesforceTemp", "display_name": "Salesforce Temperature Probe", "repository": "https://github.com/shaunmulligan/salesforceTemp", "description": "Example application for interfacing with a temperature probe using Salesforce.com.", "author": "Shaun Mulligan" }, { "name": "sms2speech", "display_name": "SMS to Speech", "repository": "https://github.com/alexandrosm/sms2speech", "description": "A simple tool which uses Twillio to read out incoming SMS messages.", "author": "Alexandros Marinos" }, { "name": "resin-kiosk", "display_name": "Simple Digitiser Kiosk", "repository": "https://bitbucket.org/lifeeth/resin-kiosk", "description": "Displays values from a JSON endpoint on your browser in kiosk mode", "author": "Praneeth Bodduluri" }, { "name": "text2speech", "display_name": "Text to Speech Converter", "repository": "https://github.com/resin-io/text2speech", "description": "A simple application that makes your device speak out loud." } ]