(function() { var _, async, resin, url, visuals; _ = require('lodash-contrib'); url = require('url'); async = require('async'); resin = require('resin-sdk'); visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals'); exports.whoami = { signature: 'whoami', description: 'whoami', help: 'Use this command to get the logged in user name.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin whoami', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.auth.whoami(function(error, username) { if (error != null) { return done(error); } console.log(username); return done(); }); } }; exports.login = { signature: 'login', description: 'login to resin.io', help: 'Use this command to login to your resin.io account.\nYou need to login before you can use most of the commands this tool provides.\n\nYou can pass your credentials as `--username` and `--password` options, or you can omit the\ncredentials, in which case the tool will present you with an interactive login form.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin login --username --password \n $ resin login', options: [ { signature: 'username', parameter: 'username', description: 'user name', alias: 'u' }, { signature: 'password', parameter: 'password', description: 'user password', alias: 'p' } ], action: function(params, options, done) { var hasOptionCredentials; hasOptionCredentials = !_.isEmpty(options); if (hasOptionCredentials) { if (!options.username) { return done(new Error('Missing username')); } if (!options.password) { return done(new Error('Missing password')); } } return async.waterfall([ function(callback) { if (hasOptionCredentials) { return callback(null, options); } else { return visuals.widgets.login(callback); } }, function(credentials, callback) { return resin.auth.login(credentials, callback); } ], done); } }; exports.logout = { signature: 'logout', description: 'logout from resin.io', help: 'Use this command to logout from your resin.io account.o\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin logout', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.auth.logout(done); } }; exports.signup = { signature: 'signup', description: 'signup to resin.io', help: 'Use this command to signup for a resin.io account.\n\nIf signup is successful, you\'ll be logged in to your new user automatically.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin signup\n Email: me@mycompany.com\n Username: johndoe\n Password: ***********\n\n $ resin signup --email me@mycompany.com --username johndoe --password ***********\n\n $ resin whoami\n johndoe', options: [ { signature: 'email', parameter: 'email', description: 'user email', alias: 'e' }, { signature: 'username', parameter: 'username', description: 'user name', alias: 'u' }, { signature: 'password', parameter: 'user password', description: 'user password', alias: 'p' } ], action: function(params, options, done) { var hasOptionCredentials; hasOptionCredentials = !_.isEmpty(options); if (hasOptionCredentials) { if (options.email == null) { return done(new Error('Missing email')); } if (options.username == null) { return done(new Error('Missing username')); } if (options.password == null) { return done(new Error('Missing password')); } } return async.waterfall([ function(callback) { if (hasOptionCredentials) { return callback(null, options); } return visuals.widgets.register(callback); }, function(credentials, callback) { return resin.auth.register(credentials, function(error, token) { return callback(error, credentials); }); }, function(credentials, callback) { return resin.auth.login(credentials, callback); } ], done); } }; exports.whoami = { signature: 'whoami', description: 'get current username', help: 'Use this command to find out the current logged in username.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ resin whoami', permission: 'user', action: function(params, options, done) { return resin.auth.whoami(function(error, username) { if (username == null) { return done(new Error('Username not found')); } return console.log(username); }); } }; }).call(this);