(function() {
  var Promise, _, resin;

  Promise = require('bluebird');

  _ = require('lodash');

  resin = require('resin-sdk');

  exports.set = {
    signature: 'note <|note>',
    description: 'set a device note',
    help: 'Use this command to set or update a device note.\n\nIf note command isn\'t passed, the tool attempts to read from `stdin`.\n\nTo view the notes, use $ resin device <uuid>.\n\nExamples:\n\n	$ resin note "My useful note" --device 7cf02a62a3a84440b1bb5579a3d57469148943278630b17e7fc6c4f7b465c9\n	$ cat note.txt | resin note --device 7cf02a62a3a84440b1bb5579a3d57469148943278630b17e7fc6c4f7b465c9',
    options: [
        signature: 'device',
        parameter: 'device',
        description: 'device uuid',
        alias: ['d', 'dev'],
        required: 'You have to specify a device'
    permission: 'user',
    action: function(params, options, done) {
      return Promise["try"](function() {
        if (_.isEmpty(params.note)) {
          throw new Error('Missing note content');
        return resin.models.device.note(options.device, params.note);
