/** * @license * Copyright 2016-2020 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { flags } from '@oclif/command'; import Command from '../../command'; import * as cf from '../../utils/common-flags'; import { getBalenaSdk, getCliForm, stripIndent } from '../../utils/lazy'; import { applicationIdInfo, devModeInfo, secureBootInfo, } from '../../utils/messages'; import type { PineDeferred } from 'balena-sdk'; interface FlagsDef { version: string; // OS version fleet?: string; dev?: boolean; // balenaOS development variant secureBoot?: boolean; device?: string; deviceApiKey?: string; deviceType?: string; 'generate-device-api-key': boolean; output?: string; // Options for non-interactive configuration network?: string; wifiSsid?: string; wifiKey?: string; appUpdatePollInterval?: string; 'provisioning-key-name'?: string; 'provisioning-key-expiry-date'?: string; help: void; } export default class ConfigGenerateCmd extends Command { public static description = stripIndent` Generate a config.json file. Generate a config.json file for a device or fleet. The target balenaOS version must be specified with the --version option. ${devModeInfo.split('\n').join('\n\t\t')} ${secureBootInfo.split('\n').join('\n\t\t')} To configure an image for a fleet of mixed device types, use the --fleet option alongside the --deviceType option to specify the target device type. To avoid interactive questions, specify a command line option for each question that would otherwise be asked. ${applicationIdInfo.split('\n').join('\n\t\t')} `; public static examples = [ '$ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7', '$ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 --generate-device-api-key', '$ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 --deviceApiKey ', '$ balena config generate --device 7cf02a6 --version 2.12.7 --output config.json', '$ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --dev', '$ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --secureBoot', '$ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --deviceType fincm3', '$ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --output config.json', '$ balena config generate --fleet myorg/fleet --version 2.12.7 --network wifi --wifiSsid mySsid --wifiKey abcdefgh --appUpdatePollInterval 15', ]; public static usage = 'config generate'; public static flags: flags.Input = { version: flags.string({ description: 'a balenaOS version', required: true, }), fleet: { ...cf.fleet, exclusive: ['device'] }, dev: cf.dev, secureBoot: cf.secureBoot, device: { ...cf.device, exclusive: [ 'fleet', 'provisioning-key-name', 'provisioning-key-expiry-date', ], }, deviceApiKey: flags.string({ description: 'custom device key - note that this is only supported on balenaOS 2.0.3+', char: 'k', }), deviceType: flags.string({ description: "device type slug (run 'balena devices supported' for possible values)", }), 'generate-device-api-key': flags.boolean({ description: 'generate a fresh device key for the device', }), output: flags.string({ description: 'path of output file', char: 'o', }), // Options for non-interactive configuration network: flags.string({ description: 'the network type to use: ethernet or wifi', options: ['ethernet', 'wifi'], }), wifiSsid: flags.string({ description: 'the wifi ssid to use (used only if --network is set to wifi)', }), wifiKey: flags.string({ description: 'the wifi key to use (used only if --network is set to wifi)', }), appUpdatePollInterval: flags.string({ description: 'supervisor cloud polling interval in minutes (e.g. for device variables)', }), 'provisioning-key-name': flags.string({ description: 'custom key name assigned to generated provisioning api key', exclusive: ['device'], }), 'provisioning-key-expiry-date': flags.string({ description: 'expiry date assigned to generated provisioning api key (format: YYYY-MM-DD)', exclusive: ['device'], }), help: cf.help, }; public static authenticated = true; public async run() { const { flags: options } = this.parse(ConfigGenerateCmd); const { getApplication } = await import('../../utils/sdk'); const balena = getBalenaSdk(); await this.validateOptions(options); let resourceDeviceType: string; let application: ApplicationWithDeviceType | null = null; let device: | (DeviceWithDeviceType & { belongs_to__application: PineDeferred }) | null = null; if (options.device != null) { const rawDevice = await balena.models.device.get(options.device, { $expand: { is_of__device_type: { $select: 'slug' } }, }); if (!rawDevice.belongs_to__application) { const { ExpectedError } = await import('../../errors'); throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent` Device ${options.device} does not appear to belong to an accessible fleet. Try with a different device, or use '--fleet' instead of '--device'.`); } device = rawDevice as DeviceWithDeviceType & { belongs_to__application: PineDeferred; }; resourceDeviceType = device.is_of__device_type[0].slug; } else { // Disambiguate application (if is a number, it could either be an ID or a numerical name) application = (await getApplication(balena, options.fleet!, { $expand: { is_for__device_type: { $select: 'slug' }, }, })) as ApplicationWithDeviceType; resourceDeviceType = application.is_for__device_type[0].slug; } const deviceType = options.deviceType || resourceDeviceType; // Check compatibility if application and deviceType provided if (options.fleet && options.deviceType) { const helpers = await import('../../utils/helpers'); if ( !(await helpers.areDeviceTypesCompatible( resourceDeviceType, deviceType, )) ) { const { ExpectedError } = await import('../../errors'); throw new ExpectedError( `Device type ${options.deviceType} is incompatible with fleet ${options.fleet}`, ); } } const deviceManifest = await balena.models.config.getDeviceTypeManifestBySlug(deviceType); const { validateSecureBootOptionAndWarn } = await import( '../../utils/config' ); await validateSecureBootOptionAndWarn( options.secureBoot, deviceType, options.version, ); // Prompt for values // Pass params as an override: if there is any param with exactly the same name as a // required option, that value is used (and the corresponding question is not asked) const answers = await getCliForm().run(deviceManifest.options, { override: { ...options, app: options.fleet, application: options.fleet }, }); answers.version = options.version; answers.developmentMode = options.dev; answers.secureBoot = options.secureBoot; answers.provisioningKeyName = options['provisioning-key-name']; answers.provisioningKeyExpiryDate = options['provisioning-key-expiry-date']; // Generate config const { generateDeviceConfig, generateApplicationConfig } = await import( '../../utils/config' ); let config; if (device) { config = await generateDeviceConfig( device, options.deviceApiKey || options['generate-device-api-key'] || undefined, answers, ); } else if (application) { answers.deviceType = deviceType; config = await generateApplicationConfig(application, answers); } // Output if (options.output != null) { const fs = await import('fs'); await fs.promises.writeFile(options.output, JSON.stringify(config)); } const prettyjson = await import('prettyjson'); console.log(prettyjson.render(config)); } protected readonly missingDeviceOrAppMessage = stripIndent` Either a device or a fleet must be specified. See the help page for examples: $ balena help config generate `; protected readonly deviceTypeNotAllowedMessage = 'The --deviceType option can only be used alongside the --fleet option'; protected async validateOptions(options: FlagsDef) { const { ExpectedError } = await import('../../errors'); if (options.device == null && options.fleet == null) { throw new ExpectedError(this.missingDeviceOrAppMessage); } if (!options.fleet && options.deviceType) { throw new ExpectedError(this.deviceTypeNotAllowedMessage); } const { validateDevOptionAndWarn } = await import('../../utils/config'); await validateDevOptionAndWarn(options.dev, options.version); } }