# Resin CLI Take a look at the spec for features, roadmap and progress [https://docs.google.com/a/resin.io/document/d/1mPBWy9wwLiNd25VcIvp3HEWJNjoXkALfMLMblXaGoh8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/a/resin.io/document/d/1mPBWy9wwLiNd25VcIvp3HEWJNjoXkALfMLMblXaGoh8/edit?usp=sharing). ## Installing ```sh $ git clone git@bitbucket.org:rulemotion/resin-cli.git $ cd resin-cli $ npm install ``` ### If you want to have resin on your PATH: ```sh $ npm install -g ``` ### If you want to run it locally: ```sh $ ./bin/resin ``` Or: ```sh $ coffee lib/app.coffee ``` ## Tests You can run the [Mocha](http://mochajs.org/) test suite, you can do: ```sh $ gulp test ``` ## Development mode The following command will watch for any changes and will run a linter and the whole test suite: ```sh $ gulp watch ``` ## Documentation You can renegerate the documentation with: ```sh $ npm run-script doc ``` This should ideally be part of `gulp`, however there doesn't seems to be any plugin for the documentation generation tool that we're using at the moment ([codo](https://github.com/coffeedoc/codo)). ## Caveats - Some interactive widgets don't work on [Cygwin](https://cygwin.com/). If you're running Windows, it's preferrable that you use `cmd.exe`. - Most commands require an `` argument, however [Commander](https://github.com/tj/commander.js) refuses to show that in the help page. This will be fixed soon.