/** * @license * Copyright 2017-2020 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as path from 'path'; import { ExpectedError } from '../errors'; import { getChalk, stripIndent } from './lazy'; export function appendOptions(opts) { return opts.concat([ { signature: 'emulated', description: 'Run an emulated build using Qemu', boolean: true, alias: 'e', }, { signature: 'dockerfile', parameter: 'Dockerfile', description: 'Alternative Dockerfile name/path, relative to the source folder', }, { signature: 'logs', description: 'No-op and deprecated since balena CLI v12.0.0. Build logs are now shown by default.', boolean: true, }, { signature: 'nologs', description: 'Hide the image build log output (produce less verbose output)', boolean: true, }, { signature: 'gitignore', alias: 'g', description: stripIndent` Consider .gitignore files in addition to the .dockerignore file. This reverts to the CLI v11 behavior/implementation (deprecated) if compatibility is required until your project can be adapted.`, boolean: true, }, { signature: 'multi-dockerignore', alias: 'm', description: 'Have each service use its own .dockerignore file. See "balena help build".', boolean: true, }, { signature: 'nogitignore', description: `No-op (default behavior) since balena CLI v12.0.0. See "balena help build".`, boolean: true, alias: 'G', }, { signature: 'noparent-check', description: "Disable project validation check of 'docker-compose.yml' file in parent folder", boolean: true, }, { signature: 'registry-secrets', alias: 'R', parameter: 'secrets.yml|.json', description: 'Path to a YAML or JSON file with passwords for a private Docker registry', }, { signature: 'convert-eol', description: 'No-op and deprecated since balena CLI v12.0.0', boolean: true, alias: 'l', }, { signature: 'noconvert-eol', description: "Don't convert line endings from CRLF (Windows format) to LF (Unix format).", boolean: true, }, { signature: 'projectName', parameter: 'projectName', description: 'Specify an alternate project name; default is the directory name', alias: 'n', }, ]); } /** * @returns Promise<{import('./compose-types').ComposeOpts}> */ export function generateOpts(options) { const { promises: fs } = require('fs'); if (options.gitignore && options['multi-dockerignore']) { throw new ExpectedError( 'The --gitignore and --multi-dockerignore options cannot be used together', ); } return fs.realpath(options.source || '.').then((projectPath) => ({ projectName: options.projectName, projectPath, inlineLogs: !options.nologs, convertEol: !options['noconvert-eol'], dockerfilePath: options.dockerfile, multiDockerignore: !!options['multi-dockerignore'], nogitignore: !options.gitignore, noParentCheck: options['noparent-check'], })); } // Parse the given composition and return a structure with info. Input is: // - composePath: the *absolute* path to the directory containing the compose file // - composeStr: the contents of the compose file, as a string /** * @param {string} composePath * @param {string} composeStr * @param {string | null} projectName * @returns {import('./compose-types').ComposeProject} */ export function createProject(composePath, composeStr, projectName = null) { const yml = require('js-yaml'); const compose = require('resin-compose-parse'); // both methods below may throw. const rawComposition = yml.safeLoad(composeStr, { schema: yml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA, }); const composition = compose.normalize(rawComposition); projectName ??= path.basename(composePath); const descriptors = compose.parse(composition).map(function (descr) { // generate an image name based on the project and service names // if one is not given and the service requires a build if ( typeof descr.image !== 'string' && descr.image.context != null && descr.image.tag == null ) { descr.image.tag = [projectName, descr.serviceName] .join('_') .toLowerCase(); } return descr; }); return { path: composePath, name: projectName, composition, descriptors, }; } /** * Create a tar stream out of the local filesystem at the given directory, * while optionally applying file filters such as '.dockerignore' and * optionally converting text file line endings (CRLF to LF). * @param {string} dir Source directory * @param {import('./compose-types').TarDirectoryOptions} param * @returns {Promise} */ export function tarDirectory(dir, param) { let { nogitignore = false } = param; if (nogitignore) { return require('./compose_ts').tarDirectory(dir, param); } else { return originalTarDirectory(dir, param); } } /** * This is the CLI v10 / v11 "original" tarDirectory function. It is still * around for the benefit of the `--gitignore` option, but is expected to be * deleted in CLI v13. * @param {string} dir Source directory * @param {import('./compose-types').TarDirectoryOptions} param * @returns {Promise} */ function originalTarDirectory(dir, param) { let { preFinalizeCallback = null, convertEol = false, nogitignore = false, } = param; if (convertEol == null) { convertEol = false; } const Bluebird = require('bluebird'); const tar = require('tar-stream'); const klaw = require('klaw'); const { promises: fs } = require('fs'); const streamToPromise = require('stream-to-promise'); const { printGitignoreWarn } = require('./compose_ts'); const { FileIgnorer, IgnoreFileType } = require('./ignore'); const { toPosixPath } = require('resin-multibuild').PathUtils; let readFile; if (process.platform === 'win32') { const { readFileWithEolConversion } = require('./eol-conversion'); readFile = (file) => readFileWithEolConversion(file, convertEol); } else { ({ readFile } = fs); } const getFiles = () => // @ts-ignore `klaw` returns a `Walker` which is close enough to a stream to work but ts complains Bluebird.resolve(streamToPromise(klaw(dir))) .filter((item) => !item.stats.isDirectory()) .map((item) => item.path); const ignore = new FileIgnorer(dir); const pack = tar.pack(); const ignoreFiles = {}; return getFiles() .each(function (file) { const type = ignore.getIgnoreFileType(path.relative(dir, file)); if (type != null) { ignoreFiles[type] = ignoreFiles[type] || []; ignoreFiles[type].push(path.resolve(dir, file)); return ignore.addIgnoreFile(file, type); } }) .tap(() => { if (!nogitignore) { printGitignoreWarn( (ignoreFiles[IgnoreFileType.DockerIgnore] || [])[0] || '', ignoreFiles[IgnoreFileType.GitIgnore] || [], ); } }) .filter(ignore.filter) .map(function (file) { const relPath = path.relative(path.resolve(dir), file); return Promise.all([relPath, fs.stat(file), readFile(file)]).then( ([filename, stats, data]) => pack.entry( { name: toPosixPath(filename), mtime: stats.mtime, size: stats.size, mode: stats.mode, }, data, ), ); }) .then(() => preFinalizeCallback?.(pack)) .then(function () { pack.finalize(); return pack; }); } /** * @param {string} str * @param {number} len * @returns {string} */ const truncateString = function (str, len) { if (str.length < len) { return str; } str = str.slice(0, len); // return everything up to the last line. this is a cheeky way to avoid // having to deal with splitting the string midway through some special // character sequence. return str.slice(0, str.lastIndexOf('\n')); }; const LOG_LENGTH_MAX = 512 * 1024; // 512KB export function buildProject( docker, logger, projectPath, projectName, composition, arch, deviceType, emulated, buildOpts, inlineLogs, convertEol, dockerfilePath, nogitignore, multiDockerignore, ) { const Bluebird = require('bluebird'); const _ = require('lodash'); const humanize = require('humanize'); const compose = require('resin-compose-parse'); const builder = require('resin-multibuild'); const transpose = require('docker-qemu-transpose'); const { BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH } = require('../config'); const { checkBuildSecretsRequirements, makeBuildTasks, } = require('./compose_ts'); const qemu = require('./qemu'); const { toPosixPath } = builder.PathUtils; logger.logInfo(`Building for ${arch}/${deviceType}`); const imageDescriptors = compose.parse(composition); const imageDescriptorsByServiceName = _.keyBy( imageDescriptors, 'serviceName', ); let renderer; if (inlineLogs) { renderer = new BuildProgressInline( logger.streams['build'], imageDescriptors, ); } else { const tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout); renderer = new BuildProgressUI(tty, imageDescriptors); } renderer.start(); return Bluebird.resolve(checkBuildSecretsRequirements(docker, projectPath)) .then(() => qemu.installQemuIfNeeded(emulated, logger, arch, docker)) .tap(function (needsQemu) { if (!needsQemu) { return; } logger.logInfo('Emulation is enabled'); // Copy qemu into all build contexts return Promise.all( imageDescriptors.map(function (d) { if (typeof d.image === 'string' || d.image.context == null) { return; } // external image return qemu.copyQemu(path.join(projectPath, d.image.context), arch); }), ); }) .then(( needsQemu, // Tar up the directory, ready for the build stream ) => Bluebird.resolve( tarDirectory(projectPath, { composition, convertEol, multiDockerignore, nogitignore, }), ) .then((tarStream) => makeBuildTasks( composition, tarStream, { arch, deviceType }, logger, projectName, ), ) .map(function (/** @type {any} */ task) { const d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[task.serviceName]; // multibuild parses the composition internally so any tags we've // set before are lost; re-assign them here task.tag ??= [projectName, task.serviceName].join('_').toLowerCase(); if (typeof d.image !== 'string' && d.image.context != null) { d.image.tag = task.tag; } // configure build opts appropriately task.dockerOpts ??= {}; _.merge(task.dockerOpts, buildOpts, { t: task.tag }); if (typeof d.image !== 'string') { /** @type {any} */ const context = d.image.context; if (context?.args != null) { task.dockerOpts.buildargs ??= {}; _.merge(task.dockerOpts.buildargs, context.args); } } // Get the service-specific log stream // Caveat: `multibuild.BuildTask` defines no `logStream` property // but it's convenient to store it there; it's JS ultimately. task.logStream = renderer.streams[task.serviceName]; task.logBuffer = []; // Setup emulation if needed if (task.external || !needsQemu) { return [task, null]; } const binPath = qemu.qemuPathInContext( path.join(projectPath, task.context ?? ''), ); if (task.buildStream == null) { throw new Error(`No buildStream for task '${task.tag}'`); } return transpose .transposeTarStream( task.buildStream, { hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(binPath), containerQemuPath: `/tmp/${qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}`, qemuFileMode: 0o555, }, dockerfilePath || undefined, ) .then((/** @type {any} */ stream) => { task.buildStream = stream; }) .return([task, binPath]); }), ) .map(function ([task, qemuPath]) { const captureStream = buildLogCapture(task.external, task.logBuffer); if (task.external) { // External image -- there's no build to be performed, // just follow pull progress. captureStream.pipe(task.logStream); task.progressHook = pullProgressAdapter(captureStream); } else { task.streamHook = function (stream) { let rawStream; stream = createLogStream(stream); if (qemuPath != null) { const buildThroughStream = transpose.getBuildThroughStream({ hostQemuPath: toPosixPath(qemuPath), containerQemuPath: `/tmp/${qemu.QEMU_BIN_NAME}`, }); rawStream = stream.pipe(buildThroughStream); } else { rawStream = stream; } // `stream` sends out raw strings in contrast to `task.progressHook` // where we're given objects. capture these strings as they come // before we parse them. return rawStream .pipe(dropEmptyLinesStream()) .pipe(captureStream) .pipe(buildProgressAdapter(inlineLogs)) .pipe(task.logStream); }; } return task; }) .then(function (tasks) { logger.logDebug('Prepared tasks; building...'); return builder .performBuilds(tasks, docker, BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH) .then(function (builtImages) { return Promise.all( builtImages.map(function (builtImage) { if (!builtImage.successful) { /** @type {Error & {serviceName?: string}} */ const error = builtImage.error ?? new Error(); error.serviceName = builtImage.serviceName; throw error; } const d = imageDescriptorsByServiceName[builtImage.serviceName]; const task = _.find(tasks, { serviceName: builtImage.serviceName, }); const image = { serviceName: d.serviceName, name: typeof d.image === 'string' ? d.image : d.image.tag, logs: truncateString(task.logBuffer.join('\n'), LOG_LENGTH_MAX), props: { dockerfile: builtImage.dockerfile, projectType: builtImage.projectType, }, }; // Times here are timestamps, so test whether they're null // before creating a date out of them, as `new Date(null)` // creates a date representing UNIX time 0. if (builtImage.startTime) { image.props.startTime = new Date(builtImage.startTime); } if (builtImage.endTime) { image.props.endTime = new Date(builtImage.endTime); } return docker .getImage(image.name) .inspect() .get('Size') .then((size) => { image.props.size = size; }) .return(image); }), ); }) .then(function (images) { const summary = _(images) .map(({ serviceName, props }) => [ serviceName, `Image size: ${humanize.filesize(props.size)}`, ]) .fromPairs() .value(); renderer.end(summary); return images; }); }) .finally(renderer.end); } /** * @param {string} apiEndpoint * @param {string} auth * @param {number} userId * @param {number} appId * @param {import('resin-compose-parse').Composition} composition * @returns {Promise} */ export const createRelease = async function ( apiEndpoint, auth, userId, appId, composition, ) { const _ = require('lodash'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const releaseMod = require('balena-release'); const client = releaseMod.createClient({ apiEndpoint, auth }); const { release, serviceImages } = await releaseMod.create({ client, user: userId, application: appId, composition, source: 'local', commit: crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString('hex').toLowerCase(), }); return { client, release: _.omit(release, [ 'created_at', 'belongs_to__application', 'is_created_by__user', '__metadata', ]), serviceImages: _.mapValues(serviceImages, (serviceImage) => _.omit(serviceImage, [ 'created_at', 'is_a_build_of__service', '__metadata', ]), ), }; }; /** * * @param {import('docker-toolbelt')} docker * @param {Array} images * @param {Partial} serviceImages * @returns {Promise>} */ export const tagServiceImages = (docker, images, serviceImages) => Promise.all( images.map(function (d) { const serviceImage = serviceImages[d.serviceName]; const imageName = serviceImage.is_stored_at__image_location; const match = /(.*?)\/(.*?)(?::([^/]*))?$/.exec(imageName); if (match == null) { throw new Error(`Could not parse imageName: '${imageName}'`); } const [, registry, repo, tag = 'latest'] = match; const name = `${registry}/${repo}`; return docker .getImage(d.name) .tag({ repo: name, tag, force: true }) .then(() => docker.getImage(`${name}:${tag}`)) .then((localImage) => ({ serviceName: d.serviceName, serviceImage, localImage, registry, repo, logs: d.logs, props: d.props, })); }), ); /** * @param {*} sdk * @param {import('docker-toolbelt')} docker * @param {import('./logger')} logger * @param {number} appID * @returns {Promise} */ export const getPreviousRepos = (sdk, docker, logger, appID) => sdk.pine .get({ resource: 'release', options: { $filter: { belongs_to__application: appID, status: 'success', }, $select: ['id'], $expand: { contains__image: { $expand: 'image', }, }, $orderby: 'id desc', $top: 1, }, }) .then(function (release) { // grab all images from the latest release, return all image locations in the registry if (release.length > 0) { const images = release[0].contains__image; return Promise.all( images.map(function (d) { const imageName = d.image[0].is_stored_at__image_location; return docker .getRegistryAndName(imageName) .then(function (registry) { logger.logDebug( `Requesting access to previously pushed image repo (${registry.imageName})`, ); return registry.imageName; }); }), ); } else { return []; } }) .catch((e) => { logger.logDebug(`Failed to access previously pushed image repo: ${e}`); return []; }); /** * @param {*} sdk * @param {string} tokenAuthEndpoint * @param {string} registry * @param {string[]} images * @param {string[]} previousRepos * @returns {Promise} */ export const authorizePush = function ( sdk, tokenAuthEndpoint, registry, images, previousRepos, ) { if (!Array.isArray(images)) { images = [images]; } images.push(...previousRepos); return sdk.request .send({ baseUrl: tokenAuthEndpoint, url: '/auth/v1/token', qs: { service: registry, scope: images.map((repo) => `repository:${repo}:pull,push`), }, }) .then(({ body }) => body.token) .catch(() => ''); }; /** * @param {import('docker-toolbelt')} docker * @param {string} token * @param {Array} images * @param {(serviceImage: import('balena-release/build/models').ImageModel, props: object) => void} afterEach */ export const pushAndUpdateServiceImages = function ( docker, token, images, afterEach, ) { const { DockerProgress } = require('docker-progress'); const { retry } = require('./helpers'); const tty = require('./tty')(process.stdout); const Bluebird = require('bluebird'); const opts = { authconfig: { registrytoken: token } }; const progress = new DockerProgress({ dockerToolbelt: docker }); const renderer = pushProgressRenderer( tty, getChalk().blue('[Push]') + ' ', ); const reporters = progress.aggregateProgress(images.length, renderer); return Bluebird.using(tty.cursorHidden(), () => Promise.all( images.map(({ serviceImage, localImage, props, logs }, index) => Promise.all([ // @ts-ignore localImage.inspect().get('Size'), retry( // @ts-ignore () => progress.push(localImage.name, reporters[index], opts), 3, // `times` - retry 3 times // @ts-ignore localImage.name, // `label` included in retry log messages 2000, // `delayMs` - wait 2 seconds before the 1st retry 1.4, // `backoffScaler` - wait multiplier for each retry ).finally(renderer.end), ]) .then( /** @type {([number, string]) => void} */ function ([size, digest]) { serviceImage.image_size = size; serviceImage.content_hash = digest; serviceImage.build_log = logs; serviceImage.dockerfile = props.dockerfile; serviceImage.project_type = props.projectType; if (props.startTime) { serviceImage.start_timestamp = props.startTime; } if (props.endTime) { serviceImage.end_timestamp = props.endTime; } serviceImage.push_timestamp = new Date(); serviceImage.status = 'success'; }, ) .catch(function (e) { serviceImage.error_message = '' + e; serviceImage.status = 'failed'; throw e; }) .finally(() => afterEach?.(serviceImage, props)), ), ), ); }; // utilities const renderProgressBar = function (percentage, stepCount) { const _ = require('lodash'); percentage = _.clamp(percentage, 0, 100); const barCount = Math.floor((stepCount * percentage) / 100); const spaceCount = stepCount - barCount; const bar = `[${_.repeat('=', barCount)}>${_.repeat(' ', spaceCount)}]`; return `${bar} ${_.padStart(percentage, 3)}%`; }; var pushProgressRenderer = function (tty, prefix) { const fn = function (e) { const { error, percentage } = e; if (error != null) { throw new Error(error); } const bar = renderProgressBar(percentage, 40); return tty.replaceLine(`${prefix}${bar}\r`); }; fn.end = () => { tty.clearLine(); }; return fn; }; var createLogStream = function (input) { const split = require('split'); const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi-stream'); return input.pipe(stripAnsi()).pipe(split()); }; var dropEmptyLinesStream = function () { const through = require('through2'); return through(function (data, _enc, cb) { const str = data.toString('utf-8'); if (str.trim()) { this.push(str); } return cb(); }); }; var buildLogCapture = function (objectMode, buffer) { const through = require('through2'); return through({ objectMode }, function (data, _enc, cb) { // data from pull stream if (data.error) { buffer.push(`${data.error}`); } else if (data.progress && data.status) { buffer.push(`${data.progress}% ${data.status}`); } else if (data.status) { buffer.push(`${data.status}`); // data from build stream } else { buffer.push(data); } return cb(null, data); }); }; var buildProgressAdapter = function (inline) { const through = require('through2'); const stepRegex = /^\s*Step\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\s*: (.+)$/; let step = null; let numSteps = null; let progress; return through({ objectMode: true }, function (str, _enc, cb) { if (str == null) { return cb(null, str); } if (inline) { return cb(null, { status: str }); } if (/^Successfully tagged /.test(str)) { progress = undefined; } else { const match = stepRegex.exec(str); if (match) { step = match[1]; numSteps ??= match[2]; str = match[3]; } if (step != null) { str = `Step ${step}/${numSteps}: ${str}`; progress = Math.floor( (parseInt(step, 10) * 100) / parseInt(numSteps, 10), ); } } return cb(null, { status: str, progress }); }); }; var pullProgressAdapter = (outStream) => function ({ status, id, percentage, error, errorDetail }) { if (status != null) { status = status.replace(/^Status: /, ''); } if (id != null) { status = `${id}: ${status}`; } if (percentage === 100) { percentage = undefined; } return outStream.write({ status, progress: percentage, error: errorDetail?.message ?? error, }); }; class BuildProgressUI { constructor(tty, descriptors) { this._handleEvent = this._handleEvent.bind(this); this._handleInterrupt = this._handleInterrupt.bind(this); this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.end = this.end.bind(this); this._display = this._display.bind(this); const _ = require('lodash'); const through = require('through2'); const eventHandler = this._handleEvent; const services = _.map(descriptors, 'serviceName'); const streams = _(services) .map(function (service) { const stream = through.obj(function (event, _enc, cb) { eventHandler(service, event); return cb(); }); stream.pipe(tty.stream, { end: false }); return [service, stream]; }) .fromPairs() .value(); this._tty = tty; this._serviceToDataMap = {}; this._services = services; // Logger magically prefixes the log line with [Build] etc., but it doesn't // work well with the spinner we're also showing. Manually build the prefix // here and bypass the logger. const prefix = getChalk().blue('[Build]') + ' '; const offset = 10; // account for escape sequences inserted for colouring this._prefixWidth = offset + prefix.length + _.max(_.map(services, 'length')); this._prefix = prefix; // these are to handle window wrapping this._maxLineWidth = null; this._lineWidths = []; this._startTime = null; this._ended = false; this._cancelled = false; this._spinner = require('./compose_ts').createSpinner(); this.streams = streams; } _handleEvent(service, event) { this._serviceToDataMap[service] = event; } _handleInterrupt() { this._cancelled = true; this.end(); return process.exit(130); // 128 + SIGINT } start() { process.on('SIGINT', this._handleInterrupt); this._tty.hideCursor(); this._services.forEach((service) => { this.streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' }); }); this._runloop = require('./compose_ts').createRunLoop(this._display); this._startTime = Date.now(); } end(summary = null) { if (this._ended) { return; } this._ended = true; process.removeListener('SIGINT', this._handleInterrupt); this._runloop?.end(); this._runloop = null; this._clear(); this._renderStatus(true); this._renderSummary(summary ?? this._getServiceSummary()); this._tty.showCursor(); } _display() { this._clear(); this._renderStatus(); this._renderSummary(this._getServiceSummary()); this._tty.cursorUp(this._services.length + 1); // for status line } _clear() { this._tty.deleteToEnd(); this._maxLineWidth = this._tty.currentWindowSize().width; } _getServiceSummary() { const _ = require('lodash'); const services = this._services; const serviceToDataMap = this._serviceToDataMap; return _(services) .map(function (service) { const { status, progress, error } = serviceToDataMap[service] ?? {}; if (error) { return `${error}`; } else if (progress) { const bar = renderProgressBar(progress, 20); if (status) { return `${bar} ${status}`; } return `${bar}`; } else if (status) { return `${status}`; } else { return 'Waiting...'; } }) .map((data, index) => [services[index], data]) .fromPairs() .value(); } _renderStatus(end) { end ??= false; const moment = require('moment'); require('moment-duration-format')(moment); this._tty.clearLine(); this._tty.write(this._prefix); if (end && this._cancelled) { this._tty.writeLine('Build cancelled'); } else if (end) { const serviceCount = this._services.length; const serviceStr = serviceCount === 1 ? '1 service' : `${serviceCount} services`; const durationStr = this._startTime == null ? 'unknown time' : moment .duration( Math.floor((Date.now() - this._startTime) / 1000), 'seconds', ) .format(); this._tty.writeLine(`Built ${serviceStr} in ${durationStr}`); } else { this._tty.writeLine(`Building services... ${this._spinner()}`); } } _renderSummary(serviceToStrMap) { const _ = require('lodash'); const chalk = getChalk(); const truncate = require('cli-truncate'); const strlen = require('string-width'); this._services.forEach((service, index) => { let str = _.padEnd(this._prefix + chalk.bold(service), this._prefixWidth); str += serviceToStrMap[service]; if (this._maxLineWidth != null) { str = truncate(str, this._maxLineWidth); } this._lineWidths[index] = strlen(str); this._tty.clearLine(); this._tty.writeLine(str); }); } } class BuildProgressInline { constructor(outStream, descriptors) { this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.end = this.end.bind(this); this._renderEvent = this._renderEvent.bind(this); const _ = require('lodash'); const through = require('through2'); const services = _.map(descriptors, 'serviceName'); const eventHandler = this._renderEvent; const streams = _(services) .map(function (service) { const stream = through.obj(function (event, _enc, cb) { eventHandler(service, event); return cb(); }); stream.pipe(outStream, { end: false }); return [service, stream]; }) .fromPairs() .value(); const offset = 10; // account for escape sequences inserted for colouring this._prefixWidth = offset + _.max(_.map(services, 'length')); this._outStream = outStream; this._services = services; this._startTime = null; this._ended = false; this.streams = streams; } start() { this._outStream.write('Building services...\n'); this._services.forEach((service) => { this.streams[service].write({ status: 'Preparing...' }); }); this._startTime = Date.now(); } end(summary = null) { const moment = require('moment'); require('moment-duration-format')(moment); if (this._ended) { return; } this._ended = true; if (summary != null) { this._services.forEach((service) => { this._renderEvent(service, summary[service]); }); } const serviceCount = this._services.length; const serviceStr = serviceCount === 1 ? '1 service' : `${serviceCount} services`; const durationStr = this._startTime == null ? 'unknown time' : moment .duration( Math.floor((Date.now() - this._startTime) / 1000), 'seconds', ) .format(); this._outStream.write(`Built ${serviceStr} in ${durationStr}\n`); } _renderEvent(service, event) { const _ = require('lodash'); const str = (function () { const { status, error } = event; if (error) { return `${error}`; } else if (status) { return `${status}`; } else { return 'Waiting...'; } })(); const prefix = _.padEnd(getChalk().bold(service), this._prefixWidth); this._outStream.write(prefix); this._outStream.write(str); this._outStream.write('\n'); } }