# Resin CLI

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The official Resin CLI tool.

## Installing

$ npm install -g resin-cli

### Running locally

$ ./bin/resin

## Tests

You can run the [Mocha](http://mochajs.org/) test suite, you can do:

$ gulp test

## Development mode

The following command will watch for any changes and will run a linter and the whole test suite:

$ gulp watch

If you set `DEBUG` environment variable, errors will print with a stack trace:

$ DEBUG=true resin ...

## Documentation

You can renegerate the documentation with:

$ npm run-script doc

## Manual pages

UNIX manual pages reside in `man/`

You can regenerate UNIX `roff` manual pages from markdown with:

$ gulp man

If you add a new `man` page, remember to add the generated filename to the `man` array in `package.json`.

## Caveats

- Some interactive widgets don't work on [Cygwin](https://cygwin.com/). If you're running Windows, it's preferrable that you use `cmd.exe`, as `Cygwin` is [not official supported by Node.js](https://github.com/chjj/blessed/issues/56#issuecomment-42671945).