/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type { StdioOptions } from 'child_process'; import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { ExpectedError } from '../errors'; export class SshPermissionDeniedError extends ExpectedError {} export class RemoteCommandError extends ExpectedError { cmd: string; exitCode?: number; exitSignal?: NodeJS.Signals; constructor(cmd: string, exitCode?: number, exitSignal?: NodeJS.Signals) { super(sshErrorMessage(cmd, exitSignal, exitCode)); this.cmd = cmd; this.exitCode = exitCode; this.exitSignal = exitSignal; } } export interface SshRemoteCommandOpts { cmd?: string; hostname: string; ignoreStdin?: boolean; port?: number | 'cloud' | 'local'; proxyCommand?: string[]; username?: string; verbose?: boolean; } export const stdioIgnore: { stdin: 'ignore'; stdout: 'ignore'; stderr: 'ignore'; } = { stdin: 'ignore', stdout: 'ignore', stderr: 'ignore', }; export function sshArgsForRemoteCommand({ cmd = '', hostname, ignoreStdin = false, port, proxyCommand, username = 'root', verbose = false, }: SshRemoteCommandOpts): string[] { port = port === 'local' ? 22222 : port === 'cloud' ? 22 : port; return [ ...(verbose ? ['-vvv'] : []), ...(ignoreStdin ? ['-n'] : []), '-t', ...(port ? ['-p', port.toString()] : []), ...['-o', 'LogLevel=ERROR'], ...['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'], ...['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'], ...(proxyCommand && proxyCommand.length ? ['-o', `ProxyCommand=${proxyCommand.join(' ')}`] : []), `${username}@${hostname}`, ...(cmd ? [cmd] : []), ]; } /** * Execute the given command on a local balenaOS device over ssh. * @param cmd Shell command to execute on the device * @param hostname Device's hostname or IP address * @param port SSH server TCP port number or 'local' (22222) or 'cloud' (22) * @param stdin Readable stream to pipe to the remote command stdin, * or 'ignore' or 'inherit' as documented in the child_process.spawn function. * @param stdout Writeable stream to pipe from the remote command stdout, * or 'ignore' or 'inherit' as documented in the child_process.spawn function. * @param stderr Writeable stream to pipe from the remote command stdout, * or 'ignore' or 'inherit' as documented in the child_process.spawn function. * @param username SSH username for authorization. With balenaOS 2.44.0 or * later, it can be a balenaCloud username. * @param verbose Produce debugging output */ export async function runRemoteCommand({ cmd = '', hostname, port, proxyCommand, stdin = 'inherit', stdout = 'inherit', stderr = 'inherit', username = 'root', verbose = false, }: SshRemoteCommandOpts & { stdin?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.ReadableStream; stdout?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream; stderr?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream; }): Promise<void> { let ignoreStdin: boolean; if (stdin === 'ignore') { // Set ignoreStdin=true in order for the "ssh -n" option to be used to // prevent the ssh client from using the CLI process stdin. In addition, // stdin must be forced to 'inherit' (if it is not a readable stream) in // order to work around a bug in older versions of the built-in Windows // 10 ssh client that otherwise prints the following to stderr and // hangs: "GetConsoleMode on STD_INPUT_HANDLE failed with 6" // They actually fixed the bug in newer versions of the ssh client: // https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/856 but users // have to manually download and install a new client. ignoreStdin = true; stdin = 'inherit'; } else { ignoreStdin = false; } const { which } = await import('./which'); const program = await which('ssh'); const args = sshArgsForRemoteCommand({ cmd, hostname, ignoreStdin, port, proxyCommand, username, verbose, }); if (process.env.DEBUG) { const logger = (await import('./logger')).getLogger(); logger.logDebug(`Executing [${program},${args}]`); } const stdio: StdioOptions = [ typeof stdin === 'string' ? stdin : 'pipe', typeof stdout === 'string' ? stdout : 'pipe', typeof stderr === 'string' ? stderr : 'pipe', ]; let exitCode: number | undefined; let exitSignal: NodeJS.Signals | undefined; try { [exitCode, exitSignal] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ps = spawn(program, args, { stdio }) .on('error', reject) .on('close', (code, signal) => resolve([code ?? undefined, signal ?? undefined]), ); if (ps.stdin && stdin && typeof stdin !== 'string') { stdin.pipe(ps.stdin); } if (ps.stdout && stdout && typeof stdout !== 'string') { ps.stdout.pipe(stdout); } if (ps.stderr && stderr && typeof stderr !== 'string') { ps.stderr.pipe(stderr); } }); } catch (error) { const msg = [ `ssh failed with exit code=${exitCode} signal=${exitSignal}:`, `[${program}, ${args.join(', ')}]`, ...(error ? [`${error}`] : []), ]; throw new ExpectedError(msg.join('\n')); } if (exitCode || exitSignal) { throw new RemoteCommandError(cmd, exitCode, exitSignal); } } /** * Execute the given command on a local balenaOS device over ssh. * Capture stdout and/or stderr to Buffers and return them. * * @param deviceIp IP address of the local device * @param cmd Shell command to execute on the device * @param opts Options * @param opts.username SSH username for authorization. With balenaOS 2.44.0 or * later, it may be a balenaCloud username. Otherwise, 'root'. * @param opts.stdin Passed through to the runRemoteCommand function * @param opts.stdout If 'capture', capture stdout to a Buffer. * @param opts.stderr If 'capture', capture stdout to a Buffer. */ export async function getRemoteCommandOutput({ cmd, hostname, port, proxyCommand, stdin = 'ignore', stdout = 'capture', stderr = 'capture', username = 'root', verbose = false, }: SshRemoteCommandOpts & { stdin?: 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.ReadableStream; stdout?: 'capture' | 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream; stderr?: 'capture' | 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream; }): Promise<{ stdout: Buffer; stderr: Buffer }> { const { Writable } = await import('stream'); const stdoutChunks: Buffer[] = []; const stderrChunks: Buffer[] = []; const stdoutStream = new Writable({ write(chunk: Buffer, _enc, callback) { stdoutChunks.push(chunk); callback(); }, }); const stderrStream = new Writable({ write(chunk: Buffer, _enc, callback) { stderrChunks.push(chunk); callback(); }, }); await runRemoteCommand({ cmd, hostname, port, proxyCommand, stdin, stdout: stdout === 'capture' ? stdoutStream : stdout, stderr: stderr === 'capture' ? stderrStream : stderr, username, verbose, }); return { stdout: Buffer.concat(stdoutChunks), stderr: Buffer.concat(stderrChunks), }; } /** Convenience wrapper for getRemoteCommandOutput */ export async function getLocalDeviceCmdStdout( hostname: string, cmd: string, stdout: 'capture' | 'ignore' | 'inherit' | NodeJS.WritableStream = 'capture', ): Promise<Buffer> { const port = 'local'; return ( await getRemoteCommandOutput({ cmd, hostname, port, stdout, stderr: 'inherit', username: await findBestUsernameForDevice(hostname, port), }) ).stdout; } /** * Run a trivial 'exit 0' command over ssh on the target hostname (typically the * IP address of a local device) with the 'root' username, in order to determine * whether root authentication suceeds. It should succeed with development * variants of balenaOS and fail with production variants, unless a ssh key was * added to the device's 'config.json' file. * @return True if succesful, false on any errors. */ export const isRootUserGood = _.memoize(async (hostname: string, port) => { try { await runRemoteCommand({ cmd: 'exit 0', hostname, port, ...stdioIgnore }); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }); /** * Determine whether the given local device (hostname or IP address) should be * accessed as the 'root' user or as a regular cloud user (balenaCloud or * openBalena). Where possible, the root user is preferable because: * - It allows ssh to be used in air-gapped scenarios (no internet access). * Logging in as a regular user requires the device to fetch public keys from * the cloud backend. * - Root authentication is significantly faster for local devices (a fraction * of a second versus 5+ seconds). * - Non-root authentication requires balenaOS v2.44.0 or later, so not (yet) * universally possible. */ export const findBestUsernameForDevice = _.memoize( async (hostname: string, port): Promise<string> => { let username: string | undefined; if (await isRootUserGood(hostname, port)) { username = 'root'; } else { const { getCachedUsername } = await import('./bootstrap'); username = (await getCachedUsername())?.username; } if (!username) { const { stripIndent } = await import('./lazy'); throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent` SSH authentication failed for 'root@${hostname}'. Please login with 'balena login' for alternative authentication.`); } return username; }, ); /** * Return a device's balenaOS release by executing 'cat /etc/os-release' * over ssh to the given deviceIp address. The result is cached with * lodash's memoize. */ export const getDeviceOsRelease = _.memoize(async (hostname: string) => (await getLocalDeviceCmdStdout(hostname, 'cat /etc/os-release')).toString(), ); function sshErrorMessage(cmd: string, exitSignal?: string, exitCode?: number) { const msg: string[] = []; cmd = cmd ? `Remote command "${cmd}"` : 'Process'; if (exitSignal) { msg.push(`SSH: ${cmd} terminated with signal "${exitSignal}"`); } else { msg.push(`SSH: ${cmd} exited with non-zero status code "${exitCode}"`); switch (exitCode) { case 255: msg.push(` Are the SSH keys correctly configured in balenaCloud? See: https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/ssh-access/#add-an-ssh-key-to-balenacloud`); msg.push('Are you accidentally using `sudo`?'); } } return msg.join('\n'); }