declare module 'resin-sdk-preconfigured' { import * as Promise from 'bluebird'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import * as ResinErrors from 'resin-errors'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; /* tslint:disable:no-namespace */ namespace Pine { // based on type RawFilter = | string | Array> | { $string: string; [index: string]: Filter | string; }; type Lambda = { $alias: string; $expr: Filter; }; type OrderByValues = 'asc' | 'desc'; type OrderBy = | string | string[] | { [index: string]: OrderByValues; }; type ResourceObjFilter = { [k in keyof T]?: object | number | string }; interface FilterArray extends Array> {} type FilterExpressions = { $raw?: RawFilter; $?: string | string[]; $and?: Filter | FilterArray; $or?: Filter | FilterArray; $in?: Filter | FilterArray; $not?: Filter | FilterArray; $any?: Lambda; $all?: Lambda; }; type Filter = ResourceObjFilter & FilterExpressions; type BaseExpandFor = { [k in keyof T]?: object } | keyof T; export type Expand = BaseExpandFor | Array>; } namespace ResinRequest { interface ResinRequestOptions { method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS'; url: string; apiKey?: string; body?: any; } interface ResinRequestResponse extends Response { body: any; } interface ResinRequest { send: (options: ResinRequestOptions) => Promise; } } namespace ResinSdk { interface Interceptor { request?(response: any): Promise; response?(response: any): Promise; requestError?(error: Error): Promise; responseError?(error: Error): Promise; } interface Config { deployment: string | null; deviceUrlsBase: string; adminUrl: string; apiUrl: string; actionsUrl: string; gitServerUrl: string; pubnub: { subscribe_key: string; publish_key: string; }; ga?: GaConfig; mixpanelToken?: string; intercomAppId?: string; recurlyPublicKey?: string; deviceTypes: DeviceType[]; DEVICE_ONLINE_ICON: string; DEVICE_OFFLINE_ICON: string; signupCodeRequired: boolean; supportedSocialProviders: string[]; } interface GaConfig { site: string; id: string; } interface DeviceType { slug: string; name: string; arch: string; state?: string; isDependent?: boolean; instructions?: string[] | DeviceTypeInstructions; gettingStartedLink?: string | DeviceTypeGettingStartedLink; stateInstructions?: { [key: string]: string[] }; options?: DeviceTypeOptions[]; initialization?: { options?: DeviceInitializationOptions[]; operations: Array<{ command: string; }>; }; supportsBlink?: boolean; yocto: { fstype?: string; deployArtifact: string; }; } interface DeviceTypeInstructions { linux: string[]; osx: string[]; windows: string[]; } interface DeviceTypeGettingStartedLink { linux: string; osx: string; windows: string; [key: string]: string; } interface DeviceTypeOptions { options: DeviceTypeOptionsGroup[]; collapsed: boolean; isCollapsible: boolean; isGroup: boolean; message: string; name: string; } interface DeviceInitializationOptions { message: string; type: string; name: string; } interface DeviceTypeOptionsGroup { default: number | string; message: string; name: string; type: string; min?: number; choices?: string[] | number[]; choicesLabels?: { [key: string]: string }; } interface WithId { id: number; } interface PineParams { resource: string; id?: number; body?: object; options?: PineOptions; } interface PineOptions { filter?: object; expand?: object | string; orderBy?: Pine.OrderBy; top?: string; skip?: string; select?: string | string[]; } interface PineParamsFor extends PineParams { body?: Partial; options?: PineOptionsFor; } interface PineParamsWithIdFor extends PineParamsFor { id: number; } type PineFilterFor = Pine.Filter; type PineExpandFor = Pine.Expand; interface PineOptionsFor extends PineOptions { filter?: PineFilterFor; expand?: PineExpandFor; select?: Array | keyof T; } interface PineDeferred { __id: number; } /** * When not selected-out holds a deferred. * When expanded hold an array with a single element. */ type NavigationResource = T[] | PineDeferred; /** * When expanded holds an array, otherwise the property is not present. * Selecting is not suggested, * in that case it holds a deferred to the original resource. */ type ReverseNavigationResource = T[] | undefined; interface SocialServiceAccount { provider: string; display_name: string; created_at: string; id: number; remote_id: string; } interface User { id: number; username: string; email?: string; first_name?: string; last_name?: string; company?: string; account_type?: string; has_disabled_newsletter?: boolean; jwt_secret: string; created_at: string; twoFactorRequired?: boolean; hasPasswordSet?: boolean; needsPasswordReset?: boolean; public_key?: boolean; features?: string[]; intercomUserName?: string; intercomUserHash?: string; permissions?: string[]; loginAs?: boolean; actualUser?: number; // this is what the api route returns social_service_account: ReverseNavigationResource; } interface Application { app_name: string; device_type: string; git_repository: string; commit: string; id: number; device_type_info?: any; has_dependent?: boolean; should_track_latest_release: boolean; user: NavigationResource; application_tag: ReverseNavigationResource; } type BuildStatus = | 'cancelled' | 'error' | 'interrupted' | 'local' | 'running' | 'success' | 'timeout' | null; interface Build { log: string; commit_hash: string; created_at: string; end_timestamp: string; id: number; message: string | null; project_type: string; push_timestamp: string | null; start_timestamp: string; status: BuildStatus; update_timestamp: string | null; } interface BillingAccountAddressInfo { address1: string; address2: string; city: string; state: string; zip: string; country: string; phone: string; } interface BillingAccountInfo { account_state: string; first_name: string; last_name: string; company_name: string; cc_emails: string; vat_number: string; address: BillingAccountAddressInfo; } type BillingInfoType = 'bank_account' | 'credit_card' | 'paypal'; interface BillingInfo { full_name: string; first_name: string; last_name: string; company: string; vat_number: string; address1: string; address2: string; city: string; state: string; zip: string; country: string; phone: string; type?: BillingInfoType; } interface CardBillingInfo extends BillingInfo { card_type: string; year: string; month: string; first_one: string; last_four: string; } interface BankAccountBillingInfo extends BillingInfo { account_type: string; last_four: string; name_on_account: string; routing_number: string; } interface TokenBillingSubmitInfo { token_id: string; } interface BillingPlanInfo { name: string; billing?: BillingPlanBillingInfo; } interface BillingPlanBillingInfo { currency: string; currencySymbol?: string; } interface InvoiceInfo { closed_at: string; created_at: string; currency: string; invoice_number: string; subtotal_in_cents: string; total_in_cents: string; uuid: string; } interface Device { created_at: string; device_type: string; id: number; name: string; os_version: string; os_variant?: string; status_sort_index?: number; uuid: string; ip_address: string | null; vpn_address: string | null; last_connectivity_event: string; is_in_local_mode?: boolean; app_name?: string; state?: { key: string; name: string }; status: string; provisioning_state: string; is_online: boolean; is_connected_to_vpn: boolean; supervisor_version: string; is_web_accessible: boolean; has_dependent: boolean; note: string; location: string; latitude?: string; longitude?: string; custom_latitude?: string; custom_longitude?: string; download_progress?: number; provisioning_progress?: number; local_id?: string; device_environment_variable: ReverseNavigationResource< DeviceEnvironmentVariable >; device_tag: ReverseNavigationResource; } interface LogMessage { message: string; isSystem: boolean; timestamp: number | null; serviceId: number | null; } interface LogsSubscription extends EventEmitter { unsubscribe(): void; } interface SSHKey { title: string; public_key: string; id: number; created_at: string; } type ImgConfigOptions = { network?: 'ethernet' | 'wifi'; appUpdatePollInterval?: number; wifiKey?: string; wifiSsid?: string; ip?: string; gateway?: string; netmask?: string; version?: string; }; type OsVersions = { latest: string; recommended: string; default: string; versions: string[]; }; interface EnvironmentVariableBase { id: number; name: string; value: string; } interface EnvironmentVariable extends EnvironmentVariableBase { application: NavigationResource; } interface DeviceEnvironmentVariable extends EnvironmentVariableBase { env_var_name?: string; device: NavigationResource; } interface ResourceTagBase { id: number; tag_key: string; value: string; } interface ApplicationTag extends ResourceTagBase { application: NavigationResource; } interface DeviceTag extends ResourceTagBase { device: NavigationResource; } type LogsPromise = Promise; interface ResinSDK { auth: { register: ( credentials: { email: string; password: string }, ) => Promise; authenticate: ( credentials: { email: string; password: string }, ) => Promise; login: ( credentials: { email: string; password: string }, ) => Promise; loginWithToken: (authToken: string) => Promise; logout: () => Promise; getToken: () => Promise; whoami: () => Promise; isLoggedIn: () => Promise; getUserId: () => Promise; getEmail: () => Promise; twoFactor: { isEnabled: () => Promise; isPassed: () => Promise; challenge: (code: string) => Promise; }; }; settings: { get(key: string): Promise; getAll(): Promise<{ [key: string]: string }>; }; request: ResinRequest.ResinRequest; errors: { ResinAmbiguousApplication: ResinErrors.ResinAmbiguousApplication; ResinAmbiguousDevice: ResinErrors.ResinAmbiguousDevice; ResinApplicationNotFound: ResinErrors.ResinApplicationNotFound; ResinBuildNotFound: ResinErrors.ResinBuildNotFound; ResinDeviceNotFound: ResinErrors.ResinDeviceNotFound; ResinExpiredToken: ResinErrors.ResinExpiredToken; ResinInvalidDeviceType: ResinErrors.ResinInvalidDeviceType; ResinInvalidParameterError: ResinErrors.ResinInvalidParameterError; ResinKeyNotFound: ResinErrors.ResinKeyNotFound; ResinMalformedToken: ResinErrors.ResinMalformedToken; ResinNotLoggedIn: ResinErrors.ResinNotLoggedIn; ResinRequestError: ResinErrors.ResinRequestError; ResinSupervisorLockedError: ResinErrors.ResinSupervisorLockedError; }; models: { application: { create( name: string, deviceType: string, parentNameOrId?: number | string, ): Promise; get( nameOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAppByOwner( appName: string, owner: string, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAll(options?: PineOptionsFor): Promise; has(name: string): Promise; hasAny(): Promise; remove(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; restart(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; enableDeviceUrls(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; disableDeviceUrls(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; grantSupportAccess( nameOrId: string | number, expiryTimestamp: number, ): Promise; revokeSupportAccess(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; reboot(appId: number, { force }: { force?: boolean }): Promise; shutdown( appId: number, { force }: { force?: boolean }, ): Promise; purge(appId: number): Promise; generateApiKey(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; generateProvisioningKey(nameOrId: string | number): Promise; tags: { getAllByApplication( nameOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAll( options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; set( nameOrId: string | number, tagKey: string, value: string, ): Promise; remove(nameOrId: string | number, tagKey: string): Promise; }; }; build: { get(id: number, options?: PineOptionsFor): Promise; getAllByApplication( nameOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; }; billing: { getAccount(): Promise; getPlan(): Promise; getBillingInfo(): Promise; updateBillingInfo( billingInfo: TokenBillingSubmitInfo, ): Promise; getInvoices(): Promise; downloadInvoice(invoiceNumber: string): Promise; }; device: { get( uuidOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getByName( nameOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAll(options?: PineOptionsFor): Promise; getAllByApplication( nameOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAllByParentDevice( parentUuidOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getName(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; getApplicationName(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; getApplicationInfo( uuidOrId: string | number, ): Promise<{ appId: string; commit: string; containerId: string; env: { [key: string]: string | number }; imageId: string; }>; has(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; isOnline(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; getLocalIPAddressess(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; getDashboardUrl(uuid: string): string; getSupportedDeviceTypes(): Promise; getManifestBySlug(slugOrName: string): Promise; getManifestByApplication( nameOrId: string | number, ): Promise; move( uuidOrId: string | number, applicationNameOrId: string | number, ): Promise; note(uuidOrId: string | number, note: string): Promise; remove(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; rename(uuidOrId: string | number, newName: string): Promise; setCustomLocation( uuidOrId: string | number, location: { latitude: number; longitude: number }, ): Promise; unsetCustomLocation(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; identify(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; startApplication(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; stopApplication(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; restartApplication(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; grantSupportAccess( uuidOrId: string | number, expiryTimestamp: number, ): Promise; revokeSupportAccess(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; reboot( uuidOrId: string | number, { force }?: { force?: boolean }, ): Promise; shutdown( uuidOrId: string | number, { force }?: { force?: boolean }, ): Promise; purge(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; update( uuidOrId: string | number, { force }?: { force?: boolean }, ): Promise; getDisplayName(deviceTypeName: string): string; getDeviceSlug(deviceTypeName: string): string; generateUniqueKey(): string; register( applicationNameOrId: string | number, uuid?: string, ): Promise; generateDeviceKey(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; enableDeviceUrl(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; disableDeviceUrl(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; hasDeviceUrl(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; getDeviceUrl(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; enableTcpPing(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; disableTcpPing(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; ping(uuidOrId: string | number): Promise; getStatus(device: object): string; lastOnline(device: Device): string; tags: { getAllByApplication( nameOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAllByDevice( uuidOrId: string | number, options?: PineOptionsFor, ): Promise; getAll(options?: PineOptionsFor): Promise; set( uuidOrId: string | number, tagKey: string, value: string, ): Promise; remove(uuidOrId: string | number, tagKey: string): Promise; }; }; environmentVariables: { device: { getAll(id: number): Promise; getAllByApplication( applicationNameOrId: number | string, ): Promise; update(id: number, value: string): Promise; create( uuidOrId: number | string, name: string, value: string, ): Promise; remove(id: number): Promise; }; getAllByApplication( applicationNameOrId: number | string, ): Promise; update(id: number, value: string): Promise; create( applicationNameOrId: number | string, name: string, value: string, ): Promise; remove(id: number): Promise; isSystemVariable(variable: { name: string }): boolean; }; config: { getAll: () => Promise; getDeviceTypes: () => Promise; getDeviceOptions( deviceType: string, ): Promise>; }; key: { getAll(options?: PineOptionsFor): Promise; get(id: string | number): Promise; remove(id: string | number): Promise; create(title: string, key: string): Promise; }; os: { getConfig( nameOrId: string | number, options?: ImgConfigOptions, ): Promise; getDownloadSize(slug: string, version?: string): Promise; getSupportedVersions(slug: string): Promise; getMaxSatisfyingVersion( deviceType: string, versionOrRange: string, ): string; getLastModified(deviceType: string, version?: string): Promise; download(deviceType: string, version?: string): Promise; }; }; logs: { history(uuid: string): LogsPromise; historySinceLastClear(uuid: string): LogsPromise; subscribe(uuid: string): Promise; clear(uuid: string): void; }; pine: { delete( params: PineParamsWithIdFor | PineParamsFor, ): Promise; get(params: PineParamsWithIdFor): Promise; get(params: PineParamsFor): Promise; get(params: PineParamsFor): Promise; post(params: PineParams): Promise; patch(params: PineParamsWithIdFor): Promise; }; interceptors: Interceptor[]; } } interface SdkOptions { apiUrl?: string; /** * @deprecated Use resin.auth.loginWithToken(apiKey) instead */ apiKey?: string; imageMakerUrl?: string; dataDirectory?: string; isBrowser?: boolean; debug?: boolean; } interface SdkConstructor { (options?: SdkOptions): ResinSdk.ResinSDK; setSharedOptions(options: SdkOptions): void; fromSharedOptions: () => ResinSdk.ResinSDK; } const ResinSdk: ResinSdk.ResinSDK; export = ResinSdk; }