_ = require('lodash-contrib') url = require('url') async = require('async') resin = require('resin-sdk') visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals') exports.login = signature: 'login' description: 'login to resin.io' help: ''' Use this command to login to your resin.io account. You need to login before you can use most of the commands this tool provides. You can pass your credentials as `--username` and `--password` options, or you can omit the credentials, in which case the tool will present you with an interactive login form. Examples: $ resin login --username --password $ resin login ''' options: [ { signature: 'username' parameter: 'username' description: 'user name' alias: 'u' } { signature: 'password' parameter: 'user password' description: 'user password' alias: 'p' } ] action: (params, options, done) -> hasOptionCredentials = not _.isEmpty(options) if hasOptionCredentials if not options.username return done(new Error('Missing username')) if not options.password return done(new Error('Missing password')) async.waterfall [ (callback) -> if hasOptionCredentials return callback(null, options) else return visuals.widgets.login(callback) (credentials, callback) -> resin.auth.login(credentials, callback) ], done exports.logout = signature: 'logout' description: 'logout from resin.io' help: ''' Use this command to logout from your resin.io account.o Examples: $ resin logout ''' permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> resin.auth.logout(done) exports.signup = signature: 'signup' description: 'signup to resin.io' help: ''' Use this command to signup for a resin.io account. If signup is successful, you'll be logged in to your new user automatically. Examples: $ resin signup Email: me@mycompany.com Username: johndoe Password: *********** $ resin signup --email me@mycompany.com --username johndoe --password *********** $ resin whoami johndoe ''' options: [ { signature: 'email' parameter: 'email' description: 'user email' alias: 'e' } { signature: 'username' parameter: 'username' description: 'user name' alias: 'u' } { signature: 'password' parameter: 'user password' description: 'user password' alias: 'p' } ] action: (params, options, done) -> hasOptionCredentials = not _.isEmpty(options) if hasOptionCredentials if not options.email? return done(new Error('Missing email')) if not options.username? return done(new Error('Missing username')) if not options.password? return done(new Error('Missing password')) async.waterfall([ (callback) -> return callback(null, options) if hasOptionCredentials visuals.widgets.register(callback) (credentials, callback) -> resin.auth.register credentials, (error, token) -> return callback(error, credentials) (credentials, callback) -> resin.auth.login(credentials, callback) ], done) exports.whoami = signature: 'whoami' description: 'get current username' help: ''' Use this command to find out the current logged in username. Examples: $ resin whoami ''' permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> resin.auth.whoami (error, username) -> if not username? return done(new Error('Username not found')) console.log(username)