import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as ent from 'ent'; import * as utils from './utils'; import { Document, Category, Command } from './doc-types'; export function renderCommand(command: Command) { let result = `## ${ent.encode( command.signature, )}\n\n${}\n`; if (!_.isEmpty(command.options)) { result += '\n### Options'; for (let option of command.options!) { result += `\n\n#### ${utils.parseSignature(option)}\n\n${ option.description }`; } result += '\n'; } return result; } export function renderCategory(category: Category) { let result = `# ${category.title}\n`; for (let command of category.commands) { result += `\n${renderCommand(command)}`; } return result; } function getAnchor(command: Command) { return ( '#' + command.signature .replace(/\s/g, '-') .replace(//g, '-') .replace(/\[/g, '-') .replace(/\]/g, '-') .replace(/--/g, '-') .replace(/-$/, '') .replace(/\.\.\./g, '') .replace(/\|/g, '') .toLowerCase() ); } export function renderToc(categories: Category[]) { let result = `# Table of contents\n`; for (let category of categories) { result += `\n- ${category.title}\n\n`; for (let command of category.commands) { result += `\t- [${ent.encode(command.signature)}](${getAnchor( command, )})\n`; } } return result; } export function render(doc: Document) { let result = `# ${doc.title}\n\n${doc.introduction}\n\n${renderToc( doc.categories, )}`; for (let category of doc.categories) { result += `\n${renderCategory(category)}`; } return result; }