/** * @license * Copyright 2018-2021 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as semver from 'balena-semver'; import * as Docker from 'dockerode'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Composition } from '@balena/compose/dist/parse'; import { BuildTask, getAuthConfigObj, LocalImage, RegistrySecrets, } from '@balena/compose/dist/multibuild'; import type { Readable } from 'stream'; import { BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH } from '../../config'; import { ExpectedError } from '../../errors'; import { checkBuildSecretsRequirements, loadProject, makeBuildTasks, tarDirectory, makeImageName, } from '../compose_ts'; import Logger = require('../logger'); import { DeviceAPI, DeviceInfo } from './api'; import * as LocalPushErrors from './errors'; import LivepushManager from './live'; import { displayBuildLog } from './logs'; import { stripIndent } from '../lazy'; const LOCAL_APPNAME = 'localapp'; const LOCAL_RELEASEHASH = '10ca12e1ea5e'; const LOCAL_PROJECT_NAME = 'local_image'; // Define the logger here so the debug output // can be used everywhere const globalLogger = Logger.getLogger(); export interface DeviceDeployOptions { source: string; deviceHost: string; devicePort?: number; dockerfilePath?: string; registrySecrets: RegistrySecrets; multiDockerignore: boolean; nocache: boolean; noParentCheck: boolean; nolive: boolean; pull: boolean; detached: boolean; services?: string[]; system: boolean; env: string[]; convertEol: boolean; } interface ParsedEnvironment { [serviceName: string]: { [key: string]: string }; } async function environmentFromInput( envs: string[], serviceNames: string[], logger: Logger, ): Promise { // A normal environment variable regex, with an added part // to find a colon followed servicename at the start const varRegex = /^(?:([^\s:]+):)?([^\s]+?)=(.*)$/; const ret: ParsedEnvironment = {}; // Populate the object with the servicenames, as it // also means that we can do a fast lookup of whether a // service exists for (const service of serviceNames) { ret[service] = {}; } for (const env of envs) { const maybeMatch = env.match(varRegex); if (maybeMatch == null) { throw new ExpectedError(`Unable to parse environment variable: ${env}`); } const match = maybeMatch!; let service: string | undefined; if (match[1]) { // This is for a service, we check that it actually // exists if (!(match[1] in ret)) { logger.logDebug( `Warning: Cannot find a service with name ${match[1]}. Treating the string as part of the environment variable name.`, ); match[2] = `${match[1]}:${match[2]}`; } else { service = match[1]; } } if (service != null) { ret[service][match[2]] = match[3]; } else { for (const serviceName of serviceNames) { ret[serviceName][match[2]] = match[3]; } } } return ret; } export async function deployToDevice(opts: DeviceDeployOptions): Promise { // Resolve .local addresses to IP to avoid // issue with Windows and rapid repeat lookups. // see: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/issues/1518 if (opts.deviceHost.includes('.local')) { const util = await import('util'); const dns = await import('dns'); const { address } = await util.promisify(dns.lookup)(opts.deviceHost, { family: 4, }); opts.deviceHost = address; } const port = 48484; const api = new DeviceAPI(globalLogger, opts.deviceHost, port); // First check that we can access the device with a ping try { globalLogger.logDebug('Checking we can access device'); await api.ping(); } catch (e) { throw new ExpectedError(stripIndent` Could not communicate with device supervisor at address ${opts.deviceHost}:${port}. Device may not have local mode enabled. Check with: balena device local-mode `); } const versionError = new Error( 'The supervisor version on this remote device does not support multicontainer local mode. ' + 'Please update your device to balenaOS v2.20.0 or greater from the dashboard.', ); try { const version = await api.getVersion(); globalLogger.logDebug(`Checking device supervisor version: ${version}`); if (!semver.satisfies(version, '>=7.21.4')) { throw new ExpectedError(versionError); } if (!opts.nolive && !semver.satisfies(version, '>=9.7.0')) { globalLogger.logWarn( `Using livepush requires a balena supervisor version >= 9.7.0. A live session will not be started.`, ); opts.nolive = true; } } catch (e) { // Very old supervisor versions do not support /version endpoint // a DeviceAPIError is expected in this case if (e instanceof LocalPushErrors.DeviceAPIError) { throw new ExpectedError(versionError); } else { throw e; } } globalLogger.logInfo(`Starting build on device ${opts.deviceHost}`); const project = await loadProject(globalLogger, { convertEol: opts.convertEol, dockerfilePath: opts.dockerfilePath, multiDockerignore: opts.multiDockerignore, noParentCheck: opts.noParentCheck, projectName: 'local', projectPath: opts.source, isLocal: true, }); // Attempt to attach to the device's docker daemon const docker = connectToDocker( opts.deviceHost, opts.devicePort != null ? opts.devicePort : 2375, ); await checkBuildSecretsRequirements(docker, opts.source); globalLogger.logDebug('Tarring all non-ignored files...'); const tarStartTime = Date.now(); const tarStream = await tarDirectory(opts.source, { composition: project.composition, convertEol: opts.convertEol, multiDockerignore: opts.multiDockerignore, }); globalLogger.logDebug(`Tarring complete in ${Date.now() - tarStartTime} ms`); // Try to detect the device information globalLogger.logDebug('Fetching device information...'); const deviceInfo = await api.getDeviceInformation(); let imageIds: Dictionary | undefined; if (!opts.nolive) { imageIds = {}; } const { awaitInterruptibleTask } = await import('../helpers'); const buildTasks = await awaitInterruptibleTask( performBuilds, project.composition, tarStream, docker, deviceInfo, globalLogger, opts, imageIds, ); globalLogger.outputDeferredMessages(); // Print a newline to clearly separate build time and runtime console.log(); const envs = await environmentFromInput( opts.env, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(project.composition.services), globalLogger, ); globalLogger.logDebug('Setting device state...'); // Now set the target state on the device const currentTargetState = await api.getTargetState(); const targetState = generateTargetState( currentTargetState, project.composition, buildTasks, envs, ); globalLogger.logDebug(`Sending target state: ${JSON.stringify(targetState)}`); await api.setTargetState(targetState); // Now that we've set the target state, the device will do it's thing // so we can either just display the logs, or start a livepush session // (whilst also display logs) const promises: Array> = [streamDeviceLogs(api, opts)]; let livepush: LivepushManager | null = null; if (!opts.nolive) { livepush = new LivepushManager({ api, buildContext: opts.source, buildTasks, docker, logger: globalLogger, composition: project.composition, imageIds: imageIds!, deployOpts: opts, }); promises.push(livepush.init()); if (opts.detached) { globalLogger.logLivepush( 'Running in detached mode, no service logs will be shown', ); } globalLogger.logLivepush('Watching for file changes...'); } try { await awaitInterruptibleTask(() => Promise.all(promises)); } finally { // Stop watching files after log streaming ends (e.g. on SIGINT) livepush?.close(); await livepush?.cleanup(); } } async function streamDeviceLogs( deviceApi: DeviceAPI, opts: DeviceDeployOptions, ) { // Only show logs if we're not detaching if (opts.detached) { return; } globalLogger.logInfo('Streaming device logs...'); const { connectAndDisplayDeviceLogs } = await import('./logs'); return connectAndDisplayDeviceLogs({ deviceApi, logger: globalLogger, system: opts.system || false, filterServices: opts.services, maxAttempts: 1001, }); } function connectToDocker(host: string, port: number): Docker { return new Docker({ host, port, Promise: require('bluebird'), }); } function extractDockerArrowMessage(outputLine: string): string | undefined { const arrowTest = /^.*\s*-+>\s*(.+)/i; const match = arrowTest.exec(outputLine); if (match != null) { return match[1]; } } async function performBuilds( composition: Composition, tarStream: Readable, docker: Docker, deviceInfo: DeviceInfo, logger: Logger, opts: DeviceDeployOptions, imageIds?: Dictionary, ): Promise { const multibuild = await import('@balena/compose/dist/multibuild'); const buildTasks = await makeBuildTasks( composition, tarStream, deviceInfo, logger, LOCAL_APPNAME, LOCAL_RELEASEHASH, (content) => { if (!opts.nolive) { return LivepushManager.preprocessDockerfile(content); } else { return content; } }, ); logger.logDebug('Probing remote daemon for cache images'); await assignDockerBuildOpts(docker, buildTasks, opts); // If we're passed a build logs object make sure to set it // up properly let logHandlers: ((serviceName: string, line: string) => void) | undefined; const lastArrowMessage: Dictionary = {}; if (imageIds != null) { for (const task of buildTasks) { if (!task.external) { imageIds[task.serviceName] = []; } } logHandlers = (serviceName: string, line: string) => { // If this was a from line, take the last found // image id and save it if ( /step \d+(?:\/\d+)?\s*:\s*FROM/i.test(line) && lastArrowMessage[serviceName] != null ) { imageIds[serviceName].push(lastArrowMessage[serviceName]); } else { const msg = extractDockerArrowMessage(line); if (msg != null) { lastArrowMessage[serviceName] = msg; } } }; } logger.logDebug('Starting builds...'); assignOutputHandlers(buildTasks, logger, logHandlers); const localImages = await multibuild.performBuilds( buildTasks, docker, BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH, ); // Check for failures await inspectBuildResults(localImages); const imagesToRemove: string[] = []; // Now tag any external images with the correct name that they should be, // as this won't be done by @balena/compose/multibuild await Promise.all( localImages.map(async (localImage) => { if (localImage.external) { // We can be sure that localImage.name is set here, because of the failure code above const image = docker.getImage(localImage.name!); await image.tag({ repo: makeImageName( LOCAL_PROJECT_NAME, localImage.serviceName, 'latest', ), force: true, }); imagesToRemove.push(localImage.name!); } }), ); await Promise.all( _.uniq(imagesToRemove).map((image) => docker.getImage(image).remove({ force: true }), ), ); return buildTasks; } // Rebuild a single container, execute it on device, and // return the build logs export async function rebuildSingleTask( serviceName: string, docker: Docker, logger: Logger, deviceInfo: DeviceInfo, composition: Composition, source: string, opts: DeviceDeployOptions, // To cancel a running build, you must first find the // container id that it's running in. This is printed in // the logs, so any calller who wants to keep track of // this should provide the following callback containerIdCb?: (id: string) => void, ): Promise { const multibuild = await import('@balena/compose/dist/multibuild'); // First we run the build task, to get the new image id const stageIds = [] as string[]; let lastArrowMessage: string | undefined; const logHandler = (_s: string, line: string) => { // If this was a FROM line, take the last found // image id and save it as a stage id if ( /step \d+(?:\/\d+)?\s*:\s*FROM/i.test(line) && lastArrowMessage != null ) { stageIds.push(lastArrowMessage); } else { const msg = extractDockerArrowMessage(line); if (msg != null) { lastArrowMessage = msg; } } if (containerIdCb != null) { const match = line.match(/^\s*--->\s*Running\s*in\s*([a-f0-9]*)\s*$/i); if (match != null) { containerIdCb(match[1]); } } }; const tarStream = await tarDirectory(source, { composition, convertEol: opts.convertEol, multiDockerignore: opts.multiDockerignore, }); const task = _.find( await makeBuildTasks( composition, tarStream, deviceInfo, logger, LOCAL_APPNAME, LOCAL_RELEASEHASH, (content) => { if (!opts.nolive) { return LivepushManager.preprocessDockerfile(content); } else { return content; } }, ), { serviceName }, ); if (task == null) { throw new ExpectedError( `Could not find build task for service ${serviceName}`, ); } await assignDockerBuildOpts(docker, [task], opts); await assignOutputHandlers([task], logger, logHandler); const [localImage] = await multibuild.performBuilds( [task], docker, BALENA_ENGINE_TMP_PATH, ); if (!localImage.successful) { throw new LocalPushErrors.BuildError([ { error: localImage.error!, serviceName, }, ]); } return stageIds; } function assignOutputHandlers( buildTasks: BuildTask[], logger: Logger, logCb?: (serviceName: string, line: string) => void, ) { _.each(buildTasks, (task) => { if (task.external) { task.progressHook = (progressObj) => { displayBuildLog( { serviceName: task.serviceName, message: progressObj.progress }, logger, ); }; } else { task.streamHook = (stream) => { stream.on('data', (buf: Buffer) => { const str = _.trimEnd(buf.toString()); if (str !== '') { displayBuildLog( { serviceName: task.serviceName, message: str }, logger, ); if (logCb) { logCb(task.serviceName, str); } } }); }; } }); } async function getDeviceDockerImages(docker: Docker): Promise { const images = await docker.listImages({ all: true }); return _.map(images, 'Id'); } // Mutates buildTasks async function assignDockerBuildOpts( docker: Docker, buildTasks: BuildTask[], opts: DeviceDeployOptions, ): Promise { // Get all of the images on the remote docker daemon, so // that we can use all of them for cache const images = await getDeviceDockerImages(docker); globalLogger.logDebug(`Using ${images.length} on-device images for cache...`); await Promise.all( buildTasks.map(async (task: BuildTask) => { task.dockerOpts = { ...(task.dockerOpts || {}), ...{ cachefrom: images, labels: { 'io.resin.local.image': '1', 'io.resin.local.service': task.serviceName, }, t: getImageNameFromTask(task), nocache: opts.nocache, forcerm: true, pull: opts.pull, }, t: getImageNameFromTask(task), nocache: opts.nocache, forcerm: true, pull: opts.pull, }; if (task.external) { task.dockerOpts.authconfig = getAuthConfigObj( task.imageName!, opts.registrySecrets, ); } else { task.dockerOpts.registryconfig = opts.registrySecrets; } }), ); } function getImageNameFromTask(task: BuildTask): string { return !task.external && task.tag ? task.tag : makeImageName(LOCAL_PROJECT_NAME, task.serviceName, 'latest'); } export function generateTargetState( currentTargetState: any, composition: Composition, buildTasks: BuildTask[], env: ParsedEnvironment, ): any { const keyedBuildTasks = _.keyBy(buildTasks, 'serviceName'); const services: { [serviceId: string]: any } = {}; let idx = 1; _.each(composition.services, (opts, name) => { // Get rid of any build specific stuff opts = _.cloneDeep(opts); delete opts.build; delete opts.image; const defaults = { environment: {}, labels: {}, }; opts.environment = _.merge(opts.environment, env[name]); // This function should always be called with all the build tasks // so we can construct the correct target state so we don't really need // to check that the key exists on the `keyedBuildTasks` object const contract = keyedBuildTasks[name].contract; const task = keyedBuildTasks[name]; services[idx] = { ...defaults, ...opts, ...(contract != null ? { contract } : {}), ...{ imageId: idx, serviceName: name, serviceId: idx, image: getImageNameFromTask(task), running: true, }, }; idx += 1; }); const targetState = _.cloneDeep(currentTargetState); delete targetState.local.apps; targetState.local.apps = { 1: { name: LOCAL_APPNAME, commit: LOCAL_RELEASEHASH, releaseId: '1', services, volumes: composition.volumes || {}, networks: composition.networks || {}, }, }; return targetState; } async function inspectBuildResults(images: LocalImage[]): Promise { const failures: LocalPushErrors.BuildFailure[] = []; _.each(images, (image) => { if (!image.successful) { failures.push({ error: image.error!, serviceName: image.serviceName, }); } }); if (failures.length > 0) { throw new LocalPushErrors.BuildError(failures).toString(); } }