###* # @license # Copyright 2016-2020 Balena Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ### # Imported here because it's needed for the setup # of this action Promise = require('bluebird') dockerUtils = require('../utils/docker') compose = require('../utils/compose') { registrySecretsHelp } = require('../utils/messages') ### Opts must be an object with the following keys: app: the app this build is for (optional) arch: the architecture to build for deviceType: the device type to build for buildEmulated buildOpts: arguments to forward to docker build command ### buildProject = (docker, logger, composeOpts, opts) -> { loadProject } = require('../utils/compose_ts') Promise.resolve(loadProject(logger, composeOpts)) .then (project) -> appType = opts.app?.application_type?[0] if appType? and project.descriptors.length > 1 and not appType.supports_multicontainer logger.logWarn( 'Target application does not support multiple containers.\n' + 'Continuing with build, but you will not be able to deploy.' ) compose.buildProject( docker logger project.path project.name project.composition opts.arch opts.deviceType opts.buildEmulated opts.buildOpts composeOpts.inlineLogs opts.convertEol ) .then -> logger.outputDeferredMessages() logger.logSuccess('Build succeeded!') .tapCatch (e) -> logger.logError('Build failed') module.exports = signature: 'build [source]' description: 'Build a single image or a multicontainer project locally' primary: true help: """ Use this command to build an image or a complete multicontainer project with the provided docker daemon in your development machine or balena device. (See also the `balena push` command for the option of building images in the balenaCloud build servers.) You must provide either an application or a device-type/architecture pair to use the balena Dockerfile pre-processor (e.g. Dockerfile.template -> Dockerfile). This command will look into the given source directory (or the current working directory if one isn't specified) for a docker-compose.yml file. If it is found, this command will build each service defined in the compose file. If a compose file isn't found, the command will look for a Dockerfile[.template] file (or alternative Dockerfile specified with the `-f` option), and if yet that isn't found, it will try to generate one. #{registrySecretsHelp} Examples: $ balena build $ balena build ./source/ $ balena build --deviceType raspberrypi3 --arch armv7hf --emulated $ balena build --application MyApp ./source/ $ balena build --docker /var/run/docker.sock # Linux, Mac $ balena build --docker //./pipe/docker_engine # Windows $ balena build --dockerHost my.docker.host --dockerPort 2376 --ca ca.pem --key key.pem --cert cert.pem """ options: dockerUtils.appendOptions compose.appendOptions [ { signature: 'arch' parameter: 'arch' description: 'The architecture to build for' alias: 'A' }, { signature: 'deviceType' parameter: 'deviceType' description: 'The type of device this build is for' alias: 'd' }, { signature: 'application' parameter: 'application' description: 'The target balena application this build is for' alias: 'a' }, ] action: (params, options, done) -> # compositions with many services trigger misleading warnings require('events').defaultMaxListeners = 1000 sdk = (require('balena-sdk')).fromSharedOptions() { ExpectedError } = require('../errors') { validateProjectDirectory } = require('../utils/compose_ts') helpers = require('../utils/helpers') Logger = require('../utils/logger') logger = Logger.getLogger() logger.logDebug('Parsing input...') # `build` accepts `[source]` as a parameter, but compose expects it # as an option. swap them here options.source ?= params.source delete params.source options.convertEol = options['convert-eol'] || false delete options['convert-eol'] { application, arch, deviceType } = options Promise.try -> if (not (arch? and deviceType?) and not application?) or (application? and (arch? or deviceType?)) throw new ExpectedError('You must specify either an application or an arch/deviceType pair to build for') .then -> validateProjectDirectory(sdk, { dockerfilePath: options.dockerfile, noParentCheck: options['noparent-check'] || false, projectPath: options.source || '.', registrySecretsPath: options['registry-secrets'], }) .then ({ dockerfilePath, registrySecrets }) -> options.dockerfile = dockerfilePath options['registry-secrets'] = registrySecrets if arch? and deviceType? [ undefined, arch, deviceType ] else Promise.join( helpers.getApplication(application) helpers.getArchAndDeviceType(application) (app, { arch, device_type }) -> app.arch = arch app.device_type = device_type return app ) .then (app) -> [ app, app.arch, app.device_type ] .then ([ app, arch, deviceType ]) -> Promise.join( dockerUtils.getDocker(options) dockerUtils.generateBuildOpts(options) compose.generateOpts(options) (docker, buildOpts, composeOpts) -> buildProject(docker, logger, composeOpts, { app arch deviceType buildEmulated: !!options.emulated buildOpts convertEol: options.convertEol }) ) .asCallback(done)