/** * @license * Copyright 2016-2020 Balena Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { flags } from '@oclif/command'; import Command from '../../command'; import * as cf from '../../utils/common-flags'; import { expandForAppName } from '../../utils/helpers'; import { getBalenaSdk, getVisuals, stripIndent } from '../../utils/lazy'; import { tryAsInteger } from '../../utils/validation'; import type { Device, Application } from 'balena-sdk'; interface ExtendedDevice extends Device { dashboard_url?: string; application_name?: string; } interface FlagsDef { application?: string; app?: string; help: void; json: boolean; } export default class DevicesCmd extends Command { public static description = stripIndent` List all devices. list all devices that belong to you. You can filter the devices by application by using the \`--application\` option. The --json option is recommended when scripting the output of this command, because field names are less likely to change in JSON format and because it better represents data types like arrays and empty strings. The 'jq' utility may also be helpful in shell scripts (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/). `; public static examples = [ '$ balena devices', '$ balena devices --application MyApp', '$ balena devices --app MyApp', '$ balena devices -a MyApp', ]; public static usage = 'devices'; public static flags: flags.Input = { application: cf.application, app: cf.app, help: cf.help, json: flags.boolean({ char: 'j', description: 'produce JSON output instead of tabular output', }), }; public static primary = true; public static authenticated = true; public async run() { const { flags: options } = this.parse(DevicesCmd); const balena = getBalenaSdk(); // Consolidate application options options.application = options.application || options.app; delete options.app; let devices: ExtendedDevice[]; if (options.application != null) { devices = await balena.models.device.getAllByApplication( tryAsInteger(options.application), expandForAppName, ); } else { devices = await balena.models.device.getAll(expandForAppName); } devices = devices.map(function (device) { device.dashboard_url = balena.models.device.getDashboardUrl(device.uuid); const belongsToApplication = device.belongs_to__application as Application[]; device.application_name = belongsToApplication?.[0] ? belongsToApplication[0].app_name : 'N/a'; device.uuid = device.uuid.slice(0, 7); return device; }); const fields = [ 'id', 'uuid', 'device_name', 'device_type', 'application_name', 'status', 'is_online', 'supervisor_version', 'os_version', 'dashboard_url', ]; if (options.json) { const _ = await import('lodash'); console.log( JSON.stringify( devices.map((device) => _.pick(device, fields)), null, 4, ), ); } else { console.log(getVisuals().table.horizontal(devices, fields)); } } }