path = require('path') _ = require('lodash-contrib') async = require('async') resin = require('resin-sdk') visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals') commandOptions = require('./command-options') vcs = require('resin-vcs') form = require('resin-cli-form') exports.create = signature: 'app create ' description: 'create an application' help: ''' Use this command to create a new application. You can specify the application type with the `--type` option. Otherwise, an interactive dropdown will be shown for you to select from. You can see a list of supported device types with $ resin devices supported Examples: $ resin app create MyApp $ resin app create MyApp --type raspberry-pi ''' options: [ { signature: 'type' parameter: 'type' description: 'application type' alias: 't' } ] permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) -> resin.models.application.has( (hasApplication, callback) -> if hasApplication return callback(new Error('You already have an application with that name!')) return callback(null, options.type) if options.type? form.ask message: 'Device Type' type: 'list' choices: [ # Lock to specific devices until we support # the rest with device specs. 'Raspberry Pi' 'Raspberry Pi 2' 'BeagleBone Black' ] .nodeify(callback) (type, callback) -> options.type = type resin.models.application.create(, options.type).nodeify(callback) (application, callback) ->"Application created: #{} (#{options.type}, id #{})") return callback() ], done exports.list = signature: 'apps' description: 'list all applications' help: ''' Use this command to list all your applications. Notice this command only shows the most important bits of information for each app. If you want detailed information, use resin app instead. Examples: $ resin apps ''' permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> resin.models.application.getAll().then (applications) -> console.log visuals.table.horizontal applications, [ 'id' 'app_name' 'device_type' 'online_devices' 'devices_length' ] .nodeify(done) = signature: 'app ' description: 'list a single application' help: ''' Use this command to show detailed information for a single application. Examples: $ resin app MyApp ''' permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> resin.models.application.get( (application) -> console.log visuals.table.vertical application, [ "$#{application.app_name}$" 'id' 'device_type' 'git_repository' 'commit' ] .nodeify(done) exports.restart = signature: 'app restart ' description: 'restart an application' help: ''' Use this command to restart all devices that belongs to a certain application. Examples: $ resin app restart MyApp ''' permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> resin.models.application.restart( exports.remove = signature: 'app rm ' description: 'remove an application' help: ''' Use this command to remove a application. Notice this command asks for confirmation interactively. You can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option. Examples: $ resin app rm MyApp $ resin app rm MyApp --yes ''' options: [ commandOptions.yes ] permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) -> if options.yes return callback(null, true) else form.ask message: 'Are you sure you want to delete the application?' type: 'confirm' default: false .nodeify(callback) (confirmed, callback) -> return callback() if not confirmed resin.models.application.remove( ], done exports.associate = signature: 'app associate ' description: 'associate a resin project' help: ''' Use this command to associate a project directory with a resin application. This command adds a 'resin' git remote to the directory and runs git init if necessary. Notice this command asks for confirmation interactively. You can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option. Examples: $ resin app associate MyApp $ resin app associate MyApp --project my/app/directory ''' options: [ commandOptions.yes ] permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> currentDirectory = process.cwd() async.waterfall [ (callback) -> resin.models.application.has( (hasApp, callback) -> if not hasApp return callback(new Error("Invalid application: #{}")) message = "Are you sure you want to associate #{currentDirectory} with #{}?" if options.yes return callback(null, true) else form.ask message: message type: 'confirm' default: false .nodeify(callback) (confirmed, callback) -> return done() if not confirmed vcs.initialize(currentDirectory).nodeify(callback) (callback) -> resin.models.application.get( (application, callback) -> vcs.associate(currentDirectory, application.git_repository).nodeify(callback) ], (error, remoteUrl) -> return done(error) if error?"git repository added: #{remoteUrl}") return done(null, remoteUrl) exports.init = signature: 'init' description: 'init an application' help: ''' Use this command to initialise a directory as a resin application. This command performs the following steps: - Create a application. - Initialize the current directory as a git repository. - Add the corresponding git remote to the application. Examples: $ resin init $ resin init --project my/app/directory ''' permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> currentDirectory = process.cwd() async.waterfall [ (callback) -> currentDirectoryBasename = path.basename(currentDirectory) form.ask message: 'What is the name of your application?' type: 'input' default: currentDirectoryBasename .nodeify(callback) (applicationName, callback) -> # TODO: Make resin.models.application.create return # the whole application instead of just the id exports.create.action name: applicationName, options, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? return callback(null, applicationName) (applicationName, callback) -> exports.associate.action(name: applicationName, options, callback) ], done