async = require('async') _ = require('lodash') token = require('../token/token') server = require('../server/server') errors = require('../errors/errors') settings = require('../settings') exports.authenticate = (credentials, callback) -> settings.get('urls.authenticate'), credentials, (error, response) -> return callback(error, response?.body) exports.login = (credentials, callback) -> async.waterfall([ (callback) -> exports.authenticate(credentials, callback) (authToken, callback) -> token.saveToken(authToken, callback) ], callback) # Handy aliases exports.isLoggedIn = token.hasToken exports.getToken = token.getToken # TODO: Maybe we should post to /logout or something # like that to invalidate the token on the server? exports.logout = token.clearToken exports.parseCredentials = (credentials, callback) -> result = credentials.split(':') if result.length isnt 2 error = new errors.InvalidCredentials() return callback?(error) callback? null, username: _.first(result) password: _.last(result)