_ = require('lodash') chai = require('chai') chai.use(require('sinon-chai')) expect = chai.expect sinon = require('sinon') log = require('./log') MESSAGE = foobar: 'Foo Bar' # Very handy to check that the real console functions # were called without printing anything, and preventing # us from having to mock console, which is used by Mocha empty: '' describe 'Log:', -> testConsoleFunction = (logName, consoleName, message, assertions) -> spy = sinon.spy(console, consoleName) log[logName](message) assertions(spy) console[consoleName].restore() testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled = (logName, consoleName, message) -> testConsoleFunction logName, consoleName, message, (spy) -> expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith(message) testConsoleFunctionNotBeingCalled = (logName, consoleName, message) -> testConsoleFunction logName, consoleName, message, (spy) -> expect(spy).to.not.have.been.called describe 'if quiet is false', -> beforeEach -> log.setQuiet(false) describe '#error()', -> it 'should output to console.error', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('error', 'error', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#warning()', -> it 'should output to console.warn', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('warning', 'warn', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#info()', -> it 'should output to console.info', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('info', 'info', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#out()', -> it 'should output to console.log', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('out', 'log', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#array()', -> array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] it 'should call log function for every line', -> spy = sinon.spy() log.array(array, spy) expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(array.length) for item in array expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith(item) it 'should throw an error if log function is missing', -> func = _.partial(log.array, array) expect(func).to.throw(Error) it 'should throw an error if log function is not a function', -> for input in [ undefined null 123 'Hello World' [ 1, 2, 3 ] { hello: 'world' } ] func = _.partial(log.array, 'Hello', input) expect(func).to.throw(Error) it 'should call log function once if input is not an array', -> for input in [ 'Hello World' { hello: 'world' } 1234 ] spy = sinon.spy() log.array(input, spy) expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith(input) it 'should not call log function if input is undefined/null', -> for input in [ undefined null ] spy = sinon.spy() log.array(input, spy) expect(spy).to.not.have.been.called describe '#setQuiet()', -> it 'should set the quietness', -> expect(log.isQuiet()).to.be.false log.setQuiet(true) expect(log.isQuiet()).to.be.true describe '#isQuiet()', -> it 'should return false by default', -> expect(log.isQuiet()).to.be.false describe 'if quiet is true', -> beforeEach -> log.setQuiet(true) describe '#error()', -> it 'should still output to console.error', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('error', 'error', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#warning()', -> it 'should still output to console.warn', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('warning', 'warn', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#info()', -> it 'should not call console.info', -> testConsoleFunctionNotBeingCalled('info', 'info', MESSAGE.empty) describe '#out()', -> it 'should not call console.log', -> testConsoleFunctionBeingCalled('out', 'log', MESSAGE.empty)