_ = require('lodash') nock = require('nock') sinon = require('sinon') expect = require('chai').expect resin = require('../resin') cliPermissions = require('./cli-permissions') johnDoeFixture = require('../../tests/fixtures/johndoe') mock = require('../../tests/utils/mock') describe 'CLI Permissions:', -> describe '#user()', -> before -> mock.connection.init() after -> mock.connection.restore() beforeEach (done) -> mock.fs.init() resin.data.prefix.set(resin.settings.get('dataPrefix'), done) afterEach -> mock.fs.restore() describe 'if not logged in', -> beforeEach (done) -> resin.auth.logout(done) it 'should not call the function', (done) -> spy = sinon.spy() cliPermissions.user(spy, _.noop)() _.defer -> expect(spy).to.not.have.been.called done() it 'it should call the second function with an error', (done) -> func = cliPermissions.user _.noop, (error) -> expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error) done() func() # TODO: expect(func).to.throw(Error) doesn't catches # the error as it's being thrown inside an async function # (resin.auth.isLoggedIn). A try/catch works, but it still results # in the error being printed in Mocha reporter. xit 'should throw an error if no error handler function', -> func = cliPermissions.user(_.noop) try func() catch error expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error) describe 'if logged in', -> beforeEach (done) -> nock(resin.settings.get('remoteUrl')) .post('/login_', johnDoeFixture.credentials) .reply(200, johnDoeFixture.token) resin.auth.login(johnDoeFixture.credentials, done) it 'should call the function with the correct arguments', (done) -> args = [ 1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar' ] spy = sinon.spy() cliPermissions.user(spy, _.noop).apply(null, args) _.defer -> expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith(args...) done() it 'should not call the second function', (done) -> spy = sinon.spy() cliPermissions.user(_.noop, spy)() _.defer -> expect(spy).to.not.have.been.called done()