_ = require('lodash-contrib') fs = require('fs') os = require('os') async = require('async') path = require('path') mkdirp = require('mkdirp') resin = require('resin-sdk') visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals') progressStream = require('progress-stream') diskio = require('diskio') commandOptions = require('./command-options') exports.download = signature: 'os download ' description: 'download device OS' help: ''' Use this command to download the device OS configured to a specific network. Ethernet: You can setup the device OS to use ethernet by setting the `--network` option to "ethernet". Wifi: You can setup the device OS to use wifi by setting the `--network` option to "wifi". If you set "network" to "wifi", you will need to specify the `--ssid` and `--key` option as well. By default, this command saved the downloaded image into a resin specific directory. You can save it to a custom location by specifying the `--output` option. Examples: $ resin os download 91 --network ethernet $ resin os download 91 --network wifi --ssid MyNetwork --key secreykey123 $ resin os download 91 --network ethernet --output ~/MyResinOS.zip ''' options: [ commandOptions.network commandOptions.wifiSsid commandOptions.wifiKey { signature: 'output' parameter: 'output' description: 'output file' alias: 'o' } ] permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> osParams = network: options.network wifiSsid: options.ssid wifiKey: options.key appId: params.id fileName = resin.models.os.generateCacheName(osParams) options.output ?= path.join(resin.settings.get('directories.os'), fileName) async.waterfall [ (callback) -> # We need to ensure this directory exists mkdirp(path.dirname(options.output), _.unary(callback)) (callback) -> console.info("Destination file: #{options.output}\n") bar = new visuals.widgets.Progress('Downloading Device OS') resin.models.os.download osParams, options.output, callback, (state) -> bar.update(state) ], (error) -> return done(error) if error? console.info("\nFinished downloading #{options.output}") return done(null, options.output) exports.install = signature: 'os install [device]' description: 'write an operating system image to a device' help: ''' Use this command to write an operating system image to a device. Note that this command requires admin privileges. If `device` is omitted, you will be prompted to select a device interactively. Notice this command asks for confirmation interactively. You can avoid this by passing the `--yes` boolean option. You can quiet the progress bar by passing the `--quiet` boolean option. You may have to unmount the device before attempting this operation. See the `drives` command to get a list of all connected devices to your machine and their respective ids. In Mac OS X: $ sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/xxx In GNU/Linux: $ sudo umount /dev/xxx Examples: $ resin os install rpi.iso /dev/disk2 ''' options: [ commandOptions.yes ] permission: 'user' action: (params, options, done) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) -> return callback(null, params.device) if params.device? # TODO: See if we can reuse the drives action somehow here visuals.patterns.selectDrive (error, device) -> return callback(error) if error? if not device? return callback(new Error('No removable devices available')) return callback(null, device) (device, callback) -> params.device = device message = "This will completely erase #{params.device}. Are you sure you want to continue?" visuals.patterns.confirm(options.yes, message, callback) (confirmed, callback) -> return done() if not confirmed imageFileSize = fs.statSync(params.image).size if imageFileSize is 0 error = new Error("Invalid OS image: #{params.image}. The image is 0 bytes.") return callback(error) progress = progressStream length: imageFileSize time: 500 if not options.quiet bar = new visuals.widgets.Progress('Writing Device OS') progress.on 'progress', (status) -> bar.update(status) imageFileStream = fs.createReadStream(params.image).pipe(progress) diskio.writeStream(params.device, imageFileStream, callback) ], (error) -> if os.platform() is 'win32' and error? and (error.code is 'EPERM' or error.code is 'EACCES') windosu = require('windosu') # Need to escape every path to avoid errors resinWritePath = "\"#{path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'bin', 'resin-write')}\"" windosu.exec("\"#{process.argv[0]}\" #{resinWritePath} \"#{params.image}\" \"#{params.device}\"") else return done(error)